Contagious Crazy


As Siwon arrived home, he was still thinking about what Tiffany did. The smile didn't leave his face. He was way too happy knowing that Tiffany likes him. Before he went to bed, he sent her a text message.

From: Choi Siwon

Good night my lovely. I hope someday I can take care of you. ^^

Tiffany who was about to turn in to bed, heard her phone ring. She opened the message and she smiled as she read it. She was thinking of what to reply, but she decided that she won't. She wanted to know if Siwon will anticipate a reply. Good thinking for her, as for Siwon, we'll see if he'll wait for a reply. Without anything, she dozed off to sleep.

On the other line, Siwon was hoping for a reply from Tiffany. It made him awake for an hour. He was thinking that maybe she was asleep. Maybe she read it but she was not serious about what she said earlier. No, it can't be. He knows that she likes him. Maybe he was going too fast? What, did he say anything erted? Siwon was half crazy. Clearly, he has never been like this towards any girl. He was so sure that Tiffany was the one. Damn, it hit hard on him that he had to give up his playboy image just for this one girl. He didn't know how did it happen, he did not care to know. All these thoughts came clouding up his mind the whole night.


The next day was a Sunday, Siwon woke up late morning. He barely slept, if not for his eyes which have given up, he would have been restless thinking about Tiffany. He went downstairs to make his coffee, his usual routine when he wakes up. He was checking out the papers with his beverage on the table when he heard his phone ring. It was Donghae on the other line.

"Yo hyung! Why don't you come over to our house today? Dad and Mom wanted me to invite you over!" Donghae exclaimed.

"Can you keep your voice down, I just woke up. Okay!?" Siwon was a bit annoyed with his bestfriend.

"Sorry hyung, why the heck were you up last night?! Anyway, just come here in time for lunch. Dad wants to talk about some business matters." 

"Okay, I'll be there. Just let me finish my coffee." Siwon said.

"Alright! See you!" Then Donghae hanged up. 

After the call, SIwon remembered Tiffany, she still hasn't replied yet. Why is she making it hard for him? He didn't expect that, he thought that Tiffany would be easy like the girls he has hooked with before. There was no time to overthink, he had to prepare for lunch at Donghae's, so he took a quick shower and changed into his casual clothes then drove off to the Lee's residence. 


Arriving at the Lee's residence, Siwon was greeted by the butler. The butler told him that Donghae was with his parents at the garden. Upon sight, Donghae greeted his bestfriend with much enthusiasm. 

"Hyung! So what's up?" 

"Nothing much. So, what is it that uncle wants to talk about?' Siwon asked Hae. 

"Can you just relax for a while? By the way, what's with the eyes hyung? Looks like you have been up all night! What's with that huh? A new girl?? Huh?" Donghae was investigating.

"Aniyo, just brought home office work that has been keeping me up all weekend." Siwon denied the fact that waiting for Tiffany's reply kept him awake.

"Really? Strange. You never done that before. Listen, hyung, don't dare to keep anything from me, trust me, I'll know! Hehe." Donghae jokingly warned Siwon.

"Aish, just let me see uncle and auntie okay?" Siwon was obviously irritated by Donghae's inquiry.

While having lunch, Siwon and Donghae's parents were talking about business and how things are going with both families. Siwon's parents and Donghae's were really close. So it was of no doubt that they have treated each other like family. After lunch, they were having tea and coffee in the garden when Donghae's dad asked Siwon.

"My son, do you have plans of marrying?" 

Siwon was silent for a moment. He realized he had to answer that question as everybody was anticipating.

"Um, I have plans but not right now uncle. I still have a lot to do with what dad left me here in Korea." Siwon safely answered.

"I see, your dad is lucky to have someone to keep your company running. Say, I think a handsome lad like has a girl taking care of him right now. Am I right Siwon?" Donghae's dad wanted to confirm.

"Not really uncle, but I think I have found one." Siwon said smiling to himself. 

"Now were talking! Do I have any idea who's that lucky girl hyung?" Donghae was curious.

"I think so?" Siwon said jokingly and the three of them laughed. 

They were in the middle of a conversation when Hae's phone started ringing. He excuse himself to answer it, Jessica was on the other line. Donghae invited her over since Siwon was also there. Jessica said that she would be over and she was with Tiffany. After the call, he returned to the guys conversation. Few moments more the doorbell rang, Hae excused himself to greet Jessica.

"Oh, I think they're here." Donghae said.

"Who?" Siwon was quite puzzled. Donghae did not mention that he invited someone else over besides him. 

Donghae came to the door and greeted the two girls, he directed them to the garden where Siwon and his parents were. Siwon saw Jessica, but aside from her he saw another girl. He was in shock when she saw Tiffany. He did not expect that. Now he was suddenly conscious of what he was going to do. He was just talking about the girl he wanted to marry then Tiffany showed up. But he could not let out a weird face, so he tried to act normal. After all the welcoming commotion, Tiffany went to Siwon to greet him.

"Oh, annyeonghaseo oppa! I didn't know you were here." Tiffany said.

Siwon just let out a smile and sat back again. Suddenly, Donghae's dad started investigating on him again.

"Say, Siwon, have you met my lovely niece?"

"Um, ne, Donghae introduced me to her." Siwon stated in a flustered tone.

"Good. She's a wonderful lady you know. If weren't you had that special girl with you, I would like you to date her. Haha, just kidding my son." Donghae's dad exclaimed.

Suddenly, Siwon looked at Tiffany, then Tiffany looked to Siwon. He was thinking, does she know that she's the special girl he was talking to his uncle about. While she thought, who could that girl be? Is the girl me? Or it could another girl he was talking about? Then this feeling Siwon had in him that he had to tell the truth. Donghae had no idea that Siwon confessed to Tiffany over the weekend. Then he blurted out,

"Uncle, she's the girl I'm talking about." 

Everyone kept silent, but Donghae couldn't hold it in. 

"Yah! My hyung has finally got himself a serious score! Hahaha!" Donghae was happy that his bestfriend was finally getting track of his own lovelife. Donghae's dad was pleased to know that Siwon was actually dating Tiffany. Meanwhile, the two girls, Jessica and Tiffany had their own shock they could not utter a word.


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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Chapter 46: This story will always be one of my favs, never get bored to read it all over again^^
wow good fic !!
Chapter 46: I really love this story Kyaaaa Thank You Authornim for making This lovely Sifany story <3333 sequel?? Haha ^___^
Snsdsj #5
Chapter 46: Will there be part 2 to this story?
Snsdsj #6
Chapter 44: Thank you for the update waiting for the next chapter