Chapter 2

The Night Sun




Baby don’t cry, tonight
After the darkness has lifted
Baby don’t cry, tonight
It’ll be like nothing ever happened
You will never become a bubble,
In the end you don’t have to know
So baby don’t cry, cry
For my love will protect you.



EXO ended dinner without Kai and Lyorin. Kai was still not back since last night’s incident. Luhan used his telepathic powers telling him to come back but to no avail.

“How is it, Luhan hyung?” Suho asked.

Luhan shrugged. “He refuses to respond. He got the message but you know how stubborn Kai is right? He’s still angry. Give him more time; he’ll come back when he’s ready.”

That was Kai. He was a short tempered guy who often chose to suffer alone and in silence. Whenever he faced a difficult situation, he would run far away to calm himself because if he had stayed on, things would turn a lot uglier. Yesterday, he shouted, yelled and scolded Lyorin. It could have been worst if Luhan didn’t stop him.

The guys were well aware of his temperamental nature. As usual, only time could cure his pain.

Lyorin, on the other hand, stayed in her room most of the time. She didn’t really speak to the boys after the incident. She cooped herself in the room and only allowed the boys to enter when they were delivering her meals. In the morning, D.O prepared a sumptuous breakfast for her knowing that she skipped dinner last night. He entered the room with the tray of food. She was still sleeping, so he quietly tip-toed and placed the tray on the table. He scribbled a note, telling her to eat it. Before leaving the room, he took a glance at her face affectionately. Spots on her cheeks could be seen where the dried tears were. D.O sympathised and felt even more apologetic that she cried to sleep. Gently, he stoked her cheeks. No matter how stubborn she was, he could never get angry at her.

It was already the evening, the atmosphere was not as lively as it used to be. The mansion was empty, quiet and cold. Everyone was meddling in their own affairs. In the kitchen, D.O was preparing another delicious dinner for Lyorin. Baekhyun decided to lend him a hand.

“D.O, must I cut the apple as well? Can’t we just place it as a whole?” Baekhyun asked while struggling with the knife to cut the red apple.

D.O snatched the knife and grumbled, “Aish! Let me do it.” He began cutting and slicing the apple easily. “We need to make it look presentable so she will eat it. Haven’t you seen the note she wrote?” D.O arranged the fruit nicely on the plate together with the main dish.

Baekhyun shook his head. He was not sure what note D.O was referring to. D.O threw the piece of paper at him and asked him to read it. “D.O oppa, thank you for the breakfast. I’m sorry but I’m not really hungry.”

“She barely touched her food okay? It’s already worrying that she doesn’t want to leave her room and now that she’s not even eating, I’m not going to sit around and not do anything about it.” D.O stated.

“I see. She’s still angry at us.” Baekhyun sighed.

D.O finished up quickly and tidied up the kitchen counter. “She’s not angry. I think she’s feeling guilty or she might be slightly embarrassed to face us.  Regardless of whatever the reason may be, I don’t want her to end up sick.”

D.O looked at the tray of food. He hoped Lyorin would eat it even if half the portion. He then called out for Luhan, “Hyung, do you mind sending this to Lyorin? You’re the closest to her and I’m sure she will listen to you.”

Luhan gladly took the tray from D.O and walked up the stairs to her room. Accompanying him was Sehun, Chanyeol and Xiumin. Sehun reached for the door and gently knocked on it. He heard footsteps and within seconds the door opened.

Lyorin was holding her mp3 on one hand and was listening to it, while on the other hand, she was holding a book. She unplugged the earpiece and gave them a weak smile. She looked at the food and realised that was her dinner. Despite not having any proper meals for the last 24 hours, she was not hungry. However, she reached for the tray only to get a disapproving look from Luhan.

“I’ll bring this in.” Luhan said and entered the room together with the other guys.

Lyorin moved aside and let the guys in. Luhan placed the food on the table beside the bed. “Can we sit here for a while?” Xiumin asked, making his way in to the room.

“Yea, go on.” She answered and immediately the guys jumped and sat on her bed.

She picked up the glass of milk and drank it. She stared at the food and chuckled softly at how it had been arranged rather cutely. She sat cross-legged and pretended to show interest on the food. She was well aware the guys were just there to watch and make sure she finished it. Slowly and reluctantly, she poked the chicken with the fork and put it in .

Chanyeol watched with satisfaction knowing she was finally eating. He then started talking after the silence got too awkward. “Lyorin, are you okay?”

She nodded, unable to speak because was full.  

Luhan smiled. He was glad she was better. “We’re sorry –“

“Don’t apologise. It’s not your fault. It was me. I should have known better. I’m sorry.” She cut in before Luhan could finish his thought. “I should have told you guys about it and not acted rashly. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”

Sehun crawled closer to her to give her a hug. “Do you know how worried I was when you started punching that guy? My heart was already up in my neck. I was about to pounce on him if not for Suho hyung who stopped me.”

Lyorin pouted.

Xiumin added, “If you want to do something, consult us first. We will try to accommodate for you. Thankfully, nothing happened.”

“I will.” Lyorin replied.

Chanyeol started laughing all alone. Everyone looked at him weirdly, confused by his sudden laughter fit. After several minutes, he managed to calm down and explained, “You know Lyorin, you’re the first person who dared to push and shove the BAP leader. Even I, don’t want to mess with him knowing how ruthless he could be but you, you were such a pro. It still amazes me how he actually didn’t even retaliate or flinch despite the humiliation.”

Luhan suddenly tensed up. He recalled the incident and remembered clearly one prominent thing when he read Yongguk’s mind. He was unsure whether it was best to tell Lyorin what he knew of Yongguk. Specifically, what he knew of Yongguk’s feelings for her. He had not talked about it with the rest of EXO. Now that it came back to his memory, he realised how vital this information was.

Lyorin noticed Luhan’s expression had changed. She nudged him lightly and asked, “Oppa, what’s wrong?”

Luhan snapped out of his thought. He was thinking on whether to tell her. However, he finally decided. “Nothing. I’m fine.” He flashed an assuring smile at her. He wasn’t going to let her know; at least not now.

Sehun began to blabber and complain, “Lyorin ah, don’t be sad already. The house was so empty when you hid yourself in your room. And then, Kai hyung is not around –“

“Kai is not around?” Lyorin interrupted.

“Yea, he’s not back yet.” Chanyeol replied.

Lyorin gaped at them. “He’s not back ever since last night?” The guys nodded in unison. “Where did he go?” She asked.

“We don’t know but don’t worry, he’ll be back.” Xiumin assured but it wasn’t enough to erase the worry away.

Lyorin felt that it was because of her Kai left and was not back yet. She was obviously the cause of it and she could not help but worry. She wanted to see him. She wanted to apologise. Whatever he said to her last night, even though it hurt her so much, she was thankful he knocked some sense in her. She wasn’t angry at him in fact, she was afraid he was the one that might be angry at her. No wait, he was angry at her without doubt. However, he shouldn’t be staying outside. She would rather he treated her bad but never left the house. The thought of him being away was worrisome. Yes, he had powers and could very well protect himself. But if anything bad was to happen to him, Lyorin would never ever forgive herself.




Next morning, Lyorin went out of her room to join the guys for breakfast. While walking down the stairs, she bumped in to Kris. At first, his face was serious and stern making Lyorin tensed up by his presence. However, he came to her and slung his arm around her shoulder. He spoke to her tenderly and apologised for his temper the other night. He could never rest his mind or sleep peacefully after scolding and shouting at her. He pulled her closer and placed his chin on the top of her head. Lyorin was nervous not because he was scary but because he was so close to her. Her face was lying on his broad chest and she could feel his breathing. Kris smelled the sweet scent of her hair and closed his eyes, enjoying every second of having her within his reach.

"The next time I yell at you, please just slap me okay so that I would wake up. You have my permission." He whispered and nuzzled his nose on the top of her hair. That was the first time the fierce leader being nice and gentle for once.


EXO, minus Kai, and Lyorin gathered at the dining table. She searched for Kai hoping he was back but there was no sight of him. Her expression instantly changed because Kai had spent two nights out and she was worried for him.

"Is Kai not back yet?" She posed a question. She kept scanning around the house, hoping he would miraculously appear.

"Nope. He's still out. It's alright. Don't worry about him. He can take care of himself." Lay pulled a chair and gestured for her to sit down. He assured her everything was fine and that Kai was okay.

Lyorin wasn't convinced. "But what if something bad happened to him?"

Luhan shook his head and tried to erase her worry. "He's fine. I have been listening to his thoughts and trust me, he's not in any sort of trouble. Just give him time. When he feels like it, he'll be back."

"Here, eat your breakfast and don't worry so much." Suho placed a toast on her plate.

She sighed and ate the food with a heavy heart. She realised how much his presence meant to her. Even though they rarely interacted or communicated, she could feel the emptiness when he was not around. Furthermore, he chose to stay away because of her. She was the cause of it. If anything bad was to happen to him, then it's entirely her fault.


In the late afternoon, Lyorin wanted to go town and get her usual home supplies. She was running out of shampoo and bath soap. If Aunt was still staying with her, she did not have to worry on the lack of toiletries because Aunt would always make sure there were enough supplies. However, it had been a month since she last bought things. She decided to make a quick visit to the department store. She put on a jacket over her sleeveless top and wore comfortable jeans. She knocked onto Suho's room, seeking for his approval. She had to ask permission and tell him where she was going. After the last event, she didn't want to anger the guys anymore. Even if she hated having to ask for permission, she had to do it to avoid any more argument.


"I'll be quick, I promise. I'll be back by two hours. I just need to get my stuffs. I'm not lying." She explained to Suho.

He smiled and ruffled her hair. "Okay okay, you're not lying. Oppa trusts you. Take care. Be back for dinner alright."

Lyorin saluted and beamed in delight. She heard him and promised. With her watch and phone on her, she left the house, wearing the new pair of converse sneakers that Sehun gave as a gift for her birthday.


The town was crowded with people hanging out during a weekend. Lyorin spotted the department shop that she usually went and noticed that it was filled with people. She wanted to avoid the busy crowd so she decided to walk along the street to buy some time before making back to the store when it had become less crowded. She strolled past many shops and continued to do so for the next ten minutes. Out of a sudden, she noticed a familar figure of someone's back. She focussed her attention on the figure's back and within seconds her mind registered the identity. She jogged towards the person who was wearing all black.

When she finally reached just inches away, she grabbed his arm.


Kai spun around and to his surprised Lyorin was right in front of him. He didn't expect to see her here. A part of him was happy to see her, however a part of him was still angry.

He released his arm from her grip and hissed, "What are you doing here?"

Lyorin didn't bother about the harshness in his tone. She expected it from him. She was just glad to have finally found him. "Kai, come back. Please come back home. I'm sorry." She apologised and pleaded.

"I'm not going back." He replied flatly.

"Kai, I'm sorry. I know I was wrong. Please come back. Everyone is worried." She begged again.

Kai snarled, "Leave me alone. Why must I go back? You don't need me."

Lyorin shook her head and looked down. He was wrong. She needed him. "Please don't say that. Kai, I beg you, come back home. Come on, we'll go back together okay? Let's go." She tugged his arm and tried to drag him with her.

However, Kai refused to budge. He stood firmly. "I'm not going back. Just leave me alone. You don't need me." With that, he turned his back at her and walked away.

Lyorin was shocked at the way he just treated her. She knew Kai was angry but she didn't expect him to ditch her just like that. But then, she deserved such treatment. She looked at his back walking away from her. She could yell his name or run up to him but she decided not. Maybe, he really needed the time to be alone.

She was about to make a move when suddenly five guys circled around her. One of the guys came up to her from the back and placed his hand to cover . She struggled to break free but he was far too strong from her.

"K-Ka-Kai, h-help." She cried but it was useless. was covered and she could hardly move. Worst, her watch fell to the floor due to the struggles. The guy lifted her up on his shoulder and ran at an amazingly fast speed. She could see nothing but blurred faces and surrounding. She was terrified because no human could ever run at such a speed unless he was a chosen one. She knew her death was near.

Kai felt uneasy suddenly. He stopped walking and decided to turn back to check on Lyorin. He turned around and she was no longer there. That was weird because it was only just seconds he left. Even if she walked away, he would at least catch a glimpse of her back but strangely, she was gone. Kai ran to the exact spot where she last stood. He scanned around the area but no signs of her. He frantically turned left and right. Suddenly, he saw an object on the ground. He ran to it and picked it up. It was the watch. It was Lyorin's watch. Instantly, his mind gave him obvious answers.

"Damn it!" He cursed. He gripped her watch tightly and yelled loudly as ever, "LYORIN!!"


(To be continued)


UH UH KAI! Look what you've done!

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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh