Chapter 13

The Night Sun



Tao gulped down the last bit of milk straight from its carton. The guys came back home from the club only to see Luhan taking care of Yoona while Lyorin and Kai were not back yet. Assuming that they were out together, the guys got a little relax. That night’s event happened too fast. The guys could not understand why Yoona got herself drunk and why Lyorin left the club out of a sudden.

“I don’t understand Kai. He was dancing with some random girl in the club.” Lay said and sat on the sofa between Kris and Chanyeol. “He told me he likes ~”

“I saw Lyorin left the club in a rush. I wanted to chase after her but she was too fast. She didn’t look too happy though.” Baekhyun cut in.

Suho took the bits of information from his brothers and tried to fix the puzzle. He knew something must have happened between the both of them; Kai and Lyorin. However, he was confident that Kai would somehow solve it.

The hotel door creaked. The boys turned their attention to see who was entering. Holding her heels on one hand, Lyorin stepped in to the hotel room and was immediately confronted by 10 faces. Her hair was slightly in a mess and she was slightly shaking because of the cold temperature outside. Other than that, she was physically fine.

“Hey ~” She greeted with a solemn expression. She forced a smile and pretended to be okay.

Kris instantly took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. “Where have you been?” She was shivering but managed to reply thanks to him. “Let me get you all warm.” D.O went to the kitchen and prepared a cup of hot chocolate.

However, when she was walking towards the sofa, Kai appeared in the living room with an irritated look. He teleported straightaway after receiving the call from Sehun telling him she had already reached the hotel safely. He stormed towards her and gripped her shoulders, “Where did you go? Do you know what time –“

Lyorin pushed him away and roughly said, “Go away.”

Kai stepped back and released his grip. He was actually stunned to see her acting that way. However, he continued to provoke her. “Just because you have a boyfriend now, it doesn’t mean you can go out and not inform us about it.”

She could not believe he just accused her for going out with a guy when he was the one, spotted dancing with another girl. She walked up to him and glared furiously without blinking. “What boyfriend are you talking about?!”

“Oh come on! Who else can he be if not, Hyunsik?!” Kai yelled. It suddenly became a heated argument between the both of them.

“Damn it Kai! I don’t know what got in to you but you’re really stupid! How many times must I tell you that he’s just a friend and nothing more? I can’t believe I’m actually telling you this when I thought I’ve already made it known before!” She shouted back and pushed him hard.

Kai remained firmly on the same spot. “Don’t lie! I heard it with my own ears!”

She was already in tears. The rest of the guys tried to stop the fight but it was just useless. “What are you saying, that I’m lying?! Have you gone nuts or what?! Do I have to call him here to prove it to you?!”

“Kai, don’t ~” Suho begged but Kai refused to listen.

 “I heard it. I heard it loud and clear. You said it to him back at the lobby!” He hissed.

Now, she remembered. Yes, she did confess to Hyunsik but it was just acting. Kai must have heard it but still he could not wrongly accuse her without knowing the real truth. She was angry at him for pointing fingers at her when he was no better.

“Yes, I confessed. Yes, I told him that I like him but did you actually hear what came after wards? Did you actually stay to listen to what I said and explained?”

“Why would I listen to both of your ~”

Lyorin sobbed. “You’re stupid. Kai, you’re so stupid.”

D.O finally snapped. “Kai, that’s enough!” He walked over to Lyorin and gave her a hug. Kai kept quiet. He was angry but he was angrier at himself for yelling at her unnecessarily.

After finally composing herself, she came towards Kai and said softly. “If you had stayed and listened, then this might have not happened. But then again, even if you had listened, maybe you wouldn’t like that outcome either. I’m at the losing end. It has always been me and my wishful thoughts. You’re Kai, while I’m just me. You can do whatever you want. I won’t bother already. I just want you to know, there is nothing going on between me and Hyunsik. He’s just a friend.”

She walked away but he instantly grabbed her arm. “Why are you being like this?” He asked in a nicer tone than before.

She didn’t even wish to look in his eyes. So, she replied while facing her back at him. “Kai, you heard but I saw. I saw everything. You laughed, smiled and even kissed. Best of all, you knew I was there. So, tell me who is worst, you or me?”

“I don’t understand.”

“You’re stupid and I’m tired.” With that, she left him and walked to her room.


Kai howled insanely and stormed towards his own room. He slammed the door and ignored the rest of the boys who had been watching the entire fight. He didn’t know why but he was just angry at everything and everyone. He fought with Lyorin before but that night it was different because he felt it was more than just a normal fight. Not even a sorry could make things better. The tears in her eyes and the way she retaliated, she wasn’t just hurt. He felt she might actually want to tell him something. He didn’t know what the cause of it was because just like what she said, he was stupid.


“This is much more complicated than I thought.” Chanyeol spoke out of a sudden.

Baekhyun smacked his head. “Mind your own business.”

Chen put on his glasses and started. “I think based on tonight’s event. I can say that Kai likes Lyorin, but he misunderstood thinking that she likes Hyunsik but obviously she’s not. Then, Lyorin might actually have a thing for Kai but then she got jealous after seeing him with that girl in the club and then both of them got into terrible fight because of all the misunderstanding. He likes her and she likes him but both of them just don’t get it that they actually like each other.”

“Chen, what?!”

“Hyung! You’re making it more complicated.”

The guys booed.

Little did they know that whatever Chen just said, is totally spot on.




Flipping the newspaper, Kai pretended to be reading it but his eyes could not stop glancing up at the girl sitting just across him. They were inside the airplane going back to Seoul. The trip to Jeju was short but there were plenty of events that took place. He wished he could turn back the time because of the amount of mistakes he committed. He knew he made several faults. As a result, she stopped talking to him and ignored all possible contact. She was reading a book while listening to her music. There was no smile just full concentration.

Lyorin was intently focussing on her book when suddenly a soft, gentle hand brushed hers. She smiled and looked at Yoona. Beside her was Luhan and they were holding hands throughout the flight. They finally became a couple. At least, there was one thing that came out good after the trip. It was definitely a joyous occasion and she was absolutely happy for her friend. They were perfect together unlike her and that stupid guy.

Ever since the fight, she didn’t wish to talk or see him. She wasn’t going to let it go easily. If he remained dumb about it, then she would continue the cold war. She was still angry at his accusation. So, what? If she did get together with Hyunsik, as if that stupid guy would bother. He would probably spend his time dancing with more girls. He seemed to be enjoying it anyway. As for her feelings, she would bury it deep within heart for the time being.

Back the mansion after the short vacation, everyone was just tired and lethargic. Despite getting in to a fury with Kai, Lyorin thought the trip was not too bad. It was fun and memorable, in a way. She skipped across the living room, jumped onto the comfortable couch and laid down.

“Are you guys’ hungry?” D.O asked and threw his bag on the floor. 

“Yes.” Most of them answered.

D.O lazily dragged his feet to the kitchen. He was as tired as the rest but they were still hungry. The last time they had a meal, was breakfast before their flight. Now, it was already the evening.

“Aish, you guys are mean. D.O oppa, you shall not do the cooking tonight. Let’s call delivery. Who wants pizza?! It’s my treat!” Lyorin proudly announced.

Suho ruffled her hair and asked, “Do you have money for it?”

She smiled and replied confidently, “Of course! The family wealth, remember.” She got up, searched for pen and paper and immediately asked for their orders. “4 large pizzas ~”

“Hmm, I don’t think 4 pizzas are enough for 12 hungry guys and a girl.” Baekhyun voiced.

“Oh right ~” She mumbled. “6 large pizzas, 3 bottles of coke, 3 sets of chicken parts and salads ~” She stopped. “Anything else?”

“I think it should be enough.” Chen replied and the rest of the guys agreed.


The food came nicely at the right time when all of them had taken their shower and washed up. Lyorin paid for the food using her card and with the help of Xiumin and Sehun, they carried the packs of food and placed it on the living room table. As if they had not eaten for days, the guys instantly downed the food like hungry hyenas. Everyone was eating peacefully except for Kai who was hesitant to take a bite off his pizza. It was probably because Lyorin was the one who paid for it and since they were not in talking terms, it would be awkward eating it.

Thankfully, she noticed how quiet he was and as usual, she was still the nice Lyorin even after everything that had happened.  She placed a slice of pizza on his plate and passed it to him, “Here.” He was uncertain whether to take it or not. She continued. “If you’re not taking it, then I will have to eat your share, which means 8 slices of pizza for me, 4 chicken parts and ~” Quickly, he took the plate from her.

She couldn’t possibly fit all of that in her small stomach, right?

With filled stomachs, the guys laid on their backs lazily. They didn’t clear the mess and all the leftover food was left throughout the night. Lyorin tried to clear bits of it by stashing the used plates and cups in to the kitchen sink. As she walked inside the kitchen, she realised how dirty it was and then moving towards the living room and the rest of the house, she discovered the mansion’s cleanliness was appalling. It had been almost 2 months since Aunt moved out, that totally explained everything.

Sleep now because you’re going to work your asses tomorrow, she mumbled while looking at them sleeping peacefully.


(To be continued)


SIGGGGHHH! I know it's such a boring update. =(


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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh