~Chapter 7~



That XX - G Dragon



Authors POV


“Anything?” Youngmi asked.

“Yes, anything. I would do anything.” Luhan said.

“So you’re telling me that you’ll do anything just to be my friend?” She asked again facing him.

“Yes, I’d do anything.” He replied.

“Alright then.  I want you to follow all the rules that I follow.” Youngmi stated as she looked at Luhans face wanting to see his expression.

“What?! I can’t. Those rules are pure bull and it’s like the opposite of me.” Luhan said.

“Well, too bad. If you don’t want to follow the rules then I won’t be your friend. It is your choice.” She announced as she faced another direction and walking away.

“Fine, I’ll do it.” Luhan mumbled quietly but loud enough for Youngmi to hear.

“Wow? Really? The creeptarded Luhan will follow the rules just to be my friend.” Youngmi sarcastically said applauding.

“How do I start?” He asked.

“Firstly, how did you know about the rules?” Youngmi asked crossing her arms raising a brow.

“I was snooping around your room on Tuesday night when you had your shower. I was curious about why you're this way so I went inside since you didn’t lock it.” He confessed getting a glare from Youngmi. “Then I found 'your' rules stuck to the wall and read it. It hasn't left my mind since like you.”

“What?! That is a crime you stupid dumb !” Youngmi screamed slapping Luhans head as he used his arms to soften the blow. “You can't just barge in my room without being uninvited!”

“Stop it will you. At least I didn’t do anything weird inside your room.” Luhan said grabbing both her wrist to make her stop while she huffed and puffed.

“I bet you did. You little weirdo.” Youngmi screamed again as she yanked her arms away from his grip.

Youngmi gave him another glare before she left with smoke fuming out of her ears and nose.

“Wait!!” Luhan said standing up from his spot and following her.

After finally catching up to her he stayed next to her without saying anything.

“What do you want now?” Youngmi asked when she stopped abruptly.

“So….. how do we start?” Luhan said with stars twinkling in his eyes.

“Oh yeah about that, I don’t want to do it anymore. Since you went to my room uninvited and snooped around.” Youngmi hissed feeling the urge to slap him across the head again. “You're unthrustworthy, and I can't trust you so you can't be my friend.”

“But….” Luhan mumbled looking really sad as he was about to cry.

“ off will you; I don’t care about you so just go back to your group of annoying friends.” Youngmi said before walking away from the now very sad Luhan.








Youngmis POV


It’s another week of god damn high school.  I did what I always did in the morning, have a shower, brush my teeth, wear my uniform and etcetera. Nothing to it really, no unnecessary make up or any accessories that needs to be placed anywhere on my body.

The only thing that bothered me was that Luhan hasn’t done anything to annoy me or make me want to punch him after last Friday. I mean he’s obviously not normal but he hasn’t done anything that was out of the blue that made me feel very cautious around him.

I would always look back when I walk when he’s behind me and I would always have to shift my eyes from side to side to keep me safe. I know it’s just paranoia but you don’t know when the creeptard will pounce on me.

He stopped asking me to be his friend after what happened at lunch on Friday which was good since I was really going to punch him right on the face if he asks me to be his friend one more time. He did look sad at first but he returned to being abnormal after a few minutes.

I walked to school by myself as always with Luhan behind me with that smile on his face. It was normal I guess. I walked through the crowd again and headed to my locker.

I finally got there and placed my bag inside while getting what I need for my other classes. I headed to my class and waited in my seat for the teacher to come. After a few minutes the bell rang and the creeptard came with that smile of his. He sat in front of me but before he sat down he waved at me but I just gave him an uninterested look.

The teacher finally came with that smile of his that sent shivers down my spine. He then started talking making me uninterested about everything so I just shut my brain.

“So who would like to be this year’s class representative? Please raise your hands if you are interested in taking the position for this year or if you want to nominate someone else.” Mr Park asked looking around the class with an annoying smirk on his face like always.

Ugh, I hate his smile so much. So creepy.

I looked around the class trying to see who had enough guts to become the class representative. If you ask me I’d rather kill myself than being a representative, too much time and hard work that needs to be put in it and as you all know me I hate doing work at school. I'd rather do something else, like sleep.

Then finally one brave soul raised his hands up with a giant smile on his face. It was that creeptard. Even though he sits in front of me now you can still feel that he is smiling. What is he going to do now?

“Yes?” The teacher asked.

“I would like to nominate Ms…..


Kim? Kim who?


Kim Young… who? Stop dragging it and tell me who the lucky unlucky person is?

Mi….. KIM YOUNG MI” He finally finished his sentence after dragging it for so long.

It finally hit me. He said my name. MY NAME!! He nominated me, the only person in the whole class who would kill herself than being a class representative. Come on!

I looked at the class in shock with my mouth hanging so low that I was pretty sure dust rolled inside my mouth right at that moment. 

Woah! What the ! Me? ! Youngmi look down, look down. No one will notice you if you look down.

I told you, I hate this kid. I ING HATE HIM.


Authors POV


“So, Ms Kim Youngmi. Are you here?” Mr Park asked looking around the class and so did everyone in the class since they didn’t know who she was. I told you they would forget about her.

“, , !!”

“Sir, she is behind me.” Luhan said pointing at her making her groan.

“.” Youngmi hissed.

Everyone’s gaze went to her just as they tried registering in their heads who she was. Was she new? Was she here before? Have I seen her before?

“Then we shall vote. Please raise your hands if you want Ms Kim Youngmi to be our class president for the year?” Mr Park announced making everyone put their hands up immediately.

What was this? She didn’t even have the time to say anything. That was totally unfair and it pissed Youngmi off really bad.

“So that is finally set, Ms Kim Youngmi is our new class representative for the year.” The teacher cheered. Everyone applauded that it wasn’t them on her shoes.

If Youngmi could come up to the front and punch the teacher right on the face she would but it clearly wasn’t going to help. Sighing, she sank on her seat looking defeated burning holes on Luhans head with her glare.

Knowing that she was glaring at him from behind, he looked back at her smiling at her.

“Hi Youngmi.” He greeted.

Youngmi shot him a glare that was so intense it made him shut his mouth and look to the front.








It was the end of the day where everyone would leave and go home but for Youngmi she had to go to the class representative meeting that was held every Monday. It is where all the class presidents and vice-presidents from all the classes to have a meeting and that day was for the introduction.

Youngmi walked up the stairs to the room and knocked on the door. It opened and there he was Luhan, again. She cannot catch a break without him being everywhere.

She shot him a look and walked past him without asking any questions and headed to the empty seat at the back while other people were mingling with others but Youngmi just sat there uninterested.

“Hi Youngmi.” Luhan greeted sitting next to her.

She faced another direction and ignored him.

“Youngmi, hello.” Luhan said waving his hand in front of her face.

“What do you want?” She said sounding pissed as always ready tto punch him.

“Aren’t you excited? You’re the class president!” Luhan cheered sounding very happy.

“No, I’d rather kill myself than come here.” Youngmi stated sounding really serious. “I would literally kill myself than being here right not.”

“Why not? It’s going to be fun and you’re going to enjoy it.” He said. “Don't kill yourself, you're too precious to die.”

Youngmi rolled her eyes at his cheesy lines. That was stupid. She wasn't precious in her mind.

“No I won’t, I already hate it here.” She said. “Why are you here anyway?”

“I asked Mr Park to be the vice-president so I can come with you.” He smiled.

“WHY!!!! If this was actually going to be fun then why is he here?”

“Oh god.” She groaned. “I already live with you and you don’t leave me alone at school and you come here. Can’t you just leave me alone?”

“I can’t do that since I want to be friends with you.” He stated.

“Whatever, do whatever you want just don’t blame me if one day some of your limbs are disconnected from your body.” Youngmi replied looking at the front of the room.

“Sure.” He smiled.

Just then the school president came in the room looking handsome and properly dressed in the school uniform neatly and presented with the vice-president tailing behind him.

He smiled at everyone and greeted them.

“Hello I am Myungsoo.” He greeted. “I am ___ Myungsoo.”



Authors Note:

Hello guys! Sorry for the bad update. For everyone who is getting tired of Youngmi being a , don't worry. There will be fluff on the next chapter.


*Question/s of the Day*

Does this answer your questions? Luhan snooped around her room when she was showering. He is such a bad person.

Who do you think this Myungsoo is? Is this the Kim Myungsoo? Is he going to be an important person in this story? 

Comment to answer below.


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Make my story known out there. Help me!! Please!! Make a blog about this if you want. Share this story among your friends and their friends, advertise about this. That would mean a lot to me. Thank you! I would love you FOREVER!


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~H.T.S.H.S. with Luhan~ What the hell. I though i only got like 8 comment notifications for the chapter and actually there were like 40.. What the hell AFF?


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hlakupaw #1
Chapter 38: Yes, My Myungsoo is fighting to win her heart. I never liked it when the other guy doesn't fight for her. I respect you, author, this is what I was looking for in a story. May your writing career prosper.
hlakupaw #2
hlakupaw #3
I'm not going to read the comments because they might contain spoilers, but I can't wait to read it. OMG the feels are coming to this fanigirl in the USA, hyperventilating right now. Cheer me one because I might pass out any second now. Maybe this one is going to be different from other same old same high school stories but seeing that luhan is somewhat of a stalker, I am going to have a good laugh out of this. Not in a mean way but because this is going to be hilarious. I'm going to keep my expection low though, not to jump ahead of myself, I'm waiting for a lot of surprises on this one.
cloudsFLY09 #4
Chapter 38: i thought i'm quiet late to know this nice story... i enjoyed it very much.. and right know i just imagine the ending.. youngmi will be happy ever after with luhan right? yea!! it has to be!! please..i would be glad if you read my comment and decide to continue update this story... sorry my english is
Aaah I miss this story so much! I really liked it, waiting for every chapter to appear. Won't pressure you tho, but will be very happy if you will continue. It has been 3 years though.
Chapter 38: please update soon!
f5sulli #7
Chapter 38: This, this story is just amazing....i lovr it
i spent two wholr days readinG this
än upvote from me :)
Chapter 38: Authornim~ update soon~ I keep giggling to myself while reading this and my friends keep saying i'm crazy but i just can't help it .. you know what authornim, i think i really become crazy while reading this fics . Love you and fighting !!
ErzaHime #9
Chapter 16: ur story is AWESOME!!!!!