~Chapter 17~


Always be mine - Sunil of Urban Zakapa



Authors POV


There they were, Luhans friends. He was eyeing them from behind a column inside the cafeteria still feeling nervous and fidgety since he woke up that morning on the floor.

Youngmi had the tendency to kick and push when she sleeps and Luhan obviously became the one that got the full blow from Youngmi finally giving her plush toys a break for once.

They were the ones who seemed to be always getting kicked off the bed and thrown around while the monster named Youngmi threw chaos around the bed for the night.

Luhan still contemplated in his head if he should or shouldn’t go to their table and tell them the truth.

Don’t think that he was scared or anything, he isn’t actually scared of anything, he was just nervous. He would always think too far into the future and always imagine what he would do and that’s when the nerves come in. He thinks too much about the future and not think about what was happening right then.

“You can do this Luhan!” he cheered inside his head his hands in his sides.

After a few more minutes behind the concrete column he finally moved away from it and walked towards his friends.

He could head his heart beat pounding in his ears, the trickling of his sweats on his forehead, the loud murmurs of people around him, the footsteps, and the loud noises that blared in his mind.

Why was telling his friends making everything so stressful and nerve racking?

“You can do this!” he said in his mind again.

“Luhan hyung!” Sehun yelled getting him out of his dead like daze. Sehun gave him a wave and sat down on his seat after getting up just to greet Luhan.

“Sehun,” he mumbled under his breath as he walked towards the table.

Luhan finally reached the table where his friends accumulated and sat down on a chair still feeling a bit out of it making his friends concerned.

“Are you okay?” Kris asked placing down his juice box on the table looking worriedly at his friend.

Luhan nodded and gave him a fake smile.

He wasn’t alright, his guilt was practically eating him on the inside and he just couldn’t keep it any longer. If he doesn’t tell them the truth then Youngmi would probably hate him more than she already does and if he does tell them the truth then they might hate him forever. He doesn’t want that to happen.

Luhan as I told you before is a person who over analyses things in his head and it makes everything worse in his head that it actually is in real life.

“Luhan, you seem to be sweating like a pig. Are you sure you’re okay?” Kris asked again one more time.

“Luhan hyung, you’re not sick are you?” Kai asked taking a bite out of his food.

“Don’t worry I’m not sick, I just feel a bit odd,” he answered them but without a smile, more of a questioning look. He was unknown of what he was feeling, nervous was one of them but there were other feelings he couldn’t comprehend.

“How are you doing with your studies Kris hyung?” Kai asked taking a sip of water.

“It’s a ,” Kris said.

Kris is the smartest person in the school. To get into his preferred university he has to study for the upcoming tests that are held every term. He needs to pass at least three out of the four to get in to that school and that is why he has been slaving himself over books and the library just to get high marks and pass the tests. The tests are held every end of the term which is a few weeks from then.

Luhan on the other hand was on a daze again still scared of what to say to his friends. He really needs to calm down and just tell them, his little fears will clearly not benefit him in the long run.

Luhan finally had enough courage to tell them the truth; it was just on top of the line by a little bit. It was enough for him to tell them the truth. He hoped for the best and coughed trying to get their attention.

They all faced him and gave their attention to him.

“I have to tell you something important,” Luhan told them looking very serious.

Sehun widened his eyes thinking that what Luhan had to say was very important, but clearly it wasn’t that important.

“What is it?” Lay asked.

“Is Youngmi noona pregnant?” Kai asked in shock. His mind went clearly the wrong path and was now thinking of things that might be too unusual to the truth, clearly far away from the truth.

“Kai, calm down. It’s nothing like that but it does concern Youngmi and I,” Luhan said.

“Spit it out then,” Kris said.

“Youngmi and I,” he sighed then continued, “are not a couple. It was all a lie.”

Everything that has been eating inside Luhan has finally left, the guilt, the over processing of questions in his head, the imaginations of getting beaten again and all the  other things that seems to have bothered him have vanished and has been lifted off of his shoulders. Finally, he can breathe properly again.

“Huh?” Sehun frowned a little not getting what Luhan said.

“What do you mean you’re not a couple?” Lay asked confused too.

Kai just scratched his head not getting what Luhan said. Everyone but Kris didn’t get what he said.

“You guys are stupid,” Kris said. “Do you mind telling us what happened?”

“Well, there was that one time when I handed something to her a few weeks back and these three idiots thought that I actually thought that there was something happening between us but there wasn’t. We were just friends but these idiots,” he pointed at the three, “didn’t take a no as an answer when they asked me if there was something going on between Youngmi and I and that is where I told them that she was my ‘girlfriend’ to shut them up.”

Explaining everything to his hyung was clearly exhausting and he didn’t want to do it again from the clear frowns that Sehun, Kai and Lay was wearing implying that they didn’t get it.

“Get it?” Luhan said. Kris nodded but the other three scratched their heads still thinking about it again.

“You guys are so stupid,” Kris said rolling his eyes and sighing at their incapable minds.

It actually wasn’t that hard to think about, they were not a couple. Luhan lied about everything and he’s telling them the truth and that’s it. Nothing complicated about that.

“I still don’t get it,” Sehun said looking quite sad.

“Same,” Lay and Kai seconded at the same time.

“Long story short, Youngmi and Luhan aren’t actually a real couple and are not actually going out with each other because you practically forced him to say that she was his girlfriend when she clearly wasn’t.” Kris said in a long story short version.

“So Luhan hyung isn’t actually going out with Youngmi noona?” Sehun asked, “And that we forced him to say that they were?”

“Pretty much,” Luhan said.

In 3…..



Loud ‘ohs’ were said after finally getting what Luhan meant from the three dumb bums.

“So you lied to us about it?” Kai asked Luhan.

“I had to! You didn’t say no for an answer so I lied about it just to make you shut up,” Luhan replied.

“So what is Youngmi to you then?” Kris asked.

“She’s a close friend, a very very close friend,” Luhan answered truthfully.

Kris nodded and took the answer seriously and headed back to his studies. The three on the other hand had to bother Luhan more.

“Do you think Youngmi would go out with me hyung?” Sehun asked with sparkles on his eyes like a kid in a candy store buying his favourite type of sweet.

Luhan laughed at Sehun quietly, making enough noise for the table to hear but not enough for the whole cafeteria to give their attention to him.

Luhan answered, “No.”

Sehun felt saddened at what Luhan told him. But why wouldn’t she? He was a nice looking person and he was a very good person. Girls like that right? He treats girls quite nicely too.

“Why not?” Sehun pouted a bit.

“You are too childish for her liking and she won’t take you seriously if you are childish,” he replied to Sehun.

That saddened Sehun more. Being childish was his forte and without he would be nothing, like a speck of dust floating on air with no one paying attention to it, just that thing in the background.

Luhan patted him on the back and gave him a reassuring smile, Sehun returned into his usual self, the dumb and childish one of the group. A smile will go a long way for Sehun.

“Then what about me then?” Kai asked who has been listening since the start of the conversation.

Luhan laughed again but covered his mouth to supress his loudness, he calmed down and wiped the wetness under his eyes.

“Haha, no,” Luhan answered.

Kai scoffed. “Why not? I mean look at me, I am a god. No one can resist this bad boy.”

“She doesn’t like ‘ gods’ and people who are full of themselves which you clearly are,” Luhan told him getting a glare from Kai.

“Then what about me? Clearly she’ll like me,” Lay said.

For a change, Luhan didn’t actually piss himself laughing but actually thought about.

Thinking about it, Luhan actually doesn’t know what type of guy Youngmi preferred. He hasn’t asked her and she hasn’t really showed anything towards the opposite gender.

“I don’t know,” he told them.

“So does that mean I have a chance then?” Lay asked with a grin on his face.

“I don’t care,” Luhan shrugged. He seemed a little against the idea of his friends trying to hit on Youngmi, he didn’t like it.

“What’s up hyung? You seem a bit over protective of her. Are you sure you’re just friends?” Sehun asked smirking at Luhan.

“What are you implying Sehun? You are being delusional, she’s just a friend,” Luhan replied calmly but Luhan stomped on Sehuns foot under the table quite harshly and then Sehun understood that no more questions were going to be asked.

“Nothing,” Sehun meekly mumbled massaging his foot under the table while the others giggled like little girls.








The lunch bell rang ending the temporary cause of all students’ happiness in LOEN P.A.H.S to end quickly.

Luhan was on his way to his locker with a smile on his face. It was a smug smile that told everyone that he was proud of something, but what was it?

It must have been very important since as soon as the lunch bell rang he sped off like a bullet out of the cafeteria; he was like flash but Asian.

He couldn’t wait to tell Youngmi the great news, he finally did it!

You might be thinking, did what?

Luhan finally told his friends the truth and he couldn’t wait to tell Youngmi of his achievements, small ones. Actually, it’s not an achievement, he was just really happy about it.

“YOUNGIE!” Luhan yelled as soon as he saw her in front of her locker.

Youngmi rolled her eyes and let out a large portion of carbon dioxide into the air. She turned around and rested her body on her locker with her arms crossed in front of her waiting for the news that he had to tell her.

“Youngie!” he cheered in glee as soon as he was near her.

“You do know that the thing that happened last night was just a onetime thing right?” He nodded sadly sporting a small pout. “So don’t go around screaming out nicknames for me since I clearly made it clear on my rules that no nickname calling until I say so.” Youngmi told him.

“I liked cuddling though,” he said gloomily.

“I told you it’s a onetime thing so don’t get your hopes up,” she told him. “So why are you so happy?”

“Well,” he breathed, “I finally told them the truth!”

“That’s good, now no more misunderstandings,” she said with a small smile.

“But,” Luhan said.

There are always buts. Youngmi knew there were always buts, she always knew.

“Spit it out,” she told him.

“They might start hitting on you,” Luhan told her, “After telling them the truth they started asking me if they were your type.”

“So what did you say?” Youngmi asked raising a brow.

“I told Sehun, no, also Kai but not Lay. I don’t really know your preference for guys but I know it’s not Sehun and Kai. But you still have to watch out for them, they will hit on you,” he said.

Youngmi heaved a sigh and quickly hit Luhan on the side of the head with her well known deadly slaps. Luhan obviously didn’t die since he’s used to it and it doesn’t affect him anymore, he adapted to it.

Luhan rubbed his head and stuck out his tongue at her.

“Now things are worse!” she told him in disappointment.

“How?” he asked.

“Three guys will start hitting on me and they are ing creepy and they like attention and I hate attention and I swear if you bring them to my hide-out place I will cut off your balls!” she threatened him.

“Don’t worry I won’t, as an amazing friend I won’t let any guy touch my Youngie!” he told her placing his hand on his heart area.

Youngmi flicked him on the forehead. “I told you not to call me by a nickname!”

“Fine, but if I can’t call you by your nickname (he made it up) then can I at least get hugs every day?” he asked with a smile.

Youngmi thought about it and quickly found an answer. If she agrees to it then he could ask for a hug but only one hug whenever he likes but if she doesn’t then he’ll start screaming out her nickname that he made for her.

“Fine,” she grumbled.

Luhan clapped happily, his hand rapidly slapping each other with loud clapping noises.

“YAY!” he cheered. “Can I have a hug now?”

Youngmi snickered and gave him a kick on the shin. “NOPE!” she said with a smile. 



Authors Note:

It is not edited yet so I will edit it later. 

I am so glad everyone loved the fluff but sadly that will be the only fluffy thing for a while but they will share more small fluffy moments but not to that extent from the last chapter. I'm glad you like the fluff.


*Question/s of the Day*

What do you think would happen if Youngmi goes out with one of Luhans friends?

Do you want more fluff on the upcoming chapters or be more dramatic?

Comment to answer below!


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~H.T.S.H.S. with Luhan~ What the hell. I though i only got like 8 comment notifications for the chapter and actually there were like 40.. What the hell AFF?


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hlakupaw #1
Chapter 38: Yes, My Myungsoo is fighting to win her heart. I never liked it when the other guy doesn't fight for her. I respect you, author, this is what I was looking for in a story. May your writing career prosper.
hlakupaw #2
hlakupaw #3
I'm not going to read the comments because they might contain spoilers, but I can't wait to read it. OMG the feels are coming to this fanigirl in the USA, hyperventilating right now. Cheer me one because I might pass out any second now. Maybe this one is going to be different from other same old same high school stories but seeing that luhan is somewhat of a stalker, I am going to have a good laugh out of this. Not in a mean way but because this is going to be hilarious. I'm going to keep my expection low though, not to jump ahead of myself, I'm waiting for a lot of surprises on this one.
cloudsFLY09 #4
Chapter 38: i thought i'm quiet late to know this nice story... i enjoyed it very much.. and right know i just imagine the ending.. youngmi will be happy ever after with luhan right? yea!! it has to be!! please..i would be glad if you read my comment and decide to continue update this story... sorry my english is
Aaah I miss this story so much! I really liked it, waiting for every chapter to appear. Won't pressure you tho, but will be very happy if you will continue. It has been 3 years though.
Chapter 38: please update soon!
f5sulli #7
Chapter 38: This, this story is just amazing....i lovr it
i spent two wholr days readinG this
än upvote from me :)
Chapter 38: Authornim~ update soon~ I keep giggling to myself while reading this and my friends keep saying i'm crazy but i just can't help it .. you know what authornim, i think i really become crazy while reading this fics . Love you and fighting !!
ErzaHime #9
Chapter 16: ur story is AWESOME!!!!!