Don't You Notice?: 18

Love Is A Crazy Thing (BTS fanfic)


I was laying in bed all day, looking at the goddamned ceiling because of this goddamned cold. Being sick because you're only bedridden all day. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and looked at the time. It was 9:33 am. The day's just starting and I'm so bored.

I decided to get out of bed and might as well eat some cereal for breakfast. I went down the stairs with a blanket wrapped around me, making me feel like I'm some kind of king who has a cold. When I went down, no one was there, as always. I live in this goddamn mansion-like house and there were no helpers that's been hired. My parents believe that even though we were wealthy, we had to be independent. They always left early for work and came home late, but tries to spend time with me every now and then.

I walked to the fridge and saw that there was a note stuck to the fridge door.

Taehyung, take good care of yourself and drink your meds, we won't be home until tomorrow. Call us if you need anything. Love, mom :)

I just nodded at it absentmindedly and grabbed the carton of milk from the fridge and the cereal box from the cupboard. I got a bowl and spoon from one of the drawers and placed it on the table pouring cereal and milk into my bowl.

I walked over to the couch and decided to watch TV so at least this house will be filled with noises, and not that kind of noise. I turned over to Cartoon Network and started watching Regular Show.

While watching, I was suddenly getting bored. I decided to text Jimin, even though I'm thinking he's having classes right now, I just wanna go talk to him.

To: Jimin (・∀・)

Hey, Jimin! I'm sick today I'm so bored... Talk to meeee

I continued to watch TV then I felt my phone vibrate. Hm... That was fast. I looked at my screen and I was a bit disappointed because it came from Jungkook.

From: Jungkookie

Hey TaeTae, are you feeling okay?

To: Jungkookie

Yes I'm feeling okay, baby :)

From: Jungkookie

Good :) Is it okay if I go visit later?

To: Jungkookie

Ofc baby, you're always welcome to ;) I'll be waiting here because I'm so boreddddd

From: Jungkookie

Okay! Don't be too bored you might die of boredom haha... Love you, Tae~

To: Jungkookie

Love you too baby

After several minutes, I had finally gotten a reply from Jimin.

From: Jimin (・∀・)

Yah Taehyung, good morning, I jwu lol

To: Jimin (・∀・)

You jwu? It's already 9:58, don't you have school?

From: Jimin (・∀・)

Nah we got two day offs from school, hbu?

To: Jimin (・∀・)

I'm home sick and I'm so bored... If that's the case, come to my house? :)

I waited another few minutes for his reply, it wasn't a bad idea to make him come to my house, right?

From: Jimin (・∀・)

Hmm... sure, I haven't been to your house in awhile. My two other friends want to come, can they?

To: Jimin (・∀・)

Sure! The more the merrier right? Plus, it'd be nice to know some stuff about you from your friends ;)

From: Jimin (・∀・)

Alright, we'll just go get ready, okay? We'll meet you in 20

To: Jimin (・∀・)

Okay can't wait! See ya

I placed my phone beside me and was smiling while eating cereal.


"Yah! Why the hell did you do that?!" Jimin yelled at both Sehun and Kai. These two messed with my phones while I went to the bathroom Jesus Christ! Jimin thought. "I don't want to bring you two there! You might say something unnecessary!"

The two devils just grinned. "We wanna meet him you know," Kai said.

"You have already, don't you dare try to use that excuse on me," Jimin glared at them while they were still trying to play innocent.

"Well, we want to know more about you coming from Taehyung, y'know? C'mon, Jimin bring us with youuuuu," Sehun drawled, giving Jimin his signature pout. Jimin glared at him and he just kept giving him his puppy eyes, plus that stupid pout.

"Ugh, fine. You two have to behave or I swear if you say one wrong thing to Taehyung, I will cut both your balls off," He threatened.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" Both of the mocked salute and went upstairs to get ready.

"Yah, what's this ruckus you're creating?" Baekhyun asked with Chanyeol by his side.

"It's because those two played with my phone while I was gone," Jimin said and walked up the stairs passing them. Jimin immediately got ready and when he got down He saw Sehun and Kai already dressed and talking to Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"Let's go?" Jimin asked as he looked at my phone. They both nodded and Sehun handed Kai the keys.

When they were about to leave, the doorbell rung and Jimin opened the door, revealing Jackson.

"Hey, Jimin," Jackson said with a small smile. Jimin smiled back. "Sorry for not telling you that I was going to visit you."

"No, it's fine, but we were just going out," Jimin said pointing to Sehun and Kai who was already ready.

"Oh, really? Can I... Come with you?" Jackson asked, full of hope on his face, and honestly, Jimin just couldn't turn it down.

"Sure, but we're going to my friend's house, is it okay?" Jimin asked. The two boys behind him scowled.

"Hey, how come you didn't get mad at him when he asked if he could come!" Sehun pouted.

"That's because he isn't annoying and he didn't send that message to Taehyung without my consent," Jimin said, putting on a sarcastic smile, making the two shut up.

"Oh, you're going to Taehyung's house?" Jackson asked, looking surprised.

"Yep. You know him?"

"Yeah, I saw him around the neighborhood a while back, he told me he was looking for you, and it was lucky I knew you, so I gave him his address." So that's how Taehyung found me. Jimin thought.

"Oh... Okay, well, let's going then." Jimin nodded and they four of them walked to the car.

They drove to Taehyung's house for about 15 minutes. Once they arrived in front of his house, Sehun, Kai, and Jackson looked at Taehyung's house in awe.

"Woah, this place is huge!" Both Sehun and Jackson exclaimed.

"Yeah, its bigger than our house, considering we're thirteen people living in it," Kai said.

"Yeah, well Taehyung's family's wealthy actually." Jimin nodded. "C'mon," Jimin said and gestured for them to walk with him to the front porch. He rung the bell and after a few seconds, the door opened revealing Taehyung wrapped around in a blanket. He pounced on Jimin and hugged him.

"Jesus christ, Taehyung, you're so hot," Jimin said trying to push Taehyung away from him. He released Jimin from the hug and wiggled his eyebrows. "Not like that, you ," Jimin said, with a faint blush on his face. Jackson felt a little jealous.

"Kai and Sehun, right? Nice to see you again," Taehyung said, managing to smile at them. "Oh and Jackson's here, too! I've got video games, wanna play?"

"Hell yeah!" Both Sehun and Kai cheered.

"How 'bout you, Jackson?" Taehyung asked.

"Nah, I'll just go hang with Jimin," Jackson said and Taehyung just nodded.

"Hey, hey, Taehyung you're sick, right? You're supposed to be resting aren't you? You can't go playing games like this," Jimin scolded and pushed him inside the house.

"Okay, geez, stop nagging, mom," he said.

"Shut up, I'm not your mom, okay?"

"Then quit nagging."

"Quit being a stubborn guy and I'll stop nagging you. You're not good at taking care of yourself when you're sick, making me worry."

He stopped in his tracks and looked back at Jimin with a huge smile on his face. "Okay, I get it, Jiminnie just cares for me," he said and pinched Jimin's cheeks.

"Hey, stop." Jimin's cheeks were turning red. Jimin suddenly heard a noise from Sehun and Kai which sounded like a squeal. Taehyung turned to them and saw them hugging, making him laugh. They immediately separated from each other and gave him a nervous chuckle.

"Let's go to my room?" Taehyung asked and they just nodded. He ran to the living room and closed the television, running back to the four. They walked up the stairs to be greeted with the big hallway.

"Jesus Christ, I feel like I'm in a hotel," Sehun said, looking around. "Are you all alone today?" Sehun asked.

"My parents are out for work, and there're no helpers that were hired, so yeah." Taehyung nodded and opened the door when they arrived in front of his room.

And once again, Sehun, Kai, and Jackson have been amazed. "What even," Kai said as he inspected Taehyung's room.

"C'mon guys, you shouldn't be surprised by now," Jimin said, shaking his head at their somehow childish behavior.

"Easy for you to say. You've been to his house a couple more times," Sehun said. "Bring us more sometimes, alright?" Sehun said with a grin. Jimin smacked the back of his head.

"Geez, you guys are older than me by a year, and I seem more mature."

"Okay, okay, stop fighting now," Kai said, trying to sound mature. "Good enough for you?"

"Whatever." They followed Taehyung inside his room and Taehyung leaned to me.

"You guys fight a lot don't you? You even act like a mom," Taehyung snickered and Jimin gave him a smack on the head. "Oww, what was that for?" Taehyung whined.

"You called me a mom, you ." Jimin glared at him. "Now get to bed and rest."

"Eh? But at least let me play with Kai and Sehun for a bit," Taehyung said with his puppy eyes. "Pretty please."

Jimin tried to resist it, but he soon gave in. "Okay, but not too long, you'll be more sick if you play for too long," And they cheered like little kids, hugging Jimin, jumping up and down. "Okay, geez, just go play now. I'll just stay on your bed."

Taehyung nodded and he immediately set up the television and the game console. Jimin sat on Taehyung's bed and Jackson trailed behind him.

"Oh yeah, Jimin, Jungkook'll be visiting later, and perhaps the others," Taehyung said as they started to play the game.

Jimin was somehow disheartened that Jungkook'll be coming later, even though he knew full well that its inevitable to visit your boyfriend when he's sick, right?

"Oh, okay, that's nice. I hope he takes care of you well when I'm not around," Jimin said, a bit cheerfully to hide his disappointment.

Sehun and Kai looked at Jimin with worry, while Jackson was oblivious in the fact that Jimin likes Taehyung. Jimin just forced a smile at the two.

"Taehyung, I'll be borrowing a manhua, okay?" Jimin asked and laid his hands on the manhua, 19 Days. (A/n: All I know is that manhua is a Chinese manga, I would've made it as manhwa, cos its Korean, but then 19 Days is my fave, although I don't think its like published physically, cos its a webtoon, let's just pretend its published lmao) This was one of Jimin and Taehyung's favorite manhua because it was really funny and of course, it portrayed boys' love.

"Oh, what's that?" Jackson asked.

"Oh... Well, its shounen-ai and its really funny, you should try reading it," Jimin smiled, eager to make Jackson read it.

"Sure." Jackson nodded. Jimin sat on the floor next to Jackson and the two started reading. While reading, the two were laughing squealing, which is very understandable.

"Aw, ! I'm in last place, again?!" Sehun exclaimed in frustration after playing another round.

"That's okay, you'll get it next time!" Kai sarcastically said and laughed. Kai knew Sehun could never beat him in a video game, especially Taehyung since Taehyung was better than Kai.

"Kai you are so mean, I ing hate you." Sehun pouted.

"Hey come on, be a good sport." Kai nudged Sehun and Sehun just kept harrumphing.

While the two best friends were bickering, Taehyung was looking at the two other boys who were reading the manhua. They were both laughing once again. Jimin laid his head on Jackson's shoulder with a big smile on his face. Somehow, a frown crept up Taehyung's face.

"Those two look real close, don't they? Taehyung muttered, but then Kai caught on to his words. He looked at Jackson and Jimin being sweet and all. Kai nudged Sehun and signalled him to look back and when Sehun did, he tried to keep in all his feels. Kai stared at Sehun saying, "I have a plan." Sehun nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, they're pretty close," Kai said.

"How close?" Taehyung asked curiously and scooted closer to the three.

"Well, Jackson has this thing for Jimin," Sehun said with a small smile. "Don't you think they look cute?"

That's right. When I met Jackson again, he did say he had a thing for Taehyung. Taehyung thought.

"Erm... Yeah," Taehyung hesitated and looked back at the two who was laughing once again.

"But Jimin actually likes someone else, so he hasn't really accepted Jackson, but who knows, maybe he'll like Jackson in the end," Kai said and shrugged.

"Do you know the person he likes?" Taehyung asked quickly. Taehyung couldn't imagine Jimin liking anyone else, because he's been actually really conservative since they were little. Jimin was too innocent and that's one of the things that are cute about him.

"Honestly, no," Sehun said, lying through his teeth. That 'honestly' was so ironic.

"Oh, is that so?" Taehyung said, disappointed.

Jimin looked at the clock and it was almost 12 pm, meaning it was time for lunch.

"Yah, Taehyung, is it okay if I make lunch now?" Jimin asked, standing up and walking towards Taehyung.

"Oh, sure." Taehyung nodded. Jimin placed his palm on Taehyung's forehead and he was burning up.

"Aish, Kim Taehyung, this is what you get for playing too long," Jimin scolded and went out of the room and down to the kitchen to make some lunch.

After fifteen minutes of making lunch, Jimin called the four boys upstairs for lunch. The four came down to the scent of obviously good food.

"Ahh, Jimin-ah it smells so good," Taehyung praised and walked over to Jimin and hugged him. Jimin turned red and pushed Taehyung away gently.

"I-I don't want to get sick," Jimin said as an excuse, but we all know how that's a lie.

Jackson was just standing there watching there, and he could feel the jealousy creeping in somehow. So Jackson walked up to Jimin and intertwined his hands with Jimin, making Jimin flinch and, if possible, make his face even more red.

"Jimin, when we get back, can you cook for our next date?" Jackson smiled sweetly.

"Wh-What date?" Jimin asked, in a bit of panic. Taehyung gave Jackson some glare and intertwined his hands with Jimin, as well.

"Jimin stay here with me until tomorrow," Taehyung said like it was an order. With this, Jimin was conflicted and the two other boys were squeezing each other's hands trying to contain their feels. Sehun and Kai were obviously trash number 1 for the love triangle happening between the three boys.

"Ahh... , I have to go to the restroom!" Jimin exclaimed and ran for the restroom. He immediately locked the door, rested his back on the door and slid down to the ground, sighing in relief.

Jimin never felt so conflicted in his whole life.


After lunch, Jimin made Taehyung drink his medicine and rest. While Taehyung was asleep, Sehun and Kai just continued playing video games. Jackson and Jimin were just busy with continuing the manhua they didn't get to finish.

A few hours later the doorbell rung and Jimin offered to get the door. He ran down the stairs and opened the door. He smiled a bit as he saw Jungkook with a bunch of food with him.

"Oh, hey Jungkook," Jimin greeted nicely.

"Hi, Jimin," Jungkook said, returning the smile. "Is Taehyung there?"

"Yeah, he's upstairs," Jimin said as he gestured Jungkook to follow him. Once Jungkook got in, he closed the door and they went up to Taehyung's room.

Jimin walked over to Taehyung and woke him up.

"Yah, Taehyung, Jungkook's here," Jimin said, shaking him gently.

Taehyung's eyes fluttered open and it settled on Jimin's face, then to Jungkook's face.

"Hey, baby," Jungkook said and walked to Taehyung, sitting down next to him. Jimin flinched and Sehun and Kai looked at him.

"Hey," Taehyung smiled weakly. Jimin got the thermometer and handed it to Taehyung. "Guys, this is Jungkook, my boyfriend," Taehyung introduced. Everyone said hi and introduced themselves, except Jimin.

"Here, check your tenperature."

Taehyung placed the thermometer in his ear and after awhike it beeped. His temperature was a 37.5.

"Well, that's good, you only have a slight fever now. Well, I think we should go now, since Jungkook's here," Jimin said. Even if Taehyung said, "Jimin, stay here with me until tomorrow," doesn't mean he meant it.

"Eh? But I told you to stay with me here until tomorrow." Taehyung pouted.

"C'mon Taehyung, you've got Jungkook here to take care of you."

"No it's fine, uhm, I actually have a lot of homework and projects to do for today, I just took some time to visit Taehyung. I'd be really grateful if you stayed the night taking care of him," Jungkook smiled sweetly.

It makes it so hard to be not guilty of my feelings because Jungkook is too nice and oblivious. Jimin thought.

"See? Its fine, pretty please?" Taehyung pleaded and again with those puppy eyes.

"Okay, fine fine." Jimin fell victim again.

"Hey, Jimin, Sehun and I can't stay with you until dinner though, because Kyungsoo'll make me try out his new dish and Sehun has to plan for Luhan and his second year anniversary," Kai said.

"Oh, is that the day after tomorrow??" Jimin asked in surprise. I never knew that was the day after tomorrow. Jimin thought.

"Yeah," Sehun chuckled nervously.

"But seriously, you guys are leaving me?" Jimin pouted.

"Jackson's still here, right?"

"Well, actually I have a basketball game at 6:30." Jackson scratched the back of his neck.

"So then it'll be just the two of us." Taehyung smiled goofily. And by this, Jungkook felt uneasy. He knew that Taehyung and Jimin were just best friends, but there was definitely something off.


Jungkook, Sehun, Kai, and Jackson left about twenty minutes ago and now Taehyung and Jimin were alone eating dinner. It was awkward because it was silent. After a few minutes of silence, Taehyung spoke up.

"Wanna watch a movie? I've got Pitch Perfect 2 on DVD."

Jimin smiled, "Sure."

After eating and washing the dishes, Taehyung got the disc and placed it in the DVD player. Jimin got the popcorn from the microwave and placed it all in a bowl. He plopped down next to Taehyung and Taehyung put his arm around Jimin's shoulders. Jimin blushed in silence and just started to eat some popcorn.

While watching the movie, Taehyung was getting bugged by two questions in his head, which is: 1. What's Jimin's relationship with Jackson and 2. Who's the person Jimin likes.

Halfway of the movie, Jimin was already feeling sleepy. Taehyung could feel his head bobbing to his shoulder. And he thought of asking him, before he fell asleep.

"Jimin..." Taehyung called out.

"Hmm?" Jimin hummed, trying to keep upright.

"What's your relationship with Jackson?"

Jimin didn't really seem startled by the question, "We're friends."

"You're only really friends?"

"Yes, yes, why are you asking this?"

"Nothing, it just seemed you two were really close awhile ago, I was just wondering if you got a boyfriend without telling me."

"No. I mean he likes me more than a friend, but I like someone else so I can't accept his feelings."

If it isn't Jackson, who could it be?

"Hmm..." Taehyung trailed off. "Who's that person you like?"

Jimin looked at him weirdly, "When have you ever been interested in my love life, you're asking so much questions."

"Well, I'm interested now. I'll help you get that person you like," Taehyung said, smiling a bit.

Jimin sighed. "You can't."

"You'll never know if we don't try."

"Taehyung, I know so, that's why I'm not trying anymore."

Taehyung took Jimin's hand in his and held his chin, their faces too close. Jimin was already red as a tomato.

"Taehyung, what---"

"Don't be so negative, Jiminnie. You're such a cute person how could someone not like you? The expression you have right now is just too cute." Taehyung smiled and the way Taehyung was just staring at him was so mind-boggling, its like Jimin's heart was thumping so loudly that he felt like it was going to explode.

Taehyung was also getting in. He knew in his right mind that he had a boyfriend, but then it seemed like he wasn't in his right mind.

What Taehyung did, shocked Jimin. Taehyung just kissed him like that. Jimin was trying to resist, but then those were the lips he always dreamed of kissing, not like they haven't kissed before. He just couldn't resist. (A/n: ur gonna catch his sickness tho...)

The soft kiss that they were sharing suddenly turned into a passionate one, wherein Taehyung had to pull Jimin onto his lap. Taehyung started to kiss Jimin's neck.

"T-Taehyung... Stop...," Jimin huffed.

, this is bad. This is really bad. Jimin thought. His brain said no, but his body said yes.

Suddenly, Taehyung's cellphone rang, which brought them back to reality. They looked at each other, somehow regretting what they'd done. Jimin immediately got off of Taehyung's lap and sat on the other end of the couch, far away from Taehyung.

Taehyung looked back at his phone and it was a call from Yoongi. Taehyung answered.

"Yoboseyo?" Taehyung said. "Huh?... Wait! Calm down, Yoongi.... What's happening?... What?.... How can that be!... ... Jimin's with me.... Alright where are you?... Okay we'll be right there... Bye." The whole conversation, Jimin was looking at Taehyung curiously. What could they be talking about?

"Hoseok's been kidnapped," Taehyung said. "We have to hurry."

"What?! Why? How?! By who?" Jimin exclaimed.

"Yoongi didn't say, but he just said to hurry. I'll get the keys," Taehyung said and ran up the stairs, two steps at a time.

Two things were running inside Jimin's head, but he doesn't know which one to worry about first.

Taehyung immediately came down. "Let's go," he said.

"Wait..." Jimin stopped Taehyung and Taehyung just looked at him. "Let's forget about what happened, okay?" Jimin forced a smile.

Taehyung was hesitating. He regretted it, but somehow didn't. He felt something with Jimin that he didn'f particularly feel with Jungkook. Taehyung really didn't want to answer it, so he just nodded.

"Thanks," Jimin muttered. It's for the best.

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Chapter 40: "she said suggestively" ???
Chapter 22: "I read in some fanfics that's what they usually do" lol I am laughing so hard rn!!
nuraryanny #3
Chapter 52: Im in love with this story plots ! Please update! ❤️
marlygins #4
Chapter 28: "hey, don't lose hope"
J-Hope, popping out of nowhere, "Hey, I'm here"
Chapter 52: Im gonna ing kill sohyun and rina hobi doesn't deserve this ㅠㅠ anyway update soon author-nim
Chapter 42: Please...let it be VMIN ending!! ^o^
The pov is much a lot at Vmin side and can't you see all their friends wants a Vmin?! Bcoz Vmin is life and real and soo cute! Please...
Maybe you can pair jungkook with jackson to cure his heart ><
LonelyPackWolf #7
This story was actually more cathy than I anticipated, I am so waiting for the update (which, by note, may be a long wait since it hasn't been updated for over a year)
seventeen_7 #8
Chapter 27: When it said "eat with his mother" I read "est his mother" and I was like wow. Canabalisim
LionRose #9
Chapter 2: Can it be VMIN please ??? :)
Chapter 25: OMG i'm Jimin and Jackson (my ultimate bias) getting together would be the most adorable thing ever (Even though Markson is life) and all the Exo ships are sailing and OMG i can't handle this!