The Final Torrent



Summi (pulling his head backward): "I had it enough of your business! Now you die!"

Raitrious (smiling): "Heh."

Summi charged an ocean blue and white ball twice as big as Raitrious' height and then he fire it at his brother. The resulting blast completely shrouded Raitrious in a beautiful ocean blue and white cylinder.

Tobias(moving slightly forward): "Did... he die? Did Raitrious really die?"

Yutaka (blinking several times): "Is it over? Summi, did you kill Raitrious?"

Summi's chi ran dry and his technique was dispelled.

Yutaka swallowed his throat and saw a black armored hand.

Yutaka(shocked at the startling sight): "No. He survived. Damn it all."

Kaiya balled her hand into a fist.

Everyone saw Summi fall backward and onto some destroyed houses.

Kaiya (looking up at the grey sky): "It's over."

Tetsu (looking at Kaiya): "No, it's just beginning."

Raitrious(keeping his hand straight): "Extraction of the Element: Water."

Blue chi flowed into Raitrious' hand and he was smirking evilly.

Yutaka (creating a Tama no Kasai): "That bastard!"

He threw the Tama no Kasai but Raitrious stopped it with his free hand.

Tetsu snapped his fingers and it erupted into a blaze; running up and down his arm.

He took his sights off of his dying brother, not moving his straighten arm and looked at his burning arm.

Raitrious (looking at Yutaka and Tetsu): "You smug! Once I get the element of water: I'm going to kill both of you! Plus Kaiya and Tobias!"

Summi(lifting his head; slightly): "Thank God, that I have some chi left."

He opened his mouth and began to form a ball even bigger then the last one.

Summi(using his arm to get some support so he can launch his attack): "Tama no Gekiha wo Mizu no Furimawasu"

Tetsu grabbed Tobias and Kaiya by the collars, disappeared, grabbed Yutaka by his arm and disappeared again.

The blast covered the entire sky in an ocean blue and white color and slammed into Raitrious with such force that Tetsu reappeared and thought that he was killed. The blast stopped as Summi finally ran out of chi.

Kaiya broke free from Tetsu's grip and looked into the disappearing blast.

Kaiya(pointing at the figure in the blast): "AH! The reminding streaks of the blast is... is.. sliding off of Raitrious like it was water."

Raitrious was still absorbing chi even though he was blasted by a technique that would've killed him.

Tetsu (watching, helplessly as, Raitrious drains Summi of his chi): "How are you still alive?"

Raitrious (lowering his hand slightly, turning and looking at Tetsu): "Because of his chi. You of all people should have known that."

Tobias(scratching his head): "Known what?"

Kaiya(putting her hand onto Tobias' shoulder): "According to the previous sage of my village, once someone extracts another's chi, and the same person who's chi was absorbed attacks; with the last of said chi, then the attack has no effect on the person being attacked because the person's chi that was absorbed and the absorber know has mixed chi."

Tobias was confused.

Kaiya (>_>): "An example: Raitrious is out Summi's chi, when he attacked a moment ago, Raitrious was not effected."

Tobias (watching Summi die): "I think I understand."

Kaiya nodded.

Yutaka (looking at Tetsu with balled fists): "What do we do?"

Tetsu (closing his eyes, slowly opening, and looking at Yutaka): "Absolutely nothing."

Yutaka couldn't believe what he just heard. Tetsu refusing to help someone in need.

Raitrious (pulling his absorbing arm back past his head): "NOW YOU DIE!"

He took the last of Summi's chi.

Raitrious(holding his arm up to the full moon): "IT'S FINISHED! FINALLY FINISHED! I HAVE THE ELEMENT OF WATER!"

He looked at his hand.

Raitrious (looking at his hand): "Time to go find air, then earth, and finally fire. That way, I can rid myself of the Forest Village. No, the Forest Island and become the new sage there. Then, I'll wage endless war against the North, South, East, West, Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, and Northeast Islands. I'll also create an undead army of zombies!"

Yutaka (exiting his elemental possession): "That's a sick dream only you care about."

Raitrious flicked his hair from his eye holes and disappeared.

Tetsu (letting out a sigh of relieve): "Finally."

Familiar Voice(coming from behind them): "Hey! Yutaka! Tetsu! Tobias!"

To be continued...

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please update authornim.....
luckyxstarz #2
it's a orginal story like he said on the top
...this isn't a fanfic.
Sonicman0123456789 #4
Nice...nice. Oh btw I'm waiting for the rest of the post so keep em comin :)