Part Forty: Dongwoo

The Words Unsaid
Part Forty
“I’m sorry,” Dr. Woonah uttered out.
Sorry for what!?
What did he have to be sorry for?
Did he drink all the banana milk again?
Was he sorry because Sungjong was going to lose a limb or have a weird disability?
Was he sorry because we were going to be happy and he had to leave?
Why was he sorry?
Myungsoo’s cold fingers wrap around my hand snapping me out of my state.
“No!” I screamed as tears fell.
“Dongwoo I’m sorry Sungjong isn’t reacting to the medication,” Dr. Woonah told me.
“Is there anything else we can do,” Myungsoo asked wiping away his tears.
“No,” Dr. Woonha said shaking his head.
“Can’t we just wait longer,” I suggested.
“Dongwoo it doesn’t work like that,” Dr. Woonah informed me.
 “Dongwoo,” Myungsoo cried placing a hand on my shoulder.
I looked at my dongsaeng and I couldn’t help but cry. I shouldn’t have brought him here. I should have just done this by myself. I couldn’t bare seeing Myungsoo hurt but now I have done it.
The tears were pouring out so heavily that I couldn’t see Dr. Woonah’s face.
Suddenly I felt myself being brought into a tight hug. I felt someone else arms embracing me as they rest their head on my back.
“It’s okay,” Myungsoo whispered from behind me.
“It’s okay,” Dr. Woonah whispered.
I’m not sure how long we stood there for but Dr. Woonah and Myungsoo whispered into my ears.
“It’ll be okay,” Dr. Woonah said as Myungsoo let go of me.
I nodded but I still couldn’t believe him.
How could I ever be okay with all my hopes gone?
“I see you told them,” a voice said from the doorway.
I look up to see Sungjong parents standing in the doorway. Mrs. Lee face was thinner than before but she still held a bright smile. Mr. Lee must have just gotten out of teaching a class because he was wearing a nice button down shirt and black pants.
“I’m sorry,” I told them as more tears poured down my cheeks.
“It’s okay,” Mrs. Lee told me as they joined us by Sungjong’s bed.
“It’s okay?” I repeated shock.
“We didn’t think this would work,” Mr. Lee admitted.
I wanted to argue with them but I knew it would be rude so instead I bit my lip.
“We thought that this would allow you boys to move on,” Mrs. Lee added as she wiped away her tears.
“I already said goodbye to my son now it’s time for you boys to do the same,” Mr. Lee informed us with a grim look.
“I don’t understand,” Myungsoo spoke up.
“Our son deserves to move on so we decided to take him off life support,” Mr. Lee announced.
My feet fell from below and I felt Dr. Woonah grab ahold of me.
“Steady,” he said as he helped me to my feet.
“You’re doing what?!” I asked as waves of nausea hit me.
“I’m sorry,” Mrs. Lee said as tears were now rolling freely down her face.
“We think Sungjong would really like it if all the members said goodbye before we turned off his machines,” Mr. Lee told us as he looked over to his son.
“NO!” I shouted as my anger was raging through my veins.
“I’m not going to give up on him,” I told Sungjong’s parents than I shoved Woonah arm away and I ran out of the clinic away from all the pain.
The ice cream in my mouth felt bitter as I tried to feed my pain but it wasn’t working.
My eyes felt tired from all the tears that I shed in the clinic and I could feel an incoming headache.
“There you are Hyung,” a voice called out and I looked up to see Myungsoo.
“Myungsoo,” my eyes filled with tears once again. “I’m sorry.”
Myungsoo sat in a plastic blue chair next to me and let out a sigh.
“Why are you sorry,” he asked me turning his head to look at me.
His eyes were red and I knew he must have been crying too.
“Because I shouldn’t have brought you here to get your hopes up,” I admitted.
Myungsoo laughed. “Hyung I wanted to be here with you.”
Then he frowned and cleared his throat. “Hyung what are we going to do. I know that you’re upset that Sungjong isn’t going to get better but we have to listen to Sungjong’s parents.”
I covered my face and let out a sigh. “I don’t know Myungsoo.”
“I don’t think I can say goodbye either,” Myungsoo admitted to me.
I turn to look at the young man and I knew that I had to be the leader in this situation. How would Sunggyu handle this situation? I shook my head. I was no Sunggyu who ruled Infinite with an iron fist. I was just Dongwoo the person people could talk to when they were having a bad day. No Dongwoo.
I can’t be that person right now. I need to be the leader as much as it kills me.
I stood up suddenly snapping Myungsoo out of his trance.
“Myungsoo we need to stop being selfish. If this is w-what his parents want then we have to listen. Sungjong would stab us if he knew we were delaying his freedom,” I told Myungsoo even though I really wanted to start a protest.
“Myungsoo we need to do it for Sungjong,” I told him.
Myungsoo wiped away his tears and nodded. “Let’s call our members home.”

Authors Notes:
Sorry this one is really short but I hope you guys enjoyed it.  I can’t believe there is only 13 parts left (I added one more) to this story and I might be adding another part too depending on how the story falls out. Also I hope you guys are enjoying it because I’m enjoying writing it. -Morgan
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Hello everyone, it's been a while and I'm actually in a car finally moving across the country. It's going to be a few more days till I post anything.


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Chapter 3: "For once in my life I couldn’t look at my fans."
AH OMG this made me cry i can't even imagine a woohyun this sad :( i can't wiat for the story to progress since i just started reading it :D
naznew #2
Chapter 57: I'm crying again..but this time tears of happiness
naznew #3
Chapter 56: Really? A miracle happen? He wake up? I think he wait for all brothers come to him.. Because i realize after accident happen, just dongwoo and sunggyu go to his ward..not the other ..not the complete members .
Saranghae Sungjong..
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Chapter 46: Now everyone know what sungjong try to cook when the fire take it place...
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Chapter 45: Omo...sungjong left something to them...and it will change their decision?
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Chapter 44: When L arguing with Myungsoo, i suddenly remember i used to talk to another me in the past..
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Chapter 16: Omo...woohyun-ah...
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Chapter 2: When i read the news say Sunggu and Sungjong dead... I can't stop crying...
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Chapter 59: OMG!..
What's wrong with AFF my comment has been cut down!.
Anyways.. I'll say it again .. I thought there is a new added special part when I saw a new update!
But sadly there isn't..
And I said I'll use this apportunity to say Hi my dear Morgan it's been a while .. I hope you're doing great ^^♡