~Chapter 37~


Authors POV


Before they could fight for Youngmi's love, both men decided not to stray too far from their objective which was to find out the real identity of the culprit. Even though they wanted to battle it out and fight for her love, the situation that was facing them was needed to be dealt with first.

During the night, Myungsoo left early to do "things" meaning he gets more time to find the culprit and he wanted to find the girl before Youngmi could wake up.

He even imagined how it went down. He imagined that he caught the girl and sent her to prison and he imagined how he would be by Youngmi's side when she woke up and he would tell her what happened. Then he would imagine how she would light up and hug him then they would stare at each other longingly and their lips would be pressed against each other and feel the world turn into happiness. How his imagination made him so happy.

Luhan on the other hand stayed with Youngmi during the night and waited for her to gain consciousness. He stayed up all night and stayed by her side, clutching her hand and watching sleep. Bomi had to sleep on the couch but she was willing to do so for her sister. She would always check on Luhan once in a while and she would watch him as he stayed up all night. Luhan would take little naps in between but the coffee that Bomi offered him greatly helped.

The next day, Luhan found himself sleeping beside Youngmi, his head on the bed while his body stayed on the chair sitting up but his hand stayed clasped around hers during his stay. His eyes fluttered as the rays of sun shone on his face from the small gap between the exotic looking curtains. He yawned, stretching his limbs of the numb ache that accumulated around his limbs due to his uncomfortable position on the chair.

Getting up from his position to open the blinds and let the sun in, Luhan quickly looked back to Youngmi as she stirred in her sleep. But when she didn't wake up from her slumber he went outside to make some coffee. He found Bomi making some in the kitchen and they quickly engaged in a conversation.

"Good morning," Bomi greeted with her back towards him.

"Good morning," Luhan greeted back sitting on the seat at the kitchen counter with an empty cup in hand.

"How is she?" asked Bomi, stopping her duties for the time being.

"Nothing changed. Still sleeping..." Luhan smiled at her even though she was facing away from him. "You should check her out."

"It's okay," said Bomi. "I've seen more than enough." Bomi chuckled but it sounded forced.

Luhan noticed her uneasiness and kept quiet or a few moments before speaking. "Do you know that she's been getting these flashbacks?" asked Luhan. Bomi nodded but it didn't surprise him. He knew that she knew about it but kept quiet for an unknown reason.

"Of course I know. I've been with her through her worst," said Bomi. Luhan could hear the sadness in her voice and he felt the same thing. She turned around with hot, brewed coffee in hand. She walked towards him with a tight smile and poured coffee in his cup.

Luhan took the cup to his lips and sipped some coffee. Bomi then poured some in her cup and sat next to him silently. The silence was bearable but she knew that Luhan was going to speak any time soon.

"Can I ask you some questions?" he finally asked. He put down his cup and looked straight at her.

"Does it concern Youngmi?" she asked. He nodded and took another sip from his cup. "I thought so. Go ahead." she urged him.

Luhan his lips and breathed. "Do you know why she's having these flashbacks?" He breathed again feeling relived from the giant imaginary weight that was resting on him.

"Yes I do but before you go asking me to tell you. I can't," said Bomi. Luhans mouth was slightly parted as if his voice was cut before he could let it all out. "She made me promise that I wouldn't say anything to you and Myungsoo. I'm sorry," she added.

"Why not?" he asked. "As her friends, we want to know. We care about her."

Bomi sighed then her lips. "I know you do but she told me she wanted to tell you guys when the time is right. Also as get sister, I can't break her promise. Okay, Luhan?"

Luhan clearly understood what she meant, it was a sibling kind of thing and he wanted to leave it there but in his heart he wanted to keep pressing the issue.

For another ten minutes, both parties kept quiet, sipping coffee in a silence that was indescribable. Bomi knew Luhan wanted to question her but when he would always start to open his mouth she would look at him. It was like a glare but not a glare, like a squint of the eye that can be mistaken as a glare.

Another ten minutes passed them and both kept to themselves, sipping coffee from their mugs.

"Luhan?" she asked. Luhan allowed himself to look at Bomi which suggested for her to keep going. "I want you to be there when she needs you the most, okay? These are the time she needs someone the most and that’s you. She needs someone by her side because even though she doesn't show it, she's vulnerable. She's not as strong as she looks." Bomi sighed heavily shaking her head a little.

