Chapter 19

The Night Sun



Under the torturous heave rain, Luhan stood motionlessly as he watched the coffin being brought down to the burial ground. Dressed in a black suit, he braved the rain without an umbrella and he was all wet but he was the least bothered by it. The rain hid the tears that were flowing however it didn’t erase the pain away. Together with Yoona's family, relatives and friends, they huddled together and sent their last prayers.

Luhan’s head hung low as he kept silent throughout the ceremony. All the memories he had with Yoona, even though it was short, kept playing in his head. He didn't expect everything to end so fast. He could still hear her laughter ringing in his ears. Tried as he might, he needed to accept that she was gone for real. He was shattered and he only felt numb. But he had to remain strong not for himself, but for Lyorin. He needed to fulfil the promise he made to Yoona. He had to look after Lyorin and by doing so; he could not show any signs of weakness. She needed him as well. She needed EXO.

Even though, they failed her many times.

Everyone was there. EXO guys, Hyunsik and his BTOB members as well as the school mates who knew Yoona. Everyone was there, all except Lyorin. She was too sick and weak. The death of her friend affected her more than anyone else. It was just too hard for her.


Hyunsik who attended the funeral searched for Lyorin. He was worried for her. He knew how close Yoona was with her. He tried contacting her many times but he didn’t receive a single respond. He thought he would be able to see her at the funeral wake, but she wasn't there.

At the end of the whole procession, Hyunsik approached Suho who was just as teary as the rest. However he had to ask him. "Suho, how's Lyorin?"

Suho gave a long sigh before replying. "She is having a hard time coping with the loss."

"Is there anything I can do?" Hyunsik offered.

Before Suho could reply to him, Kai pulled his leader’s arm and said, "Hyung, let's go." He then faced Hyunsik and spoke, quite rudely. "She will be fine in our hands."

"How can I trust your words anymore when Yoona ~" He blurted.

Kai didn't let him finish his words and shoved him hard with a growl. As a result, both EXO and BTOB guys gathered and glared each other fiercely. Others were already watching these two groups with wide eyes as though a fight might actually take place.

"I suggest you stay out of our affairs." Kris said while facing Eunkwang. "And that means staying away from Lyorin." He warned. Both leaders glared without blinking.

Eunkwang tilted his head and then spoke after much thought. "We will do so."

"But hyung ~" Hyunsik protested only to receive stares from his own members.

"Thank you." Kris replied and automatically EXO turned their backs and walked out. They didn’t even bother to listen to Hyunsik’s endless cries.

Hyunsik argued but he dared not go against his leader. Reluctantly, he abided the order and could only pray that Lyorin was going to be alright.


Back in the mansion, Lyorin hid in her room, depressed and kept crying. She was having a fever and yet she stubbornly refused to take the medicine or eat food. She would wake up from her sleep, screaming and calling out Yoona's name. Everytime she had nightmares, the guys had hard time watching and hearing her painful cries.

One night, the guys decided that it was enough. They won’t allow her to destroy herself just like that. All of them walked in to her room, bringing along food for her. It had been days since she ate and it didn’t help that her body temperature was not reducing as well.

She was sitting on her bed, with her head hung low in agony when the guys entered. She didn’t even look up when the guys crowded around. She remained still with her shoulders slumped miserably. Luhan stepped forward and placed the food in front of her. However, once she saw food, she forcefully pushed it away that it almost fell if not for Tao's quick reflexes.

"Lyorin, you have to eat." Luhan said in a firm tone. He had to speak to her strictly because he could no longer see her in such a state. If he had said to her nicely, she would not even bother. Thus, he had to be firm for her own sake. She ignored and pretended to have not heard him. "What's wrong with you?! Are you going to stay like this forever?!" Finally, he raised his voice and it echoed the silent room.

"Hyung ~" The rest of the guys begged for him to lower down his tone and treat her nicely. With her current condition, the guys dared not scold her at all however Luhan; he had to.

He had to do it so that she would wake up from all this misery.

Everyone was hurt but she should not continue and hurt herself even more. They were devastated by the loss just like her.

After the yell, Lyorin slowly looked up and glared at him with so much hate. Her eyes were swollen and red from the crying, her face was pale and her cheekbones were much more prominent than before. She was sick, exhausted and had lost too much weight. Kai’s heart wrenched instantly watching. He was about to move closer and give her nice warm hug but suddenly she began speaking harshly.

"You have the nerve to ask me what's wrong." She articulated her words and spoke in a coarse voice. Her eyes were piercing straight to Luhan’s. "Let me tell you what's wrong. My friend just died. She was killed right before my eyes and I could not even do anything but watch her helplessly. I tried to save her but you guys stopped me. You stopped me."

The guys looked down in shame. Luhan went on his knees as tears flowed. He reached out for her hand and begged. "Lyorin ah ~" He knew he had failed her and nothing could compensate the loss.

"Don't touch me." She sneered at him. He was taken aback by her respond but he didn't blame her for it. She had every right to be mad at him. "I told you guys didn't I? You promised me you would protect her but look, she's gone." She started crying. "I told you to protect her more than me but you guys didn’t ~" She stopped to cough and then continued. "If you had given her as much attention as you had given me then maybe, I will still get to see her. But now, she's g-gone." She started coughing weakly.

Lyorin felt really sick out of a sudden and the next thing she did is to make a dash to the bathroom. Kai followed and stayed by her side, patting her back as she vomitted. The guys remained silent, only guilt and worry occupied their heads. Kris watched as she struggled to even stand on her own. His heart was in so much pain seeing how much she was hurting her own self.

He made her sit at the edge of the bathtub while he knelt in front of her. "Lyorin, you can't go on being like this. You're damaging yourself." He said it to her tenderly, wishing she would listen and wake up.

Weakly, she closed her eyes and mumbled. "I-I don't wish t-to live anymore ~" Having said that, she leaned forward and collapsed on him.

Kris held on to her and shouted while patting her cheeks. "Lyorin! Lyorin!" The guys instantly panicked. Kai who was beside, tried shaking her so she would wake up but she remained still; almost lifeless.

Frantically, Kris lifted her in his arms and walked to the bed. Without wasting even a second more, Lay immediately checked on her. Worried expressions were seen across the guys' faces. They knew she was depressed but they didn't know it was to the extent of not wanting to live. If she continued, she would be as good as dead.

Sehun crawled nearer to her on the bed and held her thin hand. He was in tears because he was so scared of losing her in any way. "Lyo-rin, p-please wake up." He sniffed.

D.O placed his hands on Sehun's back, gently comforting the soft maknae. It wasn't only Sehun. Everyone was extremely worried yet they could only helplessly watch her suffering. Kai, on the other hand, was anxiously waiting for Lay to examine her condition.

Lay shook his head and sighed. "She's really in a terrible condition; extremely high fever and malnutrition. We might need to bring her to the hospital."

With the mentioned of hospital, everyone became tensed. They were conflicted because sending her to the hospital would only pose greater risk for herself.  She would be exposed to more threats as people can easily track her records. Her blood was highly sacred and if a drop fell in the hands of a wrong guy, it might be disastrous.

Kai could only thought about her health and nothing else. He didn't even wait for the leaders' decision and took control of the matter by himself. Quickly, he pulled her up from the bed in his arms and spoke, "I'm taking her to the hospital."

Kris stood right before him and ordered. "Put her down. We can't bring ~"

"Are you kidding me?! So, you're not letting her get any proper treatment?! So, you're just going to sit and watch?! Hyung, she is seriously sick!" Kai raised his voice at his leader for the first time ever.

Kris became angry at Kai because he was being rash and imprudent. Yes, she was sick but he needed to think of all the other possibilities besides bringing her to the hospital.

Just when they thought there was no other option, the door to the room was pushed open.

"Hi EXO ~"

EXO guys turned their heads to see who the guest was. It was none other than Aunt Marie. A sigh of relief spread across the room.




The dripping sounds invaded the silent and still room. Everyone watched as Aunt confidently checked on Lyorin's hand that had long injection tubes attached on it. Thankfully for Aunt's profession as a nurse, she brought in the necessary equipment and medicines straight from the hospital and could easily check on Lyorin's condition without the need to send her there.

Ever since that night incident, she never woke up from her sleep. She was too ill. Lucikily, Aunt Marie came back for her. She heard the news of Yoona's death and knew it would be difficult for Lyorin to handle it. She had to come back and check on her. True enough, EXO was in a difficult situation and her presence back in the house was well needed.

Kai stepped foward and whispered. "Aunt, how is she?" It had been a day since Lyorin woke up. He hoped with all the medicines injected in her, at least her condition should improve.

Aunt faced him and gave an assuring smile. "She's all better now. Her fever has subsided."

The guys exhaled a sigh of relief. Aunt was the saviour to them. Without her, the guys would still be harping on whether to bring her to the hospital.

“Thank you for everything. We deeply apologised for everything that has happened.” Suho courteously bowed. Instantaneously, the rest of the guys bowed to her as well.

Aunt Marie got a little uncomfortable. “Aish, don’t be like this. I’m thankful as well if not for you guys; things would have been a lot worst.”

“But we failed you and Lyorin.” Lay spoke out and then looked at Lyorin’s peaceful sleeping face.

“It’s hard for all of you too, especially you, Luhan.” She patted his back. “Don’t worry; she won’t hate all of you just because you failed to protect her friend. Yes, she lost a dear friend, but she will never hate you. Never.” She guaranteed.

It was comforting to hear Aunt’s words; however EXO was not going to let it passed them. Starting from that moment, they would make sure no one else would get hurt, especially Lyorin. Be it physical or mental hurt, they vowed never to let it happen in the future. One mistake was enough for them. They could not afford to make any more mistakes.

They must find their individual strengths.

They must learn how to control their powers.

They had to be stronger.

They needed to be stronger.


(To be continued)



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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh