Chapter 41

The Night Sun



I open my eyes to the bright sunlight that is shining at me. Once again, I’m lying on the vast green space all alone. Why am I here again? The last time I was here is because I thought I was going to die but because of Yongguk, I survived.

So, why am I here again when I don’t remember anything bad happen to me?

Puzzled, I sit up and rub my aching neck. Being alone in a vast green land isn’t very exciting.

I stand up and stretch myself. I squint my eyes because the sun’s light was shining extra bright.

No, wait…

It isn’t the sun. There is something shining quite a distant. The light is so bright that it is almost blinding my eyes.

Of course, curious is my middle name. I have to see what the light is for. I walk towards the direction, feeling quite anxious and nervous at the same time.

Is this going to be another clue, I wonder?

As I get closer, I notice someone sitting on a chair. Wow, this is getting weird. I approach the person from the back.

“Excuse me?” I call.

The person keeps still, staring down at the hole. Yes, that hole which I almost fell the last time, that same hole which I saved Yongguk from.

Is he deaf? I walk in front to see who he is and that is when I got a shock.


He smiles but remains silent.

“What are you doing here?” I question. This is the first time I see him here. What is happening?

“I’m waiting for the right time to get inside this ~” He points at the hole.

“Are you crazy?! You don’t jump in this hole!” I shake his shoulders and pull away from it but he refuses to budge.

“Lyorin ah, my time has come.” He says and flashes the sweetest smile. “I want you to take good care of yourse ~”

“Shut up.” I cut him in. “Sorry, but you’re not going anywhere Mister. You stay here. I promise I’ll come back for you.”  I touch his cheeks and hold his hand.

“Lyorin, there is nothing you can do.”

“No Hyunsik, you can’t leave me ~” I say. I’m already in tears and I don’t even know why probably because he really means it. “I’ll come back, please wait for me ~




Lyorin jolted up from her sleep, perspiring and panting. She turned around to see the time; it was two in the morning. Even though she was wide awake, she remembered the dream she had. It was a sign.  She was sure of it. Frantically, she got up and scrambled to one of the guys' room.

"Lay oppa! Lay oppa!" She banged the door to his room.

Her loud voice attracted the guys and woke them up from their sleep. Kai was the first one to reach for her. Holding her shoulders, he tried to calm her down.

"Lyorin what's wrong?" He knelt down and rubbed her sides gently.

Lay stood beside and asked as well. "Yes Lyorin, what happened?"

The girl was visibly shaken. She looked scared. "C-can w-we go to BTOB's p-place?" She stammered.

EXO turmed their heads at each other, obviously puzzled at her sudden request.

Kai frowned at the mention of BTOB. "Why BTOB out of a sudden?" He questioned.

"I had a bad dream and it involved Hyunsik." She explained.

"Lyorin, it's only a dream." He justified.

However, Lyorin shot back and raised her voice. "No Kai! It's not just a dream!" She walked towards Suho and held his hands. "Oppa, please just bring me there before it's too late." She begged, already in tears.

Suho patted her head and nodded. "Okay okay we'll go to their place."

She didn't bother to change her clothes. Still wearing a sleeveless top with pajama shorts, she sat at the back of the car with Lay, Suho and Kai. Luhan, Kris and D.O were in the other car. They didn't particularly like the idea of going to BTOB's residence especially when it was in the wee hour of the morning. However, Lyorin's panic stricken face showed there was something not right.

It took them about an hour before they finally reached. Lyorin was the first to step out of the car and dashed to the door. She pressed the bell many times and knocked the door. EXO stood behind her, watching from the back. They were still clueless why she was acting that way. Soon the door was opened and she saw Eunkwang with a sullen expression.

"Lyorin?" His eyes widened seeing her right in front.

"Where is Hyunsik?!" She asked, pushing her way in. Eunkwang remained quiet. "Where is he?!" She cried.

"He's upstairs ~"

After hearing his answer, she ran up the stairs and barged in to the room. She stopped at the door and watched in horror. Hyunsik was lying with his eyes closed, badly bruised and injured. His lips were blue, his fingernails were blue and his face was white. The rest of BTOB crowded by the bed and some of them were already crying. She walked slowly towards him and with every step, tears continued to flow down.

Once she reached his side, she picked up his hand carefully. His hand was so cold.

"H-hyun-s-sik, w-wake u-up p-please ~" She sobbed and held his hand tightly. Now, EXO understood why Lyorin was so scared and rushed them here.

Immediately, Lay went to the other side of Hyunsik and tried all he could to heal him. He closed his eyes and conjured his healing power. Slowly, he hovered his palm across Hyunsik's lifeless body and healed as many injuries as he could.

Meanwhile, Kai stood at the corner watching Lyorin who kept crying and calling out for Hyunsik. His heart ached seeing her in such a state and putting aside his ego, he sincerely prayed Hyunsik would survive. He didn't want Lyorin to lose another imp0rtant person in her life. He knew Hyunsik was still very much imp0rtant to her.

Suddenly, Hyunsik's condition turned bad. Lay didn't give up and continue to work his magic. Lyorin went panicked, similarly the rest were already beside Hyunsik, preparing for the worst that has yet to come. Lyorin kept shaking him and cried even louder.

"You can't leave me ~" She pleaded and hugged him tightly. Suddenly, he stopped breathing. Lyorin grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard. "Wake up! Im Hyunsik, wake up!" She shouted. But he remained still and cold.

That was it. She thought it was really the end. She thought she had lost another special friend in her life. Weakly, she closed her eyes and fell on top of him.

Suho ran up to her and tapped her cheeks. "Lyorin! Lyorin!"

BTOB members started crying when they thought they had lost Hyunsik whereas EXO was worried for Lyorin who became weak from the immense stress. However, Lay was the only one still determined on saving Hyunsik. With his remaining strength he slowly managed to revive Hyunsik. The latter started breathing out of a sudden and his fingers moved slightly.

"Oh my God! Hyunsik hyung!" Sungjae cried and hugged his hyung who was still alive. The situation became chaotic with the BTOB members hugging Hyunsik, while EXO guys were only worried for their girl.

Shakingly, Hyunsik opened his eyes. Lay who was still doing his magic finally stopped and dropped to the floor, all drained and exhausted. Kris caught his back and let him sit.

“I did it ~ I did it ~” Lay mumbled and looked down, catching his breath.

Kai grabbed Lyorin’s waist and held her up. Lightly, he tapped her cheeks hoping she would wake up and see that Lay managed to save her friend. “Come on Lyorin ~” He whispered, beginning to panic when she just laid still.

Meanwhile, Eunkwang went to Lay and knelt in front of him. “Thank you. Thank you so much ~” He sobbed and bowed to the floor.

Immediately, Lay went up to him and brought him to stand. “Don’t be like this ~” Kris helped the BTOB’s leader up to his feet, telling him not to kneel. Instead, the rest of BTOB came forward and hugged Lay while in tears, expressing their gratitude.

Lying of the bed, Hyunsik slowly moved his head and opened his eyes. His injuries had miraculously healed with the help of Lay, his face had colour and surprisingly, he was smiling. “Man, I’ve never felt this good.” He said, trying to make a joke out of it. He thought he had survived it on his own, until he saw EXO in his room with their eyes fixed on him. “E-EXO?”

Minhyuk walked to him and sat by the bed. “Lay healed your injuries.” That was all he said and it was enough for Hyunsik to look down and a tear escaped his eye.

Still weak, Lay walked up to him and held his hand. “I’m just glad to have saved ~”

Without letting him end his sentence, Hyunsik grabbed Lay and embraced him tightly. “Thank you. I don’t how to repay you but really thank you for saving me.”

“Actually, you should be thanking Lyorin. If it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t have known you guys got into a battle.” Lay spoke.

The mention of Lyorin’s name instantly got Hyunsik to search for her in the room. And there she was by Kai’s side, looking at him with teary eyes. Kai managed to get her up and comforted her telling that everything was fine. Slowly, she walked to Hyunsik, crying.

Hyunsik reached out his hand for her and got her to sit beside him on the bed.

“Please stop crying. I’m fine ~” He hushed and wrapped his arm around her.

She buried her face in him and sobbed. “I thought you were going to die. I was so scared ~ I was so scared of losing you ~”

Hyunsik smiled, hearing her words. His heart leaped in joy knowing that she hasn’t forgotten about him. This was the perfect medicine for his injuries.

“How can I leave you? I haven’t even got the chance to tell you that I love you.” Hyunsik said and then whispered in her ear, “Lyorin, listen to me. I love you ~”

Kai watched the two of them with a heavy heart. It wasn’t jealousy that was hitting him. It was something else. It was fear. He was afraid that maybe Lyorin’s happiness was not him. Maybe, her happiness was with someone else. And that scared him because he had to let her go. All he ever wanted is for her to be happy. If he wasn’t the right person for her, then he had to accept it.

He had to accept it even if it was killing his inside entirely.


(To be continued)


Hi guise, a very short update. So many things going on this past few days. I've been under the weather and then my favourite boy group is making a comeback aigooooo ~~ The next update might not be too soon but hey at least we know Hyunsik is alive! Nope, I wasn't planning on  adding another tragedy. KEKEKE



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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh