
The Monster That Steals Her Heart

You sighed dejectedly as you walked down the street without a bright smile that had always been accompanying you. The past incident kept on haunting you. The images of L’s hurt face and Zico’s confession were playing inside your mind.


Just then, Block B came to you. “Hey, ~~~~~.” Kyung was the first one to greet you. You gave him a fake smile. One by one, they greeted you in a friendly way.


“Morning, ~~~~~.”


“Good morning, pretty!”








They stared at P.O who was smiling idiotically. His smile quickly disappeared, “What?” “At least say a ‘good morning’ to her.” Jae Hyo shot him a look. P.O pouted, “Sheesh. Okay, fine.” He turned to you and flashed you those adorable smile of his, “Hi, noona!”


You sent him a small smile and faced the others, “So, what brings you guys here?”


“We missed you. That’s all.” Kyung smiled dashingly. U-Kwon rolled his eyes. “I miss you too.” You beamed at them. You looked at them one by one until you noticed that there was one that went missing. “Where’s Jiho?” You asked curiously.


“He’s just doing some business.” U-Kwon grinned. “What kind of…business?” You warily asked them. “No idea.” Kyung replied, simply shrugging. *Business, huh?* You talked to yourself mentally. Truthfully, you couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed.


Soon after that, the bell rang. You glanced at Block B, “We should go to our class.” “Yeah, sure.” Kyung and U-Kwon joined you. “Alright, we’ll see you guys later.” Jae Hyo nodded at them. B-Bomb followed him. Taeil gave you a smile before excusing himself.


When the others had left, U-Kwon pushed your back forward, “Come on! Let’s go to the class!” You couldn’t help but to let out a surprised yelp. Kyung chuckled and followed the two of you from behind.


Before the homeroom started, you engaged a light conversation with U-Kwon and Kyung. You could feel those sharp and deadly glares piercing through your body from the girls. Jane scowled by just looking at the sight of you talking intimately with these two hot and gorgeous boys.


However, you couldn’t care less about them since you were too worried by that time. Zico wasn’t here and L also wasn’t here like he always did. *Where’s L?* You concernedly glanced your surrounding, hoping that L would show up to ease you a bit.


But that wouldn’t happen.


“Unnie, what should we do? She’s hogging all of them. First it was Zico and then L and now…Kyung and U-Kwon?! Ugh!” One of Jane’s friends said angrily. Jane looked your way again with a frown, “She never learns, does she?” The others just nodded.


It was quite for a while between them until Jane snapped her fingers with a smirk. Her minions turned their heads to her. “We’ll teach her some lessons soon.” “What are you going to do, unnie?” A short-haired girl asked. She smirked, making them more curious than ever.


“You’ll see.”


You were walking down along the hallway, heading towards the cafeteria. When you reached the school cafeteria, a familiar voice called, “~~~~~!”


Instantly, you looked up. Kyung was smiling your way with U-Kwon that was frantically waving at you. All of the members of Block B were there, except for…Zico.


Your shoulder deflated. Disappointment took over your body. *Where’s he?*


“~~~~~?” Jae Hyo called, peering at you worriedly. You snapped out of your daze and glanced at him. A small smile crept up upon your lips. However, Jae Hyo didn’t know that it was just a fake smile.


Your mind was filled with anxiousness, wondering where Zico could have been. Why wouldn’t he be here right after confessing his love for you just like that? You wanted to ease your mind from thinking about him but nevertheless Zico’s face gradually came back into your head.


Block B was chatting cheerily. You abruptly stood up after realizing that Zico’s picture came haunting your head. All heads turned to you. “What’s wrong, ~~~~~?” Taeil concernedly asked.


“Nothing. I just need to go to the restroom for a while.” You claimed. They weren’t convinced by your statement at all but nevertheless, they excused you. You darted over to the destination.


Block B exchanged looks to each other worriedly. “Will she be alright?” P.O asked his hyungs. “I don’t know but her face didn’t tell us she’s alright though.” Jae Hyo pointed out. They glanced at each other. Jae Hyo was right. They knew you weren’t alright by just looking at your face. “Just let her be for now.” Kyung advised. The others nodded.


After washing your hands, you turned off the faucet while wiping off your wet hands. For a while, you studied your own reflection in the mirror in front of you. Pink cuts could still be seen on your cheek. You touched them while recalling your past incident.


*Why do Jane and her friends kept bullying me just for being an orphan? It’s not like I wanted to be one.* You squeezed your eyes shut. *I hope she would stop from now on.*


However, you spoke too soon. The door was slammed off with a loud bam. You instantly looked up just to find the devil and her minions, smirking. Taken aback, you backed off a step. The adrenaline pumped up and down inside you.


Your blood rushed through your body, wanting to escape from this hell. But your body didn’t listen to it since it felt numb and froze on its current spot.


“Hello there.” Jane walked over to you. You cowered off, afraid that she might do something bad to you again. Minhee skipped over to you, “We meet again, orphan girl—”


“She’s not ‘orphan girl’ anymore. She’s a .” Jane added while cackling madly, almost looked like a crazy witch. “Yeah! That’s right! She stole my Kyung oppa!” Sungyeon scowled angrily. “She stole U-Kwon oppa too!” Another of her friends accused.


“She took Zico from me and she’ll pay for it.” Jane smirked and went closer to you. Your heart stung by their false accusation. What did you do to deserve this cruel punishment? You closed your eyes, waiting for them to torture you.


Just like how you had predicted, a hand slapped across your face. It left a raw red mark on your cheek. A tear trailed down on your red cheek. It hurt so much. “That’s what you get for stealing L oppa from me.” Minhee cackled.


“Now, girls, get ready to party!” Jane ordered them as all of them scrambled in front of you. One by one, they tortured you mercilessly without even stopping. You just stayed silent as they kept hitting you, pulling your hair and slapping your pale face.


Thousand of tears fell down on your cheeks, begging them to stop. Suddenly, as if it was sent by the God, a guy stood at the doorway, coming to the rescue.


“What are you doing to her?!” He strode over to you. Your face softened right after seeing his face. *Myungsoo.* The girls backed away. Minhee immediately hugged L’s arm, “Oppa! W-what are you doing here?”


Ruthlessly, L yanked his arm away from Minhee. He glared at her maliciously. That made Minhee shrunk. He shifted his eyes over to the remaining girls including Jane, their leader.


“You…” He narrowed his eyes at them. They gulped.


“Scram. NOW.” Just by that, all of them ran off out of the girls’ restroom, leaving you and L behind. Instantly, L went over you and cupped your head with both of his hands.


“Are you okay?” He worriedly glanced at your raw bruises. You weakly nodded, as if trying to assure him. He softened, “No, you’re not. Let’s get you to the infirmary.” He stood up but you tugged onto his sleeve.


He glanced at you, “What’s wrong?” Seeing his concerned face made your heart touched. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He was surprised but immediately lent you his warm arms by wrapping them up your trembling body.


You didn’t care who it was as long as you were safe. You wanted a comfort from someone by now. You let out a loud sob on his shoulder. L patted your back comfortingly. “It’s okay, ~~~~~. I’m sorry for coming late.” He apologized.


You shook your head, without saying anything. You were grateful that L was here for you yet at the same time, you were hoping for Zico to come and hug you just for once.


Hi, guys. First, I'm sorry for not updating in a long time. Very sorry, guys. And second, I wanted to thank my lovely readers and my loyal subscribers for waiting for me in a long time. I really appreciate it! And third, I LOVE ALL OF MY READERS! Thank you for supporting my story and sorry! >_<

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Chapter 47: When Myungsoo died it made me cry. The very last chapter made me cry too. But I think maybe the little bit of snow when she was at his grave was his way of showing he is still watching over her. I loved this fic
Chapter 47: wow.. I really loved this story! I read it in one go and its 2:35 AM atm xD worth it~~ hahaha
ReenRieX #3
waaa.... love it !! do u make more story like this authornim?? cuz ithink i'm addicted for more cuz of your story ~ hahahahaa....
xxEXATOxx #4
Chapter 24: talk about a twilight moment right there lol xD
Chapter 47: Good story.
kim_delaila #6
Chapter 47: omg!myungsoo died. huuuuu :'( btw i love this story , thanks author-nim!
Chapter 46: Oh my~
The saddest part was when L's died..
Jumin13 #8

This is awesome authornim!
Good workkkkkk /grabs a box if tissue/