Where is your necklace?

Wanna give you my heart

The next day.. at school.. during lunch..

As usual, the 3Ls are surrounded by the crazy girls.

You are so sick of it, every lunch time, you heard girls spazzing and it really irritates you already.

As you were walking with Sunmi and Yura, you passed by the 3Ls.

You met Ljoe's eyes, you rolled your eyes and shifted your eyes on the way.

You found an empty table FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR away from those kingkas+crazy girls.

You had a chit chat with Sunmi and Yura while eating..



"Come Eli, let's grab some lunch" Ljoe offered.

"How bout you L?" Eli asked.

 "Grab lunch for me" L said.

"Okay, come on Ljoe~" Eli beamed.

Ljoe and Eli went to the counter to order lunch.

While Ljoe and Eli was taking their order, L took out something from his pocket.

It was your necklace!

He looked it. *Why does Hyemi have the same necklace as Ljoe's?*

He stared at it for a longer time that he didnt notice Ljoe and Eli going back.

Ljoe paused from walking and tilted his head while looking at the necklace L was holding.

*Why does L have the same necklace as mine and Hyemi's?* Ljoe thought.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Eli asked Ljoe.

Ljoe snapped and started walking as he stares at the necklace.

Eli slammed the tray on the table that made L jumped a little.

"Oh! You're back!" L said.

"Well, yeah, stop staring at whatever you have there in your hands." Eli said as he handed the food for L.

Ljoe glared at L. L saw him and gave him a WHAT look.

Ljoe looked away. Same as L. And they did start eating.



After school...

Ljoe sent a message to Hyemi to come to the cafe again for them to meet up and go home together.

"Sunmi! Yura! I think I need to go first.. I think my aunt will come to my house~ So goodbye!" You lied for an excuse.

Sunmi and Yura gave you a smacked on your shoulder and wave for goodbye.

*GEEZ! Those two!!!!* You thought and headed to the cafe.

After 30 minutes of walking, you arrived and saw Ljoe staring at space while playing his fingers on his drink.

You slammed the table and he jumped a little. You chuckled.

"Hey! Sit down" He said.

So you sat down opposite from him.

Ljoe looked at your neck. *Where is her necklace?!* He furrowed his brows while looking at your neck.

You saw his eyes that it seems like he's looking at your chest. You raised an eyebrow and covered your chest.


Ljoe looked at you and saw what you did. He let out a chuckle.

"ERT!" You said.

Ljoe raised an eyebrow while smirking. "Tss. It's not even that big, why should I look at it?!" He teased.

"YAH!!" You shook the table.

Then it became silent... After a few minutes of being so quiet...

Ljoe sighed tapped the table with his finger that caught your attention..

"Hmm?" You asked.

Ljoe raised an eyebrow. "Where is your necklace?"

"It's here-" You held your neck but cant feel your necklace.

You patted your neck with both of your hand but the necklace wasnt there. You looked at Ljoe with a worried face.

"I know it was here, I'm always wearing it but... I think I forgot it at home.." You let out an excuse.


"Yah, better find it or else we're DONE" He emphasized the word done.

You looked at him, he had a serious, cold face. You got scared at him for the first time.

"Y-yeah.." You dont know what to reply with what he said. You got afraid that he's serious with that. That you'll be DONE if it got lost.

"A-are you done? L-let's go home now.." You asked. *I HOPE THE NECKLACE IS IN MY ROOM OR ELSE...*

He nodded and we left the cafe..



At home,

You ran to my room.

You aare throwing, messing, everything in my room to find the necklace.

*WHERE IS THE NECKLACE* You thought, almost tearing up.

After an hour of finding it, you gave up.

"Where on earth will that necklace be?" You cried now.

Ljoe heard you crying and knock on your door.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

You were sobbing, you dont want him to see you sobbing or else he'll find out that your necklace was gone.

"Hey.." He called but still you ignored it.

*What's with her? Did she really lost the necklace? Or that necklace on L's hand a while ago was Hyemi's?* Ljoe thought and went to his room, slamming his door.

You  heard him slammed his door. *IS HE ANGRY? DID HE FOUND OUT THAT I LOST IT?*
You stood up and wiped your tears. You grabbed a jacket and your money and phone and silently went out of your house.

Soon, you arrived your school. Well, it's already 7pm, it was dark and the school is empty already.

You gulped and got scared.You straightened your self up and balled your fist.

*HYEMI, YOU CAN DO THIS.* You cheered yourself up. You actually thought you lost it in the school earlier.

You entered the scary school of yours and started finding the necklace.

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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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Chapter 75: Awww....so sweet moment. I like the childish side of Ljoe. The best moment is when Ljoe sulk and compared him with hyemi puppy...."Byunghyun the puppy and Byunghun the fiancee "
14 streak #2
Chapter 75: Awwww so fluffy ><

The last chapter gif... omfg chunjoe ><
nerdyviv #3
Chapter 75: awwwwww this is so cuteeee like they said hatred will eventually turn in to love :) hehe good job authornimmm!!!
Chapter 20: Title it " can I ask you question !!
Chapter 75: so sweeeeeeeeet~!!
Chapter 75: Authornim please make sequel
I really really reallllllllllllllly love this story.
I'm waiting for sequel authornim~fighting !!
Chapter 3: hahaha i like this line *....Is she not amazed on how handsome am I?* cocky much huh myungsoo XD
Chapter 75: You should make a sequel for this story.
This story was SOOOOOO good it needs a sequel.