Chapter 4

The Night Sun



Kai, Suho and Chanyeol reached the top of the old warehouse. It was dimly lighted and they could faintly hear sounds coming from inside. They found a small opening and Suho peeped through the small hole. His eyes spotted Lyorin with five guys encircling her. Even though she was still in danger, he felt a tinge of relief knowing she was still up on her feet. “She’s in there.” He whispered and reported to the rest that were there. He then scanned further and noticed one of the guys, flashing his powers. That was when he realised; these guys belong to a group of chosen ones.

Within a few minutes, Kris landed on top of the roof top as gently as possible, with minimal noise. He observed the situation through the small hole and briefed the guys on his plans. They had to wait for the Luhan, Tao and Lay to reach by car. Once they have reached, they would immediately attack. It would probably take several more minutes for them to get to the place. However, he had already asked those who were already there to be prepared because they could attack anytime if the situation turns worst.

Meanwhile, Kai was tensed up. He was ready to strike and lashed out on the guys. Even if he had to kill them, he would do it. All he wanted is Lyorin to be safe.

Finally, the cars reached and were parked several distances away to avoid making unnecessary noise that could blow their cover. Sneakily, guys gathered and the entrance of the warehouse.

The guys huddled together. Suho spoke authoritatively, “These guys possess powers thus find their weaknesses and attack them swiftly. Do not hesitate. If possible, I want them alive. We need to know who they are and who had sent them. However, if you have to go for the kill, just do it. Whatever it is, get Lyorin out of here before anything. Do you understand?!”

Kris added, “Lay, I need you to stay be her side. Keep your healing powers for her and if we’re injured, let us be. She is the priority.”

Their eyes were on fire. Their fists were ready to hit. Their energy further intensified and their powers were just waiting to be unleashed. They were prepared. They were more than prepared for this.

Without breathing any more words, the guys entered the arena.

As instructed, Kai immediately teleported inside.

Chanyeol blasted the huge metal gate that was separating them from Lyorin. He summoned all his power and created a fire ball huge enough to destroy the entire entrance. Once the entrance was blown apart, the guys sprinted in.

Luhan used his telekinesis and propelled one of the guys up against the wall. The guy yelled in pain as he struggled to break free of Luhan’s mind power. Instantly, the villain gathered his strength and infiltrated Luhan’s mind and numbing it. He had the ability to cause severe pain just by mind control. Luhan felt the pain slowly creeping in. However, he concentrated and came closer to the guy. He tried lifting the guy upwards but realised his energy was reducing at a rapid pace. It seemed like the guy was the one controlling him instead.

Suho charged, with gushes of water appeared out of nowhere sending two guys scrambling on their feet as they tried to withstand the strong impact. Suho held up both his hands and made sure the water was directed at them. However, just when he thought he was at the upper hand of the fight, one of the guys sent strong wave current towards his direction. The water surged at him, almost sending him up in the air due to the strong force. He realised the only power he possessed, was now against him.

Tao and Chanyeol took on a guy. Chanyeol fired at him while Tao, sent a strong kick right at his stomach. The guy was violently thrown back. Despite the painful attacks he received, he immediately stood up and summoned his power. He aimed an electric current towards Tao. Thankfully, Tao was quick enough to dodge and the current nearly missed him. However, Chanyeol was not so lucky. When the current came for him, Chanyeol’s reaction was a tad too slow. The electric current cut his right arm. His whole body trembled as electricity ran through his entire body. He fell to the ground and clutched in pain. Tao ran for him but Chanyeol yelled, “Tao! Go and get him! Don’t mind me!”

Swiftly, Tao turned his direction and faced the guy who had an annoying smirked plastered across his face. Tao growled and charged towards him. He was quick and light; he managed to dodge all of the electric shots the guy threw at him. When he got closer, he punched the guy’s face with all his strength. The guy fell backwards and coughed out blood. Tao knew he had hit him at the right spot. Without letting him stand up, Tao attacked him once more. He punched and kicked. The guy cried out in pain as more of his blood spilled out to the floor.

Kris dashed towards the guy who was about to hit Lyorin. He snarled and violently pushed him against the wall; unrestrained.

Lyorin saw everything. EXO came for her. She sighed in relief and thanked God, they finally came for her. Kai appeared beside her and immediately took her arm. He looked at her with apologetic eyes, almost in tears. Even without saying anything, she could see the sorrow in his eyes. A tear dropped across her cheek. He wiped the tear away with his thumb and then wrapped his arms around her tightly. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He sobbed. He was really sorry. He shouldn’t have left her unguarded. It was his mistake.

Listening to his cries and watching him breaking down, Lyorin could not help but sob even harder.  She nestled her head and hide her face on his chest. She was shivering, but being around his warm embrace was enough to erase the cold. She didn’t want to let go. She felt safe and protected.


Out of a sudden, Kris shouted, "Kai, watch out!"

Kai snapped from his emotional thoughts and became alert. One of the guys managed to escape from the hands of Suho and was heading straight for Lyorin. Kai watched the guy ran towards her from the back and immediately he pushed Lyorin away. He pushed her really hard so that she would land far away from the guy. As a result, she fell a few metres backwards on the floor. The guy went straight for Kai instead. Sge slid across the floor and earned scratches on her bare arms but other than that, she was perfectly fine. She looked up and watched Kai handled the guy effortlessly.

Kai caught his neck and lifted the guy off the floor with all his strength. He then twisted his neck ruthlessly without any mercy. Lyorin stared in horror as the guy's head soon dangled almost unattached. She heard his bones cracked and his eyes were tightly shut. Kai let go off his neck and his body went limp and dropped to the floor with a heavy thud. She covered with her trembling hands and whimpered. He was dead. She dragged herself away from the guy's body and away from Kai. She just witnessed death right before her eyes. Her mind was twirling and she was feeling absolutely disgusted.

Kai accessed the situation and scanned the rest of the guys. He confirmed she was safe enough to be left alone while he helped s. Before he went to take on Suho's opponent, he took a quick glance at her frightened eyes. He was conflicted. He didn't want to kill or to be more precised; he didn't want to commit a murder right in front of her. Unfortunately, he just did right before her eyes.

Lay ran to Lyorin who was still in the floor. She was staring at the dead body and was shaking so hard that Lay had to grip her shoulders tightly.

"I-Is h-h-e d-d-dead?" She pointed at the lifeless body. Her eyes were red from the crying, her hands were trembling from both fear and cold and she was extremely pale. Her hair was slightly in a mess and she was disorientated. Everything happened too fast to her.

Lay pushed her face so that she would look at him instead of the body. "Lyorin, look at me. Hey, look at me. Everything is fine. You're safe." He took of his jacket and draped it around her. He then hugged and wrapped his arms, preventing her from watching the rest of the fights. However, she pushed him away and watched the rest of them. She needed to see these guys whom she had been staying for the past year. These same guys who were nice and bubbly totally transformed into people she could not even recognise.

Kris kicked his match and punched his jaws. He then pinned him against the wall furiously and strangled him. His bloodshot eyes were visibly seen. He growled loudly and used all his strength to strangle the guy. Eventually, the guy closed his eyes and Kris instantly let him dropped to the floor. He was panting and his fists were trembling. His adrenaline was pumping.

Suho managed to weaken the opponent's strength by creating water turbulent around the guy's body. He was struggling for oxygen and once the guy had collapsed due to the lack of it, he stopped the water. He was still alive but was gasping frantically for air like a fish out of water. Kai came to him and dragged him off the ground by the neck. He then placed his head on top of a scrap metal and pointed a knife at him.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" He threatened. The guy didn't answer. Suho punched his face which tore apart his flesh. Blood splattered everywhere, even on Suho's knuckles. The guy could still flash a smirk despite the intense blow. Kai couldn't take it anymore; he sank the knife right at his heart.

In a blink of an eye, the guy was dead.

Three dead; two more left.


Tao wounded his opponent until he could barely stand. He dragged him across the floor towards the middle of the warehouse. He wasn't planning to kill him because they still needed information. However, the guy snatched Tao's sword. Immediately, Tao flipped backwards and landed behind the guy. He then took the small knife that was attached on his waist belt and sliced the guy's throat effortlessly.


Luhan was exhausted. He used too much of his powers against this guy who had almost similar powers as him. Physically, both of them were still cleaned. There was no blood or dirt. With the rest of s all dead, the guy was alone. Kris, Suho, Kai, Tao and Chanyeol, who had gotten better, all gathered with Luhan.

"WHO SENT YOU?!" Kris yelled.

The guy's back was already against the wall. He was trapped. His hand reached the back pocket of his jeans. There was a knife that he had secretly hid. "Do you really think I'm going to reveal my identity to you? Dream on ers!" He shouted and charged Luhan with the knife in his hand. Obviously Kai was faster. He teleported and appeared right before the guy. He twisted his arm and snatched the knife away from him. He was struggling to break free and knew he was losing. With the remaining strength he had, he grabbed the knife back from Kai and stabbed his left chest straight to his heart. EXO wanted to stop him from doing so but they were too late. The guy plunged down to the floor.

Momentarily, there was silence.



While they were fighting and killing the unknown gang, EXO had forgotten that Lyorin was watching every second of it in horror. She couldn't believe her eyes. The same guys who had been living with her for the past year; just slashed, punched and killed. They were wild and beastly. Their eyes were filled with hate, almost devilish.  She looked at the five dead bodies lying on the floor in a pool of blood. In the beginning she was afraid of them, but now, it was not them she was afraid.

It was EXO.

Lay was helpless. He couldn't do anything to prevent her from watching his brothers’ act of violence. The rest of the guys ran to where Lyorin was. She was on the floor hugging her knees tightly and sniffing. She was shaking to and fro and her eyes were filled with nothing but intense fear. Suho knelt beside her. However, Lyorin noticed the red liquid on his hands. She stared and stuttered. "B-B-Blood."

Suho realised his mistake and instantly washed the blood off his hands using his powers. He ordered for the rest of them to clean up as well.

"Lyorin." He called and slowly touched her hair. He then it gently as ever. He knew how petrified she was especially when she just witnessed their brutal killing. She was shivering and crying uncontrollably. The guys were as helpless. Suho came closer and whispered, "Lyorin, don’t be afraid. Everything is over and you're safe now."

Kris gave orders to the rest of the guys, telling them to clean up the area. They had to burn the bodies and destroy all the evidences. Not even a strand of hair was allowed at the scene. They needed to clear everything.

Kai stood motionlessly as he watched Suho trying to pacify Lyorin. His heart contracted seeing her all frightened. Worst, she saw the side of him that he never ever wanted to show. Unfortunately, she had to witness everything. Yes, EXO guys might be goofy and bubbly but they could never avoid being who they were supposed to be.

They were tasked to kill if needed. They were born to kill.

And that night, they just did.

"Come on Kai. Suho hyung will take care of her." Tao nudged his shoulder.

Kai was required to help out the rest in clearing the mess. As much as he wanted to stay and make sure Lyorin was fine, he still had to finish his task. Reluctantly, he walked away and started on the mess. He carried the bodies one by one and piled them up. Chanyeol then took over the task of burning the bodies. Once it had turned to ashes, they had to discard it. Tao had to use his powers. However with the presence of Lyorin around him, he couldn’t. So, Kai teleported Tao somewhere further. Once they reached a safe distance, Tao travelled back in time and discarded the ashes in the sea. He had distorted the time, meaning the ashes could never be tracked or detected now because it supposedly had been discarded years ago. Back to present, Kai teleported Tao back to the warehouse and joined the rest. All happened within a short span of half an hour. They had to do it quick.

Meanwhile, Suho was still comforting Lyorin. "Come on Lyorin. We have to leave this place."

She didn't respond. She continued hugging her knees and hid her crying face. She was too afraid to speak or move an inch. Lay was patting her back, trying to calm her down. How he wished he could heal mental pains as well but sadly he couldn’t. Kris had sent signals to Suho, telling him that they needed to leave the place as soon as possible. Suho understood. Once again, he asked Lyorin to look up and face him, but she refused. He sighed and then took off his jacket. He wrapped it over her, so she would be warm. Carefully, he slid his arms underneath her knees and back and then picked her up gently. She tilted her head and buried herself in his shoulder, still refusing to see the guys. Suho held on to her tightly in his arms and walked slowly towards the car.

Kai watched Lyorin being carried away. He hated seeing how fragile, weak and vulnerable she was. He bellowed and punched the air furiously. He was angry; at himself. If it wasn’t for him, this wouldn’t have happened.

Lay opened the car door for Suho and then sat beside the driver's seat while Luhan was the one taking control of the wheels. Suho placed Lyorin in the backseat. He stayed by her side and kept whispering tenderly in her ears assuring everything was alright. She was still shaking but not as vigorously as before. He could still faintly hear sniff sounds. The engine roared and the car immediately sped off. Suho still had his arms around her, not even thinking of letting her go.

In the middle of the ride, he suddenly felt something rested on his shoulder. He turned, only to see her head fall towards him. His hand reached for her chin and lifted it up. Her eyes were close and her face had spots of water left from the crying. However, what got Suho worried was when he noticed how deathly pale her face was.

"Lay, quickly check on her please." He carried her wrist and instantly Lay reached for it. He tried to read her body conditions and check whether if there was anything abnormal.

"Her blood pressure is low. Other than that, she's fine. She is just exhausted." He reported.

Luhan hit the steering wheel and cried exasperatingly. Displaying their powers in front of Lyorin was enough but killing people right under her nose was not what EXO wanted to show. Yes, they were trained for it. Even if that night's killing spree was the first for them, they were prepared for it. Their hearts had become hard and cold after the years of training. However, Lyorin was just a young girl who like the rest, had never witnessed anyone being killed right before her eyes. She might be strong, for a girl who had withstood physical injuries in her life; but her heart was still soft. Suho ran his free hand across his hair and sighed. Aside from worrying whether she would be able to overcome it, he was also worried if she would see them differently; see them as monsters and no longer her loving oppas.


(To be continued)


Awww Lyorin, EXO won't hurt you =(

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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh