Chapter 37

The Night Sun



Kai stared at the endless road in front of him but occasionally, he would turn his head to check on Lyorin beside him, who was sleeping peacefully while hugging the teddy bear given to her by Lay for her birthday. He adjusted the car’s air-con temperature, making sure it wasn’t too cold. With only a hand on the steering wheel, he used the other to take out his jacket and placed it gently over her. The ride to the destination was a 3 hour journey and they had about half an hour more before they reached. He smiled to himself thinking of all the possible activities they could do together; just the two of them. He was nervous and excited at the same time. He wished it would turn out well.

The long straight road was a sign that they were about to reach. Tall trees occupied their surroundings. He was amused at how their living spaces were usually located deep in the woods. He grew up with all the greenery and there was never once he stayed in a bustling city, unless they were out for a holiday or on task. And he actually liked the peace and tranquillity that these isolated houses had to offer.

The car turned right to a sandy road and it went deeper until it finally stopped in front of a cottage looking house. He pulled up the hand brake and switched off the engine. Instinctively, Lyorin yawned and stretched, slowly opening her eyes to see where she was at. She sat up immediately when she realised they finally had stopped.

“Where is this place?” She asked him.

Kai answered while unbuckling his seat belt. “This is where we’re going to stay for the weekends. It’s a vacation house.” She unbuckled and eagerly stepped out of the car. He then took her hand and led the way. “EXO used to come here during the school holidays. It’s a nice place. Come; I’ll show you around.”

They walked up the wooden stairs towards the door. It was slightly smaller than their mansion but still big. The exterior was wooden and when they stepped inside the cosy house, she scanned the beautiful interior. It was neat and tidy, only a little dusty since it had been almost a year they came.

“Go on and look around. I’ll get the bags from the car and bring them in.” He said.

“Do you need help with the bags?” She asked.

He shook his head and told her to see the house on her own. So, she walked around. There were two floors; the first floor was mainly the living room and kitchen while the second floor was where all the rooms were. They were 4 rooms altogether and each of them had their own unique design. She was interested with the one that was at the far left because it was really pretty and the design seemed like a girl’s room, pink floral wall paper and comfortable bed with white sheets.

She realised this was probably the room Sori used to stay. The thought of Sori once again made her heart ached. It wasn’t because Sori was always hostile to her but it was because Sori and Kai shared a bond that Lyorin can never experienced. Yet, little did she realise that her bond with Kai was more special.

“I’m guessing you’ll be taking this room.” A voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she turned around to see Kai carrying her bags. She walked up to him and offered to help however he refused. “It’s okay I can carry. So, you’re taking this room?”

“I guess so. It’s the only room with ~”

“A nice comfortable king-size bed, I know.” He smiled.

She shook her head. “It wasn’t because of that but since you mentioned it, yup I guess I do need a nice bed.” She faked a yawn and jumped on the bed.

He folded his arms and said. “Who was the one sleeping soundly in the car while I was the one driving?”

“What? I can’t drive.”

He smiled cheekily. “Would you like to try driving?”

She tilted her head, confused. “How? I don’t have a license.”

“Silly, there is no one else but us. Come follow me.” He took her hand and both of them walked out of the room. While going down the stairs, he said. “We need to drive to the nearby town and get supplies. I checked the kitchen and we have nothing.”

She remained silent and obediently followed him. They went out of the house, to the porch and then turned left to where the garage was at. He walked to a button and pressed. The gate opened with screeching sound and when it was done, she saw a red truck.

“Lyorin, go to the driver’s seat and start the engine for me. I’m sure you know how to start the truck right?”

Slowly, she walked to the door and tried to pull it open. However, it didn’t budge. She tried again with more strength but it still didn’t open. She stretched her neck to see Kai, who was at the back of the truck and called him timidly. “Kai, I can’t open the door.” He stopped whatever he was doing and walked to her. He then pulled the door open quite effortlessly. She watched in surprise and got embarrassed when he started staring back at her with a judging look. “I swear I used all my strength but ~”

“Yes you did.” He smirked. The truck was a little high and she had to take a step before getting in. However, she didn’t need to worry when Kai suddenly lifted her up from the back and got her in easily.

“Thanks.” She muttered and held on to the big round steering wheel. She looked afraid.

He chuckled softly when he saw how scared she was. “Can you do it?” He asked. “If you can’t ~”

“What am I supposed to do again?” She cut him.

“Turn the key while pressing the clutch pedal and then slowly release it when I tell you so. I’m going to be at the back because the truck needs a little push before it could work fully.” He said and she nodded nervously at every word. He took her hand and smiled. “Lyorin, don’t be afraid. You can do it.”

Kai went to the back of the truck. He rolled up his sleeves and prepared himself to push it. At the front, Lyorin shouted. “Can I start now?!”

“Yes! Release the clutch slowly!” He shouted back.

The engine roared once she turned the key but when she released the clutch slowly, the truck didn’t move forward. It was Kai’s turn to complete the job. With a loud growl, he pushed the truck with all his might and within seconds he did it. The truck moved forward. However, it didn’t stop. It kept moving out of the garage almost to the road.

“K-Kai, h-how do I s-stop th-this? The b-brake seems f-faulty.” Lyorin stuttered nervously when the truck didn’t stop. She reached for the brake but apparently it was stuck. “Kai ~!” She called out for him when the truck was picking up speed.

“Oh !” Kai cursed and quickly chased for the truck and Lyorin. Swiftly, he ran and caught up until he reached the door. He opened it and climbed skilfully. When she saw the door open, she let out a scream. “Lyorin, I want you to move in.” He ordered. She obeyed and moved to the passenger seat beside.

When he was on the steering wheel, he pressed the brake. At first, it seemed to be faulty. However, when he used more force, the brake finally worked and the truck stopped. He let out a sigh of relief and turned to look at her. “Are you okay?”

“That was scary ~” She pouted.

He stoked her cheeks gently and spoke. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have let you drive this on your own.”

“But Kai, I still want to learn.”

“Okay I’ll teach you tomorrow. Now, we need to head to the nearest town to get groceries and supplies before it turns dark.”


Kai and Lyorin walked through the aisle in the supermarkets, grabbing all the necessities they needed and put it in the shopping trolley. She walked past the long stretch of food and then turned and asked him. “What do you want to eat for dinner?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Anything will do.”

“Okay, I’ll grab anything then. We’ll cook something later.” She turned around and went for the items. He smiled while looking at her choosing the food.

Once they grabbed all the food that they needed for cooking, they proceed to the cashier counter.

The elderly lady smiled when she saw Kai. “Jongin ah, you’re here?”

“Yes halmeoni. I miss you! I’m going to be here for the weekends.” He replied and flashed a smile. “How are you?”

“I’m fine thank you. Where are your brothers?” She looked at Lyorin and gave her a smile. “Who is this pretty young lady?” She asked when she realised it was a new girl. Previously, it was Sori but that day, it was someone else.

“Good evening, halmeoni. I’m Kim Lyorin, nice to meet you.” Lyorin bowed.

“Kim Lyorin, a lovely name for a pretty girl.” The elderly lady cupped Lyorin’s cheeks and gazed her eyes.

“Thank you ~” Lyorin replied.

The elderly lady went on to pack the things in bags and accepted the cash from Kai. After bidding farewell, Lyorin walked out of the shop first because Kai was stopped by the elderly lady.

“Jongin ah, take good care of her. She’s a special girl. Honestly, I like her more than the previous one.” She whispered and then gave him a wink.

Kai shyly bowed to her and then exited the shop to join Lyorin who was already outside. Carrying the bags full of new things, they walked towards the truck. The town was really peaceful and quiet with less than a few thousand people living.

As they reached the truck, they realised the back of it was not covered. Kai slapped his forehead and grumbled. “Aish, I forgot we opened the back cover of the truck the last time we came!”

Lyorin looked at him and said. “We can’t possibly put all these food in the open right?”

“I know ~” He sighed.

He placed the bags down and tried to come up with something. The front seat was enough for two people and they had quite a few shopping bags. They could squeeze everything in, meaning Lyorin might have to hold on to the bags quite uncomfortably especially when the journey was not a short one.

“It’s okay; let’s just chuck everything at the front.” She said. “It’s going to turn dark soon. We can’t possibly stay here.”

Dreadfully, they placed the bags at the front. Kai offered to put some of the bags on his lap but Lyorin rejected on the idea, telling him that it was dangerous as it could obstruct his driving. She neatly placed the bags in front of her. He was feeling extremely bad for her but she kept assuring him that it was really okay.

After they had done with all the bags, she was sitting quite uncomfortably with all the bags on and around her but she kept on a smile. He quickly start the engine and drove away, hoping it would be a smooth ride.

In the middle of the journey, Kai checked on her. “Are you okay? I’m really sorry ~”

 “Don’t worry about it. I’m f-f-fine ~” Her teeth clattered because she was feeling cold from tubs of ice-cream that her back was touching.

“Here put on my jacket.” He ped his jacket and passed it to her, wearing just a wife beater. Suddenly, an idea came into his mind. Quickly, he pushed aside the items and reached out his hand. “Come sit with me. As in sit here ~” He gestured on his lap.

She looked at him with wide eyes. “It’s okay Kai. I’m really okay.”

“Come on. It’s going to be quite a long ride.” He offered again.

After giving a thorough though, she realised she couldn’t possibly stand all the bags around her. Slowly and carefully, she moved closer to him, chucking all the bags on the passenger seat while she sat on his lap. It was still an uncomfortable position but at least he was warm.

With one hand on the steering wheel, he wrapped another arm around her waist, acting like the seat belt for her. She was so close to him that his nose was just right behind her ear. She could hear his hard breathing.

“Am I blocking your view? Is this okay? What if the traffic police ~”

“Trust me; the traffic police drive here only once a year.” He answered.

She leaned back and rested on his shoulder blade while facing the road. It was such an awkward sitting position but honestly, she liked it. She watched the road in front of her and then her eyes went to his hand that was on the steering. She gulped when she noticed the prominent veins. As if he knew she was looking at his hand, slowly his hand reached out for hers and placed it on the steering wheel while he let go of his.

“Kai, what are you doing?” She asked, slightly panicked.

He chuckled. “I want you to drive.”

“What? But I can’t even reach the pedals.” She said. Since she was on his lap, she was a little higher making it harder to reach the pedals.

“I’ll handle the pedals. You just control the steering okay?” He said.

“Okay ~” She replied obediently.

At first she was wary but then she finally gotten the hang of it and seemed to be enjoying it a lot. While she was concentrating with the navigation, Kai suddenly leaned closer to her and whispered. “Your hair smells really nice ~” He sniffed and closed his eyes. She gulped nervously hearing his deep voice which was somehow y.

“I hope you’re looking at the road as well and don’t just keep smelling my hair.” She chuckled, teasing him.

Unexpectedly, Kai came even closer to her and suddenly, he gave her a peck on the cheek. Surprised by his action, she almost turned the wheel to the wrong direction but thankfully, he was quick enough to get back on the right track. She blushed and touched her cheek, with both hands.

“Please keep your hands on the wheel my dear.” He reminded.

 She turned to look at him. Their noses almost brushed against each other. “What was that for?” She pouted.

“Nothing ~” He replied and laughed cheekily.

Kai took control of the wheel at the end and both of them just cuddled all the way back.


(To be continued)


MORE FEELS!! K-K-Kai i want to sit on you too =333333333 

LOL this is such a boring update. I'll come up with a better one soon. Meanwhile, let's see what are Kai's plans for his baby bear ^__^


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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh