Chapter 53

The Night Sun



“Lyorin! Lyorin!” Kai could hear buzzing sounds of guys’ voices calling out a particular name. His eye lids quivered slowly as he tried to adjust the blinding light. His vision was blurry but his ears were still sharp. The voices calling out her name was only making him anxious. Slowly, his fingers twitched and he began to move his arms. Lay had just healed the cut which Lyorin just inflicted on herself. It wasn’t a deep cut but enough to make the guys worry when she passed out suddenly. They knew how much Kai meant to her but they didn’t expect her to commit such a rash act. If it was suicide she was aiming for, the guys would never ever let it happen, especially Yongguk and Hyunsik.  

Everyone was fully concentrating on Lyorin that they temporarily forgot Kai, who happened to have woken up. They thought they have lost him but obviously they weren’t aware that the guy was up. Thankfully, Lay felt a presence behind him and immediately turned his head. His jaw dropped and eyes widened, whether in shock or delight, he still couldn’t believe what was occupying his sight. He moved his gaze to where Kai’s wounds supposed to be and again he was greeted with another huge shock.  It was all gone. His wounds had miraculously healed. He wasn’t sure whether if it was his power or was it a miracle but Kai stopped bleeding

Was it really his work or someone else? His eyes turned to Lyorin.

Finally, the rest of them grasped Kai’s presence. Some were shocked while others were too clueless.

“KAI!” Yongguk immediately ran for the male and hugged him tightly. “You’re alive!” He said and began to cry.

Kai was still dazed. He wasn’t really sure what was happening at the moment. He looked around only to see the guys crying and hugging one another. He slowly recalled what just happened and tried to gather his mind. Did he die? But it can’t be. He never felt more alive than ever.

Suho came to him with teary red eyes. Without breathing a word, he pulled the younger male for a warm embrace. “Kai –“ He sobbed. Suho prayed never to lose a member and God heard him. His heart broke a million pieces when he thought Kai was gone. As a leader, he could never face anyone knowing he just lost a member, a brother.

“Hyung, where is Lyorin? I want to see her.” Kai asked after he felt the leader had calmed down a little.

The guys heard his request and they led him to her. Instantly, his heart was filled with immense worry when he saw the only girl he wanted to see was not looking and smiling at him the way he wished for. With shaking hands, he cupped her face.

 “She’s fine. I don’t know why she did it but she’s fine.” Lay assured and slowly handed her to him. Kai’s eyes watered.  He didn’t know why he was crying despite the fact that Lay had told him she was going to be fine.

Hyunsik kneeled down and patted Kai’s back. “She did this to herself –“ He picked up a small rock and re-enacted Lyorin’s action.

“Why?” Kai cried and tapped her cheeks lightly. “Lyorin ~ Lyorin ~” He called but seeing no respond he picker her shoulders and hugged tightly. Tears streamed down his face. “Come on baby bear, wake up.” Everything happened too fast. Yet, he remembered the last few seconds with her. He remembered hearing her voice; telling him how much she loved him. He remembered how she was begging him to stay alive. Now that he was up, he wanted to hear her angelic voice once again.

As he hugged her tightly, a scene entered his memory.

 “Dad, please. Don’t take him away from me.” Lyorin continued to beg. “You’re gone. Mom’s gone and so is Yoona. Please don’t take the only person left in this world for me. You have to save him.”

Kai vividly remembered the scene. The voice he heard, it was Lyorin. His eyes stared blankly as he tried to piece the information together. His heart pained instantly when he realised Lyorin was the one who saved him.

She saved him.

Now, he understood why Lyorin hit herself. It was only for him. Lyorin did everything she could to save him.

“K-K-Kai ~” A soft whisper snapped him back to reality and immediately Kai’s eyes met her tearful eyes. She finally woke up.

Without breathing a word, he pulled her for a hug and poured out all his heartfelt emotions. He sobbed uncontrollably as he held on to her tightly, never wanting to let her go, ever. her back gently, he let the tears flowed. No one or nothing can stop him anymore. He loved her so much and he could never be surer that Lyorin was the only one for him.

