~Chapter 14~


Just the Two of Us - Urban Zakapa (Cover)




Authors POV


“So hyung, where is your girlfriend?” Sehun playfully asked nudging Luhan on the sides with his bony elbows while making his eye brows move in a wavy motion implying playful thoughts. The other bystanders sat around on the edge of their seats with smirks on their faces waiting for his answer.

“What girlfriend?” Luhan asked hazily unknown of what his friend was speaking about while he picked at his food.

“Heeeey, hyung..” Sehun playfully nudged him again. “Don’t play games with us, your girlfriend. Where is she?”

Luhan finally realised what his idiotic friend meant. His ‘girlfriend’, Kim Youngmi, that girlfriend who knew nothing about his plans that might turn out to be his death in the near future….yeah that girl.

“Oh, right.Hahahahahahahaha.... That girlfriend, yup, we’re going well. We even babysat on the weekend. We’re doing well.” Luhan overreacted with his smile and kept nodding at them with widened eyes trying to convince his group of friends.

“Nice save Luhan.” He thought to himself imaginatively patting his own back proudly.

“Weird much…” Kai commented then immediately cowered as soon as Luhan shot him evil glares that could send you to the pits of hell.

“What is her name anyway?” Lay asked then munched on his sandwich.

Sehun nodded his head frantically agreeing to Lays question. “Yeah hyung, we are your awesome and godly friends yet you haven’t even told us her name.” Sehun said.

Now everyone was eyeing Luhan again, Lay stopped gnawing on his sandwich and looked at Luhan, Kai who had his head down low placed it back up looking at Luhan too, and Kris with his face looked at him too halting his studies.

Should he say her name? Should he? Maybe he should lie or not.

Luhan was contemplating with himself for a few good 2 minutes until Sehun spoke.

“Earth to hyung.” Sehun waved his hand in front of Luhans face wanting to gain his attention again.  Luhan shook his head as he finally came back to the real world.

“Her name is Kim Youngmi.” Luhan finally told him after the hundreds of fights that he imagined in his head.

“And……” Lay insisted him to go on, wanting him to elaborate more on what he just said.

“What do you need to know?” Luhan asked quickly readying his brain to make up all the he can to answer all the stupid questions his friends are going to ask.

Everyone quietened down and looked around for inspiration to ask Luhan questions about his pretend girlfriend. Finally Kai broke the silence with his very inappropriate question.

“What colour underwear is she wearing today?” Kai smirked thinking proudly of his question.

Soon enough he got a slap on the back of his head by Kris who shook his head in disappointment.

“Thank you for that.” Luhan said smiling at Kris then glared at Kai. “What else?”

“When are you going to introduce us to her?” Lay asked gaining Luhans attention quite quickly.

“Yeah about that…..” Luhan scratched the back of his head looking down at the table unable to tell them an answer. How could he? She doesn’t even know any of this. Why are they making it all harder for him.

“She needs time,” He told them quite surely, “She’s quite shy and she doesn’t really like to meet new people but I promise I’ll introduce you guys to her when she feels comfortable. Alright?”

They all nodded and understood his situation, well not really, if they understood his situation then he wouldn’t really be ‘in’ this situation and if they understood then he wouldn’t have to lie about having a girlfriend and if they understood they would  know that Youngmi would likely break his neck while he’s sleeping.

They obviously don’t understand the whole picture, just a fraction of it maybe.

Everyone then got back to what they were doing, Kris doing his studies while eating at the same time, Lay finishing his sandwich, Sehun playing with his fingers like a little kid and Kai who seemed to check out some girls that walked past.

Luhan on the other hand got back to his food while imagining what his life would look like if he was actually going out with Youngmi, a lot of damage I think would be seen in his head. Some scenes that came to his head were cars burning, buildings crashing down to the ground and Youngmi demolishing the city.

He suddenly shuddered as soon as he imagined himself kiss Youngmi, that finally made him come back to the reality. He got back to his food and had light chats with his friends.

About half way of the lunch break the gods of the school came inside the cafeteria. The screams and chants of fan girls were strong enough to break the glass and windows situated in the room. The ground rumbled as they stomped around the group trying to get closer to their oppas. 

Luhan and his friends looked at ‘Infinites’ direction while they walked through the crowd of swarming fan girls.

I don’t even know why they call themselves Infinite since they’re not going to live forever or they’re not going to stay like that forever, stay handsome I mean. I’m pretty sure they are going to have wrinkles and look old in the future, but why would they even call themselves that? I don’t get it and so does Luhan.

Luhans sudden urge to punch Myungsoo on the face quickly rose as soon as he saw that smirk that he wore when the Lotte World incident happened.

He could imagine it going through his head.

Luhan would jump up on the table and jump on Myungsoo as he walks past Luhans table with his possie then start beating him into a pulp. Or maybe go up to Myungsoo while they walk past then get his attention then quickly punch him straight on the face making his nose break and bleed. Or throw his food at Myungsoo then make a run for it.

Those were just the normal ways to do it but Luhan didn’t want to get in trouble and Youngmi would beat him up too. There were also some other ways to release his angers such as using his fork to pick out Myungsoos eyes or use the pencils that Kris was using to stab Myungsoo in some parts of his body.

We can do that later on the story.

Luhan finally calmed himself down, but the had to come and anger him more.

Myungsoo neared Luhans table and suddenly recognized him, he could see through those glares that Luhan was shooting him, Myungsoo just smirked and it only egged him on to piss Luhan more, to add fuel to the already burning fire.

Myungsoo walked closer to Luhans table with that playful smirk on his face, that mischievous and dirty smirk. His possie in the back followed too.

“So how are you lady boy?” Myungsoo commented resting his hands on the table snickering at his comment, he looked playfully at Luhan who seemed to have made a disgusted expression.

“Yah, who are you calling lady boy?! Look at that next to you, he screams out gay!” Sehun retorted back standing up from his seat causing everyone in the room to look at the commotion.

Luhan placed a hand on Sehuns shoulder and slowly and carefully sat him down while calming him at the same time.

Sehun finally sat down; Luhan dropped his hand and turned his attention to Myungsoo then to Sungjong.

“Sorry about my friend’s remark here Sungjong-shii, he didn’t mean it.” Luhan kindly apologised, Sungjong nodded keeping his head down since his feelings were hurt. “And you Myungsoo-shii, what is it that you want?” Luhan was calm and collected breathing in and out making it seem like he was calm through it all but he wasn’t, he was fuming inside. Any day now Myungsoo would get it, any day now.

“Nothing, I was just coming here to check up on my princess Lulu. Are you alright, where is your sister?” Myungsoo smirked leaning closer to Luhan brushing his fingers around Luhans face who just gave him a disgusted look.

Sungjong on the other hand felt something tug at his heart, he knew why but he just couldn’t speak of it knowing that his friends would hate him. Despise him to the core, Myungsoo especially.

“What sister?” Luhan asked scrambling his brain to see if he actually had a sister but nothing.. just dust.

“Oh wait, never mind it is just you. You look so feminine I actually thought you were a girl there. Sorry.” Myungsoo broke in a fits of a laughter that was heard throughout the cafeteria, seeing that no one was laughing with him he glared at his possie and soon enough they started laughing awkwardly with him.

“Kim Myungsoo!” A loud booming voice echoed through the room immediately hitting Myungsoos ears. He instantly knew who it was.

His body immediately stiffened from that loud voice, I mean who wouldn’t. It clearly made everyone freeze on their spot, just how loud and so controlling it was.

Myungsoo slowly turned his attention to the unknown person located in the entrance of the cafeteria. There he was, Mr Kim Myung Ji.

“Appa?” Myungsoo widened his eyes. “! Why is he here?” He thought to himself.

Mr Kim whispered something to his bulky bodyguards and finally walked up to Myungsoo and latched their giant hands on Myungsoo sticky arms compared to both bodyguards.

Mr Kim left the room with the two bodyguards behind him while Myungsoo was screaming and frantically flailing his body around trying to get away from the giant posts.

Whispers and murmurs were the only thing that was heard inside the cafeteria.

The Infinite boys quickly followed Mr Kim and Myungsoo and soon they were out of the room looking distressed and confused.

“That escalated quickly…” Kai mumbled looking at his friends. “No? Not funny?” Kai lowered his head from his fail joke.

It was true though, it actually escalated quite quickly.

“Are you okay Luhan?” Kris asked being a nice person he was looking sympathetically at Luhan.

Luhan looked Kris and nodded with a smile. “I’m fine.” He reassured them.

“What do you think happened?” Sehun asked. Everyone just shook their heads in response, no one really knew, only Mr Kim and Myungsoo did.

The bodyguards finally arrived in the entrance of the school. Myungsoo also just gave up trying to escape since he was secured tightly between the two giants that was called bodyguards, I don’t even think they were human.

One of the trolls opened the door of the white and slick limousine and the other one waited for Mr Kim to get inside before throwing Myungsoo inside making a loud thud inside.

“Ow.” He hissed rubbing his head.

“Good, I hope your head gets a good scrambling.” Mr Kim commented sipping a bit of alcohol from his wine glass.

Myungsoo straightened himself and sat down properly and looked straight at his father. “Appa!” He whined flailing his limbs around like a little kid.

“Don’t appa me, you know what you did!” Mr Kim scolded him ready to smack his son across the head.

“But… but…. but….” He pouted with his bottom lip quivering while his eyes were nearing its limits. He would cry right on the spot.

“No buts too! You clearly disobeyed me and I will not tolerate it anymore, soon you will find a wife and get married.” His father told him.

“I don’t want to get married!” Myungsoo told his father.

“Do not raise your voice at me!” His father scolded him, soon he shut his mouth. “You know that we need this to keep our company going. Do you understand?”

 Myungsoo did understand but he just didn’t want to get married. Who would want to get married at 18 years old and settle down? Who would want to leave the life of a god and who would leave all the one night stands he would always get? Who would want to leave a life of a luxury? Myungsoo clearly didn’t.

“Get out of my face,” Mr Kim instructed. Myungsoo opened the door and stepped outside but was called again. “Also, you have a date with Mr Jungs daughter tonight and don’t bail on it again! Got it?”

Myungsoo nodded and left the car. He stood outside and his face dropped and was ready to cry but held it since people might see him being a cry baby that he was.

He watched the limousine drive off the distance until someone called out his name.

“Myungsoo hyung!” Myungsoo heard a faint call from inside the building. He faced it and saw Sungjong.

“Myungsoo hyung,” Sungjong cried out running towards him.

“Sungjong-ah..” Myungsoo called out running towards the latter. He attached his arms around Sungjong and cried on his shoulder holding Sungjong on a tight embrace.

Sungjong soothed Myungsoo and calmed him down like he always did whenever Myungsoo would cry, the only times where Sungjong could hold Myungsoo so close to him.





Authors Note:

Hope you like this chapter. Sorry if it takes long. Tell me if I have any grammar mistakes.


*Question/s of the Day*

Do you like this story? 

What do you think of my story? Is it good or bad or should I delete it all?

What do you think is up with Sungjong? He is a bit shifty isn't he...

Comment to answer below.


Don't forget to share this story around your friends and their friends.

Also special mention to random1117 who made the poster, it is awesome. Thank you!!


Also don't forget to have a look at my story that I started. Do subscribe if you like it. The link is below

The story stars OC - Sarah Jung, Han Seung Yun - Lunafly, Kim Jongin - Exo, Krystal Jung - F(x)

Do have a look if you have time.

Operation: STEAL LOVE

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~H.T.S.H.S. with Luhan~ What the hell. I though i only got like 8 comment notifications for the chapter and actually there were like 40.. What the hell AFF?


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hlakupaw #1
Chapter 38: Yes, My Myungsoo is fighting to win her heart. I never liked it when the other guy doesn't fight for her. I respect you, author, this is what I was looking for in a story. May your writing career prosper.
hlakupaw #2
hlakupaw #3
I'm not going to read the comments because they might contain spoilers, but I can't wait to read it. OMG the feels are coming to this fanigirl in the USA, hyperventilating right now. Cheer me one because I might pass out any second now. Maybe this one is going to be different from other same old same high school stories but seeing that luhan is somewhat of a stalker, I am going to have a good laugh out of this. Not in a mean way but because this is going to be hilarious. I'm going to keep my expection low though, not to jump ahead of myself, I'm waiting for a lot of surprises on this one.
cloudsFLY09 #4
Chapter 38: i thought i'm quiet late to know this nice story... i enjoyed it very much.. and right know i just imagine the ending.. youngmi will be happy ever after with luhan right? yea!! it has to be!! please..i would be glad if you read my comment and decide to continue update this story... sorry my english is
Aaah I miss this story so much! I really liked it, waiting for every chapter to appear. Won't pressure you tho, but will be very happy if you will continue. It has been 3 years though.
Chapter 38: please update soon!
f5sulli #7
Chapter 38: This, this story is just amazing....i lovr it
i spent two wholr days readinG this
än upvote from me :)
Chapter 38: Authornim~ update soon~ I keep giggling to myself while reading this and my friends keep saying i'm crazy but i just can't help it .. you know what authornim, i think i really become crazy while reading this fics . Love you and fighting !!
ErzaHime #9
Chapter 16: ur story is AWESOME!!!!!