V-Day Date



It was Valentine’s Day, Siwon called her secretary at early in the morning to remind her about the lavenders he sent to Tiffany.

“Um, please don’t put my name on it. Just send it to her with that message. Alright? Okay, okay. Thanks!”

He was feeling all sorts of moods, he’s excited, somewhat anxious and mostly just plain happy. He did not want to fetch Tiffany today because he wanted to meet her on their date later this evening when he will finally ask her to be his girlfriend. He needed an alibi not to drive her to work today, just this once to prepare everything.

SMS From: Choi Siwon

To: Tiffany Hwang

Good morning princess! Sorry I can’t drive you to work today, need to pass by the CEO of this certain company since he’s flying to Germany this noon. But we’ll push through our date later, so see you then! Take care! “,)

Tiffany smirked upon reading his message, she thought to herself, ‘Wow, ditching me the last minute, 1 point down.”  She was somewhat disappointed, leaving her no choice but to drive herself to work that day.

Upon arriving in her office, she saw a bouquet of lavenders in her desk, her favorite of course. She came up to the desk reading the note that said:

On your building’s rooftop tonight, 7pm. If you have other plans tonight, please just come, it will just be quick.

She looked around for clues on who the sender was, she found no one guilty so she asked her secretary on who came handing the flowers, her secretary said that a guy from a flower shop delivered it without giving the sender’s name. Tiffany had one person in mind, Siwon.

She tried calling his number to ask about the flowers, Siwon was not picking up, and she thought that he might be busy so she sent a message. He was not replying unlike before that she would get immediate responses from him. Something is really not right. She was thinking that Siwon was slowly ditching her, even though she did not like to think that way. ‘2 down’ she thought to herself.

The day had passed and it was already 5pm, she was not getting any reply from him, or any call contrasting the Siwon who was clingy who will drop a call after lunch just to check if she has eaten. Tiffany was contemplating if she will go see the mysterious sender of the flowers on her rooftop’s building. She finally agreed to herself that she will, one thing to make Siwon jealous is to arrive late on their date because of meeting the sender of the lavenders.

It was 6:55pm and Tiffany received a message from an unknown number:

SMS From: Unknown Number

Hi! Be sure to pass by the rooftop okay? It’s just three floors above you. Kekeke J

Now it’s getting mysterious, she got ready and fixed herself and went inside the elevator, pushed the 31st floor button. She was somewhat anxious of what will happen, she thought that Siwon might be the sender, then her phone received a message from Siwon,

SMS From Choi Siwon:

Hey, don’t forget about tonight okay? I’m on my way “,)

No, he’s not. Two different persons. Now who could that be? She had no idea until another person came into her mind, ‘could it be Taecyeon?’ her lovely ex from the States.


















She was startled by the sound of the elevator reaching the top floor of the building. Walking towards the stairs that lead to the rooftop’s door, her heart was pounding. What if it was really Taecyeon? What would she do? Before opening the door she took a deep breath, and upon entering, she saw a familiar back looking over the city skyline. He was in black long sleeves with hands tucked in his pants’ pocket. The man heard the door’s creaking and turned around. He saw Tiffany and said,

“You must have liked what I sent you earlier today.”





















Siwon said smiling. Yes, it was Siwon. He walked towards her seeing her surprised expression.

“You were surprised aren’t you?”

Tiffany didn’t knew what to feel at that moment, she was thinking about Taecyeon before entering when she instantly saw Siwon.

“Um, not really. Kind of?”

“Haha, you’re always unsure. Were you expecting someone other than me?”

“To be honest, yes.”

“Awww! It stings me baby.”

“What?? Why did you call me that? And it’s your fault anyway that I was expecting somebody else.”

She was acting cold again. Oh no, Siwon don’t ruin the mood. He immediately thought of something else.

“Hey, hey, I was just kidding. Listen, I have something to ask you.”

From the sound of his voice, Siwon was up to something serious. He looked into Tiffany’s eyes facing her.

“The last time I felt happy like this was the day you said yes to me to drive you to work every day. Seeing you first thing in the morning just makes my day. Um, I was never really good at thinking of something romantic like this because I was never that type of guy but Tiff, you just made me one. So um…”

He was looking into her eyes then he faced the city skyline again. Tiffany followed suit. She was getting kind of nervous at the moment from the words that came out of Siwon’s mouth. Right that moment, something lit up from the rooftop of the building across. It was the words:


She was staring at it like a minute or two; Siwon on the other hand was just smiling the whole time, he fidgeted on his feet, somewhat impatient of her answer. Finally she spoke.

“You just went overboard again Mr. Choi, um, yes.”

The showing her precious eye smile which made Siwon sigh out of happiness. He hugged Tiffany real tight while saying the words, “I love you” repeatedly to her ear. Tiffany can’t help but to respond to his hug out of happiness. The lad broke the hug and took off his necklace with a ring on it. He took her hands and slid the ring into one of her fingers, then carefully looking at it.

Tiffany then took her hand and cupped his face closer to her. “I love you too, Siwon oppa.” Then pulling him for a passionate kiss. 


A/N: OP-OP-OP! OPPA GANGNAM STYLE! Haha! Aww, that SiFany moment just got cut into the best part. Hehehe, did that on purpose for a cliffhanger :)) Anyways, I hope you do enjoy this update. I am really on the heat of writing :)) Girls Generation make you feel the heat? Hahahaha 

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info. http://ourhouserp.tumblr.com/
Chapter 46: This story will always be one of my favs, never get bored to read it all over again^^
wow good fic !!
Chapter 46: I really love this story Kyaaaa Thank You Authornim for making This lovely Sifany story <3333 sequel?? Haha ^___^
Snsdsj #5
Chapter 46: Will there be part 2 to this story?
Snsdsj #6
Chapter 44: Thank you for the update waiting for the next chapter