A New Love

Love Letters,Photographs & Diaries

After being gone in the circle for a while, I never knew that I will be hit by a love bug again. Sometimes the most unexpected is wher you are going to find it and at the most unexpected time too. I met Calvin in one of those. He is a friend of my friend's boyfriend. And we just met in one of those unexpected dinner get together.\

We sat together side by side in one of those dinners and end conversing with him more than I want to,and later learned that we have so many things in common .And yes he has such a weird sense of humor but yeah I laughed at it nonetheless. And before I knew I am enjoying his company more than I would care to admit.

After the night is over, he got my number with a promise of calling me in the future. I didn't really believed him at that time. He seems to be easy going and yes can be a charming man and he has the characteristics of a real player. He may not be perfect in his look but he is very charming with a sharp wit to banter words with any other female species.

I was quite surprised when he called me the next day. It was too soon of a follow up,I thought. But then he is his own way of charming people as i said yes for a dinner date and a movie. Somehow i am trusting this man too soon but in the back of my mind,I am warning myself to be very careful with him. It must be gut feeling which i put away from the back of my mind. I should have heed to the warning back then...But then one will never know what is really stored for them...

We had our dinner to one of the fine restaurant. I had a good laugh and enjoyed his company. The food was great ,a perfect evening,one might say until....we have to pay the bills. He told me he doesn't have enough to cover the bills. And at that time I never thought about it...it is alright,i  guess, I am making money anyway, more than I need, as i gave my credit card to the waiter.

He looked at me,his face so red with embarassment. "I am so sorry. I thought I have enough to cover the whole thing." he explained.

"No don't worry about it. " I told him and tried to brush off the whole embarassing thing. "So you want to go to the movie ?" he asked.

"Not really but then why not. Don't worry I'll take the tabs today. You just have to make it up next." I said uncaringly.

He nodded his head. "Yes next time ,it will be on me." he said with a smile.

At first I thought ,he was working in some big time company in the city. I later learned that he is just a student and working on the side in one of those lab company and barely making anything. But it is not me to look down on people if they are making less. and yes he is trying to be better going back to school again and tryintg to make himself better.

He would complained to me later ,how he is trying to make ends meet since he cannot ask for money from his parents anymore, since he is of age. His parents had this secured job in the bank,in fact he is one of those VP with a certain title. But then I don't really care then. 

I later learned about his own family,his younger brother and sister, and his married sister,who seems to be pretty stable. He complained a lot about his own Mother,. He had this love-hate relationship with his Mom and also with his Father. He said that his Father is very strict and that he tried to go against his wishes and ended up stranged from them. 

He is back in the house now with them but then their relationship is very strained,that is what he told me. I took pity in him, and sometimes I think he played too much on my sympathy....I tried to understand him. And yes I always thought that he is the misunderstood son,only to learned that it is not the case after all. But then the constant togetherness,made me fall for him.He is someone that could take away my loneniness. someone that can make me laugh, and someone that I could cling to,,,,in my lonely days....as i became more dependent to Calvin more than I want to.

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Chapter 1: Ohh this is good! Going to read it soon hehe
desyeon #3
Chapter 44: finally you're back!!
can't wait for your another story ^^
aisssh #4
update soon~
oh, such a poignant chapter :( <br />
But I think Calvin will ask her forgiveness and eventually marry her... (just guessing :)
hmmmnnn..this is so sweet and so cute! somehow, this brought me back to my grade and high school days :) and..i like the style how the story begins..
grace_leeu #7
Hello!<br />
Your fanfiction sounds so intriguing just by the forewords!!!<br />
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Musical Sweets
CraazyFilipina #8
i feel so bad for Hebe . how Jiro treats her .. ughhh ~ atleast he couldve ended it properly w/ her ! gosh ~_~
xXxYesungxLover08xXx #9
I love your story!! It kinda reminds me of my past. Everything changes once you stepped a foot at the gates of high school.
Ooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Seems interesting!