“You saved me ~ You saved me ~” Kai sobbed as he cupped her face affectionately. His fingers ran across her pretty face and he stared at her lovingly.

Lyorin smiled weakly. She was the only person who understood what he meant. Slowly, her right hand reached out to touch his crying face and allow his tears wet her hand.

“Thank you, Dad.” She said it with a smile.



“Psst ~ Psst ~” Kai nuzzled his nose against the back of Lyorin’s neck and whispered softly, hoping she would wake up soon. However, the girl remained silent. He gazed her adorably sleeping face which he could never get tired of. A gentle smile formed in his lips as he tenderly her cheeks and called. “Baby bear –“

Finally hearing his call, Lyorin grumbled. “5 more minutes please.” She begged still with her eyes close.

“But the sun is rising soon.” Kai pouted.

Lyorin scrunched up her nose and opened her eyes slowly, only to be greeted with Kai’s handsome face; that same face, which she sees the first thing once she wakes up. “We have watched the sunrise many times already. Can we skip today?” She said with slight annoyance.

“No.” Kai responded and immediately sat up to a sitting position on Lyorin’s comfortable bed.  Wearing a sleeveless top and shorts with his messy morning hair, Kai was still very attractive no matter how or what. He crossed his arms and stared down. Lyorin had definitely hurt his feelings. “If we skip today, then we’re going to skip it again and subsequently we won’t be doing it anymore.” He spoke and this time his voice sounded really upset.

Ever since they made their true affection known to each other, Kai and Lyorin never stayed apart for long. They were inseparable. They were no longer shy towards displaying their love for one another. The rest of EXO understood, though they found them too mushy at times but only because they were envious. Lyorin was without a doubt, a very beautiful girl, in and out. Kai was really lucky to have her. Many times the boys warned him to never ever hurt her but honestly, they were actually confident he won’t.

Lyorin slowly got up from bed and sat facing Kai. She was sorry for hurting his feelings. She didn’t mean it. She knew how much Kai treasured the time they spent together and one of the things they never failed to do ever since, is to watch the sunrise every single morning. It had become a routine and it was only possible because there was nothing to worry about anymore. Everything was over and they were only left with themselves. The happiness and freedom they thought would never happen finally belonged to them.

It had been almost a year since the incident and EXO, BAP and BTOB went back to being their usual human selves. Not that they won’t human all this while, it was just they could be who they wanted to be without worrying about anyone going against them. Yes, they still had powers but it wasn’t going to be of use anymore since the enemies are gone now. Right?

The Book of Fate, it still exists. And the fraternity, it still exists too; stronger than before.

There will be new generations of the chosen ones once the present ones’ time is up.

Lyorin took Kai’s right and kissed it gently. “Jongin, I’m sorry.” She gave him the cutest pout which obviously melted him away. It always happens.

Kai flashed a smile and asked. “Do you think by giving me that silly adorable smile and calling me by my real name could win me?” He pinched her nose and replied without waiting for her. “Well, lucky for you. It works all the time.”

“I’m your baby bear after all.” She giggled and leaned closer for a kiss.

After the brief moment, Kai locked his eyes in hers and said. “Do you remember what day is it today?” Lyorin tilted her head in confusion as she tried to figure out what was the special event. “Silly, you don’t remember do you?” Kai teased.

Without saying anything, he led her to the balcony.

As soon as the door to the balcony opened, Lyorin couldn’t believe her eyes. There were flowers, balloons, food and a box. The place was filled entirely with decorations and the scene was beautiful especially when the sun was about to rise.

“Happy 20th Birthday Kim Lyorin.” Kai whispered in her ears as he slid his arms around her from the back.

Lyorin totally missed the date today that she didn’t even realise it was her birthday. She has turned 20 and there was only a thing that she needed the most. As if Kai could hear her thoughts, quickly he picked up the box that was placed neatly on the table and handed it to her.

“This is the present you’ve been wanting right? You can thank me later. Go on and open it.” Kai flashed the sweetest smile to her.

Lyorin accepted the box with shaking hands. She had been waiting for this. “Thank you ~” She mumbled softly before taking a seat on the bench and slowly examined the precious gift.


Remember this date; the day when you took your first baby steps....

Kim Lyorin, always remember that whatever you do…

Mum and Dad would always be proud of you even if we aren’t there.

Even if the whole world is against you, remember you still have us...


-           10th September 1995


I wished I could be the one beside you, holding your hands, hugging and kissing you. I wished I could protect and stand up for you if you ever get bullied. I wished I could help you out with your homework. I wished I could listen to your stories in school.

I wished to be just like any other parent...

Daddy will pray everything to go smoothly.

Daddy will watch over you.

I promise.

-          2nd January 2001


Kim Lyorin, you never failed to make me proud. I wished one day you would achieve your dreams and just be happy in the company of the people you love. I don’t know if I’m able to witness the joy, but trust me no one can ever push you down.

-          30 September 2009


Lyorin, I’m going... The end is here and I feel it. I’m sorry baby but I need to do this...

... Just by watching you grow up is enough for me to live through every day without worry.

... The nights I spent gazing at your beautiful face while infiltrating your mind with pleasant dreams, how I wish I can keep doing it forever because I don’t want you to have any nightmares.

If things aren’t going your way, don’t give up my baby. Look ahead, because you have the brightest future. You are the brightest Star. You are the Sun...


But I want you to know, that you were never alone. I’ve always been by your side...

-          09th December 2011

Tears unconsciously flowed down her cheeks as Lyorin read all the letters her dad left for her. All this while, he was there watching her grow up, silently. She thought her parents left her for real but no. Kim Junho was present for the past 17 years, looking out for his one and only daughter.  No one could imagine the pain he had to endure only to be able to see her for far. He didn’t get to hold, touch, hug, kiss or feel her but his love was enough to get her where she is right now. Because of him, the fraternity was restored. Because of him, everyone could live a normal life. Because of him, Kai was still there beside her. And it was because of him, Lyorin could still watch the sunrise every morning without worries.




8 years later ~

Doctors and nurses filled up the room yet Lyorin could only look at the man beside who was holding and her hand. Her eyes were teary and she was persprising. Her lips were chapped and her face colour was turning white with every second. She was in so much pain but nothing could stop it. The only pain she didn’t mind suffering. No wait. She wasn’t suffering even though it hurts so much. It was a blissful pain.

“Hang in there, sweetheart.” Kai’s voice entered her ears and she flashed the prettiest smile. Despite being in such an excruciating condition, Lyorin was still as beautiful as ever. In fact, she was glowing even more than usual, Kai thought.

After what seemed like eternity, the battle was over.

Lyorin breathed a sigh of relief as she closed her eyes and muttered a prayer of gratitude towards the gift she was bestowed upon; the most wonderful gift.

 Kai walked to her and sat by the bed. His face was full of joy and happiness. Lyorin could not help but smile seeing her life companion whom she would never ask for a better one. Kai was the perfect one for her.

“Lyorin, say hello to Yoona ~” Kai said.

Weakly, Lyorin pushed herself up to get a glimpse of Yoona.

“Yoona...” She sobbed. “Yoona...” She stopped and looked at Kai.

“Our baby, Yoona.” Kai added and cupped his wife’s cheeks.

Lyorin nodded and let the tears flowed. She was crying only because she was too happy. Slowly, Kai handed the new-born baby girl to Lyorin. Even though she was still relatively weak, Lyorin was too excited to bother about her own condition. She held on to her baby girl and gently touched her face. Now that the baby was in her arms, she could see her more clearly. That was when she noticed something.

A black mark was just right below the back of her baby’s neck.

Kai noticed it too.

Immediately both, Lyorin and Kai locked eyes with each other and laughed.

A Star symbol.







Basically, it's a happy ending for all! WEEEEE!





Author’s final note

From the deepest of my heart, I would like to express my humble and sincere thanks to every reader who has willingly used their time reading this story. I apologise if any segments in the story were too boring, dull or full of mistakes but nevertheless it was an enjoyable time penning it. Even though I don’t reply to comments but trust me, I read every single one of it. The comments were the motivation for me to continue and eventually end the story after many months. Hope to see you in my next story!  Oh, there won’t be any more sequels to this. It’s really the end. Heheheheh!


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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh