I'll Be Here for You

The Monster That Steals Her Heart


Block B groaned in pain as they got up. To their surprise, the tense moment disappeared. The image where Zico was on the verge of death by his father’s grip by the neck was gone. Instead, it has been replaced with a surprisingly quiet yet tranquil atmosphere.

Jaehyo shook his head in attempt to get rid of the wooziness in his head.

Kyung softly grunted and looked around, searching for Zico.

It didn’t take him that long to spot his friend since Zico wasn’t that far from them. Kyung crawled to him and found him unconscious. “What happened?” Kyung scanned the surrounding and to his dismay, he only found the silver dagger he had lent to Zico earlier.


At that time, he knew that everything was over.


“I can’t believe he managed to beat him up in that kind of condition,” He stared at Zico in awe.

The rest of the young men got up and strutted over to Zico. “Let’s get you home, buddy,” Kyung smiled and carried Zico on his back.


They caught up with Sunggyu and the other two guys. It felt odd judging by their expression. The air let out a sad aura. “Where’s she?” Block B questioned the leader. Sunggyu nodded to your way. They followed after and found you staying by a soulless body’s side.

Somehow, the man beside you was familiar to them and that was when they found out that L has left them. Jaehyo went up to you and what caught his attention was your tear-stained face.

He softened right away. He knew the fact that L was an important friend to you and now it must’ve hurt your heart a lot to see your best friend dies. He brushed off the thoughts when he heard Kyung call out his name.

He scooped you up and glanced at Sunggyu, “Where’re you gonna bury him?” Still with those hopeless looks, Sunggyu managed to respond, “Maybe nearby your school. At the hill.” Truthfully, Sunggyu didn’t really feel like talking right now and if it weren’t for them asking, he’d have shut himself down together with his precious friend.

The other members who haven’t been notified about this saddening news didn’t even waste a second to softly cry.

“Then, we’ll go back first and thank you truly for deigning to help us. We truly appreciate it and if it weren’t for him saving her, each one of us would really…” Kyung trailed off, unsure of what to say. He bowed, “Thank you, all of you.” Sunggyu just nodded while the others didn’t even bother to say anything. They preferred to just abide themselves.


Each of the members of Block B bowed to them before leaving the place.


Zico’s eyes popped open as he groaned in pain. Apparently he was being treated in Block B’s lair. He rose up and instantly clutched his head by a massive headache attacking his head. He looked around and found a girl beside him in another bed.

He softened right away at the sight of you sleeping peacefully. How much he had missed that moment. Unknowingly, a tender smile lit up his face as he climbed down the bed and approached you.

His hand made its way to your face as it your cheek lovingly.

“Everything’s gonna be alright now. I’m here for you,” He whispered and planted a soft kiss on your lips before exiting the room.


You got out of your house and smiled when cold air hit your skin. You shivered a bit and felt a pair of sturdy arms wrapped around your waist. You turned around to find Zico smiling down at you, “What?”


“Good morning,” He chuckled as you grinned, “Morning.”


“Give me a morning kiss,” He pointed to his pink lips as you shook your head over his childish behavior. When your lips were only an inch apart, a person suddenly interrupted the two of you. Yes, there was only one girl who dared to do that: Hyo Won.

“Morning, ~~~~~-ah! Oh, Jiho, please don’t do that early in the morning!” She nagged like a mother would. Zico rolled his eyes as a reply which pissed Hyo Won even more.

You giggled and climbed upstairs to find members of Block B running along the small corridor. Block B moved into your house since it was easier this way and the fact that Zico kept blabbering about not able to spend time with you annoyed them and thus, they decided to move in.

You laughed as they fussed about something unnecessary. You went down and got out of the house. The chilly wind once again made a contact with your skin.

“It sure is chilly when December comes,” You mumbled to yourself and took a walk to wherever your feet brought you to.


You ended up going to the hill near the school. There, stood a tombstone near a big wilted shady tree due to the current season. You walked towards it and let your knees fall on the ground. You ran your hand down the stone and put down fresh roses you had just bought at a shop down the hill.


“How are you, Myungsoo?” You smiled, asking as if he was right here in front of you.


“It’s been a year since you left me and the memories are still fresh inside my head. I never knew it’d be this hard. You’re really important to me, Myungsoo. I miss you so much,” You confessed all of your bottled up feelings you’ve kept for a long time.

A tear inadvertently fell down. How much you’ve missed those sweet smiles and those soothing voice. You just wished you could see him again. At that moment, a tiny white object landed on the back of your hand.

At that sudden contact, your eyes shot open and found white tiny ball fell down from the sky, “It’s snowing…just like that time.” It definitely was a dé jà vu.  You sniffled and felt someone’s presence behind you.

As a reflex, you turned around. Zico was gazing at you with his warm brown eyes. Day by day, he seemed to resemble a human. “Need a hug?” He asked and opened up his arms. Obviously by the look on your face, he knew you needed one. With a nod, you ran into his arms and immediately felt the warmth radiating from his body.

“You missed him that much, huh?” He rocked you side to side. You just nodded against his chest. “Maybe I should die and you’ll miss me too then?” He attempted a joke. “Don’t kid with me, Jiho.” You shot him a look and received his sheepish grin, “I was just kidding~”

“Don’t worry. I’m here for you. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, come to me. Woo Jiho will be here for you.” He wiggled his eyebrows as you responded with another nod.

“Promise you won’t leave me?” You held out your pinky as he intertwined his pinky with yours, “Promise.” Those look he had on really proved you that he was sincere about it.

Smiling in satisfaction, you pulled away from his hug.

“Let me seal that promise with a kiss.” He offered as he pressed his lips against yours, giving you a warm and loving kiss even before you could reply.


“I love you.” He mumbled against your lips as you smiled.


“I love you too.”


He pulled away and held out his warm hand, “Let’s go home, shall we?”

“Okay,” You beamed and accepted his hand, lacing your fingers with his.



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Chapter 47: When Myungsoo died it made me cry. The very last chapter made me cry too. But I think maybe the little bit of snow when she was at his grave was his way of showing he is still watching over her. I loved this fic
Chapter 47: wow.. I really loved this story! I read it in one go and its 2:35 AM atm xD worth it~~ hahaha
ReenRieX #3
waaa.... love it !! do u make more story like this authornim?? cuz ithink i'm addicted for more cuz of your story ~ hahahahaa....
xxEXATOxx #4
Chapter 24: talk about a twilight moment right there lol xD
Chapter 47: Good story.
kim_delaila #6
Chapter 47: omg!myungsoo died. huuuuu :'( btw i love this story , thanks author-nim!
Chapter 46: Oh my~
The saddest part was when L's died..
Jumin13 #8

This is awesome authornim!
Good workkkkkk /grabs a box if tissue/