Chapter Sixty One

You're Ranked my Number One

Chapter Sixty One


{Your POV}


After schol came I was rejoicing endlessly because Ji Ae was finally going to leave! And plus, I was sad because both Infinite and I had to skip school tomorrow because of our schedule. Poor Chohee.


"To: Chohee ~ <3 ^.^

From: ~~~~~ ^-^


"I'm sorry again Chohee! Hope you have an awesome birthday tomorrow! <3"


Ow, ever since Jeju island ~ I had more and more cramps.


"To: ~~~~~ ^-^

From: Sungyeol


"~~~~~, let's talk tomorrow after my schedule. Meet me at Chi Chi cafe at 7PM." "


Bwah?! After a month or so, he actually wants to meet? Woah, I feel like tomorrow will be a good day.



(The next day)


I woke up early and ran downstairs to get the day starting. I ate my breakfast slowly.


"~~~~~-ah, be safe at your doctor. I'll pick you up if the doctor ahjusshi tells me too. Or he will call me if anything bad happens."

"Alright mom, see you later."


I walked out of the door and headed to my doctors. I stayed at the doctors until lunch time. Isn't the doctor, Chohee's relative?


"Choi ~~~~~, you're up."


I walked into the room and there was my doctor.


"Hello ahjusshi."

"Sorry for the long wait and sorry for making you miss Chohee's birthday. I'm going on vacation tomorrow, and since you're a special patient i'd like to see you, instead of my fill in doctor."

"Alright ahjusshi, thank you.", I smiled.

"So lets begin."



Sorry for the boring update! I will update soon! Hwaiting! ^-^ <3 **





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myra_ig #1
Chapter 75: did she died? aww love the story! sequel!!
I love this story! <3
I think you should write the sequel ;)
Jacquelyn #3
Your story was great!!! ^^ I just finished reading it (:
ForeverrYoonaa #4
I usually don't read fanfics with "you" in them, but this was literally amazing! <3
b1a4cnblueblockb #5
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! I almost cried reading this story. Too bad I can't cause I'm reading this in our school library. Great work Author dear! Well done. This is a masterpiece.
yeol_elf #6
B1A4lover #7
Wait...<br />
So did ~~~~ die???
waa... what a story.i'm speechless <br />
first story that dongwoo fall in love even beat woohyun<br />
please make sequel for this story... i want <br />
to know what happen after the surgery..<br />
poor myunsoo being alone