~Chapter 10~






Superhero - Lunafly




Luhans POV


“What am I supposed to do? ! I am so dead.” I thought to myself.

Well who wouldn’t think like this when I just dug my own grave? I literally just dug it by saying that Youngmi was my girlfriend. I really need to brace myself for the worst. Why did I even say that she was my girlfriend? What was I thinking?

I headed to my locker after finally getting the three annoying retards away to stop pestering me about Youngmi. I opened it and took my bag out which I then slung over one of my shoulders. I looked at Youngmis locker and imagined what she would do when I tell her about the ‘news’.

Just thinking about it makes me shiver, what would actually happen to me if she finds out and tries to kill me? I bet I won’t last long.

Sighing, I left the sight while waving at the janitor along the way with a smile.

I got home and walked inside Bomi noonas house before I go to my room.

“Bomi noona, I’m back.” I announced as I opened the door. I walked inside the saw that Youngmi wasn’t at her usual spot, lying down on the couch flipping through channels. I walked through the living room and to the kitchen where Bomi noona started making dinner.

“Welcome back. Are you hungry? I have cake in the fridge if you want some.” Bomi said as I opened the fridge door.

“No, it’s alright.” I replied. “Where is Youngmi by the way? She’s not lazing around on the couch as per usual.”

“Haha, she had to clean the guy’s bathroom so I think she should be there.” She told me smiling at the thought. I shall now go to the bathroom and annoy the crap out of her.

She needs to have more fun in her life and guess what she needs a dose of me seeing that I am fun! Right?!

I actually ran out of Bomi noonas house and headed to my room so I could change. After my world record at changing clothes I headed to where Youngmi was, downstairs.

As soon as I got there I saw her scrubbing the floor. I don’t think it was called scrubbing anymore since she was literally attacking it, you could even see the floor smoke from all the friction.

“Youngmi-ah, you should really look at yourself when you do that.” I announced leaning on the door frame of the room.

She seized her actions and looked at me.

“What do you want?” She asked sounding pissed as ever. I think she has PMS every day or something.

“Geez, I’m just trying to help you.” I replied.

“Telling me that I’m ugly isn’t helping.” Youngmi said.

“Woah, when have ever I said you were ugly? I’m just saying that you should really watch yourself when you scrub that floor, you look like some mad woman trying to kill a whole society.” I told her.

“Oh right, sorry. Do I really look that scary?” She asked. I nodded in response and smiled at her walking closer to her.

“Do you need help? I asked looking at the spot where she tried ‘cleaning’.

“Can you help me with this?” She said pointing at the black spot on the floor. “I’ve been scrubbing this for the past 30 minutes and it won’t go.”

“Sure, let me try then.” I said grabbing the scrubber off her hand. She stood up and took the mop from the bucket and started mopping the floor.

I looked at the dark spot on the floor and started scrubbing it again, at first it looked like it wasn’t going to budge but after a few hard scrubs some of it started going away. Wiping my forehead, I attacked it again with much force so I could help Youngmi with the floors.

I looked at my master piece, it was magnificent. No dirt in sight and only squeaky, sparkly clean floor. Sighing I stood up and looked at Youngmi who clearly was making things harder for herself.

I don’t even know how she would have lived before meeting me; I think it would be hard to watch.

“Do you need help?” I asked wiping the beads of sweat that formed on my forehead.

“I just need to mop the floor then I’m done.” She told me without looking at me; she kept mopping the floor from tile to tile. It was getting boring and she was seriously taking so slow.

“Why are you so slow?” I asked walking towards her.

“I’m not slow; I’m just doing my job properly.” She replied to me stopping her actions and looking sternly at me.

“Well, you still have to do the forms for next week.” I informed her grabbing the handles of the bucket full of bubbly and soapy water and held it up.

“I know but can’t it wait?” She whined then turned her attention to the bucket I was holding up. “What are you doing with that?”

“It can’t wait and also, this is to make your life SO much easier.” I told her emphasizing on the word so.

I smiled at her and turned around looking at the dirty floors that needed to have their last wash of the day. I held the bucket high and threw the content across the floor making it all wet.

I heard Youngmi gasp behind me and chuckled at her reaction. I looked back and smiled at her waiting for what she had to say but she just kept quiet with wide open.

“Opening your mouth like that won’t help us clean this room so close it and hurry.” I said grabbing the mop from her hands. I then started power mopping the floor carefully, running around like a mad man.

“Sorry.” She mumbled getting another mop and helped me power mop the place.








We finally finished cleaning the place from top to bottom, getting all the crooks and crannies to be squeaky clean without leaving any germs in sight. We left the sight drenched from our sweat and water.

We might have had a little accident that caused us to be drenched in soapy and mucky water.

