~Chapter 20~



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Youngmis POV


It was during the lunch break that Luhan asked about Myungsoo. We were at my lunch spot again; he just followed like a puppy dog saying how he wanted to pinch fat people’s cheeks. Now I think about it I actually did want to pinch a fat kid’s cheek.

He would always ask me if I wanted to do things that he wanted to do for example pinch fat people, squeeze fat people’s – fat people meaning little fat chubby toddlers.

It was always about fat kids. I think he had a great infatuation with fat little kids. I mean they are cute and chubby and irresistible looking but he takes it into another level, I mean creepy level.

There was that one time when we were going back home and he asked me if I wanted to on fat children’s cheeks. That was when I knew that his infatuation with little fat kids were to the extreme. I went along with it of course, it was fun.

We sat down on the grass and ate. We had pasta – the left over from last night. My lovely sister was too lazy to make one for us so we had to eat pasta; it was fine though since it was tasty either way.

“What do you think about Myungsoo?” he asked.

I thought about it. “He’s all right I guess, I mean I wanted to break his neck after the Lotte World incident but he’s long forgiven,” I said.

“Why? If that was me you would still hate me,” he said taking another mouthful of food.

“I told you that I know he’s secret, he’s gay,” I said whispering the last two words like people were around us trying to eavesdrop on our conversation.

Luhan gave me that look, the ‘are-you-serious’ look.

“I’m just joking, he’s not gay but his friend is. That Sungjong kid is totally gay!” I told him. It looked like he agreed since he nodded a bit.

“So what’s your plan, I know what you are thinking Youngmi. What is your motive for forgiving Myungsoo?” he asked.

“It’s easy, he’s easy. On the outside he looks manly and stuff but inside he’s a bloody plushie bear full of rainbows and happiness,” I said sounding very sure of myself.

“He is?” he questioned me.

“Of course he is, he’s a massive cry baby and all the I-am-so-godly-and-I-am-better-than-you façade is just a façade. Nothing to it,” I replied to him chomping down my lunch.

“What makes you so sure?” Luhan asked again.

“There was this one time when I was about to leave school then I saw Myungsoo and his father talking at the back of the school near the faculty car park and I saw him get scolded by his father and he started crying, like full on crying.” I laughed at what I said. Just remembering that moment it finally hit me at how funny it was.

“Really? I never knew…” Luhan said nodding a bit.

“You don’t know anything,” I joked.

Luhan got a bit angry in a fun away and was about to hit me across the head until we heard a rustling noise coming from the long grass behind us.

((If you are having trouble with where Luhan and I are let me tell you. Okay, so we are in the back of the school like way way back where the forest is. There is this long line of tall grass that separates the school and the forest and that is where we were, just behind the grass. The grass is tall enough to cover our heights.))

The grass started moving and the rustling noise came harder and louder and nearer. I was getting scared a bit; it was only Luhan and I who knew about this place.

Unless….. he told someone about it.

“Luhan, are you sure you didn’t tell anyone about our spot?” I asked getting a bit flustered as the noise and the rustling neared us.

“I promise – he held up his right hand – I didn’t tell anyone. Spare me!” he pleaded quite loudly.

I quickly came over to his spot and covered his mouth to silence him. He finally got the idea. The sound came and came until it halted.

I heaved a sigh and thought that it was maybe just an animal and finally found its way. Thank god it wasn’t someone.

Yet my dreams came shattered down into millions of pieces as soon as I heard that voice. It was Kim Myungsoo.

“Hiya,” he greeted with a smile and a wave.

He had some twigs and leaves that dangled from his hair and some dirty stains on his white school uniform. He looked quite exhausted from his ‘trek’ to our spot but he still had that smile on his face.

There was so much going on in my mind. I was lost for words.

Why was Kim Myungsoo in my lunch spot?

Why would he bother coming here?

Why is he waving at us?

How did he get here?

Those questions clouded my mind and unfortunately to add more bad things to the situation Luhan and I’s position was quite, how do you say, awkward.

I had my arms wrapped around Luhans head covering his mouth while my other hand wrapped itself on his upper torso and he was on top of me facing upwards – he was lying on top of me. I was under him and I was getting crushed.

We stayed there in that position with our eyes wide open and were frozen to our spot. It felt like we stayed there for a very long time – about a year or so – and didn’t move at all until Luhan slowly grabbed the hand that was covering his mouth and moved it away very slowly while our eyes were on Myungsoo who kept smiling at us.

“Hey Myungsoo shii,” Luhan greeted slowly getting up from on top of me. He then sat down on the grass while helping me get beside him – seating cross legged.

“So how are you?” he asked. He sat down in front of us and waited for our answers.

I eyed him to see if he was trying to pull some funny business with us but I never saw any funny business. I looked at Luhan who at the same time looked at me really slowly and then we looked back at Myungsoo who waited.