Luhan nodded at every statement she made and he understood what she had said. He knew Youngmi like a book and he could always look past her wall that she has built around herself.

"I'm really so grateful that you came into her life. As you already know, I've been busy with the dorm and I barely see her now because of Myungseon and business so it really makes me happy that she has you and Myungsoo with her all the time." Bomi could feel the tears coming. She braced herself for the downpour of tears and emotions. "It's always hard when she's having some trouble in her life because she would always put up this wall and close herself in that I can't even talk to her about her problems. I'm just really glad that you're always by her side, Luhan. So please, stay with her."

Now the tears rolled down but she quickly brushes them away with the back of her hands. Bomi hasn't cried like this in a long time or even talked about Youngmi's problems with another person due to her younger sister having no friends -that she could trust- after so many years. And Bomi was just really glad that she finally could.

"I will, noona. I promise." Luhan couldn't bear to see Bomi cry. It's always hard to watch close friends go through hard times.

Reaching over the counter, Luhan grabbed a hold of Bomi's hand and held it with both of his and soothed her with his promise stuck in his brain. He wasn't even intending to leave Youngmi alone, ever.

In his head, Luhan planned to stay with Youngmi forever. He thought that he would become this leech and just stay intact with Youngmi and leech off of her life force, or like a lost puppy that would forever follow Youngmi wherever she would go. Luhan pledged to always be with Youngmi forever and ever even if she beats him to a pulp, he would still stay with her.










For the past few hours, Myungsoo sat intently in front of his multiple computers going over and over the surveillance videos that he acquired from the school. He of course had to pull out some Kim cash but it wasn't a problem. It was for Youngmi and he would do anything for her.

Myungsoo watched and watched the videos intending to find that one little clue to finally uncovering who the culprit was. It took him multiple sacks of prestigious coffee beans and multiple runs to the toilet to finally see it. That newly found hope that he was searching for. He zoomed in, closer and closer to the glimmer of hope. And there it was, the last clue that he needed. It was a bracelet.

A smile crept to his face feeling relieved. His wish of being Youngmi's knight in shining armour is finally coming true. He just needed to find out who it was but luckily he already did. There was only one girl who wore that specific bracelet since it's apparently the only one in the world. And Myungsoo has seen it more than a few hundred times to differentiate that exact same bracelet from other bracelets.

Yawning, Myungsoo glanced at the clock in the room and quickly calculated that he's been in front of the computers for about 6 hours straight. Thinking he needed rest and proper sleep, Myungsoo walked back to his room and sprawled on his bed and let himself drift to sleep.










Myungsoo felt a tug at his right leg that shot him up from his needed sleep. His mother gave him a mouthful before leaving with a scowl screaming that he was going to be late for school. Myungsoo sat up from his bed and yawned. Even though it was only a few hours of sleep, Myungsoo felt energized and new, ready to fight the new day that he was waiting for. He couldn't wait to find that hag who made Youngmi cry. Making Youngmi cry was a no-no in Myungsoo's book, and the hag was going to pay.

He did his morning routine and kissed his mother goodbye then ran outside his house-mansion thing. He got inside the car and the car quickly pulled away from its driveway and headed to school. Myungsoo couldn't wait to get to school; he will finally catch the culprit that has been tormenting his little Youngmi.

Once the driver parked the car, Myungsoo leapt out of the car, literally, and shut the door, eyeing his surroundings. People looked at him but didn't stay too long since the bell was going to ring. In less than a minute the bell rang and the students ran inside the school, fearing that they were going to get smacked by their head master.

Still eyeing his empty surroundings suspiciously, Myungsoo made a pretend gun using his hands and scuttled towards the entrance door like a little kid playing police role playing game. He had his head low and his eyes wandered everywhere, inspecting the things around him intently like something was going to pounce on him and eat home alive. Good thing he had his gun. [A/N: Note the sarcasm there.]

Acting like a detective on a super hard and dangerous mission was always Myungsoos dream to act out in real life. Sure, doing it as a child was fun but when you're in your near twenties then it's more exhilarating. Myungsoo loved it, having a gun and hiding behind nook and crannies around school was exciting and fun.

After getting yelled at by the nasty librarian for scaring the shots out of her, Myungsoo stealthily moved to his first class hoping that /she was there. But to his surprise, she wasn't there. She should have been but she wasn't, it was her most favourite class. Something smelt fishy and it wasn't the fish burgers in the cafeteria and Myungsoo could feel his hair on his arms rise in uneasiness.

"Where are you?" he muttered under his breath as he sat down on his seat getting a few glances from the others.

Meanwhile, Luhan too discovered the same clue that lead Myungsoo to go 'undercover' and he was thrilled. He never liked her from the beginning, how she would cuddle up to him like some love sick puppy, how she would make googly eyes that would look like she was cross eyed, and how she would always rub her hands across his hand which made him squirm. Thankfully, she stopped after the first week of school because apparently Luhan never loved her how she loved him and latched herself to Myungsoo like the other fangirls. You could say she's crazy.

Luhan stood from his seat and put on his blazer that was hung in his wardrobe. He took his bag and headed downstairs to check on Youngmi before 'hunting' for his prey and head to school.

Luhan opened the door to the room and found Youngmi still sleeping peacefully. She hasn't moved from her spot since last night it and it worried him a bit. He walked to the side of the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed. He slowly brushed away the hair that was out of place while closely examining her beautiful face. Thinking he should leave, he placed a kiss on her forehead and left.

The bell rung ending the first class of the day as Luhan finally arrived at school. It was chaos from left to right. It had been always like that, the students would act like a herd of thirsty animals eyeing the only pond in the land. The thing that boggled Luhan's magnificent mind is why the student body would act like wild animals just to get to their next class if they had a five minute intervals in between classes. It was plain dangerous and Luhan was always in the middle of all the chaos while Youngmi would always snake around it like she’s done it all her life.

Luhan was bumped and shouldered around the hallway as the student body ignored the casualties that it left behind its path. Unfortunately, Luhan was the only casualty there. He was very inexperienced but it didn't stop him from arriving to his second class of the day where she should be but she wasn't.

Luhan sat aimlessly in his seat as the hours passed by, waiting and waiting for her to come by and make her appearance. His classes with her during Fridays was only two and she wasn’t in the first one and if she wasn’t in the second then that meant Luhans defeat against Myungsoo. He couldn't have that could he? He'd rather get eaten by Youngmi alive than let Myungsoo be a victor.

Luhan walked to his last class where he was itching to get to so he cod finally see if she was there. She had to be, she needed to be there or else he'd have to hunt her down. He arrived to his class and to his dismay, she wasn't there. His hope was draining down one drop by one drop but there was still time before the teacher comes. At least he had some hope.

Luhan waited, counting every classmate that came inside the class. That girl, and that one, then the guy with no hair, the other one with half a hair then finally, Myungsoo. Ugh, Myungsoo wasn't the one Luhan wanted to see at this moment, he wanted her. Luhan eyed Myungsoo as he moved towards his seat like he was looking for someone. Then everything clicked in Luhan's head. Myungsoo was looking for her too. That thought made him smile a bit.

Myungsoo looked around the class to look for her but was only met gazes with Luhan. He eyed him suspiciously and sat down on his seat. He tore his gaze away from Luhan and scanned the room one more time but to his disappointment, she wasn't there like the other classes he had with her.

It was nearly the end of class when /she finally made an appearance. The teacher stopped her lecture when she loudly barged inside the class. She wasn't very pleased with the student and wanted to talk to her after class.

"Heejin, meet me right after class. We need to talk about your attendance." The teacher glared at her but she just shrugged it off with a smile. The teacher kept writing on the board and Heejin walked to her seat.

Luhan and Myungsoo had the biggest smiles on their faces as soon as they heard that name, Kim Heejin. How they wanted to just knock her out but that would've been wrong. You can't hit girls, right or can you?

Both men eyed their target as sip as they set their gazes on her. They couldn't let her get away now, they must confront her soon or else she'll get away. They both kept eyeing her and the time at the same time, as if they could will time to hasten. It was like the fifteen minutes that they wanted to be over seemed to lengthen.

Heejin, who was sitting between Myungsoo and Luhan, had this itching feeling that she was being stared at but whenever she would turn around to scan the room no one was looking at her. It madethe hairs on the back of her neck stand alert.

Finally, the bell rang making Luhan and Myungsoo breath normally. It was as if they were holding their breath the whole time. Everyone fled the room but Heejin stayed seated on her chair. Luhan and Myungsoo walked outside and met each other as they waited for her to leave the room.

"I guess you know?" Myungsoo asked nonchalantly. Luhan nodded looking uninterested. They both kept quiet and waited.

After another few minutes of the teacher screaming at Heejin, she finally left the premises. But before she could open the door she got a call. She answered it and talked to whoever it was then hung up the phone. She looked at the door where she knew both men were waiting for her arrival then glanced back to the teacher who was quietly muttering to herself as she scribbled something on a piece of paper then glanced at the window outside. The window was her only choice. Thank goodness they were on the bottom floor of the building.

Heejin ran to the window big enough for her to fit in and jumped out as the teacher started screaming on top of her lungs making her pop some veins on her neck. She really needed to take a holiday.

Luhan and Myungsoo quickly headed straight inside as soon as they heard their teacher blow up screaming: "Come back here! You can't just jump out of the window!" Both men ran to the window and saw Heejin run. They both looked at each other and jumped out of the window, quickly following their target. The teacher then blew up again and a few more veins popped up making her look like a tomato on steroids. It was not a good look.

"Does she know?" asked Luhan as they both hurriedly followed Heejin. Myungsoo rolled his eyes.

"Of course she does. Why do you think she jumped out of the window and run from us?" Myungsoo barked. "I'm pretty sure it's not because she wanted to be spontaneous and just jump out of the window."

"Geez, calm down!"

"You calm down and start running faster, she's getting really far. Is she on steroids or something?" Myungsoo forced himself to follow the girl leaving Luhan to fend for himself. Thinking that he should quicken his pace too, Luhan ran faster catching up to his rival.

"How fast is she?" Luhan thought. "She really might be on steroids."

“HEEJIN! Come back! We need to talk to you.” Myungsoo was losing his patience. He really needed to catch her.

Heejin looked behind her and kept running. She couldn’t get caught now. She swerved into the corner and both men followed suit. There were so many students in front of the school that Heejin just blended in quickly as possible making it harder for Luhan and Myungsoo to find her. They both cursed as their eyes roamed the sea of students.

“Luhan! Myungsoo!”

They looked around one more time and finally found Youngmi a few meters away from them. They hurried towards her, feeling relieved and happy that she was up and going. But why was she there?

“Why are you here?” Luhan asked before Myungsoo could.

“I just wanted to meet you after school I guess. I was bored at home so I wanted find you.”

“That’s cute,” Myungsoo commented under his breath.

“Well what are you doing? You look like you’ve just ran a marathon.” Youngmi smiled and both boys couldn’t help themselves to do the same.

Luhan watched Myungsoo and he did the same. Someone had to tell her.

“Well… we found who the sender is…” Luhan said wanting to break it down gently.

Youngmi froze on her spot. Was it relief or shock?

“Who is it?” Youngmi looked calm and collected but inside she was all jumbled.

“Kim Heejin,” Myungsoo softly said.

“THAT !” Youngmi could feel the anger cruise through her veins. She never liked her and she never will.

Gratefully, all the students have fled the premises and Youngmi could finally blow up. Face red and hands into fists, Youngmi ran inside the school knowing that Heejin was still inside. Myungsoo and Luhan followed inside and walked behind Youngmi.

“HEEJIN! Where are you? I know you’re in here!”

They walked around the hallways looking for Heejin and finally she showed up, waiting for them at the end of the corridor.

“Come here you little !” Youngmi was about to run towards her but was quickly restrained by both men. “Let go of me! She needs to get slapped so hard her mother would feel it!”

“Calm down Youngmi!” Luhan patted her back and she finally calmed down, a bit.

“Why?” Youngmi finally asked. It’s always been in her mind from the start. Why her? Why? What has she done so bad to be treated like that? “Why me?”

Heejin chuckled. A menacing sound escaped from that echoed inside the hallway. It gave Youngmi the creeps. “I never liked you from day one. You were always there, sitting in the back of the class like some weird but when I knew that you were trying to get MY Myungsoo then I had to do something about it.”

Myungsoo scoffed. “You’re Myungsoo? I was never yours!”

“You were going to be but this little hag got to you first so I wanted to taunt her. Make her squirm in her seat and make her cry like a baby. I wanted to put her back in her place, where she belonged. In the dirt!” Heejin looked so crazy that she was about to explode.

“Myungsoo is just a friend,” Youngmi said feeling the tears roll down.

“I don’t care anymore. You can be his friend all you want because I’m leaving this place.” Heejin started walking towards them with a smirk on her face. She passed the three of them and headed straight to the exit. They all looked at her in awe.

“How do we know you’re not lying?” Luhan asked.

“Believe me or not I don’t care. It’s your choice.” Heejin opened the door and left the three of them.

They all stood there, stuck in their places. What just happened?










Youngmi’s POV


After that Friday, everything seemed to change. I was free from Heejin and her notes and taunts. I was so happy. The notes finally stopped and it was announced that Heejin left the school and everyone cheered. I did too but it was low maintenance since I was trying to keep myself hidden.

For the past few days after meeting Heejin, I was still in a daze. I had so many questions in my head that I wanted to ask her. So many questions that was left unanswered. It gave me headaches so I stopped thinking about it too much but it would always flash in my mind. But thankfully, Luhan and Myungsoo were there to keep my mind out of it.

They’ve been supportive but they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. It was creepy. They’ve been very touchy-feely – I hate touchy-feely – and they would always glare at each other when they think I’m not looking. I don’t what happened to them but it was clearly weirding me out. It’s been like this for the past week and I hated it.

After a week of them being weirdos, I finally got time off from at least one of them. I had the class representative meeting on that Monday (not the following Monday from the Heejin moment but another week from that) and finally Luhan calmed down a bit.

I headed inside, heads down and hands to myself, with Luhan right behind me. Park Myungsoo, the school president, greeted us and I nodded to him while Luhan did this weird wave handshake thing with him like they were BFF’s. Luhan is so weird.

I sat down on my seat which was at the back of the room and Luhan followed suit. I quietly waited for every student representative to join us which was quite long since some stupid fresh men forgot. Ugh, life! Finally, Myungsoo started talking. I was just about to doze off when I heard something about seniors going on a summer trip somewhere. I didn’t care where it was, I just wanted to leave school and go somewhere else.

I glanced at Luhan and I couldn’t help but smile at his smile. It was set that both of us were going. We didn’t even have to talk to each other since we knew what each other was thinking. Summer, here I come!



Authors Note:

Hi guys... /hides in a corner.. I've finally updated after a long wait. 

I'm sorry for the long wait but I had no ideas of how to set out this chapter but I hope it's all right. Now you know who the sender was.. You can probably see that's it's done poorly of how I ended everything with Heejin. Sorry. /shoots self for being stupid

You probably hate me but I love you guys so much like no kidding. Every time I look at AFF I always see a new subbie and I'm like WTF! Where do I get these from? Thank you so much for subbing and commenting. You don't know how much you all mean to me. THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU! <3

Sorry if there are mistakes. I apologies for that. I'm going to read all this and change all the mistakes. 


*Question/s of the Day*

What should they do for their summer trip? Comment on what you want to happen.


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~H.T.S.H.S. with Luhan~ What the hell. I though i only got like 8 comment notifications for the chapter and actually there were like 40.. What the hell AFF?


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hlakupaw #1
Chapter 38: Yes, My Myungsoo is fighting to win her heart. I never liked it when the other guy doesn't fight for her. I respect you, author, this is what I was looking for in a story. May your writing career prosper.
hlakupaw #2
hlakupaw #3
I'm not going to read the comments because they might contain spoilers, but I can't wait to read it. OMG the feels are coming to this fanigirl in the USA, hyperventilating right now. Cheer me one because I might pass out any second now. Maybe this one is going to be different from other same old same high school stories but seeing that luhan is somewhat of a stalker, I am going to have a good laugh out of this. Not in a mean way but because this is going to be hilarious. I'm going to keep my expection low though, not to jump ahead of myself, I'm waiting for a lot of surprises on this one.
cloudsFLY09 #4
Chapter 38: i thought i'm quiet late to know this nice story... i enjoyed it very much.. and right know i just imagine the ending.. youngmi will be happy ever after with luhan right? yea!! it has to be!! please..i would be glad if you read my comment and decide to continue update this story... sorry my english is
Aaah I miss this story so much! I really liked it, waiting for every chapter to appear. Won't pressure you tho, but will be very happy if you will continue. It has been 3 years though.
Chapter 38: please update soon!
f5sulli #7
Chapter 38: This, this story is just amazing....i lovr it
i spent two wholr days readinG this
än upvote from me :)
Chapter 38: Authornim~ update soon~ I keep giggling to myself while reading this and my friends keep saying i'm crazy but i just can't help it .. you know what authornim, i think i really become crazy while reading this fics . Love you and fighting !!
ErzaHime #9
Chapter 16: ur story is AWESOME!!!!!