So what happened was that Youngmi slipped and fell down on her bottom and I obviously laughed at the funniness of the scene, after finally regaining my composure I helped her up but she pulled me down making me fall down on the floor and be drenched by water.

It was fun.

We both decided that it was appropriate to go back to our rooms and change before going to Bomi noonas house. We were still wet and we didn’t want to unleash the monster in her so we hurried upstairs and changed to nice and dry clothes.

I waited for her outside her room and sat down on the floor resting my back on the wall. How long did she have to take? Before I could finally take a nap she opened the door and left her room. I woke up and rubbed my tired eyes looking up at her opening my mouth to yawn.

“You’re such a girl. How long did you have to take?” I asked standing up from my seat.

“I had to do lady things that is why I took so long. You didn’t have to wait for me you know.” She informed me.

“I know but I guess I just wanted to.” I told her. She shrugged and walked away lazily and I followed behind placing my hands in my pockets whistling a tune that I made up on the spot.

“Stop that.” She said making me do it louder.

“I said stop that.” She demanded stopping just as she stood by the edge of the staircase.

“It’s fun though.” I said.

“It’s annoying me so stop it.” She told me. I shrugged and walked past her now humming the tune.

“You need to get slapped across the face.” She commented walking behind me.

“Well, I’ve been waiting for that ever since you promised to slap me across the face 2 weeks ago yet nothing is happening to this beautiful face.” I told her trying to mock her.

“I’m trying to keep my cool in front of people.” She informed me making me chuckle at her lies.

“You’re funny.” I chuckled.

“I would slap you right now but you’ll just run away and cry to my sister and I’ll get blamed.” She told me. Half of it was true since I would run away and tell Bomi noona but I would cry.

“No I wouldn’t.” I said as I got down to the last step of the staircase looking at her.

 “Yes you would.” She insisted.

“Nuh uh.”

Yeah uh.”







“Both of you shut up and get inside we have a guest.” Bomi yelled looking at us furious.

I looked at Youngmi and mouthed ‘we have a guest?’ She looked at me and shook her head mouthing ‘I don’t know.’ We watched as Bomi went back inside her house and we followed behind being cautious of who the guest was.

We followed her through the living room and to the kitchen, there we found a a teenager about our age, quite tall and had a good build from the back. I didn’t know who it was since we were behind him while he sat down.

“Both of you sit down.” Bomi noona instructed looking at us. We awkwardly bowed at the guy without really paying attention to him much since we were awkward and a bit shy.

“Guys, this is Kim Myungsoo. He has been looking around the neighbourhood for a new place to stay and we have a vacant room so he is here to negotiate with me.” Bomi stated. We looked at him and my eye dropped out of my sockets as I stared at him in awe.

Holy crap, this was Kim Myungsoo. The most sought out student in the school. He practically owns the place, strutting his swagness everywhere, picking up all the chicks everywhere he goes, everyone practically drools over him and his group. I’m a bit jealous of him since he’s like godly at school but he was the meanest or the mean.

“Hey creeptard, do you know this guy?” Youngmi asked nudging my arm.

Do I know this guy? Of course I do, he practically s on everyone at school, not literally but he does. He’s like the kind of the place since his dad owns half of the school.

I faced her with my mouth and eyes wide open.

“Are you serious?” I asked seriously cocking a brow.

“Yes.” She answered looking at Myungsoo. She looked so serious.

Oh god, I face palmed myself and let my hand drop slowly down looking at Youngmi with the most annoyed and surprised look on my face.

“He’s THE Kim Myungsoo!” I whispered loudly looking at Myungsoo who stared at us, I gave him a smile and looked back at Youngmi.

“I only know one Myungsoo and it’s that nerdy school president.” She told me truthfully.

“Where have you been living? Under a rock? Seriously. How can you not know THE Kim Myungsoo?” I asked so shocked.

“I just don’t get updated with everything around me.” She told me.

I face palmed myself again but harder. She’s going to be the death of me.

“I’m here you know.” Myungsoo commented making us look at him.

“We know.” She said looking uninterested at him.

“So can you not talk about me? If you are talking about me then talk about how hot or awesome I am or something. Do something worthwhile with your lives.” He arrogantly told us.

Youngmi scoffed looking displeased.

“Up yourself much.” She commented.

Why is she such a some times? No, all the time? Can’t she be nice for at least a minute or something?

“Excuse me? Do you know who I am?” Myungsoo asked getting angry.

“Excuse you! You are apparently Kim Myungpoo or something according to this guy.” She said pointing at me. I looked at her with the ‘really’ look and she stuck her tongue at me.

“Enough Youngmi, calm down and just go to the living room and watch T.V.” Bomi instructed so Youngmi went to the living room with a scowl. I followed her and sat down next to her on the couch as she flipped through channels.

I apologise for her; she’s kind of hot headed at times.” Bomi commented loudly making us both hear it.

“I heard that!” Youngmi yelled making me chuckle.

“Well, if you don’t calm down you won’t get food!” Bomi yelled back making Youngmi quiet down and look at me in horror.

She loves food too much.








Authors POV


“Everyone listen up please!” The teacher instructed making everyone quiet down and take their attention to the front.

“It has been finally finalised that we have our annual year level day next week on Friday. I do not know any details about this since it has been taken care of by the class president and vice-president. Please both of you, come to the front and tell us more information about it.” The teacher said.

“What?! I can’t go up there!”

As Youngmi rested her head down a hand grabbed hers hoisting her up to her feet.


“Come on Youngmi!” Luhan said.

He walked to the front with Youngmi tailing behind him as he pulled her along the way. While Luhan looked proud and mighty with his smile and posture, Youngmi on the other hand was cowering in fear hiding herself behind the towering Luhan.

“Hello everyone.” Luhan greeted giving them his smile and a wave.

“I won’t make you wait much longer so here it goes. Next week on Friday we are heading to….. drum roll please.” He said.

Everyone started stomping on the floor, hitting the tables and making noise that was heard across the whole floor of the school building.

“WE ARE GOING TO LOTTE WORLD!” He finally said making everyone cheer in happiness.

“Here is the form that needs to be signed and given to me or Youngmi, behind me before Wednesday next week. You have a week to get it signed and you can bring as much money as you can since it’s like a free day anyway. You can have fun for the whole day.” Luhan told them.

Everyone got excited as the form was passed around the class. Youngmi and Luhan walked back to their seats with Youngmi running to her seat.

“You were great.” Luhan said.

“I was behind you the whole time, you did everything.” Youngmi told him.

“But you made the forms. It was really good, even the school president praised it.” He told her.

“Why did you show the school president? I thought it was only for our class.” She asked curiously.

“Well, I just lied to you about the form only for our class. It’s actually for the whole seniors.” He smiled at her.

“You . Now everyone knows I made it since you actually made me put my name on it!” She hissed hitting him hard on the head.

“Who cares? You did great anyway.” He complimented.

“I hate you.” She murmured.



Authors Note:

I am so sorry for such a lond update. I have been busy and things happened and I was lazy. SORRY! Hope you like this chap.

Kim Myungsoo is here! To all Myungsoo fans. He is here now! Finally. Sorry if I was getting you guys angry and irritated.  Tell me if I have any errors or mistakes on this chap since I haven't checked it yet. I will later.


*Question/s of the day*

How do you feel about Myungsoo in this fic?

Should I make oneshots? My first one shot was kind of a fail since it was too long and became a short story. You can check it out HERE!

Would you guys support me if I made oneshots? Or maybe a oneshot shop where you can request for a oneshot just for you! But I don't know how to start it.

Comment to answer below. 


Don't forget to help me share this fic around if you can XD




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~H.T.S.H.S. with Luhan~ What the hell. I though i only got like 8 comment notifications for the chapter and actually there were like 40.. What the hell AFF?


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hlakupaw #1
Chapter 38: Yes, My Myungsoo is fighting to win her heart. I never liked it when the other guy doesn't fight for her. I respect you, author, this is what I was looking for in a story. May your writing career prosper.
hlakupaw #2
hlakupaw #3
I'm not going to read the comments because they might contain spoilers, but I can't wait to read it. OMG the feels are coming to this fanigirl in the USA, hyperventilating right now. Cheer me one because I might pass out any second now. Maybe this one is going to be different from other same old same high school stories but seeing that luhan is somewhat of a stalker, I am going to have a good laugh out of this. Not in a mean way but because this is going to be hilarious. I'm going to keep my expection low though, not to jump ahead of myself, I'm waiting for a lot of surprises on this one.
cloudsFLY09 #4
Chapter 38: i thought i'm quiet late to know this nice story... i enjoyed it very much.. and right know i just imagine the ending.. youngmi will be happy ever after with luhan right? yea!! it has to be!! please..i would be glad if you read my comment and decide to continue update this story... sorry my english is
Aaah I miss this story so much! I really liked it, waiting for every chapter to appear. Won't pressure you tho, but will be very happy if you will continue. It has been 3 years though.
Chapter 38: please update soon!
f5sulli #7
Chapter 38: This, this story is just amazing....i lovr it
i spent two wholr days readinG this
än upvote from me :)
Chapter 38: Authornim~ update soon~ I keep giggling to myself while reading this and my friends keep saying i'm crazy but i just can't help it .. you know what authornim, i think i really become crazy while reading this fics . Love you and fighting !!
ErzaHime #9
Chapter 16: ur story is AWESOME!!!!!