Chapter 46

The Night Sun



Yongguk stared at the teddy bear he was holding. It was a cute girl teddy with a letter ‘L’ imprinted on its tummy. Obviously, the ‘L’ was there for a reason. Sitting on the floor beside the bed, he was still wondering whether everything was just a dream. The whole situation was too inconceivable. He, the leader of BAP was sitting on the floor of EXO’s guest room listening to the soft melodious voice of BTOB’s Eunkwang who was singing at the balcony beside the room he was at.

“You, because of you I’m sitting on the cold hard floor okay?” He talked to the teddy. “You know how annoying these boys are. I already have five to begin with, now I have to put up with eighteen more kids. Tell me, how am I supposed to go through all this?” He pouted at the teddy and squeezed its face. “But, you’re cute and I’m willing to do all this for you. I don’t mind losing my pride as long as I get to see and be around you.” He smiled. “Don’t ever leave me okay?” He pinched teddy’s tummy.

Yongguk kept the teddy under the pillow and stretched himself. Dinner just past and it was already 8, however he was itching to go out. He was bored being stuck in this house with people whom he had yet to get along comfortably with. He grabbed his leather jacket, key and headed out of the room. While he was walking downstairs, several BTOB members were coming up.

“Hi ~” He said. It was really very difficult to even greet them but he had to force himself. As the leader, he had to show good example. Besides, they had to start being friendly especially when they needed each other in the future.

“Hi Yongguk ~” Peniel greeted him but stopped for a brief moment. “Yongguk Hyung ~” He smiled.

Hearing the word Hyung coming out from someone other than s was definitely heart warming. So, Yongguk smiled and patted the younger male’s shoulder.

Meanwhile, Ilhoon who was beside, started to talk as well. “Hyung, do you want to see something?” He asked and surprisingly, the question was directed to Yongguk.

“What is it?”

Peniel was already hiding his face when suddenly Ilhoon sang adorably. “Il deo ha gi il eun gwiyomi, Ee deo ha gi ee eun gwiyomi, Sam deo ha gi sam eun gwiyomi…”

“Ilhoon stop! What are you doing?! Oh my God, this is so embarrassing!” Peniel pulled his younger brother away from Yongguk.

Yongguk laughed and clutched his stomach. He couldn’t believe what he just witnessed. Ilhoon eventually finished his song and beamed proudly, waiting for the desired respond from Yongguk.

“That was ~” Yongguk chuckled. “That was really cute, Ilhoon.” He said and ruffled his hair messily.

He walked down after being unexpectedly entertained, and went to the living room, where some of the guys were watching the TV as well as Lyorin who was seated at the corner reading a book. He wanted to approach her but seeing that there were many pairs of eyes, he decided to let go off the wish. He walked to the front door and was about to get his shoes, when suddenly a voice surprised him.

“Where are you going?”

He turned around to see Lyorin, standing beside him with eager and curious eyes.

Yongguk smiled and replied. “I’m going for a ride.”

“C~Can I come along?”  She asked meekly.

From a far Sehun called out for her. “Lyorin ah, we’re not done with the chess. It’s your turn now.”

She ignored Sehun and tugged Yongguk’s arm. “Take me with you please. I’m so bored and ~”

“But you’re in the middle of a game with Sehun.” Yongguk said.

She pouted and tugged his arm like a child. Ultimately, he softened seeing her adorable expression. Without saying anything else, he took her hand and led her out of the room.

Shouts of protest could be heard inside the house but both Lyorin and Yongguk ignored. Thankfully, it died down and the matter didn’t turn bad. It could have been Suho and Kris’s job in handling the situation well even though they didn’t particularly in favour of letting their favourite girl out with the well-known notorious BAP’s leader. But they have learnt to trust him that was all that mattered.

Yongguk walked to his car, casually whistling while Lyorin followed him from behind quite timidly. He opened the door for her and let her in before getting into the driver seat and starting the engine. Once settled, the car moved and exited. Just several minutes of silence in the car, the atmosphere became somewhat awkward. Thus, Lyorin began.

“So, where are you planning to go?” She blinked.

“I didn’t have anywhere in mind. I just needed to get away from the boredom in the house.” He spoke.

She looked down and mumbled. “I’m sorry ~”

“Why are you apologising?” He asked and made a right turn.

“I know it’s hard to get along with the guys at home but I ~”

“That’s not it. I’m perfectly fine with the guys.” He cut in. “I’m serious.” He reiterated. “It’s just that normal Yongguk doesn’t really stay indoors more than a day. He needs to get out and breathe the outside air, especially on a beautiful Saturday night like this.”

“Oh ~” She muttered.

“Don’t you go out?” The sudden question caught her off guard.

“Hmm ~” She looked down. “I do, it’s just ~”

“EXO doesn’t let you go out?” He asked.

