Chapter 43

The Night Sun



Lyorin woke up with a jolt and her eyes widened alarmingly. The dream she just had, that was it. She needed to go back to her old house because the answer was there. She had never felt so sure of something in her life. She turned to look at the time. It was already 10 in the morning. Quickly, she pulled the bed cover and went straight to the bathroom. Every minute, she prayed that this time she wasn’t wrong anymore.

She took a quick bath, changed into comfortable clothing and headed downstairs. She was planning to skip breakfast but obviously, the guys weren’t going to allow her.

“Good morning Lyorin!” D.O greeted and carried the plate of sandwiches in which Lyorin instantly grabbed one sandwich and ate it.

“Wow, someone is hungry.” Xiumin commented when she chewed and finished up the sandwich real fast.

Lyorin gulped down the glass of orange juice and then announced. “I need to go back to my old house.”

She was about to stand when Kai stopped her. “What do you want from your old house?”

“I-I-I ~” She stuttered, thinking whether it was best to tell EXO about her dream. She sat down and then began to explain. “I had a dream last night and ~” She paused when she realised the guys stopped whatever they were doing and focussed on her. “I dreamt of my dad and there was something he wanted to tell me. I think I have figured out the clue which needs me to go back to the old house because I have to search for it.”

“What is it you need to search?” Kris asked and took a sip of his warm coffee.

She shrugged.  “I don’t know what is it but there is something.”

Kai quickly drank his milk and stood up. “I’ll go with you.” He walked to, grabbing the car key along the way.

She stood up from his seat but then Sehun came from the back and hugged her tightly. “Be careful okay?” He said.

She turned around to face him and patted his shoulders. “I will ~”

“Come back soon when you’ve gotten what you’re finding.” Suho reminded before she left the house and went to Kai who had already prepared the car.


As soon as the car arrived at the road in front of the old house, she got out of the car and walked straight to the garden. Surprisingly, the garden was still as beautiful even after a year they left it unattended. Kai walked out of the car and followed her. He was absolutely puzzled by her behaviour yet he was curious to know.

Lyorin stood in front of the bed of flowers, feeling a little hesitant. Kai nudged her shoulder and asked. “What is it, Lyorin? Why are you staring at the flowers?”

“I’m scared.” She said with her fists clenched.

He walked in front of her and knelt down so that their eyes were on the same level. “What are you scared of? I’m here.” He spoke calmly.

Slowly, she bent down and took the small spade that was lying beside the flowers. Without saying anything, she started digging the soil underneath the sunflowers. Kai didn’t ask anything despite feeling confused. Instead, he helped her.

Several minutes past, there was nothing. They had dug quite a bit of soil. However, Lyorin’s spade hit an unknown object underneath the soil.

“There’s something in here!” She exclaimed.

Kai took the spade from her and dug quickly. He was just as anxious as her to see what the object was. He hoped it wasn’t just a random one. Finally, he felt it. Reaching out his hand, he took the object that was covered with dirt. Lyorin watched as he brushed the dirt away with his bare hands.

“What is this?” He asked and examined the box.

She looked at the box and said. “Open it, Kai.”

 Slowly, he opened the cover and inside there was a shiny item.

“A ring?!” Both of them blurted in unison and then stared at the new found item.

“What ring is this?” She asked and took it out of the box. She was about to slide it into her finger but Kai prevented her from doing so.

“Lyorin, don’t!” He warned and took the ring away from her. The ring had intricate designs on it and because it was kept hidden in a box, it was still clean and new. “It could be a curse or something ~” He said and placed the ring inside.

Lyorin nodded, agreeing with him. “Shall we bring it back and show it to the rest?” She asked.

Kai stood up and reached out his hand for her to stand. “Okay, but I think we might need Mr Lee’s expertise on this because this ring doesn’t look like a normal ring.”

Back in the car, Lyorin kept smiling to herself. She finally figured out the message in her dream and now the next step was to find out what the ring was. The box was placed in front and she was really impatient to show it to Mr Lee and the rest of EXO.

The smile on her face caught Kai’s attention. He moved his hand and grasped hers. “I’m so proud of you.” He smiled. To his surprise, she took his hand and squeezed it tightly. “Ouch my hand ~” He whimpered. “What was that for?” He pouted.

She released his hand. “I’m so happy, Kai ~” She giggled. “I’m sure the ring means something and before we know it, everything will be over. We’re going to live happily without any worries anymore!” She exclaimed.

“Yes, baby bear. Everything will be over soon ~” He assured.




“This is a ~” Mr Lee examined the ring closely. “It’s a Memory Keeper’s ring.”

“A what?!” EXO roared simultaneously.

Mr Lee walked to his seat and settled down before explaining. “This ring contains snippets of a person’s memory that he wishes to keep or pass it to someone else. However, not everyone has accessed to it, meaning only the chosen person whom the keeper wishes to disclose his memory, is able to view it and ~” He paused and looked at Lyorin. “The only person who used to possess this ring is none other than your father.”

“My father?”

Tao stepped forward and questioned. “Mr Lee, are you saying that Lyorin is the only one who might be able to see what memory that is kept in the ring?”

Mr Lee nodded. “It’s not might be able, Lyorin is the only who is able to view it.” He wore the ring and then waited for a while before taking it off. “See, there was nothing when I have the ring on.”

The guys huddled together and stared curiously at the ring. Some of them even put it on, but just like what Mr Lee had said, there was no reaction.

Mr Lee stood up and went to Lyorin. “Lyorin, you’re the only one who is ~”

“What is the risk, Mr Lee?” Kai interrupted and stopped him from putting the ring on her. As much as he wanted to know what the ring’s contents were, he wasn’t going to let her safety be jeopardized.

“Yes Mr Lee. What will happen to Lyorin once she wears the ring?” Luhan questioned the old man.

“I’m not too sure of the risk. As far I know, when the chosen someone wears it, he or she will be transported back to where the event has taken place in the keeper’s memory and ~”


 Without warning, the girl put on the ring in the midst of the guys’ conversation. As soon as she had it on, EXO watched in horror as Lyorin fell to the floor almost immediately. Tried as they might to revive her, but she still remained unresponsive to their cries.




Kim Junho put on his black leather jacket and looked at the mirror for the last time. He then slid on a ring on his index finger.

“Jin Ah, this is for you and our daughter ~” He spoke softly and then walked out of the apartment room which had been cleaned up with no traces left behind regarding his identity.

He drove his car to a destination only he knew. Despite knowing what he was about to face, he showed no signs of fear or regret. Even if he knew, he won’t be able to see the next sun rise; he was still calm and composed.

The ride seemed endless but it wasn’t as torturous as the journey he had to overcome just to reach his final goal. He must not fail. He must not.

He recalled the sound of Jin Ah’s laughter. It had been 17 years she was gone but she never left his mind, not even once. Next, he pictured Lyorin’s beautiful smiling face. A tear dropped at the thought of leaving behind the only person left in this world for him.

Finally, his car stopped. He stepped out and that was it. He wasn’t going to turn back.

Three guys charged at him at once, but with his powers, he manipulated their minds and numbed them. Instantly, the three of them fell to the ground, dead. Yes, dead. No one shall be sparred anymore.

He trudged on and subsequently, shouts and screams blasted the air in front of an old mansion. Attacks came from every angle but he swiftly dodged and summoned his powers against them. One by one, they succumbed at his mercy.

As he entered the mansion, a loud cynical laugh echoed. He saw an elderly man with several guys surrounding, protecting him. Junho smirked, realising how much of a threat he was. One against a bunch of them; the elderly man seemed to know that he needed more men in his side.

“I know you would come. Welcome and please take a seat ~” The man offered. Junho was cool and accepted it gracefully, taking a seat just opposite him. “Would you like coffee? Don’t worry, it’s not poisoned.” Another offer was made.

“It’s alright. I’ve had coffee before I came. Thanks anyway.” Junho replied casually.

The man smiled and began to question Junho. “So, you’re the famous Romeo in town? Sorry, I didn’t get your name ~”

“Junho; Kim Junho.” He answered.

“Ah ~ Junho ~” The man registered the name carefully in his head. “Junho, you’re a really brave man, coming here alone and killing many of my men. I’m impressed.” He clapped. “Of course, you’re the last remaining EXO’s chosen one.”

Junho was starting to become impatient but he pretended to be enjoying the man’s excessive blabbering by smiling continuously. “I could spare a few tips on my hiding skills ~” He said sarcastically.

The man laughed. “You have great sense of humour. I like you!” He said. “Anyway, what brings you here, Junho?” The atmosphere turned serious instantly.

 “I just want to know why and how ~” Junho said.

“I’m sure you know that once you enter this place, you aren’t allowed to go back. So, why would you care whether why or how we are formed?” The elderly man asked.

Junho smirked and replied. “At least I have something to boast in the afterlife to the chosen ones who failed miserably.”

The man’s laugh erupted the room. “HAHAHA!” He clutched his stomach, enduring the laughing fit. “You’re really something. Servants, bring me the drink!” He turned to his servants and ordered.

Junho tilted his head at the mention of a drink. Yet, he was already expecting it somehow.

The servant came with a glass containing an unknown liquid. The man gestured for Junho to drink it. “Because I like you, I want you to have the drink before I explain everything.”

Without asking further, Junho gulped down the drink. Every eyes in the room was focussed on him as he drank finished the drink in a blink of an eye.

“How’s the taste?” The man asked.

Junho placed the glass down and replied. “A beer would have been better but this drink isn’t too bad either.”

The man smirked. “That was the lethal poison potion.”

“I know and it’s surprisingly good.” Junho confidently answered.

The man was once again impressed at how Junho was so calm despite knowing his death was so near.

As promised, the man began. “Our group was formed exactly 50 years ago just after the separation of the clans. The founder was late Kim Jaejin. I’m pretty sure you know who he was. Everyone was totally aware that the fraternity was at the brink of extinction with both EXO and BTOB leaving. Even Jaejin knew that BAP wasn’t going to be as strong as they used to be. He wanted to bring BAP to another level but because the rest of the council members disagreed vehemently as it was going against the sacred teaching of the Book of Fate, Jaejin had no choice but to leave and disappear. He had always wanted to form a powerful group of men who will eventually control mankind. He hated the fact that the Book of Fate disallows the usage of powers openly and is only restricted to the members of the fraternity. He wanted more and so here I am sitting before you, the result of his ambitious goal.”

“He got together a group of men from different backgrounds, but with one common goal, to rule mankind. All he needed is his blood to run the group and he successfully created an army of his own. If you look around at these men, they weren’t born with powers. Unlike you, their powers were created and bestowed to them.” The elderly man paused and pointed at the surrounding men.

“We thought creating men with powers was enough to achieve our goal, but we are so wrong. As long as the chosen ones from the fraternity exist, it is just impossible. To be more precise, as long as the Book of Fate is around, we are incapable of achieving more than we already have.”

“Thus, the only way for us to annihilate these chosen ones first before attaining our main goal, is to create disputes between them. We have to let these three clans hate each other for them to destroy one another. All we have to do is ignite the fire within them and it will make the job easier for us. We just have to do it secretly.”

Junho cut him abruptly. “Is that why you stop BAP’s mission in every full moon? So, you are the ones who have been hunting EXO and BTOB’s Star?”

“Yes ~ and we make it seem like it’s all BAP’s fault.”

Junho nodded. “I see ~”

“However, it doesn’t just stop there. An imp0rtant excerpt from the Book of Fate suggests that there will be a child born in this world to unite these 3 clans altogether. With her existence, it won’t only hinder our group’s main goal; she will also be the reason to our disintegration. We’re not going to let that happen.”

Junho stiffened when the elderly man mentioned a girl. His vision began to blur and his body temperature was starting to reduce. He knew the poison was taking effect slowly.

“This girl; are you aware of her?” The man asked Junho, who in return gave him a shrug. “Oh come on, we all know who the girl is. I believe you’re the first one to know who she is.” The man said. However, Junho remained quiet. “It’s okay Junho, we’ll find her one day. We know she was kept safe by her father somewhere but we’ll find her. Besides, she won’t have a father anymore after today.” The man added with an evil smirk.

“Every clan has their own weakness, what’s yours?” Junho avoided his evil smirk and threw a question.

“This ~” He took out the necklace shaped in a small glass bottle that was dangling around his neck. “One drop and we will lose everything.”

“What is that?” Junho asked.

“Blood; Jaejin’s blood ~”

Junho shook his head trying to clear the blurred vision. The poison was spreading fast and he could feel the sweat trickling down his forehead. “W-what is your next move?” Junho stuttered.

“To find the girl and ~” He paused before adding. “Kill her.”

Junho gulped nervously. He had been brave and composed all throughout but the menacing tone of the elderly man was giving him the shivers.

“Your time is almost up, Junho but because I like you, I allow you to leave this mansion and suffer in your own comfort.”

Junho struggled to stand on his feet. He turned his back and walked slowly out of the room.

Meanwhile, a servant asked. “Master, why did you let him walk away?”

“He only has less than half an hour left to live anyway. He can’t go far ~” The elderly man answered.


Junho went to the car and with his shaking hands; it took him a while before getting the car key in. His vision continued to blur as he started the engine and drove away. With one hand on the steering, he closed his eyes and whispered before kissing the ring he was wearing on the other hand.

It was past midnight and he knew he only had minutes left. Thankfully, he reached the house on time. Staggeringly, he walked to the garden and noticed the bed of sunflowers. He plopped down in his knees and started digging. He was shaking, his eyes were teary but he wasn’t going to give up. After digging a hole, carefully he slid out the ring and hid it inside a box before submerging it inside the hole.

It took him only seconds before his final job was done. He stood up only to fall back to the ground.

“No ~ I can’t die here.” His mind said and with all the remaining strength, he pushed himself up and walked to the park nearby. With every step, his body deteriorated. Nonetheless, he must make sure he covered his identity. No matter what, he must not disclose the fraternity. He went to one of the tree and pushed it so hard that it tumbled and eventually landed on him. Pinned underneath, he waited for the last breath. Memories of Jin Ah and Lyorin flashed past.

“Lyorin, I love you ~” His last words before he closed his eyes forever.


(To be continued)


Awwww TT___________TT 

Another I-hope-this-chapter-makes-sense again.... Anyway THANK YOU FOR  STAYING WITH ME IN THIS STORY! I LOVE YOU! <3

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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh