Strike Two! Yutaka's Payback



Deep inside a mountain, west of the Forest Island: Summi was resting in a giant pool of water. 
Summi (regenerating his arm and hand): “Why did it take 15 years for you to find me?”
Raitrious (looking at a map of the world): “Ichuji, Sajiro’s son, was on the look out for me after the Five Days of Death and even after his father died 10 years ago, he still kept a close eye out for me.”
Summi(getting up out of his giant pool of water): “Troublesome humans. It’s because of Sajiro that the invasion failed.”
Raitrious (turning his head slightly): “I’m well aware of that, Sum.”
Summi stood up and stretched, drenching Raitrious. 
Raitrious (dusting water off of his kimono): “Don’t get me wet. You know I hate water.”
Summi (scratching bald head): “Sorry, I forgot.” 
Meanwhile, at the edge of Forest Island Shores: Kaiya and Yutaka looked at the horizon. 
Yutaka (looking at the horizon): “I think it’s time that we left the Forest Island behind us.”
Kaiya (also looking at the horizon): “Yes, I agree. But where will we travel to?”
Yutaka (closing his eyes): “To the find Raitrious and Summi.”
Kaiya (standing in front of him): “But where are we suppose to find him?”
Just as Kaiya had said that, the water from the city started to move on its own. It then started to form a shape. 
Kaiya and Yutaka looked at the water with-a-mind-of-its-own. 
Yutaka (raising head to see the shape’s face): “Summi.”
Raitrious appeared by the means of a lightning streak. 
Raitrious (landing on Summi’s right shoulder): “It’s time to destroy the Forest Village. But this time, don’t leave any survivors.”
Summi raised his left arm and hand and it transformed into water. 
Summi (launching water cannon): “FAREWELL!!!”
A huge gush of water shot from Summi’s arm, flew past Yutaka and Kaiya and it struck the protective barrier; cast by the First Sage of the Forest Village. 
Yutaka saw his home stop the gush of water, but for how long was the question.
Meanwhile: in the Forest Village, Ichuji was summoned by one of his squires. The Squire was wearing a grass green kimono with ground brown pants and roped sandals. His hair was slicked up and in neat condition. Also, his eyes were light green.
Squire (kneeling on his right knee): “Lord Ichuji, Summi has crashed a huge gush of water at the protective barrier that the First Sage put up over 1,000 years ago!” 
Ichuji got up off his throne and ran to his balcony. He looked up and saw a huge rush of water run over the barrier with brute force. 
Summi (shooting out more water): “MORE POWER! MORE WATER!”
Ichuji lifted his right hand up and put both his index and middle fingers together and his thumb pointing to him. He raised his left hand and pointed his thumb to the sky and his two fingers (index and middle) pointing to the barrier. 
Ichuji (holding the position): “I mustn’t let the barrier break. If that happens then everyone will be exposed or dead.” 
Yutaka (punching the sand): “Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!”
Kaiya (falling to her knees at the sight over her head): “He’s going to destroy the Flying Tree Village.”
Yutaka closed his and clenched his hands into fists so hard that blood started to drip from his palms. 
Yutaka (forcing his eyes open): “SUMMI! I’M COMING FOR YOU, YOU BASTARD!!!”
Yutaka disappeared and reappeared behind Raitrious; without him detecting him and Yutaka punched Raitrious in the face, sending him flying into Summi’s right cheek. 
Raitrious (throwing lightning from his hand): “Who’s the dirty rat that just did that?!?”
Yutaka appeared in above Summi’s head. 
Yutaka (dropping like a ton of bricks): “Crandor, lend me your strength.”
Summi (feeling Yutaka fall on his head): “OW!!”
Yutaka disappeared again but reappeared to uppercut Summi on his chin. 
Raitrious vanished. 
Summi’s head jerked backwards and he took several steps back. He repositioned his head to see Yutaka but he wasn’t there anymore. 
Summi (looking around for him): “Where did he go?”
Just as Summi turned his head, Yutaka used his foot to kick it the other way.   
Summi’s head flew to his left, Yutaka kicked it to the right, then to the left and so on. Then, Yutaka appeared above Summi’s head and hammer kicked him on top of his head. 
Kaiya saw Summi drop to his knees and gravity took his stomach and slammed him down on the ground. 
She vanished and reappeared next to Yutaka. 
Kaiya (hugging Yutaka): “That was awesome! Is he dead?”
Yutaka (looking at Summi): “I don’t know. But seeing as I landed a blow on his head from 30 feet high, I highly doubt that he died.”
Raitrious (forming a ball of lightning): “Tama no Rai!!” 
He charged for Yutaka like a wild bull but before he could slam his ball of lightning into Yutaka’s back, a gust of wind stopped him in his tracks. 
Yutaka and Kaiya, also, felt the wind. 
Yutaka (looking around): “What was that?”
Kaiya (scanning the sky): “It was wind. But … it’s a clear day, no breeze.”
Another gust of wind slashed Raitrious. 
Raitrious (scanning the sky, also): “Show your self!”
A huge gust of wind swiped the all three fighters and traveled to one specific spot above their heads. 
The wind started to zipped into the clouds. 
Raitrious (looking at the grey, yet timid clouds): “What the hell was that all about?”
Yutaka (also looking at the clouds): “I’m not sure.”
Above, the clouds separated and a teenaged figure descended from the heavens. 
Raitrious (watching the figure descend): “…”
Yutaka (watching with amazement): “It’s been a while.”
Kaiya (starting to cry): “You’re here, to help us.”
Summi (looking at the figure with disgust in his throat): “Who the hell are you?”
The Figure stopped in front of Yutaka and Kaiya and stared at them. 
The Figure (opening his eyes): “I have returned from being in the hospital.”
Summi (raising octopus tail to swat at the figure): “I asked ’who the hell are you’, answer me, or I’ll kill you!”
The Figure (pointing with his thumb): “My name is Kazekiri Tobias.” 
Yutaka (smirking): “It’s about time you joined the party.”
Tobias (hovering over to Yutaka): “What I miss?”
Yutaka (pointing to Summi): “That’s the first relic: Summi the Demon of the Oceans.”
Tobias (cocking head to the left): “He seems weak.”
Summi (raising fist to his shoulder and ing it forward): “You smug little bastard!”
He punched Yutaka’s open hand and tried to pry from his grip but his fist didn’t budge. 
Yutaka (steaming form his hands): “No one attacks my friends and lives to tell about it.”
Raitrious (being struck with lightning): “Summi, I have other matters to attend to. So I’ll leave you these clowns and you can leave their bodies in floating in the water for me.”
Summi nodded. Raitrious disappeared. 
Kaiya (entering her Elemental Possession): “Clowns?”
Tobias (entering his Elemental Possession): “I find that highly offensive.”
Yutaka (entering his Elemental Possession): “You know, with our combined powers, maybe we can kill Summi before Raitrious returns, then…”
Tobias (looking at Yutaka): “Then we can look for the other three and destroy them.”
Kaiya had butterflies in here stomach. 
Summi charged his ocean blue and snow white ball of energy and fired it at the trio. 
The trio went on the offensive and attacked Summi.
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please update authornim.....
luckyxstarz #2
it's a orginal story like he said on the top
...this isn't a fanfic.
Sonicman0123456789 #4
Nice...nice. Oh btw I'm waiting for the rest of the post so keep em comin :)