She shook her head vigorously. “They do! I mean ~”

“What is it?”

“I only have you guys now. My best friend, s-sh-she…” She stuttered.

Yongguk remembered the incident he heard from Zelo that Lyorin’s best friend was killed in a surprise attack. “Shh ~ I know. Don’t say it anymore.” His hand went to touch her soft hand hoping it would lighten the mood. “You know what; I’m going to bring you to somewhere really nice!” His tone changed.

Lyorin’s eyes brightened. “Where?”

“Just trust me ~” That was all he said as he stepped on the accelerator and sped.




The car stopped and Yongguk pulled up the handbrake and switched off the engine. Lyorin scanned the area and then blurted out. “The Han River?” She gave him a quizzical look.

He nodded and stepped out of the car. It was a beautiful night to be gazing the stars just by the river with that special someone. He couldn’t find a more perfect place than to bring her to where he always spent his night after a long tiring day of mission and whatnot.

Lyorin watched as the male laid his back on the grass and stared at the night sky. Even though it felt odd but she followed and did the same thing, by lying on the grass beside him. She had always wanted to gaze the stars by the Han River and doing it with Yongguk, though she wished it was someone else, but it was still nice. She made herself comfortable, bending her knees up while putting her hands on her stomach. She closed her eyes and breathed in the air.

“Kim Lyorin ~” Yongguk sang. Lyorin abruptly opened her eyes and turned her head to see him, grinning. “Why are you so special?” He asked, rhetorically. She blinked nervously, unsure whether was that a question directed to her or was it just a mere remark. Either way, she felt her stomach churned anxiously. Two guys, two confessions, in the same week; she sure wasn’t expecting it.

She willed up and spoke. “Hmmm ~ wasn’t I supposed to be your enemy?”

What kind of question was that, Kim Lyorin? She looked away and pretended to concentrate on the stars. She knew that question definitely grazed his heart in a way because all along, he had never treated her as an enemy. Okay maybe the first encounter, but subsequently, he was nice; really nice.

“That’s exactly my point. You’re supposed to be the girl I despise the most.” He said.

“Well, maybe because my mother was a BAP, you know like ~”

“I like you even before I know about your mom.” He cut.

Like? The word rang in her head as she questioned the meaning of it.

Yongguk added. “I know this sounds weird but when we first met, the one in the wood ~” He slowed down, afraid that the memory might be too harsh on her considering she was almost killed, in a way. “I know I’ve hurt you. But it was unintentional. I don’t know why I’m explaining this to you because obviously, you won’t buy it. I mean, how can someone unintentionally kill someone right?”

“Yes, you can.” Lyorin chimed in with a smile. “It’s called manslaughter.”

Yongguk sat up and faced her with a serious expression. He wasn’t angry or upset. He was just absolutely shocked that she was still calm and cool despite knowing the fact that the outcome could have been more disastrous and that she would never be here lying casually on her back with him.

“Lyorin ah, why are you being like this? Do you know the immense guilt that I can never ever erase? It haunts me and ~”

“Just forget about it.” She said it with a straight face. “Everyone makes mistakes and I’m sure you didn’t mean to hurt me.”

Immediately, he looked down and a tear dropped. “I-I-I… You… Your aunt ~”

“Shh, don’t continue talking about it.” She lifted up his chin and looked directly at his teary eyes. “To be honest, I hated you so much. I was told from the start you were the bad guy so the hate came quite naturally but when you started coming to me, telling me stuffs about my father and everything else, I realised you meant it when you said about not wanting to hurt me anymore.” She smiled before commenting further. “About my aunt, she forgave you so I guess, I’ve forgiven you too? I was angry. I didn’t know why you attack her but it was partly my fault because ~” Her face lowered as she continued. “I’m pretty much a curse.”

“Listen to me, you’re not a curse.” Now, it was his turn to coax her. “Kim Lyorin, you’re the most special being in the world. It took us 50 damn years to finally find someone capable on uniting us back. Your existence means the world to us so please don’t ever say that you’re a curse.” He pulled her for a nice warm hug. “Even if you’re a curse or a deadly poison, I will never leave your side. I promise because I love you.”

Lyorin swallowed hard as she tried to register the last bit of what he just said, specifically what he just confessed. She pulled away and stared at his innocent eyes. “Hmm ~ what did you just say?”

“I love you.” He sounded as determined as ever. “Lyorin, I love you and ~”

“O-Oppa, I-I c-can’t ~” She stuttered, trying to find the best way to tell without hurting him.

“You can’t love me? Why?” He asked despite knowing the answer. He wished she would give him the chance. Yes, he was selfish. He hurt her. He caused so much pain to her. Yet, he still wanted her. How shameless, but he really loved her. “I’ll wait for you.” He said before hearing her response.

