
Completely happy fangirl



The sun woke me up. After som yawning I seated myself and drow the curtains open.

Yonghwa were crounching next to his bag wearing nothing on his upper body.

He looked up at me, then he got up and smiled widely at me.

Good morning,” shirtless Yonghwa said. He had the body of a slim adult with fully grown shoulders, and a slim, toned body.

I'm sorry,” I said and tried not to stared.

It's ok, It's me who should apologize. I'm just used to you waking up pretty late.” He laugehd. “You should be thankfull, if you opened earlier you would have catched me changing pants...”

I need to go to the bathroom,” I said just to end the conversation.

I took a shower and changed in the bathroom before I headed to the kitchen. We ate Youghurt with berries to breakfast and then Yonghwa took up a map.

We're at the east coast,” he said and pointed at the map. “And were going to be here for three days before we have to go home. So, you can choose anywhere around here to go to.”

It didn't took long for me to decide where.

The beach,” I said almost immediately.

You want to swim?”

I haven't been to the sea for years.”

Then let's go!”


On the way my phone rang. We both stared down at it as it was lying between us.

But I didn't take it because it was Jonghyun who was calling.

Yonghwas smile was dissappearing and he gave me a look.

I don't want to take it,” I said.

Then don't,” he said with his jaw clutched.

So I didn't. But soon it rang again.

Maybe I should take it,” I said.

No, really, don't.”


No, don't. If he calls again, then take it. People that wants you something always calls three times. We should stop for gas.”

It didn't look like we needed to tank but at the same time Yonghwa knew this car better than I did, maye the gasmeter was broken.

It was a dusty sandy place we were stopping at.

I went to the bathroom in the van and then came out again. Yonghwa were speaking in his phone.

I have to go now,” he said and looked a little annoyed but then he said “Love you” and hung up.

Who was it?” I asked.

Ma,” he simply said. “It's an hour to the beach, lets go.”

Jonghyun didn't call anymore and when the sky got brighter and the wind clearer with a scent of salt he blew out of my mind.

As I couldn't remember last time I was at the beach I also couldn't remember last time I was this excited. When Yonghwa parked I just jumped out of the car not opening the door and ranned towards the beach forgetting swimwear and everything.

Soon I came back. Yonghwa was looking for somethin in the van.

He gave out with something green plastic. I just stared questoning at him.

You'll see,” he said. “You forgot something?”

He smiled teasingly. I hit his shoulder lightly and went into the van.


This is wonderful!” I exclaimed as I stood with the wather up to my ankles, my arms spread towards the sun.

Isn't it a little cold,” Yonghwa said with his arms across his chest.

You need to come to Sweden if you want to experience cold water,” I lauged as I runned in and dived.

When I came up again Yonghwa still stood on the shore.

If you come in in ten seconds I buy you ice-crem,” I said.

But...” Yonghwa said.

One!” I said.

The man put his foot in and felt the water, shrugging.


He gave me a sceptic look.


Then he closed hit eyes and with determination he marched right out into the water.

I laughed at his tormented face and even more when he suddenly fell right into the water.

He looked so shocked when he came up again, it was hillarious.

Stop laughing!” he said and dragged his bang out of his face.

I just laughed more. He suddenly started to go right towards me.

What are you doing?” I asked almost crying from laughter.

You gonna buy me ice-cream,” he said.

No no no!” He was trying to grasp me and I tried to swim away.

He got a hold of my t-shirt. He easily dragged me in and lifted me up to carry me out of the water, everyone around us were staring while a tried to get some air from laughing.

I stil laughed when we stood at the ice-cream stand.

Two... Two chocolade,” I giggled.

The man looked confused when I was the one paying.
We then layed ourselves under a big sunshade umbrella and ate it.

What are your ice-cream tasting?” I asked him.

He looked really confused by the question.

Ice-cream,” he said doubtfully.

I don't even know but that made me laugh even more.

Suddenly I felt his arm agains mine as he lend in so press his lips on my cheek.

I stopped laughing so fast that I chocked a little air. I felt how my cheeks got warmer and how my heart skipped a beat and I almost didn't dare to look at him.

I touched the spot he had kissed and turned to stare at him. He also looked shocked by what he had done and he didn't even notice that the ice-cream had started melting down his hand.

I'm... I'm sorry,” he stuttered. “You just looked so cute and I...” he cleared his throath, “I'll go get some napkins,” he then said and got up and quickly walked away.

I probably laid there for two minutes with my mouth open before it sank in what he really had done.. I laid down my ice-cream on the sand, laid my face on the towel and just wheezed a little because internally I was screaming.


Yonghwa didn't come back for a while. When he came back he wasn't just carrying napkins but also the wird green plastic thong he had been holding before and also a blue one.

Choose one,” he said. He looked really flustered and didn't meet my eyes.

I choose the green one.

Blow,” he said and gave it to me.

I had completely missed that it was inflautable watertoys. I started blowing it to find out it was a turtle.


The rest of the day was pretty calm. I flooted around on my turtle enjoying the sun while Yonghwa was lying on a pretty deformed shark. He seemed more shocked about the kiss than I so I left him alone for a while to melt it while I tried to melt how incredibly cute he was.

Later in the afternoon we decided to go and eat dinner. Still Yonghwa was really shy and even though I thought it was cute with someone actually more innocent than me I felt like I had to do something because it would be kind of a problem if he didn't dare to look at me for the rest of the trip.

I though about what I could possible do as we seated ourselves in the car.

What do you want me to eat?” He asked without looking at me. He closed his eyes. “I mean...” he stuttered, “what do you want... Us... To eat...”

I suddenly realised exactly what to do.

I bet forward and placed a kiss on his cheek.

He slowly turned his head and stared at me, now he was the one with the jaw dropped.

I just smiled at him.

Thank you for a wonderful day,” I said.

He turned back in his seat and then he started to smile as well.

It was all my pleasure, “ he said and started the car.


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Annilla #1
Chapter 32: Omo omo omo jag klarar inte fluff!!!! Detta är såååååååå fint!! Tack <333
ayeteeyah #2
Chapter 31: i just read the whole fanfic up to now ! omo! Author-nim ,I love it ! please update soon ! pallipalli (:
Annilla #3
Chapter 30: Yonghwa!!! Underbara man! Uppdatera snart~
LoveYou12345678 #4
An update please!
Annilla #5
Chapter 28: 어떻게!! Uppdatera snart~~!!!
Chapter 28: Jonghyun you piece of ____ -.-
Creamycookies #7
Chapter 22: Yonghwa is getting neglected in this fanfic.. O.O
Annilla #8
Chapter 21: Så fint! Så fluffigt!
Annilla #9
Chapter 20: Hahhahah Hanna!!