Big Surprise

Love Letters,Photographs & Diaries

The Sophomore years went like a breeze.There is not much of a adjustment anymore.Same classmates and same place and nothing new in my life.My Mom still continue to commute between the city and out town.I was always by myself and seldom see my Dad and my sisters.But at these point of my life I really think about them that much.I am so busy with my social life in school.

I am still busy in the dance troupe.We even go to other schools and perform there.Classes are getting to be less and less interesting.The only class that keep me interested is Literature.I have this young and beautiful teacher that looking at her while she discussed a book and storu and she has this very animated eyes.For me she is the most beautiful girl that I laid my eyes upon.

And her name is Miss Angelica and her name aptly describes her.And she loves Literature and loves Greek and Roman mythology and I started liking it too, and read so much about the epic involving the Gods and Goddeses...Zeus,Athena/Aphrodite ,Juno,Artemis and all those weird sounding names.Me and Yesung always smiles when ever Aphrodite will be mentioned in the class.This is the time when i started reading a lot of books,a lot of romantic novels and a lot of history.And this time I started scribbling notes and started keeping tabs of words to live by,words of importance...and started writing short stories which I basically kept to myself. I never showed it to anybody.I was too embarassed to share it with anybody.

Somehow,in my sophomore year I am less boy crazy,not much of an inspiration there,I dare say.Kyuhyun is still around and yes he has been jumping from one girl to another.he is always in love with somebody new and i don't know why he always like an older one.I wonder what is the thing with an older girls.he likes older girls,I like older guys ..that is funny...No new guys and nothing to tickle my fancy on my sophomore years.Somehow our school and our town seems to be lacking in life and luster now right before my eyes...

My friends are all boy crazy now.Selina got a crush to a boy next door and Ella too to the captain of the basketball team and we always watches their games all the time.I really don't want to but i can't seem to say no.I rather read and write stories.Somehow reading and writing takes me to another world that I never knew about ,something exciting and full of fun...and yes something out of reach...

The boring and the quietness in my life which I thought will last ,somehow never knew about calm before the storm.And then I got the news that I was never ready.Saying goodbyes is something that nobody will be ready nobody how we prepare ourselves for it.

Hebe was talking with my friend Selina when Ella came over.

"How come you never told us that you are tranferring next year to the city?" Ella said with such an accusatory voice,as if I have been hiding the facts from them.

"What do you mean tranferring? I am still gonna be here till we graduate." Hebe  answered with a frown on her face.She was quite lost for a while.

"Why are you hiding it from us? You are leaving us and not telling us.' she said.,obviously hurt.

"I don't know what you are saying." she said.

"My Mom met your Mom on the way home and she told her that you are moving there this summer.You are going to study in the city next year.You are just finishinfg our sophomore year." Ella said.Selina just looked at us.

"Wow you are going to a school in the city.That is so cool." Selina said."You are gonna be a city girl soon."

I just looked at them,and I was shocked.How come Mom never told me about this.What is the big surprise? as my heart was pounding so hard.I can't leave yet.I want to stay and finish my high school here.That night I cried just thinking about saying goodbye to my hometown,and my friends and to all of this.I am not ready yet.Somehow when I woke up that morning I saw our house and our town and my school in a different light.Somehow i want to hold on on what I have right now and never letting it go.

And yes that morning i confronted my mom about the whole thing.My heart was breaking in what she have to say.

"Yes,it is decided that we are moving to the city after this school year is finish.we can't stay here anymore." my Mom said.

"But Mom I wanted to stay at least until I finish high school." I said.

"No it will be too much to maintain two households.You have to transfer ,we have no choice,"she said,

I pouted and then cried but it seems like they are not going to change their mind ,my future is decided upon and I have  no words about it...I went to the top of the hill and cried their by myself.The cottage house with white picket fences ,the rivers and the mountains will be soon be a memory for me.Yesung Kyuhyun and Ella and Selina,I wonder if we can stlill hang out and be together...after this school year...I have to make the best of my last days in my hometown ,I told myself....

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Chapter 1: Ohh this is good! Going to read it soon hehe
desyeon #3
Chapter 44: finally you're back!!
can't wait for your another story ^^
aisssh #4
update soon~
oh, such a poignant chapter :( <br />
But I think Calvin will ask her forgiveness and eventually marry her... (just guessing :)
hmmmnnn..this is so sweet and so cute! somehow, this brought me back to my grade and high school days :) and..i like the style how the story begins..
grace_leeu #7
Hello!<br />
Your fanfiction sounds so intriguing just by the forewords!!!<br />
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Musical Sweets
CraazyFilipina #8
i feel so bad for Hebe . how Jiro treats her .. ughhh ~ atleast he couldve ended it properly w/ her ! gosh ~_~
xXxYesungxLover08xXx #9
I love your story!! It kinda reminds me of my past. Everything changes once you stepped a foot at the gates of high school.
Ooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Seems interesting!