“But ~”

“No buts, I’ll wait for you. I know there is someone in here ~” He jabbed a finger lightly at her left chest. “And it’s not me.” He sighed. “But just so you know that if you happen to fall because of him, I’ll be ready to catch you.” He was absolutely true and sincere to his words.

“Thanks ~” She muttered. “I’ll never forget.”

“So, tell me more about EXO.” He changed the topic out of a sudden.

Lyorin looked at him questionably. “Why are you interested in EXO suddenly?”

“Well, since we’re going to be working together in the future, I need a few heads up on how they are like.” He replied. “How annoying or irritating are they? You know ~”

Lyorin laughed. “Yes, they’re kind of annoying at first. I remember how Kai was such an ~”

“I wish he’s still an .” He mumbled. Lyorin playfully knocked his head. “Okay. I’m sorry. Go on and tell me more about them.” He lied on his back.

Lyorin followed suit before narrating. “EXO guys are undeniably the best gift in my life. At the beginning, I was quite apprehensive towards them. I mean they were sort of intimidating especially Kris. He’s so tall and always has this serious face. Suho is nice though, but please don’t bully him okay? Anyway, the rest are nice too. As days passed and eventually being with them for a year, I realised all they ever want is for me to be safe. Their lives aren’t that great either. I mean they had to sacrifice a lot of things, even more than me, just to fulfil the roles that fate has for them. It used to be just me and Aunt, but with their addition, I could never ask for a better companion. They aren’t just my protectors; they are a part of me; all twelve of them ~”

Yongguk listened to every word she said intently. She continued talking about EXO as he allowed her to fill in the night with only her voice. He expected nothing more.

That was the best night he had.



Lyorin shifted in her sleep and was awakened by a light sound. She opened her eyes and felt the comfortable bed underneath her. Groggily, she pushed the blanket and sat up.

“I’m sorry to wake you up.” A voice entered her ears.

She looked at the figure sitting on the sofa across the room. “Kai?”

It was Kai holding on to the birthday gift that he gave her. He was examining the snowball with EXO little figurines inside which he made right from scratch. The sound of him shaking the crystal ball might have caused her to wake up. Lyorin got up from the bed and walked towards him while rubbing her eyes, trying to get a clearer view of him. She stared at the wall clock.

“It’s 4 in the morning. Get back to sleep alright.” He smiled and was about to lead her back to bed but she walked to him and pushed him back to sit. She yawned and snuggled closer to him, still half asleep.

“Why aren’t you in bed, Kai? How did I get myself back?” She asked and rested her head on his chest. All these gestures of hugging, snuggling and lying closely beside each other; everything was so normal. There was no awkwardness in it.

She loved it. He loved it.

“Yongguk brought you back. I swear my heart stopped thinking something happened to you when I saw him coming home with you in his arms. Then, I remembered that you’re a baby.” He teased.

“Oh ~” Tried as she might, she couldn’t remember.

“You know, even if you’re a baby, that doesn’t give you the right to be in anyone’s arms other than ~” He stopped and looked down. “Myself ~”

“What? Why can’t I? It’s not like you’re my boyfriend.” She said it straight and on purpose. After all, she still wasn’t sure what his feeling was for her. Hyunsik confessed, Yongguk confessed but the guy that she was hoping to be the one confessing just kept mum about it. Honestly, she felt insecure.

Kai gulped when she came up with the word boyfriend. He wanted to tell her how much he yearned to be her boyfriend; to be the only guy in her heart. But Kai was too scared. He was too scared; too scared she would turn him down. Just like Lyorin, he was unsure if she shared the same feelings as him.

She waited but there was no response from him. Her eyes drooped slowly. “Kai, I’m sleepy ~” She yawned.

“Then go to your bed and sleep.” He said while brushing the strands of hair covering her pretty face.

She shook her head and replied. “I don’t want. I want to stay here.” She pouted adorably and leaned her head closer to him.

“Fine, baby bear.” He smiled and pulled her closer to him, placing her comfortably on him. He patted her back gently and within minutes, she fell asleep.

Kai gazed her sleeping face lovingly. He leaned down and slowly, his lips met hers. He kissed her and whispered. “Kim Lyorin, I love you. I might not be the perfect guy but I promise to be the best just for you. Can I have the honour of being the special guy in your heart?”

Kai, you already have her heart, dumb dumb. 


(To be continued)

So, we already have Hyunsik and Yongguk confessing their love. Now, we just need to wait for a particularly dumbo because WE all know she loves him and not anyone else; only that dumbo is the one who is too slow. 

Yup two chapters update because the next chapter won't be too soon. The END is near so BRACE YOURSELF.

Anyway; I'm in the midst of writing another fic and this time it involves.... JENG JENG JENG....... BABY, I'm IN so much SPIRIT (lol i'm not making sense, i know but you know.....) =P

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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh