Coincidence (GRi)

Love In The Dark - A Series of Drabbles

Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1655
Genre: Random. Gen. Crack.
Summary: Seungri's life is full of coincidences and really bad luck. Or so it seems.
AN: Written instead of homework. Gonna die staying up late tonight finishing it all xD


While some speak in dreams and others dream of fate,
Perhaps coincidence and perhaps luck is all it really is.
SeungRi has a bagel in his hand and work on his mind. He walks through the city park like no one’s business and settles down on a bench to eat. He pulls out his laptop and taps away at the keys, focusing on the tiny figures and confusing charts on the screen as he types out a complicated business report so his boss doesn’t fire him.
In fact, he’s so focused that he doesn’t hear the faint strains of music floating through the air from underneath the oak tree behind him. Nope, SeungRi just keeps on tapping. Perhaps if he had paid more attention, he would have noticed the odd man with blond hair that sat with a beat-up guitar in his hand and hummed under his breath to no one in particular.
SeungRi runs through the shopping mall, muttering under his breath and cursing his terrible memory as he tries to remember the things he needed to buy for that stupid birthday party he didn’t even want to go to. His eyes slide over the store names and he goes in maybe 3 or 4 of them before he’s finished buying what he could remember. He’ll have to come back later, he forgot groceries and that new BIGBANG CD that just came out a day ago.
Maybe if SeungRi had had better memory, he would have entered the record shop earlier and maybe he would have seen a strange blond man picking through the CDs and chatting with the employees as if he came there often. Maybe he could have bought the CD before the blond man did. And maybe he would have eavesdropped on their conversation and found out that the man’s name was Kwon JiYong and wanted to start a band.
SeungRi curses his luck. Here he was, in line for a movie with no date, and the woman selling tickets is looking at him funny. It wasn’t his fault, really, it wasn’t. He’d definitely asked a girl out, and she’d definitely said yes… she just didn’t show up. Worse, it her damn idea to go see the new chick flick anyway. He sighs and says, “One, please,” and sits in his seat mutinously.
Just when SeungRi thought it couldn’t get any worse, some idiot decides to sit in the seat right next to him halfway through the movie. Seriously, one minute there was a comfortable empty seat on either side of him, and now some weirdo with funny clothes plops himself down beside him—even though the theatre was half-empty and he could have chosen to sit by anyone else if he’d wanted to. But no, he chooses SeungRi, and SeungRi’s night is just made even more miserable because the guy cries during the sad part and asks him for a tissue.
Of course, he’s gone by the time the lights turn on again and if SeungRi’d been looking for him, he’d have noticed that the random stranger had had a really curious shade of blond hair and ink stains on his hands.
Drinking alone was never fun, but it was kind of worse when he was sitting at a table filled with his best friends and he was still drinking alone. SeungRi knocked back another shot of soju and tried to ignore everyone else planning their next outing together—not that SeungRi was invited, anyway. SeungRi wonders why he even said yes to coming tonight, they hadn’t really wanted to invite him in the first place. Perhaps he was tired of being lonely and tired of his house and tired of his goddamn boring life.  He’s 19 for God’s sake!
SeungRi is sure he should’ve stayed home, though, when a blond kid with a guitar on his back stumbles into the seat next to him and yanks the shot glass out of SeungRi’s hand, only to tip its contents down his own throat. SeungRi watches with a sort of detached horror as the kid grins drunkenly at him and begins chattering away at a rapid pace, to which SeungRi can only sit there and nod dumbly.
It turns out the kid is drunk, which was made obvious to everyone when blondie introduces the table to his boyfriend, and tries to kiss SeungRi on the lips. SeungRi’s face burned as everyone laughed themselves silly and had to forcibly remove the kid’s face away from his. It gets worse when the kid starts to serenade him with a cheesy ballad and clumsy fingers on his guitar.
Everyone sort of volunteers SeungRi to get the kid home after they end the night, seeing as how the kid wouldn’t let go of him and had wrapped his arms around his waist like an octopus suctioned onto his body. SeungRi has to yell into his ear for a good five minutes before he understands enough to slur out an address, and SeungRi’s sitting in a taxi trying to avoid the driver’s smirking face as he wrestles the kid away from his pants.
SeungRi finds the kid’s keys and opens the door to the apartment. He’s shocked to see every inch of space inside covered with music sheets – some blank and some filled with messy scrawls—and is somewhat reluctant to go and trample on all of this by stepping inside. But the kid calmly blunders his way through the apartment at a rapid pace, and SeungRi can smell why when the sound of retching comes somewhere around the corner.
SeungRi hesitantly steps in and looks around the room interestedly. There are CDs laying around everywhere, as well as 10 broken-looking guitars and grand piano that sat in its place of honour in the corner. The walls were what SeungRi supposed was white, except it looked like the outside of a public building—it was covered with graffiti. SeungRi had never been inside a house as chaotic and expressive as this one. Just standing in it made SeungRi feel different—his fingers itched to pick up the guitar that hung haphazardly beside him and strum a few chords, or perhaps pick up one of the many sheets of lyrics and play it in his mind. SeungRi had a certain gift for music—there just wasn’t that many people who cared enough to know.
He’s just picked up the guitar when a voice comes from behind him.
“You play?” the blond kid asks distractedly, rubbing his head and rummaging through the cupboards for a glass. SeungRi almost drops the guitar in surprise.
“Not really,” he replies awkwardly.
“That , I’m looking for a guitarist… you sing?” he enquired, downing a glass of water in two gulps.
“Not really,” SeungRi repeats.
“Well then that really ! How can my boyfriend have no musical inclination at all! Damn waste.”
“Er… boyfriend?” SeungRi looks at him weirdly. “I think the alcohol hasn’t worn off yet…” The kid shrugs. “Well, you’re home now, and drunk or not you can walk and talk, so I’ll just leave then.”
Blondie doesn’t say anything and SeungRi leaves, feeling inexplicably disappointed, returning to his house feeling lonelier than ever.
The next day is Monday and SeungRi has work like he does 5/7ths of his life. He’s at the park again, he’s eating a donut this time and he wants to kill himself over the project his boss has just given him. He’s bored out of his mind and really doesn’t care anymore about whether or not he gets fired. And he couldn’t focus if he wanted to, he kept thinking about that strange blond-haired boy he’d met last night and he wanted to laugh at himself for wondering if they’d ever meet again.
SeungRi gives up and lets his mind wander. His ears detect one of the most beautiful melodies he’s ever heard and he can’t help but hum along. Soon, he’s even figured out lyrics and he’s well on his way into the chorus when the music breaks off. He feels disappointed for a split second before something jumps out from behind him and makes him drop the rest of his donut. To his credit, he doesn’t scream like a girl, he screams like a man. A manly man.
“I remember you~~” an extremely familiar voice coos into his ears. To his disbelief, it’s the same blond kid from the night before, except this time he’s seems somewhat sober and ten times more hyper. “You told me you couldn’t sing! Liar.”
SeungRi stares at the kid who came out of nowhere and wonders if he’s being haunted or something. “Where the hell did you come from?” is the first thing he manages to say.
The kid grins and pulls SeungRi into an extremely awkward hug (or at least, on his part). “Kwon JiYong, age 21, music extraordinaire. At your service. Well, not really, but you get the point.”
Well, SeungRi didn’t really get the point—and doesn’t miss the fact that this Kwon JiYong person hasn’t answered his question.
“But everyone calls me G-Dragon. Or at least, everyone who talks to me. I guess that means just you!”
SeungRi feels torn between being amused and being confused. He’s certainly never been in a situation like this before, and it felt nice to talk to someone who actually seemed interested in him. So SeungRi just smiles hesitantly and responds, “I’m SeungHyun. But everyone calls me SeungRi. Or at least, everyone who talks to me. I guess that means just you, then.”
JiYong, or rather, G-Dragon, grins at him and laughs, before pinching his cheeks painfully. “You’re cute! I like you. Let’s be friends, ne?”
And so SeungRi suddenly finds himself befriended by this eccentric blond kid, and he must admit that he’s never felt happier about anything. That is, until G-Dragon finishes his sentence;
“Or better yet, we can be boyfriends!

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Chapter 62: Awwwww seungri is safe from thunder right now. Jiyonggie safe him
Chapter 19: I juat found this story and j end up crying for this chap. It is what i afraid for related issue abt him. Maybe he is look strong enough so far for what he throughout in every down time but we also didn't know the person limit. Sometimes when we cant handle anymore we can be stupid person who cant think properly. I wish he will not be like that. I wish he is always strong to hold everything. God is not sleep and the truth nver be lose. Time will make it come out who is the true and false. My strong baby seungri. I pray for you and your happiness.
palalala777 #3
Chapter 87: Really good.. Really good i love the way u tell the story. Very thougtful. Im satisfied very much. It also make me realized something that i missed. Thank you.
ruthyou7 #4
Chapter 12: Chapter 6 is well written and so amazing. I never guessed it would turn out like that at the end.
Yizzydipzy #5
Chapter 12: Chapter 6 is extremely well written
AjSummer #6
Chapter 42: I REALLLLLLLY like this one lol
Chapter 61: i feel like i am going to cry..this story was like my life write it. Everything is same....