Fun At The Park (GRi)

Love In The Dark - A Series of Drabbles

Rating: PG
Word Count: 1067
Genre: Fluffy fluffiness :)
Summary: BIGBANG goes to the park.
AN: Oh God, I haven't read fluff for this pairing in too long, not to mention writing fluff for this pairing! Phew after all my angst, I'm feeling pretty good about this :) Kinda PWP...

It’s a summer morning and, for once, everyone is awake.

I eye you over my cup of coffee, amazed that you are capable of your incessant chattering this early in the morning. I don’t envy DaeSung, who looks about ready to strangle you. I hope you realize that I won’t save you if he does.

You quit your excited blabbering for a second, sweep an eye over everyone in the room, and decide for all of us that we’re going to the park. You know I’d follow you anywhere, and YoungBae is all too happy to spend time with his favourite maknae and TOP is quick to associate the park with toys and ice-cream, so it’s all okay. And DaeSung’s coming because everyone else is and he’s never one to complain.

Everyone leaves to get ready. You’re whining to me about taking too long (Hey, I have to look good when I go out!) and I have to force a t-shirt over the ratty wifebeater you wore to bed last night.

You walk in front with YoungBae, whose arm is slung comfortably around your shoulders. You’re laughing into his ear and he’s smiling his eye smile again. Every once in a while, you’ll poke him in the side and he’ll briefly tighten his arm around your neck. I smile and think beautiful brotherly love is. Because that’s all it is, as I’ve been assured.

DaeSung jokes around beside me and I can’t help but laugh out loud. You turn to look at me like ‘what’s-so-funny?’ but I just shake my head and you wink. I can’t help but blush and I don’t miss the smirk on your face.

And TOP is behind all of us, dragging a wagon-full of toys behind him.

The minute we arrive at the park, you run off and climb monkey-like onto a play structure I’m pretty sure shouldn’t be played on by kids over the age of twelve. But that doesn’t faze you, and I can hear your childlike giggles floating over to the big oak tree I sit under. You’ve convinced YoungBae and DaeSung to join you and TOP is sitting in the sand by himself, playing with his action figures. I unpack the picnic I prepared and help myself to a slice of watermelon while I watch you initiate a game of tag with a group of 5 year olds.

“Hyung!” you shout, running over to me, your eyes sparkling with excitement. My heart picks up the pace as I’m struck by how beautiful you are.

“T!” you holler back to the kids who have chased you, placing a hand on my head. I roll my eyes and try to stifle a laugh as the little kids decide to chase YoungBae round and round the play structure. You’d be surprised at how fast those kids could run and YoungBae’s eyes were wide (for once) with fear as he ran away from them.

“Having fun, maknae?” I say as soon as the kids are far enough away that you relax and remove the hand from my head. You sprawl onto the ground beside me and the weight of your head on my shoulder warms me.

“Yeah! It’s great! I’ve made a lot of new friends and—”

“You know they’re all five, right?”

You wave your hand unconcernedly, “... I haven’t been caught yet, and you should have seen YoungBae’s face when he tripped over that rock and...” And you’re off, speaking at the speed of light. I tune you out and instead focus on the rapt expression on your face as you tell me about your day, about how the sun makes your hair look golden-brown and how soft your lips look like and how your eyes light up whenever you remember something funny...

I’m so absorbed that I don’t realize you've stopped talking until you poke me in the side.

“Yah! What was that for?” I ask exasperatedly.

“Do you want to play tag with us?” you ask me, pointing at DaeSung desperately climbing the rope stairs in close pursuit by a particularly burly five year old, his face one of pure terror.

“Nah,” I say, much preferring watching SeungRi run around like an insane person than doing so myself.

“Why not?” you whine, jutting your lower lip out like you’ve learned to do whenever things don’t go your way.

“Because then I might tag you in inappropriate places, SeungRi-yah,” I tell him, waggling my eyebrows. It’s my turn to smirk as your face flushes a pretty pink.

You recover quickly, though, and you shrug, running back towards the playground, where you topple over one of TOP’s toys which makes him start screaming like a child.

After a while of watching the others play, I call them in for lunch. I feel like a mother when I do this. I wonder if this is how YoungBae feels all the time. I must remember to be extra nice and non-bratty from now on.

We eat comfortably; you’ve chosen TOP to annoy this time. I resume my task of watching you, and I’m pleased to see that I’ve begun to pick out your habits, like the way you tend to flail your arms to much when you’re telling a story and how you blink rapidly when you’re embarrassed and/or thinking.

As you take a huge bite of watermelon, a thin trickle of juice runs down the side of your mouth. I find this so endearing and adorable that I’m seized with the sudden urge to kiss you, which I do promptly. You taste like watermelon and sunshine—if that’s even possible. As I break the kiss, your eyes finally focus entirely on me for the first time that day and you’re doing that blinking thing again. Yet another smile pulls at the edges of my mouth and you giggle in response.

We’re brought back to reality when YoungBae coughs uncomfortably. You blush again, but I sit back, quite content with my handiwork.

“OH MY GOD, IT’S THE ICE-CREAM TRUCK!” TOP shouts quickly as the faint sounds of the familiar jingle approaches. TOP, DaeSung, and YoungBae immediately race towards the truck, eager to be away from us. I watch them leave in amusement as you settle yourself in my arms.

“You having fun, hyung?” you ask.

“Yeah, Ri,” I sigh happily, kissing the top of his head. “I’m having lots of fun.”


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Chapter 62: Awwwww seungri is safe from thunder right now. Jiyonggie safe him
Chapter 19: I juat found this story and j end up crying for this chap. It is what i afraid for related issue abt him. Maybe he is look strong enough so far for what he throughout in every down time but we also didn't know the person limit. Sometimes when we cant handle anymore we can be stupid person who cant think properly. I wish he will not be like that. I wish he is always strong to hold everything. God is not sleep and the truth nver be lose. Time will make it come out who is the true and false. My strong baby seungri. I pray for you and your happiness.
palalala777 #3
Chapter 87: Really good.. Really good i love the way u tell the story. Very thougtful. Im satisfied very much. It also make me realized something that i missed. Thank you.
ruthyou7 #4
Chapter 12: Chapter 6 is well written and so amazing. I never guessed it would turn out like that at the end.
Yizzydipzy #5
Chapter 12: Chapter 6 is extremely well written
AjSummer #6
Chapter 42: I REALLLLLLLY like this one lol
Chapter 61: i feel like i am going to cry..this story was like my life write it. Everything is same....