Part Forty-Seven: Woohyun

The Words Unsaid
Part Forty-Seven
The cold air hit my face as if to welcome me back in some strange way. I felt as if I had been away for years not months. It was strange I thought that everything would be different but it was the same.
The same street signs swaying in the wind as the same ajumma sold various foods out of their street cart.
I took a deep breath as I ran my hands through my hair. I knew I shouldn’t have snapped at the members. I let out a loud sigh trying to push the memories away. I lost my cool and I embarrassed myself.
We just got here and now we're giving up on him. After all the pain and heartache we still had burry him. No it wasn’t fair and it breaks my heart to see that no one sees it that way either. That everyone just gave up so easily.
I wasn’t going to let him go not like this.
Dongwoo & Myungsoo fought for him so why can't the rest of us do the same? I bet there is some type of new study in Canada or America to help him. We just have to look for it.
But now we are stuck doing this scavenger hunt that Sungjong somehow managed to set up.
I felt guilty for being so harsh on him for messing up my kitchen. If only I knew he was trying to make a meal for us.
If only I knew it would be the last conversation I would have with him.
I swallowed hard as I felt the piece of paper in my hand.
The riddle he wanted all of us to solve for our anniversary. The funny thing was I had forgotten about the fifth anniversary. Usually when it came around we would go out for drinks to celebrate the years past and the years to come. We would then go to the old dorm and studio and think about the old times. But that day I was in Busan drinking my life away when I should have been in Seoul doing a scavenger hunt and coming back home to joke around with Sungjong. Instead I’m here alone and it’s because I push everyone away.
Maybe it’s not too late to change things. I unraveled the paper and look down to read the riddle:
“This is where you come and to share a moment. This is where you come to transport back home. This is place you go when you miss your Umma. Where is this place?”
Share a moment?
Transport back home?
When I miss my mom?
What is this place? This whole riddle didn’t make any sense!
When I miss…
I scanned the clue over again taking each word in making sure that my hunch was right. This is where Sungjong wanted to send me.
“You got to be kidding me!”
I was praying that the lights would be off and no one would be home. He never move the spare key under a flower pot. I had wanted to sneak inside take what was mine and leave before I had to confront him.
It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him no I thought about him every day how could I not. I guess I was just ashamed and embarrassed about how I acted in the past.
I was worried that he would take one look at me and tell me to get lost.
But the lights were on and I could clearly see two men sitting at a table drinking out of a green bottle. I could tell it was him by the back of his head and the way he lean over the table to yell something at his company. I could tell right away that this was my brother, Boohyun.
I pulled my hat further down to cover most of my face and placed on the facial mask that I had just bought from the store minutes ago. When I had saw the lights on I made a quick detour and used the last of my money to buy a ugly green hat and a plain white face mask.
Maybe it was wrong of me to sneak into my brother restaurant with a disguised but I was pretty sure that he wanted nothing to do with me. After all I wanted nothing to do with me.
I'll just go in and try to figure out where the box or the envelope that Sungjong had left me without anyone noticing.
I open the door hearing the familiar bells ring alerting the two men of my presence.
“Hello,” a man shouted trying to stand up but just falling back down. It only took me a couple of seconds to realize that he was Woohyun's sous chef Kangmin.
“We are closed,” my brother’s voice came out rough like he smoked too many cigars.
“Please,” I begged trying to make my voice as low and raspy as I could. “I’m starving. Even side dishes with rice will do. Please.”
“Fine,” my brother wave his hand not even looking in my direction.
My heart felt heavy and I had to refrain myself from jumping on him.
“Line cook!” Kangmin shouted.
A couple seconds later a small girl came out of the kitchen holding a mop in her hands. She had a colorful arrangement of stains that covered her apron that look like a abstract painting. Her face was covered in sweat and she looked tired.
“WHAT?” she snapped placing her hand on her hip.
“Gosh this girl,” Kangmin muttered to himself then he turn his gaze to her once again. “Go get this guy a bowl of rice and some side dishes.” Kangmin said as he pointed in my direction.
“Fine,” she huffed as she fixed the bandana that was tied in her hair like a pin up girl.
I could hear her mutter something under her breath as she return into the kitchen.
“That girl doesn’t have any respect for anyone,” Kangmin told my brother. “She gives such attu-
“And she's a good cook,” Boohyun interrupted him. “Plus you like her right?”
“No!” Kangmin scoffed crossing his arms.
“Don’t lie,” Boohyun pointed out.
“I don't like her! Why would I like someone thats not even half my size and she's too messy!” Kangmin argued.
“Then can I take her out?” Boohyun added.
“WHAT NO WAY! You are her boss you shouldn’t be taking out employees!” Kangmin snapped at my brother.
My brother smirk as Kangmin spoke up. “Shut up! You like to be right all the time don’t you.”
“Here is a piece of advice I’m always right,” then Boohyun let out a loud laugh.
The small girl from before came into view holding a tray of food. She was still muttering under her breath and it wasn’t till she came closer that I realize she was cursing out Kangmin.
She place down the side dishes, a cup full of ice cold water, and rice on the table with a pair of chopsticks.
“Enjoy your meal,” she bow almost like a zombie then made her way back into the kitchen.
I grabbed the chopsticks and was about to demolish the food in front of me when I heard my name.
“Did Woohyun call you yet,” Kangmin asked calmly.
My heart was beating in my chest and I could feel hot prickles running up my body.
“No,” Boohyun told him.
I pulled the string from my face mask away from one of my ears so I could eat. The rice was cold but even if it wasn’t I still wouldn’t be able to taste it. I was too engrossed in the conversation that was happening behind my back.
“You know he’s a good kid. He’s just lost,” Boohyun told Kangmin. “Maybe if I wasn’t too harsh on him he wouldn’t have ran away.”
No it’s not your fault even if you had sugar coated everything I would have still  ran.
“You can’t think that way chef,” Kangmin told him.
“I just wish I could be there for him. I don’t even know where he is or whether he's eating or taking care of himself,” Boohyun admitted and I could tell my brother was on the verge of tears.
“Come on I’m sure he is doing fine,” Kangmin added.
“You know my Umma still doesn’t know that he's gone. She thinks he's at the dorm,” Boohyun laughed drily.
“I think that for the best chef. If your Umma knew then she would be the one up all night not you,” Boohyun told him.
“Maybe I should go out tonight and look for him?” I could hear a chair sliding backwards.
“No chef you already went out every day this week,” Kangmin added.
“If I just run into him then maybe he'll come home,” Boohyun told him.
“Or maybe he'll run away,” Kangmin interjected.. “Some people just want to be on their own and you can’t blame the kid for wanting to run away after the accident.”
“But he shouldn’t have to run away especially from me. I’m not even mad anymore I just want my brother back. He's still my blood after all,” Boohyun told him.
“Aish this again? Here chef have another shot,” Kangmin said and I could hear the clinking of the soju bottle hitting the shot glass.
I had enough.
I could come back later tonight and sneak in and get my letter but not right now. Not when my throat is becoming tight and tears are threatening to fall out.
Not right now when everything in my body wants to run to Boohyun and tell him I’m sorry. That I didn’t mean for things to turn out this way.
Yes I had to get out of here before something happen.
I placed my mask back on and quickly then I push my chair back.
“What’s wrong?” I could hear Kangmin ask but I was already walking to the door.
I was almost to the outside world when my brother spoke up.
“Woohyun stop,” he cried.
I froze mid step as the air was pushed from my body. The door was just inches away but all I could do was stare at it. I heard the chairs move back and I knew that he must be standing right behind me.
“Boohyun you’re losing your mind now,” I heard Kangmin say. “Sorry sir.”
“Woohyun,” my brother said carefully as if not to scare me.
I didn’t answer him I was too focus on telling my feet to start running.
“I basically raised you Woohyun,” my brother told me. “How could I not know its you?”
“Stop Boohyun,” Kangmin snapped.
“No it’s him,” my brother said confidently. “Isn’t it Woohyun?”
I swallowed harshly as I closed my eyes.
“Yes he is right,” I told them then I turn around to face them. I brought my hands up and pulled my cap off  of my head revealing my long greasy locks next I took off the mask and let it fall to the floor revealing my face.
“Oh my god,” Kangmin sputtered out as his wide eves looked up and down. "It is-"
I didn't have time to see what Kangmin was saying because suddenly I found two warm arms around my body.
He pulled me in close letting me inhale the smells of roasted vegetables and cinnamon. Every night when he came home from working his first job washing dishes he would smell like several foods. Soon after it just seemed normal for Boohyun to smell like beef one day and the next smell like cakes. But now that I was here hugging him I had forgotten how much I missed those random smells of food.
“Don’t you ever do that to me again,” he sobbed into my shoulder.
“I won’t,” my voice came out raw and I could already feel the tears sliding down my face.
“Promise,” Boohyun pulled me away so he could look at my face closely. I could see dark bags under his eyes and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. More importantly he looked healthy...tired but healthy.
“What happen to your face,” Boohyun eyes grew wide as he grabbed ahold my chin to get a better look at the bruises that Mr. Woo had given me days ago.
“What happen? Who did this to you,” Boohyun asked as concern covered his face.
“It’s nothing Hyung,” I told him swatting his hands away. “I mouth off to some people who were a lot bigger than me.”
“I have a first aid kit,” Boohyun turn to look at Kangmin whose mouth was still wide open. “Yah don’t just stand there! Go get me the fist aid kit for my brother.”
“Stop Boohyun I don’t need it,” I told him.
“But you are hu-“
“This happen days ago,” I told him. “It’s not even painful anymore.”
“Good,” Boohyun told me. “Then this won’t hurt.”
Suddenly I felt a bright red hot pain on my cheek as I fell to the floor. I held my burning cheek as I looked up at my brother who was still holding a fist.
“What the hell,” I sputtered out.
“That is for running away and making me worry!” Boohyun snapped..
I smiled because I knew I deserved worse than a single punch.
“Fair enough,” I said as I pulled myself from the floor. “But next time give a guy some warning.”
Boohyun nodded his head. “Now are you going to tell me where you were for the last couple months?”
“I eh.”
I wasn’t too sure if I was ready to tell Boohyun the truth at least not the full truth. “I got involved with some bad people and I ended up living on the streets and working side jobs.”
Boohyun frown. “Why didn’t you come home or at least call me?”
“I was in Busan and I barely had any money to eat. Also my phone was stolen the first week I was there,” I added.
“Then how did you get home? You didn’t do something illegal?” he asked with wide eyes.
If you count working for a mobster than yes totally I did something illegal.
“No Sunggyu gave me a ride home,” I admitted.
“Sunggyu?” Boohyun gave me a confused look.
“He was looking for someone down in Busan when we ran into each other. It only made sense for us to come back to Seoul together because of…” I trailed off trying not to think about Sungjong.
“Oh,” he muttered and I knew he must have realize what I meant. “Next time find a way to call me okay and never do that again!”
I nodded my head.
“Next time talk to me,” he told me.
“I-I couldn’t,” I told him truthfully. “I just needed to be selfish and that wasn’t something I could do here.”
I took a deep breath trying to calm down my heart.
“Listen there was nothing you could say or do to make me stay,” I told him truthfully. “Even if you locked me in my room I would have found a way out. I needed to go out in the world and make a truck full of mistakes before I could come back to face Sungjong.”
“I don’t understand but I'll try to,” my brother told me as he hugged me tightly once again.
I let my head rest on his shoulder as I tried to contain the tears that were now once again falling down my cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” I told him once again as we pulled away.
“You must be hungry,” My brother pointed out as he dropped his arms. “Just give me a couple of minutes and I’ll make you something.”
“Actually,” I interjected because I had remembered why I was there in the first place. “I’m looking for a box or a envelope that Sungjong might have dropped off before the accident.
My brother gave me a confused look. “Sungjong?”
“Yes did he drop anything off for me?” I told him once again.
“He hasn’t been here since we open up,” Boohyun admitted.
“B-but,” I pulled out the riddle again scanning over the words once again. “It has to be here.”
“What are you looking for maybe it’s around here,” Boohyun told me but I could tell that he was lying to me.
A nervous voice said from behind my brother.
It was Kangmin standing there with the red and white first aid kit.
“What?” my brother asked Kangmin.
“He came in a couple days before the accident,” Kangmin admitted as he walked to the host desk and pulled out a small brown box. “I totally forgot till right now.”
He handed me the box that contained my name scribbled in black sharpie.
“Why didn’t you tell me,” Boohyun snapped at Kangmin.
“I totally forgot,”Kangmin admitted. “I’m sorry chef.”
“What am I going do to you?” Boohyun snapped at Kangmin. “Go scrub a stock pot!”
“But chef,” Kangmin whinnied.
But Boohyun glared at him then pointed to the kitchen. “Go help finish up.”
“But chef!!” Kangmin shook his shoulders like he was trying to shimmy.
I was suddenly flooded with the memories of dancing salsa at KBS Star Dance Grand Prix with Rainbow. That little shimmy will forever be scarred into my mind and the minds of Inspirits. After all they haven’t let me forget it yet.
“Go scrub a stock pot,” Boohyun snapped but I could tell that he was holding back a smile.
Kangmin stomped into the kitchen muttering something under his breath.
“So why is this box so important?” Boohyun asked me pointing to the brown box.
“Sungjong made up this scavenger hunt before the accident and this is my prize,” I told him not taking my eyes away from the box.
“Oh,” Boohyun sigh. “I’ll give you some space. YAH KANGMIN YOU BETTER NOT BE FLIRTING BACK THERE!”
“I’M NOT,” a voice came from the kitchen.
Boohyun was laughing under his breath as he walked into the kitchen.
I took a seat at an empty table and carefully placed the box on the table in front of me.
What did Sungjong have to say to me? Was he mad at me for the consent teasing? What if this made everything worst? But I needed to see what was in the box even if it  hurts me.
I needed to know what his last words are.
The door’s bell rang turning my attention from the box.
My mouth dropped.
“Jungsuk,” I swallowed.
“Woohyun,” he smirked then turn his head to look outside the door. “Gayun stay out here for a minute.”
“I see that Sunggyu kept true to his word,” I pointed out looking at the young girl leaning against the window.
“Yes your friend was very helpful,” he told me.
“So,” I looked up at him awkwardly. “Why are you here?”
Did he want to drag me back to Busan?
Did Hyojin somehow convince Jungsuk that it was me who stole the money?
Why was he here?
“Ah to talk to you,” he told me as he took the empty seat across from me.
“Talk to me?” I sputtered out. “Not to seem rude Sir but you are not the talking type.”
“Well I’m trying to change,” he told as he glanced do the door.
“Well what do you need to talk to me about,” I asked him once again.
“Your debt is clear Nam Woohyun. We no longer have ties and if anyone asks me if you have worked for me I’ll lie. I wanted to come and reassure you that your image will not be ruined because of a little misunderstanding,” he told me.
“A little misunderstanding?” I scoffed.
Jungsuk glared at me as he raised his eyebrows.
“Sorry sir,” I bow my head. “Thank you for everything but what is going to happen to Hyojin?”
“Lets just say that she is working out her dues by being our maid for a couple of lifetimes,” he informed me with a sly smile.
I couldn’t help but laugh as an image of Hyojin picking up Mr. Woo’s smelling socks and unplugging the toilet.
“That’s all I came here for,” he told me as he stood up from his chair.
“Wait Sir,” I stood up from my chair.
There was one last question that I had on my mind.
“Why were know selling drugs to Matt?”
It was the one question that had been on my mind since we left Busan.
“Matt,” he paused and I wasn’t sure if he wasn’t going to snap at me or cry. “Well sometimes you do crazy things to get family to forgive you. It was also because I could see him you know check up on him.”
Matt was still his brother even after everything Matt had done to him.
“Maybe you are not that evil,” I said before I could hold back my tongue.
Jungsuk raised his eyebrows.
“Not that you are evil it’s-“
“It’s okay Woohyun and no I do have a soul no matter what people think,” he pointed out. “Now if you don’t mind I have to bring my daughter home.”
“Wait,” I called for him once again when he reached the doorway. He turn around and for the last time I looked at the man that I had hated but now for some reason I felt as if I had judged him wrong.
“Thanks for not killing me,” I told him.
He nodded his head. “No problem and Woohyun I hope I never see your face again.”
“Me too,” I muttered out.
Then he walked out of the restaurant leaving me behind. It felt strange not following after him like a puppy.  Although in a way it felt as if everything was going back to normal.
Maybe not completely normal I thought as I looked down at the box.
I retook my seat and grabbed a hold of the brown box.
Woohyun you made thousands of girls squeal with one heart. You change anti-fans to loyal fans and more importantly you achieved your dreams.
You can do this.
Then carefully as if not to break anything I open the box.
Was written on a white notecard with blue ink.
Please watch this before opening the rest of your gift or else I’ll kill you!
Underneath was a website that was neatly written.
The only problem was I didn’t have a phone anymore. I stood up and turn to the kitchen to ask Boohyun if I could borrow his phone but then I saw it laying next to an empty Soju bottle.
I grabbed ahold of it and return to my seat as I pressed in the pass code. Boohyun had this phone for three years and he never changed the passcode which was lucky for me.
I open the web browser to be met with pictures of food and a recipe. Ah he must have been making something new for the restaurant. I open a new page and quickly typed in the website that Sungjong had left for me.
In an instant a new page popped up causing me to hold in my breath.
“Sungjong,” I muttered under my breath.
He looked tired but still wore the same clothes as the first video. There was frozen smirk on his face as if he caught me doing something bad. I didn’t realize it till now how much I had forgotten the simple things. His round eyes that had been rolled too many times. His lips that smirked when he played a proper prank on his hyungs or when they formed a straight line when he was sick of us. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten all those things and I couldn’t help but wonder what else I would forgot in the upcoming years.
When would I forget the way he laughs?
When will I forget the way he talks?
When will I forget everything about him?
No Woohyun you will never let that happen!
I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind of all worries.
I’m ready.
I can do this.
I took one deep breath then I pressed play.
Sungjong sprigged to life making my heart jump.
“Woohyun!” he smiled widely.
“You found your clue? Did you somehow force Sunggyu to help you?” he laughed. “I bet you threaten to reveal all his secrets if he didn’t help you!”
“You are right I would do that,” I told the screen.
“So Woohyun I hope you like your gift but before we get to that I want to talk to you. I want to say congrats for making it through our fifth year anniversary with Infinite. I’m surprised no one killed you after one of your aegyo episodes. You were our first Infinite leader and you still are when Sunggyu isn’t around. I’m not going to lie sometimes I wish I could punch you in the face but I might actually be glad you are around to keep the other members in line. You’ve accomplished way more things in life than me,” he admitted.
Not true.
“You turn anti fans into loyal fans. You changed the way people think about you. You even dedicate everything to our fans even when someone of them didn’t deserve your attention. You always push yourself to give our inspirits everything. I know there is some idols out there who are all greasy in front of the camera then they complain about their fans off camera. But you are different Nam Woohyun you clearly care about each fan as if it they were your brother or sister. I don’t even know how you do it but I’m thankful that you do it for Infinite. If you weren’t on the team then I don’t think we could have made it this far. Every fan would leave us because Hoya and Sungyeol would scare them away with their awful aegyo,” he laughed.
I smiled because it was true Sungyeol could barely make a tree blush and well Hoya was a lost cause.
“Woohyun you’ve been this annoying bug that never left me alone. Especially when I threaten to throw away all your girl group cds or the time I told you that I would sell you and Sunggyu to the fans! But besides annoying me there was a lot of lessons you taught me and some of them I can’t even put into words.
“But firstly you taught me to never forget where we came from. I used to get so annoyed every year when you made the members return to the old dorm and the dance studio. I thought you just wanted to reminisce about a past we all wanted to forget but now I realize you wanted us to keep that smelly dorm room and dirty dance studio in our hearts. A lot of groups when they make it big they forget about where they came from. They forget about the managers who raised them and the pressures of being unknown. You helped us stay grounded even when we wanted to treat our sunbaes the same way we were treated in the past. But you always made sure that we stayed humble and grounded. We wouldn’t have been Infinite without that either. Next you taught me to always be devoted to the fans and give them everything. Even when I was tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. You pushed me to throw hearts or wave to the fans.