“We’re fine,” I answered him still cautious. I saw Luhan nod at what I said.

“That’s good,” he said. He shifted his eyes between Luhan and I. It was getting quite awkward after no one talking at all.

In my head I knew I had to say something. I knew that Luhan wouldn’t do anything and he would just shut his mouth until I initiate something with Myungsoo. For some reason I think he was trying to make me say something to Myungsoo at how weird he looked at me.

I think he tried telling me that I should talk to Myungsoo because of how he tried moving his eyes towards Myungsoo when he looked at me but it looked like he had some condition and his eyes just darted off into different directions.

I obviously laughed at how weird looking he was – he already was – but it was just very funny.

Then I suddenly remembered that Myungsoo was at our presence and that made me stop my laughter and I looked at him.

“You’ve got a nice spot here, I didn’t even know this place existed,” he commented while he looked around our surroundings. His smile turned bigger and it felt like he was in peace with the environment, a very different side to the Kim Myungsoo I knew.

I stayed quiet and nudged Luhan while I kept an eye on Myungsoo who was lost in his own world like a little kid that just found something shiny on the sand pit at the playground.

I whispered, “What do I say.” I kept my cool and acted normal which I knew was hard to do because there was nothing cool about me in any way possible.

“I don’t know, cut him or something.” Luhan shrugged. I knew he was being sarcastic and he was obviously making fun of my angry side.

I hit him on the arm while Myungsoo occupied himself with his surroundings. As Luhan hissed in pain Myungsoo looked at us. We smiled at him, it was forced and the tension was still there.

I had to cut to the chase. The tension was eating Luhan and me up. Having Myungsoo in front of us was so weird and it really got me thinking. Why is he here? Why?

I looked at him seriously losing the fake smile. He knew that something was up since his smile turned into nothing, his face was blank yet it told me that he was waiting for me – me – to say something.

“Let’s cut to chase Myungsoo shii,” I said. It seemed like he knew I was going to say that. He was unaffected with what I said. He nodded.

“Why are you here?” I asked sounding serious.

“I wanted to come and hang out I guess,” he said.

Luhan stayed quiet letting me do the talking and all the work. What a lazy bum.

“Us? You wanted to hang out with us? The two people who are practically nothing at school,” I said. Did he really say that? He wanted to hang out with Luhan and me.

“You guys are really cool and I wanted to be friends,” he said, “so can we be friends?”

I thought about it. Having Kim Myungsoo as a friend? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I think and think and think then it finally hit me, the rules. I have totally forgotten the rules. Rule number three and five. If I befriend him then I would break the rules and I won’t be able to leave high school – death pit – unscarred and hurt.

Then I think more about it. I then looked at the person next to me. That was the answer. He was the answer. Luhan! If I can be friends with Luhan then I can take on Myungsoo. If Luhan was easy then Myungsoo would be easier. He’s like a bear on the inside, squishy and fluffy.

“Sure, why not?” I said smiling at him.

“That’s quick,” Luhan commented beside me in a joking manner.

That got me thinking, what did he mean by that?

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked getting a bit – a bit – furious.

“I mean come on, he asked you to be friends then BAM you said yes but when I asked you to be friends you made me slave over you for like a hundred years,” he said.

“Well, you were creepy and you were annoying and I don’t like annoying people,” I said.

“Yet you’re friends with me now,” Luhan said. I scrunched up my face and hit him on the back of his head and he then started hitting me too. I hit him back, he hits back then I hit back again then he returns the blow to me.

The little fight – yeah, little – gained us a chuckle from Myungsoo, which made us stop and quickly sit back down properly, with our feet crossed. I glared at Luhan one more time and he did the same and he lifted his hand slowly but dropped it when he saw me gripping my fork, tightly.

“Just be happy that we are friends,” he said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes at him and nodded agreeing with him. Myungsoo on the other hand finally came back from his laughter and calmed down.

“Wait.” I looked at Myungsoo and said, “How did you know where we are? Who told you where this place is?” I eyed him and gripped my fork harder so he could notice it.

“A little bird told me,” Myungsoo said with a cheeky smile on his face.

“What is it with this bird? I seriously have to know who this bird is!” I was infuriated with this what they called ‘bird’. I really needed to know who that bird was or else I will pull out someone’s hair.

It was like Luhan and Myungsoo was in on it and they just watched me suffer. They laughed their heads off as I started throwing a tantrum at both of them, more like everything around me including the grass, the ladybugs and the birds on the trees.

“Who is this bird? Please tell me,” I pleaded, I was on the verge of crying.

They both chuckled. I hate it when they chuckle. I hate it when they wouldn’t tell me anything.


Authors POV


Meanwhile, our three protagonists had fun all during lunch break someone had been eyeing them from a far, someone who had dark intents behind his smile. He was looking at him.

He stood on top of the school building eyeing the three. His smile turned into a scowl as his gaze moved to Youngmi.  His hands clenching into fists and his face full of fury. His blood rushing to his face making his knuckles turn white.

He watched them. Minutes and minutes of just watching them then he closely watched her. His anger would always peak when he looks at her. He didn’t like her one bit.

As soon as the lunch bell rang he quickly left his spot. He went down the three flights of stairs and into the corridors that was full of students running around frantically moving to their respective classes.

His scowl was evident; his strong aura showering around him and everyone could feel it around him like they can see it coming out. He walked straight in the middle of the corridors and touched shoulders with everyone who wouldn’t move for him. He didn’t care.

He walked towards his locker but was immediately stopped by his friend. He sighed. He didn’t want to talk to anyone at the moment. He looked back at him and smiled like he was a complete different person. He greeted him and gave him that smile that he always wore, the fake one.








Youngmi and Luhan headed to their locker area whilst Myungsoo was behind them a few meters away from them. It was their regulations when they were in public; Myungsoo had to be a few meters away so no one would suspect a thing. He just had to act like himself which would be arrogant and snobby.

It was obviously Youngmi’s idea because of her rules. She still had her rules in mind. She always thought that if no one would know that she was friends Myungsoo then her percentage of leaving high school unscathed would still be high.

They arrived at their destination which was at the storage area of the school. The drains and the sewage pipes were evident and were sticking out of the walls and would snake around the room and into another wall or the ceiling.

Myungsoo was wearing a disgusted face and it was evident all right. Every step he took he would always whine about stepping on something disgusting but there was nothing on the floor.

The storage room was clean but it looked dirty because of the pipes and other cleaning equipment for the janitor. It was a good thing that the lockers were a few meters away from all of it. It was bearable for Luhan and Youngmi but Myungsoo was another story.

“Why are your lockers here?” Myungsoo asked looking at his surroundings with his pinkie up and on his tippy toe. He looked so delicate being around the storage room.

“The rules remember?” Luhan said, he rolled his eyes and Youngmi saw it. Youngmi knew what that meant.

She gave him a slap on the stomach sending him on the floor groaning in pain.

Myungsoo finally left after giving his goodbyes and his smile. They would meet soon anyway, at home.

“We’re going to be late,” Youngmi said hurrying Luhan while she waited beside him while he grabbed his supplies.

She sighed and looked around and looked at the corridor that Myungsoo left on and right at that moment she saw a dark figure sticking out its head where the walls met. She furrowed her brows and told Luhan to hurry up again but she quickly left to go look at where the dark figure was.

Youngmi arrived but no one was there. She racked her mind to see any possible answers but just shrugged it off thinking it was just her imagination. She waited till Luhan finally finished and walked beside her till their next class.




Authors Note:

Here is the chapter! I will edit. Like the last chapter.


*Question/s of the Day*

Who might it be? Someone is spying on them.

Comment to answer below!


I have tried bidding a few days ago but I lost but I nearly won like I was so close. Then I bidded today but I wasn't home early enough so I lost by 10 points and I didn't have internet on my phone! I will try again maybe one Friday or Saturday. Thank you to all who donated! LVOE YOU ALL!

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~H.T.S.H.S. with Luhan~ What the hell. I though i only got like 8 comment notifications for the chapter and actually there were like 40.. What the hell AFF?


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hlakupaw #1
Chapter 38: Yes, My Myungsoo is fighting to win her heart. I never liked it when the other guy doesn't fight for her. I respect you, author, this is what I was looking for in a story. May your writing career prosper.
hlakupaw #2
hlakupaw #3
I'm not going to read the comments because they might contain spoilers, but I can't wait to read it. OMG the feels are coming to this fanigirl in the USA, hyperventilating right now. Cheer me one because I might pass out any second now. Maybe this one is going to be different from other same old same high school stories but seeing that luhan is somewhat of a stalker, I am going to have a good laugh out of this. Not in a mean way but because this is going to be hilarious. I'm going to keep my expection low though, not to jump ahead of myself, I'm waiting for a lot of surprises on this one.
cloudsFLY09 #4
Chapter 38: i thought i'm quiet late to know this nice story... i enjoyed it very much.. and right know i just imagine the ending.. youngmi will be happy ever after with luhan right? yea!! it has to be!! please..i would be glad if you read my comment and decide to continue update this story... sorry my english is
Aaah I miss this story so much! I really liked it, waiting for every chapter to appear. Won't pressure you tho, but will be very happy if you will continue. It has been 3 years though.
Chapter 38: please update soon!
f5sulli #7
Chapter 38: This, this story is just amazing....i lovr it
i spent two wholr days readinG this
än upvote from me :)
Chapter 38: Authornim~ update soon~ I keep giggling to myself while reading this and my friends keep saying i'm crazy but i just can't help it .. you know what authornim, i think i really become crazy while reading this fics . Love you and fighting !!
ErzaHime #9
Chapter 16: ur story is AWESOME!!!!!