Chapter 24

The Night Sun



“THE RUGBY BOYS ARE ON THE FIELD NOW!!” The school girls screamed as they walked past the school field only to find the school rugby players doing their final training before the big game tomorrow.



Lyorin watched with amusement at how these girls were going head over heels for Kai who happened to be the star player in the rugby team. The team had an impromptu training for their game tomorrow, thus there were very little students who knew about them occupying the school field. However, within minutes, news spread like wildfire. All of Kai’s fan girls ran as soon as they received the new tip and soon the field was crowded with girls cheering for their favourite boy on the pitch.

Sehun let out an annoying grunt and sneered at the girls who totally ruined his peace. “Can you just be quiet and watch?!”

“Hi, Sehun oppa!”

“Ahhh, Sehun oppa is here too!”

Lyorin laughed while Sehun slapped his forehead. It was a mistake to approach and talk to them in the first place. Sehun was yet another eye candy in school. Even if he wasn’t on the field acting tough like the rugby players, he was still a favourite among the girls in school. He hushed them to keep their fanatic screams but it was only for a short while. When Kai started running and being handsome, the excruciating screams just had to invade his ears continuously.

Lyorin tugged his hand and smiled. “Ignore them okay?”

She watched the guys on the field and only a guy stood out. Obviously, he was none other than Kai. The way he ran, picked the ball, threw it and then shoved the other guys; everything was making her heart beat so fast. The way his hair bounced up and down and his tall built, it was really very attractive in her eyes.

She was thankful their relationship had gotten much, much better lately.

After the whole practise session, Kai packed his bag and hurried to join Sehun and Lyorin. When he was jogging towards them, his usual fan girls were still there batting their eye lids while flashing their prettiest smile at him. Lyorin started laughing softly. It was really very amusing to watch these girls going nuts for him.

Some girls gave her the glare while some looked like they would pounce on her anytime, but because Sehun was there, none of them dared. Besides, Lyorin was also a fighter. She was not at all afraid by them. Nonetheless, that evening the attention wasn’t on her but Kai.

As he approached them, Lyorin noticed his dark circles under his eyes and his discomfort expression. He was clearly exhausted and she could see it from the way he dragged his feet. Sehun, being the nice maknae, took the bag from him and carried it all the way to the car.

“Hyung, I’ll drive.” Sehun offered and caught the car keys which Kai threw at him.

Lyorin pushed Kai to sit at the back seats with her. He was too tired that he didn’t complain and just follow her order. In the car, Kai was silent. He had this constant frown on him and it made her wonder what was wrong.

So, she asked him nicely. “Kai, are you okay?”

He let out a long sigh before he told her what was weighing his mind. “My performance was so bad just now. The game is tomorrow and based on how I just played, I don’t think I even stand a chance at all.”

“Hyung, you were good.” Sehun said at the front.

Lyorin nodded and agreed. “Yes Kai. You were outstanding.” She wasn’t being biased. It was really an honest comment.

However, Kai shook his head. “Man, the coaches, trainers and even the principal will be there tomorrow. If I don’t play well, I won’t get the scholarship to Seoul Sports University.”

Lyorin listened to his worry. That was the same university she was vying for and lucky for her, she already earned a spot. She knew how tough it was to compete against the best athletes in the country just to land a spot in the prestigious school.


Back at the mansion, Kai skipped dinner and went to the basement to train. He was worried for tomorrow’s game and needed to make sure he was fully prepared for it. Despite the fatigue, he was adamant to stay up the whole night depending on his progress. He really wanted a spot in that school.

Lyorin was going to be in that same school.

He ran back and forth, practised his sprints, as well as carried the weights just so that he could be stronger. There was not a time he stopped to rest. He continued with the strenuous training until a soft voice distracted his routine.

“Kai, are you there?” The door creaked open and Lyorin entered his space. Previously, whenever she invaded his private time, he would get angry but now, he was happy to see her. No matter how tired and annoyed he felt, her presence was definitely a boost to his energy.

She came in with a warm glass of milk and chocolate energy bars. "I'm sorry if I disturb your practise, but since you didn't join us for dinner, I brought you these. You need the energy to last." She said and passed him the items. She watched his eyes that were painfully red and tired. He was perspiring so much that it looked like he just went for a swim. She searched for a towel at the side and helped him wipe the sweat in his hair while he was eating. Her gentle touched sent butterflies in his stomach.

"Kai, don't push yourself too hard." She spoke as both of them sat on the floor.

He shook his head and replied. "I have to."

She flashed him a smile and said nicely. "I know you badly want to go to Seoul Sports University but there are plenty of other good universities as well. I mean, if you can't get a place, there is always ~"

"No Lyorin, I really want to go there. I need to go there." He looked at her seriously.

She sighed. "Okay okay, just don't tire yourself too much. What time are you going to train until?"

"The whole night."

"What?! Kai, you need to rest!" She reminded.

"I won't rest until I get what I want." He told her.

She shook her head. He had been up since morning and was planning to stay awake the entire night. She was worried at how tired he was. So, she decided to stay up together with him. "Then, I'll wait for you."

"No Lyorin, I want you to go sleep."

"I won't sleep until you sleep." She said.


Lyorin sat at the corner reading her book while he continued on with his practise. As promised, she would not disturb him. All she wanted is to accompany him. She looked at her watch and yawned. It was nearly 4am yet this guy was still up doing his run. The game would be in about 5 hours time. She didn't like looking at how hard he was pushing himself. She wished he would stop and rest.


Kai dropped to the floor after the hours of training. Finally he felt his body had reached its peak. He glanced at the clock and it was already 6am. He thought maybe he could spare an hour of nap. However, he turned around only to see Lyorin lying on the cold floor. He totally had forgotten that she was there all along. He walked to her and saw that she was sleeping soundly while hugging her book.

"So much for wanting to sleep until I sleep." He chuckled. He bent down and slid his arms underneath her. Despite being extremely exhausted, he gathered all his remaining strength and carried her up to her room. Climbing the flight of staircase with her in his arms, he could feel his body energy dropped tremendously with every step he took. However, he wasn't going to let her fall.

He would never ever let her fall.


EXO and Lyorin went to the school field to watch and cheer on for Kai's big game. It was an intense battle on the field as both teams were on fire. Kai caught the ball that was thrown to him, he then ran past several of the opposing players until he secured a point for him team.

"That's the way, Kai!" Lyorin cheered from the spectators' seat. She focussed all the attention on him, silently praying in her heart that the game would go smoothly because rugby is really a physical game. She wished his hours of training would not be wasted and she was confident it won't. Judging from the facial expressions of the representatives from Seoul Sports University, they looked impressed by his performance.

Kai bent down and tried to catch his breath admidst the game. His body was severely tired but the only thing that kept him going strong is the end goal. He really wanted to receive the scholarship. He needed it. Not even the exhaustion would stop him.

It was down to the last few seconds. Once again, he caught the ball and ran all his might to the touching line. An opponent shoved him right at his chest, almost lifting him off the ground. However, he summoned all his remaining energy and pushed the big guy away. With the push, he then made his final dash and scored the victory goal for his team.

EXO jumped in joy, pumping their fists up in the air and hugging each other excitedly. They couldn't be more proud of Kai's splendid performance at the game. He was shining. He was definitely the main star.

Lyorin's stomach churned nervously as she waited for Kai to join them after the game. She noticed he was approached by the representatives right after the game, back at the field. Now, she couldn't wait to hear the outcome. She felt that, regardless whether Kai made it through or not, she was incredibly proud of him.

Kai finally made an appearance walking really slowly. It was very unusual of him but maybe because he was tired, she thought as she watched him dragging his feet, almost painfully. He was looking down and it made her more nervous than she already was.

Slowly, he walked up to her and looked up. Pale and shagged, he stared at her with a small smile. "I made it." He said softly but she heard him. "Do you want to know why I want this so much?" He asked her. She tilted her head while he continued, not waiting for her reply. "Because I just want to be with you." He leaned his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. She could feel the increasing weight, as if he was falling on her. "L-Lyorin, I-I'm t-tired ~" That was the last words he said before collapsing on her.

Struggling, she called out. "Kai!" He passed out right before she could speak.

D.O and Chen caught him from crushing Lyorin. They placed his arms around their shoulders. Immediately, she went nearer to his face and slapped his cheeks.

"Kai, what's wrong with you?" However, his eyes remained tightly shut which caused her to grow more worried.

Suho pulled her back gently and said. "Lyorin, Kai is unwell. Let's take him back so that he can rest okay?" She nodded, already in tears as she watched Kai being carried away to the car and Lay was by his side. Seeing him all weak and ill just crushed her heart. She prayed he would be alright.


Kai was brought to his room to rest. Lay examined and informed the rest that Kai had just over-exerted himself. Lyorin stayed his bed and watched his resting figure. She was not going to leave his side. She dabbed his forehead with a warm towel, adjusted his blanket and kept checking on his body temperature. She held his hand in hers tightly, hoping he would get better soon. All she could do at the moment is to wait for him to wake up and recall the last few word he said to her.

She realised all this while, the reason why he had been training so hard was all because he wanted to be with her, to be in the same school as her. She felt like scolding him for being so stupid; tiring himself until the breaking point.

Even if he wasn't going to be in the same school as her in the future, they would still be together. If he wanted to be with her, then similarly, she wanted to be with him.

She would make sure they would stay together even if he didn't plan on it.


Kai's eyes flickered slowly. He opened his eyes and were greeted with the sight of his room ceiling. He could't remember exactly what happened but he knew he was tired; overly tired. He moved his arms and felt the comfortable bed underneath. He didn't know how long he had been sleeping but it felt like a long time. His back ached and so were his legs. Carefully he pulled himself up to a sitting position and glanced at wall clock. It was 8 in the morning which meant he had slept for 15 hours long. I guess the long sleep was to pay back all the sleepless nights he had. At least, he felt a lot better that was all mattered.

He turned to his left and saw a sleeping figure; Lyorin. He tenderly gazed her soft peaceful face. She was hugging a book and was in an uncomfortable sleeping position on a chair. He pushed himself off his bed and knelt in front of her, her cheeks lovingly. She must had stayed up the whole night for him, he thought. He felt bad. Quietly and gently, he took the book from her and put it away. Then, he pulled her arm over his shoulders and carefully brought her up in his arms. Being a deep sleeper, she didn't wake up even with all the movement. He placed her on his bed and tucked her comfortably under the covers he went for a nice warm shower.

Lyorin tossed to the right side, stretched herself and yawned. Slowly she rubbed her eyes and found herself on Kai's bed. Panickly, she jolted up to find him. At the moment, Kai stepped out of the bathroom with a pair of pants and a towel over his shoulders. His hair was wet and disheavelled.

He saw that she was already awake. "Good morning." He greeted with a smile. Still shirtless, he walked closer to her and sat on the bed, facing her.

She gulped at the close proximity of his bare body and her. She tried not to but her eyes kept fixing on his tight abs. "Good morning." She croaked. "How are you feeling?" She then asked.

His hand reached out and cupped her face tenderly. "I'm feeling better, much much better. I'm sorry if I scared you." He apologised.

She his hand that was on her cheeks. "Kai, you shouldn't have pushed too hard ~"

"When I said I want to be with you, I mean it." He spoke with full emotion. She smiled and gazed at his eyes lovingly. His deep voice, his tender touch and his warm smile. Without doubt, she had fallen for this guy. She wasn't sure his feelings for her but she defintely was sure of her feelings for him.

She leaned closer and nestled her head on him. The smell of fresh soap and shampoo occupied her sense. At first she was afraid to touch his bare skin, but now she could no longer be bothered by it. She didn't quite understand why he said about wanting to be with her. However, she took it as a sign that he didn't want to leave her. So, she replied, whispering in his ear. "I'm not going to leave you. I'll always be here. I promise, Kai."

"Thank you." He replied and put his arms around her. A year back, it would have been so awkward being in this position of hugging and leaning on each other but now, he didn't want to let her go.

Gently, she pulled away after a while. Her eyes brightened. "So, what do you want to eat? I will make it for you!" She beamed.

He placed his index finger on his chin and pretended to be deep in thought. "I want spaghetti with meat balls, pizza with lots of pepperoni and cheese, kimchi friend rice and a bowl of spicy ramen." She looked at him in shocked. He added, "Maybe a nice warm chicken soup as well."

"K-Kai ~" She stuttered, extremely surprised by his excessivd requests.

He started laughing almost immediately when he noticed the change in her expression. "I'm kidding! You can make for me anything and I will be more than honoured to eat it." He said and pinched her nose playfully.

She pouted. "I thought you were serious. Anyway, why am I on your ~" She looked around and was still clueless why she woke up in his bed.

"Someone went wild last night and jumped on me." He lied, trying hard to suppress his laughter.

"W-w-what?!" She was in shocked and couldn't believe what she just heard from him. "I'm sorry ~" She apologised, absolutely embarrassed.

He chuckled and ruffled her hair. "I was just teasing you. I carried you to my bed because you were sleeping uncomfortably on the chair. Nope, you didn't pounce on me. You were such a well behaved baby." He explained and then continued with his laughing fit when he saw how shy she turned.

She slapped his arms and shot. "Kai, how dare you?!" She wanted to scold him but ended up laughing along with him.


(To be continued)


EEEEEPS! For all Kai x Lyorin fans out there....  ^__^

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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh