Chapter 40

The Night Sun



“What?! All of them are killed?!” The elderly clan master blasted the large room with his yell. He was beyond angry. Once again, his fellow chosen ones were killed in the process of finding for that girl.

“But my lord, we have found out the identity of the girl. Her name is Kim Lyorin, both parents died.” The humble servant reported.

“I want her parents’ names!”

“Dad was one of EXO’s chosen ones name, Kim Junho. Her mother was Im Jinah and ~”

 “She was a BAP?” The elderly master interrupted.

“Yes, my lord ~”

The elderly let out a cynical laugh. He knew with the newest information, they were this close to achieve their main goal and that was to obtain the Book of Fate. However, as long as she existed, it was impossible for them because she was the only key to the unification of what used to be a strong family made up of three clans. They had to stop them from reuniting, meaning they had to kill her.

The servant walked closer to his master and questioned. “My lord, we have all the information of her whereabouts. Would you like me to send more men ~”

“Don’t. We can’t afford to lose more men. We need a plan.” He stopped and reached for the necklace dangling around his neck. He scrutinized the gem carefully while thinking of a possible plan. “Since both EXO and BAP are aware of her identity. I’m sure they are already on guard. So, we need to attack the most vulnerable people, which have yet to know the truth and in this case ~”

 “Are you referring to BTOB, my lord?”

The elderly was impressed. “You are indeed the smartest servant out of all. Yes, you’re absolutely right. BTOB is the only group who isn’t particular involved but still plays an imp0rtant role in the fraternity. If we could cripple them, then we are only left with two. Besides, BTOB isn’t that strong now especially when they have lost their Star right? I remember our men killed her thinking that she was the one we are looking for. Even if it was a mistake, but I’m glad we did the job of killing her anyway.”

“If I have heard it correctly, sources have said that BTOB hasn’t fully lost their powers because in this generation they have two Stars.”

“What? You mean like twins?” The elderly guy earned a nod from the servant. “Oh wow, everything extraordinary and special just had to occur in this generation.” He remarked sarcastically.

“Don’t fret my lord. They aren’t as powerful now.” The servant comforted.

“Good, send the men as soon as possible.” The master ordered.




Hyunsik brought out the water hose and sprayed it on his dirt bike. It had been months since he went on to ride his bike. The next day, the whole of BTOB would ride across the steep slope and harsh terrain together as a team. As an adrenaline junkie, he was capable of displaying sleek stunts of his own.

“Hyung, can you spray a bit ~” Peniel wanted Hyunsik to spray water at his bike however, the older male mischievously aimed the water hose at him. “HYUNG!!!”

Hyunsik laughed as he watched Peniel ran away from him and hid away. The result of his attack caused Peniel to be drenched thoroughly. He thought it was over when suddenly, Peniel came back with another water hose. “! I forgot we have more than one pipes ~” He cursed and in a blink of an eye it was his turn to be laughed at.

Both guys slumped to the ground all wet after the water attack. They were teasing and laughing as they rested on their backs on the ground beside their bikes.

“That was fun!” Hyunsik stated and slapped his hand at Peniel’s stomach lightly.

“I know right. It’s been so long since we laughed so much.” Peniel said. There was a brief silence before Peniel asked a question. “Hyung, are you alright?”

Hyunsik lay motionlessly but managed to reply. “Yes ~”

“Ever since Yoona’s death and then you aren’t allowed to meet Lyorin, you’ve been keeping to yourself. You didn’t really talk to anyone of us. Are you mad?” The younger male asked.

Hyunsik let out a long sigh before replying. “I’m mad but I can understand Eunkwang’s hyung concern. I mean if I keep hanging out with her, it is doing more harm than good. I mean, I’m only just ~”

“You miss her, don’t you?” Peniel interrupted.

“I miss her so much. I don’t even know how she is doing. I heard that she got hurt again and I can only pray she’s doing fine.” He sighed.

Peniel patted his hyung’s back hoping it would relief his worry. He was aware of his obvious feelings for her but due to circumstances; they weren’t allowed to be together. Ever since the promise Eunkwang made with Kris, Hyunsik had never once contacted Lyorin. Even though he was tempted to do it secretly, he dared not go against his leader.

“Aish hyung, don’t worry so much. Let’s de-stress ourselves tomorrow!” He exclaimed.

Hyunsik smiled and nodded. He was excited for tomorrow’s adventure with s. It wasn’t only to ease his mind but also to make up for the days he avoided s when he was down.


The seven of them gathered with their bikes all set and ready for their ride. Dressed fully in their dirt bike outfit, accessories and the helmet; their engines roared and blasted the entire field just in front of them mansion. The thick forest ahead was the perfect place to test out their riding skills, with uneven ground and fallen trees. Eventually, after passing through the green area, they would reach another course with more challenging steep slopes.

“Okay guys, are you ready?!” Eunkwang yelled over the loud noise. “Be care ~” Before he could end his sentence, the rest of s sped away. He shook his head and sighed. “These kids ~” Without wasting anymore breath, he pumped in and sped away catching up with the rest of s who started first.

Only the loud engine sounds emitted the forest as they navigated easily despite the harsh terrain. Their bikes jumped over huge fallen trees and landed effortlessly. Once in a while, each of them showed off their stunts. Minhyuk, being the most daring and athletic, he would swerve his bike quite dangerously past the thick trees. One slight mistake might cause him to hit flat into a tree.  

After passing the forest, they ventured into another terrain. This time it was sand, the most perfect ground for their bikes. Sungjae, the youngest, almost fell of his bike when he lost control of it.

Instead of helping him out, most of his hyungs laughed and . “Aish Sungjae yah, you need more practise! You need to control the bike and don’t let the bike control you!” Changseob reminded.

The maknae pouted adorably. Having six hyungs who were good in almost everything was definitely pressurising. He had to keep with their pace and strength and it was harder because he still lacked most of the skills.

“Come on Sungjae, you can do it!” Ilhoon rode past him and gave him the encouragement. Ilhoon, being the second youngest could more or less understand Sungjae. Both of them were considered the babies in the group and had a lot to learn from the older members.

Everything was fun an exciting until they saw another group of bikers all covered in black suits with black helmets. BTOB thought it could be just random bikers who happened to be there at the moment. However they were wrong when suddenly one of them kicked Sungjae who was lagging at the back off his bike. The youngest was thrown off but managed to land on his feet steadily.

“HEY!” Sungjae shouted and took out his helmet.

His shout caught the attention of s and they stopped to see what was going on. Some of them were already far ahead but turned back at once when they sensed something was amiss. Their instincts were spot on when the six all black-dressed guys took out swords and charged at them.

“SUNGJAE!” Eunkwang shouted at the youngest who had his back at the intruders.

Impulsively, the rest of BTOB dropped their bikes and charged as well. No words needed to say. All they did is to kick, punch and fight with all their might. They fought normally without using their powers however the atmosphere instantly changed when one of the intruders summoned his energy and directed what looked like lightning bolts at BTOB. They were wrong about them. They thought they were normal until they saw the powers each of them possessed.

“WHAT THE?!” Minhyuk was in utter shock. He managed to dodge the electric current. Minhyuk was flexible; he could bend and fold his body in any shape making it possible to escape the hit.

Another one of the intruders summoned his energy and let out a piercing scream which was too overwhelming that some of the BTOB members had a hard time concentrating on their attacks. Their ears bled at the sound of his endless scream as they tried to withstand the pain of it. They covered their ears but to no avail. They were attacked mercilessly while trying to withstand the torturing scream. However, Hyunsik managed to drag himself and stopped the guy by hitting him right at the stomach.

It was definitely a tough battle with most of the BTOB members at the losing end. They had powers but it wasn’t enough against these big shots who appeared out of nowhere and gave them a surprise attack. Hyunsik wasn’t going to give up. He needed to know who these people were because he was sure these people could be hunting the only girl he wished to protect. Before they could land their hands on her, it was best to finish them off provided if he was strong enough.

Some of s were already sprawling on the ground, badly injured. He wanted to assist them but they ordered for him to go on with the fight since he was the last man standing. Hyunsik charged with all his remaining strength at the three intruders that were left. But luck wasn’t on his side when one of them got to him first and gripped both his arms at the back of him. Hyunsik was all ready to receive the hit but it seemed like they weren’t going to hit him. Not yet, maybe.

With both hands gripped forcefully at the back of him, Hyunsik yelled at the unfamiliar faces of these people. “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!” Despite being at his most vulnerable self, he was still brave.

“HA HA HA!” They laughed mockingly. “I didn’t expect it to be so easy. How can you guys be part of the once coveted fraternity when all of you are so bloody weak?”

Hyunsik growled and struggled to break free.

One of them walked up to him. “Oh wait; I forgot that we killed your precious Star. What was her name again?” He asked with a smirk. “Haerin, am I right?”

Hyunsik stared at him with wide eyes. It was them all along. It was them who had killed Haerin, one of the twins. BTOB thought it was BAP who did it but they were wrong. These people, unknown to BTOB, had been the ones who mercilessly killed their Star. He recalled the images of Haerin’s badly bruised body. His blood boiled uncontrollably.

“Such a sweet girl but too bad, we finished her off. And you what was best in it? It was totally a case of wrong identity. Sadly, she became the victim ~”

“WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” Hyunsik could no longer stand the way he spoke about Haerin. He was shaking from all the anger in him.

“Nothing much; we just want BTOB to stop existing.”

Another one interrupted. “And that will help us attain our only goal ~”

“Wait, we still have that girl remember.”

Hyunsik’s ears perked up immediately when they mentioned about a girl. They were talking among themselves, ignoring his presence at the moment.

“Oh yah, that damn girl and because of her, my brother was killed. Gosh, I can’t wait to get my hands on that girl. She’s the only reason why we had to work so hard!”

“Which girl are you talking about?” Hyunsik asked out of a sudden, interrupting their conversation.

They turned their heads at him and stared. “Why do you care? Your Star is dead.”

“Who is that girl?!” Hyunsik asked once more.

“You’re annoying do you know that?” One of them scolded. “Honestly, we don’t really know who she is but her name is Kim Lyorin.”

“What a lovely name. I bet she’s pretty, just like Haerin ~”

“Killing Haerin might have been a mistake but it was sure fun ~”

That was it. That was enough for Hyunsik. He could no longer stand it. He used all his strength and broke free from their grips. He snatched the sword away from one of them and slashed his neck. Blood spilled everywhere and the remaining two intruders went on to attack Hyunsik. Hyunsik had only one name in his mind and ultimately his only goal was to kill these two ‘animals’. He had to before they land their hands on her.

He jumped on one of them and easily pierced his heart with the sword. The strength came out of nowhere and he was definitely revitalised. He was down with the last one left. He looked around and saw s who were struggling to stand on their feet. Thankfully, none of them were killed in the battle. Without wasting any longer, he dashed to the guy and grabbed his torso. He pushed and lifted him up. However, he didn’t realise that he was pushing the both of them right until the edge of the hill.

“HYUNSIK!” Eunkwang yelled when he saw his brother was about to plunge down a few hundred feet to the ground.

Unfortunately, Hyunsik’s only goal was to kill the guy. He couldn’t care less whether he would die along with intruder. The only way to kill him was to jump down as well. The chances of them surviving the fall were close to zero.

“NO HYUNSIK!” Minhyuk yelled and ran after them.

But it was too late. Right before their eyes, Hyunsik plunged down.


(To be continued)





Okay let me explain. Initially, I wanted to use another idol group as the villain in the story but I can't seem to find the perfect group for the role. So, basically, the bad guys are just fictional characters.

Now BTOB is aware of the truth, and BAP isn't the bad guy like what they used to think. Will they make amend and be united like before or.....

What will happen to Hyunsik? Will he survive? Or will it be another tragedy?



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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh