94/100 AnneOnym - Wearing Her Face

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Wearing Her Face
written by AnneOnym
reviewed by SouthWest


Title: 8/10
Honestly, I didn't like the title when I first read it.  It was too... weird.  Wearing someone else's face?  What, like, sisters that look so much alike that people mistake the quiet, shy girl as her energetic, outgoing, larger than life sister?  Now that I've read the story, the title is very fitting.  But I wish it somehow conveyed Sumin's goals rather than just her method of obtaining that goal.  Either way, it's difficult to review a title when the story is incomplete.  Thus, I can't tell if the title is reflective of not only the story, but of the theme of the story as well.


Plot: 31/35

                5/5: Originality
                This definitely isn't the first fanfic from an anti-fan's point of view.  But the idea of fully getting into an anti-fan's head and making the character so realistic (versus a romanticized anti-fan) is uncommon enough that I'm going to give you full points here. 

                7/10: Believability
                You did a great job making this character believable in the first few chapters.  I love how you describe her thoughts and feelings.  I totally understand why her hatred for Taeyeon is so strong.  I particularly liked her reasoning that her and Taeyeon are on a comic seesaw (you describe it as antithetical ends), as Taeyeon's life gets better Sumin's gets worse.  And that reasoning is totally believable because you've shown (versus told) us with Taeyeon and her devoted fans while Sumin loses her job.  That was great.  But the jump from that to needing Taeyeon dead is a little big.  My first thought was that is she made Taeyeon's life miserable, Sumin could finally find happiness.  I understand that Sumin's not exactly logical at times, but as the reader, I still need to be able to follow her line of thought.  The last line of the chapter is, "The only way, it seemed, for Sumin to be happy, was if Taeyeon just... didn't exist."  But that's not the only way. The way you've explained it, if Taeyeon was unhappy, Sumin would be happy.  I would have liked to see just one more sentence here explaining that Sumin is thinking that with Taeyeon gone completely, Sumin's happiness would no longer depend on her.  Because after everything that's happened, that's enough of a reason for Sumin to want her dead.

My main problem with believability isn't in your writing.  My problem is that I can't totally believe Sumin.  At the end of the foreword, Taeyeon beats Sumin up but we're never told why.  You have to give a reason behind her actions to make it believable.  Because I don't get it, I'm questioning Sumin's narrative abilities.  Right off the bat, I know that I can't completely trust her; that seeing things from her point of view, isn't going to tell me the whole story.  So when we first meet Seunghyun, I question rather or not he's actually a creepy guy.  I see beyond Sumin's opinion of him.  If that's what you were aiming for, well done and mission accomplished.

That said, I did have a few issues with Seunghyun's character.  I think you pushed the creepy angle

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Chapter 22: After finally finishing writing It Begins With Blood (still posting the last couple chapters), I decided to revisit the previous review. It still has just as much impact now as it did then, if not more so. There are certainly many things I could go back and change to make it more accessible to readers and more pertinent to the tags specifically listed. As I got to the end, it definitely felt even harder to juggle the people I'd introduced and to make sure they all had some sort of resolution. To the point that I'm not sure I succeeded even half as well as I intended. But I do know that with the sound critique given, the access to the polls taken, and the suggestions made in regards to how I can make it better, this is certainly a project I would like to put under the microscope again at a later point in time. Perhaps when it's not so fresh (now) and it's had a chance to settle. Writing 'The End' is always hard with any extensive piece of work and this one was no different. But I do feel I can make it better and give it a stronger direction and purpose in the future. To that end, I wanted to thank Amber_Sica again and especially you Librarian for keeping the reviews in an easily accessible archive for later perusal. It's incredibly helpful and I will be coming back to it in the future. Cheers!