Wait... What- 2

Forever Shorties
Jaejoong walked passed the sofa, the bed and the armchairs and headed straight for the balcony. He curled around himself, hugging his legs to his chest. He thought about everything that happened that morning.
“So, I’m confused. This has happened before?” Jaejoong asked.
“Yes. I’ve never seen it personally, but there have been three cases of male pregnancies, in my lifetime.”
“What happened to them?” Yunho was sitting in a chair next to the exam table.
“One terminated the pregnancy has soon as he found out. One carried to term.”
“And the third?” Jaejoong prompted. He was terrified of the answer.
“He miscarried. Then committed suicide three days later.”
“What should we do?” Yunho reached out and grabbed Jaejoong’s hand. He rubbed Jaejoong’s knuckles slowly.
“I’m going to tell you what I tell all my patients that come in and find out they are pregnant. Go home and rest. Take a few days to think. And in your case, talk. When you reach your decision, give me a call. It’s a major surgery for you, so we need to schedule you a few days in advance,” Dr. Carre said kindly.
“What are my chances of being healthy through this, if I decide to  keep it?”
“I’m calling in the doctor who took care of the man who carried to term. She should be here in a few days. She’ll be able to answer your questions more thoroughly.” Carre made a few notes on Jaejoong’s chart as he spoke. “You can get dressed and go when ever you’re ready.”
“Are you okay?” Yunho asked as he sat next to Jaejoong, careful not to touch the young teen.
“No.” Jaejoong’s voice was flat.
“We need to talk about this.”
“I know. I’m not ready to, yet. I want my mom, honestly.”
Yunho rubbed Jaejoong’s knees and stood up. “Wait here.”
Yunho dug through the desk and found Jaejoong’s cell phone. “Call your mom. It’s only 10 in Seoul. I’ll call Mom when you’re done.”
“Can I ask her to come for a visit? I really need my mom.”
“Of course,” Yunho smiled and rested his hand on Jaejoong’s shoulder. He wanted to comfort Jaejoong, but he didn’t want to smother him. Jaejoong had been pulling away from more than just simple touches since they left Carre’s office.
Jaejoong dialed his mother’s number quickly and practically held his breath until his mother answered.
“Mama,” Jaejoong’s voice cracked as he spoke.
“Hi, Jaejoong. Are you okay? You sound upset.”
“I don’t know. Mama, I miss you and Dad a lot.”
“Jaejoong, something’s wrong. I can hear it in you voice. Did you have a fight with Yunho?”
“Not really.” Jaejoong winced at the sound on his voice cracking. He didn’t want to tell his mother over the phone. He reached up and pulled on Yunho’s shirt. Yunho took a step closer as Jaejoong leaned his head on Yunho’s stomach. “I just really want to see you. Can you come for a visit? I really miss you.”
“Of course I can come for a visit, Joongie.”
“Soon? Like can you leave tomorrow?”
“Jaejoongie, what’s wrong? If you and Yunho are fighting, you need to work it out. Relationships aren’t easy…”
“It’s not that Mama.” Jaejoong wailed and buried his head into Yunho’s stomach. Yunho smoothed down Jaejoong’s hair, hoping to calm him down.
“Jaejoongie, calm down and tell me what’s wrong.”
“I can’t yet.  I need… I need to talk to you. And I need to see you. Please, Mama.”
“Calm down, Baby. I’ll get on the first plane in the morning. I love you, Joongie. I’ll see you soon.”
“I love you too, Mama. I’m really scared right now.”
“Why? What’s wrong? Is Yunho hurting you? Do you need to come home?”
“No. Yunho’s not hurting me.” Jaejoong cried into the phone.
“You’re scaring me. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
“I can’t yet. I’ll tell you as soon as you get here. It’s not something I want to say over the phone. Please trust me?”
“I trust you, Jaejoong. I really do. I just wish you’d tell me what’s wrong.”
“I will, Mama.”
Yunho ran his hand through Jaejoong’s hair. He felt Jaejoong’s arm tighten around his waist. He wished there was something more he could do for the terrified teen. Jaejoong’s sobs slowed and he breathing became more even.
“Mama, I’m not feeling well. I’m gonna go lie down for while.”
“Okay, Baby. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m going to get on the earliest flight I can.”
Jaejoong handed his phone to Yunho and leaned back in the chair.
“Jae, I’m gonna call Mom. She should be here too.”
Jaejoong nodded. Yunho kept his conversation with his mother quick. Jaejoong was still curled up in the chair when Yunho stepped out on the balcony.
“Mom is going to call your mom and they will be flying out together. Do you want to talk now?”
“Not really.” Jaejoong stood up and wrapped his arms around Yunho’s neck. “Can you just hold me for a while?”
“Yes.” Yunho sat in the lounge chair on the balcony and pulled Jaejoong on to his lap. He kissed Jaejoong’s forehead.
“Kiss me? Please.”
Yunho hooked his fingers around Jaejoong’s chin and tilted his up. He leaned very close to Jaejoong. “I love you, very much.”
“I love you, Yunho.” He closed the distance and pressed his lips to Yunho’s. He pulled himself higher up Yunho’s chest. Yunho rested his hands on Jaejoong’s hips.
Jaejoong laid his head on Yunho’s shoulder. He blinked back a few tears and concentrated on keeping his breathing even.
Yunho carded his hand through Jaejoong’s hair. “Relax. Go to sleep. I’ll wake you in a couple hours.”
“Can we stay out here and sleep?”
“Of course. Are you warm enough? Do you want me to get a blanket?”
“I’m fine.” Jaejoong rolled over so he was facing Yunho. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to talk about anything yet. Not until we talk to that other doctor. I’m being…”
“Scared,” Yunho interrupted. “You’re scared and worried. And it’s okay to feel that way. I’m here for you when you’re ready.”
“Thank you.” Jaejoong nestled himself into Yunho’s body and closed his eyes. He fell asleep quickly.
The sound of his phone ringing woke Yunho from a peaceful slumber. He d for the phone. “Hello?” he said, still groggy.
“Yunho? Is everything okay? What did the doctor say about Jaejoong? Is it the flu? Or a stomach virus?” Valerie assaulted Yunho with panicked questions.
“Oh . Valerie, I’m sorry I didn’t call. Jae’s okay. Why don’t you and Francois come over for supper and we’ll talk then.”
“Jaejoong’s alright? What was wrong with him?”
“There’s a lot to explain, but he’ll be just fine.”
“Alright. Shall we be over at 6:30?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. What time is it now?”
“A quarter to 5.”
“Okay. We’ll see you then.”
“Good. I’ll bring over dinner so Jaejoong doesn’t have to worry about cooking.”
Yunho and Valerie said their goodbyes and Yunho stretched carefully.
“Jaejoong. Time to wake up.”
Jaejoong whined and buried his face into Yunho’s chest.
“Come on, Jaejoongie.” Yunho sat up slowly, making sure he held Jaejoong tightly as he moved. “Valerie and Francois are coming over for dinner. Valerie wants to check up on you.”
“What did you tell her?”
“Nothing. Only that there was a lot to explain, but you were okay.”
“I don’t want your boss to know! I don’t want Valerie to know! What are they going to think about me? They’ll think I’m a freak.” Jaejoong pushed away from Yunho. “I can’t ing believe you think I’d be alright with telling them!”
“Jae. Valerie is worried. I didn’t want to lie to her. I had to tell her something.”
“Don’t talk to me!” Jaejoong locked himself in the bathroom. Yunho could hear him crying through the door.
“Jae? Babe, they’re going to be here soon. Come on out.”
“No! Go yourself!”
Yunho paced the room. He decided that fighting with Jaejoong was the last thing either of them needed. He just waited for Francois and Valerie to get there.
“Where’s Jaejoong?” Valerie asked as soon as she walked into the room.
“In the bathroom. He’s angry at me.” Yunho pointed towards the bathroom
Valerie pushed passed Yunho. She knocked on the door softly. “Jaejoong? May I come in and talk with you?”
Jaejoong unlocked the door. He didn’t know what to tell Valerie.
“Jaejoong, what’s wrong? Why are you angry at Yunho?”
Jaejoong took a deep breath and looked into Valerie’s eyes. “It’s really complicated and weird. I don’t want you to hate me.”
“Oh, ma petite cherie, I’ll never hate you. You’re like a brother to me.”
“It’s so weird.”
“It’s okay. Just talk to me.” Valerie ran her hands up and down Jaejoong’s back.
“I have a rare genetic mutation. And because of it… Because of this stupid birth defect. , Valerie, I’m pregnant.”
Valerie stopped moving her hand and stared at Jaejoong in shock. “Jaejoong?”
“You can leave if this is too ed for you. I want to leave too. 1 in 20 million men. 1 in 20 ing million men. And I’m him. I’m ing pregnant.”
“Ma petite cherie!” Valerie pulled Jaejoong into a tight hug. “If you need anything, and I mean anything at all, you call me. I will make sure you’re as healthy as possible.”
“I might not keep it. Valerie, I’m 17. I can’t have a baby.”
“Then I’ll go with you to hold your hand if you want me to.”
“I’m really scared, Valerie,” Jaejoong sobbed softly.
“I know. Let Yunho be your strength. He’ll do anything to protect you. Are you really angry with him or are you just terrified and lashing out at him?” Valerie tucked a strand of hair behind Jaejoong’s ear.
“I guess I’m lashing out. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m college graduate. I have a great job. Yunho will have a great job once he graduates. We’ll be stable and well off.”
“But, I’m 17. How am I supposed to raise a kid? I’m not an adult. I may act like one sometimes, but I’m young and selfish and foolish.”
“Then don’t have the baby right now. If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. And forcing yourself to have this child will not only damage you, but it will damage the child as well.”
“But what about Yunho? I know he wants a large family and I could see it in his eyes when we found out.”
“I have never seen a person love another person more than Yunho loves you. He will support what ever decision you make. He may be hurt for a while, but he just wants what’s best for you.”
“You’re right. I love him so much. I don’t want to hurt him.”
“You need to do what’s right for you.”
Jaejoong was quiet, contemplating what Valerie was telling him He leaned against her chest, taking so much comfort from her. Valerie ran her hands through his hair and his back until his was calm.
“Are you hungry?” Valerie asked.
“A little.”
“I brought some dinner. It just needs to be heated up. Why don’t I go do that. I’ll explain everything to Francois and send Yunho in here for you. Okay?”
Jaejoong nodded. He owed Yunho an apology.
“Are you okay?” Yunho asked from the door way.
“Not really. But I think I will be. I need you.”
Yunho sat on the floor and pulled Jaejoong onto his lap. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” Yunho pressed a kiss to Jaejoong’s cheek. “Let’s go eat.”
Jaejoong nodded and stood up. Yunho lead him to the small table in the room. It was a little cramped with four people, but Jaejoong enjoyed being sandwiched between Yunho and Valerie.
“Yunho, take all the time you need,” Francois said abruptly. “In fact, I don’t want to see you back in the office until Monday.”
“Yunho can’t take a whole week off!” Jaejoong exclaimed.
“Yes, he can. And yes, he will.” Francois turned to Jaejoong. “You’re health is more important than work. And I expect you to rest. Relax and don’t work.”
Jaejoong blinked at Francois a few times, shocked. “Uhm… Yes, Sir.”
Valerie and Francois did the dishes before leaving. Jaejoong thanked them both for their understanding and gave Francois a tight hug for giving Yunho the week off.
Jaejoong sprawled out on the bed and waited while Yunho washed up. He absentmindedly rubbed his belly, thinking about what it would be like to carry Yunho’s child. He thought about the family they could raise together and the life they could live together if they didn’t have a child yet.
“You look lost in your mind.” Yunho sat on the edge of the bed.
“I am. There are so many things going through my head right now. I don’t know what to do.”
“We just found out today. Let’s try to rest. Our moms will be here tomorrow and we can talk it out with them. Just sleep.” Yunho laid down on the bed. He was careful not to touch Jaejoong.
“I’m sorry.” Jaejoong rolled over to face Yunho.
“I love you,” Yunho whispered. He moved closer to Jaejoong and rest his hand on his hip.
Yunho watched Jaejoong sleep and prayed everything was going to be okay.
Remember when I said this was going to be 2 parts? Remember when I lied about that?
Yeah, so this shouldn't be more than 3 parts. I'm super serious about that. I'm not even going to try to predict my muses any more. I'm just gonna, like, let them run around free and stuff and what ever happens, happens. Because I can't control them anymore.
The fact that I have written so much, so quickly for this universe should tell me something.
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Chapter 20: I remember that I read a couple of years ago some shots from here and I really fell inlove. I am so happy to be able to read it again, they are so fluffy and real in my mind that I can even imagine it very eaisyly :) Tahnks for sharing this spectacular story :3
Chapter 7: This is too cute
jugt_endless #3
Read all the chapters at once, you really got me hooked with the story.
All the struggles they faced really made them stronger and have them cherish their love (for each other and the children) more. It's really good fiction. Thank you for this wonderful experience.
Neng2ovid #4
Chapter 56: Miss this family. Thanks for the update
nadiaalisa #5
Chapter 56: Tq so much, lovely fic, it just i hope the story are in order
Katharinathu #6
I really really love this fic. The characters are very good and real. May I translate this fic , please ?
Chapter 56: I love this story veryyy much <3 it looks so real how they tried to solve the problem, how jae endured his pregnancy, how yunho trying to become the head of family wise, how they trying to become great parents for their children. It really looks so real. I really love it. You've done a great job dear author :) thanks
Clumsygirl91 #8
Chapter 46: I don't think the fight is resolve I felt in the end yunho had to give in - he's always giving in
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 56: OMG I felt tears in my eyes when i realize there was no more chap, is this an end? I want more n maybe always want more because this fic was so so beautiful, Yunjae was so beautiful, n the kids was perfect n adorable n gorgous n waah .. God this fic gave so much happinness with every precious moment you write.. Best family fic ever..<<<<33333
I never wanted to finish reading the whole thing T__T it was very good!! Can you please continue updating?