I know that sometimes I would get angry at you for fooling around too much but you always knew how to make me laugh. Then soon later I would forget why I was even mad at you. Yes I think that is one of your charms. To have people forgive you even when you’re greasy tree.
Thank you Woohyuniee for everything you taught me and everything you will teach me in the future. Oh and stop being so greasy for the fans they’ll kill you one day!
Oh open your present I’m sure you will like it!” he paused looking at me. “It’s in the box I bet you’re dying to know what I got you!!”
I placed the phone on the table and pulled back the tissue paper to reveal a piece of paper that contain a date and a time that had already passed weeks ago.
“I bet you can’t tell what it is?” Sungjong laughed from the phone. “On that date and that time you will be heading to the World Cup Stadium and there you will  spend a day training and playing soccer with the national team.”
“What,” I sputtered out looking down at the piece of paper.
“I had to give out a lot of girl group numbers to get this favor so don’t mess it up!” he yelled at me. “Oh and lastly if you survived the day some how. Later that night you can also pick up two tickets at the gate and see the game,” he smiled. “Woohyun I hope you like your gift and I also hope you are not mad at me for playing in your kitchen this morning. Well anyways happy fifth anniversary and I will see you soon. Oh and stop being so annoying! BYEEE!”
Sungjong’s smile faded to black as it was replaced with a play button.
He was gone.
He was really gone wasn’t he?.
I didn’t even realize that tears were falling on to the table till I let out a loud sob. I covered my eyes and lean forward as my whole body shudder in pain.
No I wasn’t hurt physically it was as if all my insides were screaming for him.
“Woohyun who was at the door?” I heard my brother say. “What are you d-“
Suddenly I felt his arms warping themselves around my body as he pulled me into a tightly hug.
“I’m sorry,” I shuddered out in-between cries.
“Sorry?” he replied.
“I know I have to let him go,” I cried loud sobs as my brother held me tightly.
I had to let him go just like his parents wanted us to.
I had to throw away my heart to let him have his last wish.
I was going to say goodbye tomorrow.


Are you guys surprised that I updated so soon? I hope you guys like this chapter I actually got a little teary eyed while editing this chapter. Since I wrote this chapter almost two weeks ago before Woohyun’s little break down I couldn’t help but think about everything he’s been through. Woohyun isn’t my bias Dongwoo is but I realize in that moment how much I cared about Woohyun. My heart literally broke when I saw the pain on his face while having a mental break down. Then he went quiet and everyone was posting all this stuff on tumblr and twitter about how Woohyun was leaving and how Infinite was going to break up. I thought for a second that a big part of my life was going to end. I know that sounds dramatic and I’m not one of those crazy fans. I just really love their music. I like watching them on variety shows and I’m a fan of them. I love my fandom and I didn’t want that all to end. But thankful Woohyun is back after resting which he totally deserved. They all deserve a week off of resting too. But I’m glad that he is back and the rumors were just rumors. I’m just really thankful for Infinite but I do realize that they will come to a end eventually but I hope that won’t happen for a very long time.

But anyways guys did you enjoy the chapter?

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Hello everyone, it's been a while and I'm actually in a car finally moving across the country. It's going to be a few more days till I post anything.


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Chapter 3: "For once in my life I couldn’t look at my fans."
AH OMG this made me cry i can't even imagine a woohyun this sad :( i can't wiat for the story to progress since i just started reading it :D
naznew #2
Chapter 57: I'm crying again..but this time tears of happiness
naznew #3
Chapter 56: Really? A miracle happen? He wake up? I think he wait for all brothers come to him.. Because i realize after accident happen, just dongwoo and sunggyu go to his ward..not the other ..not the complete members .
Saranghae Sungjong..
naznew #4
Chapter 46: Now everyone know what sungjong try to cook when the fire take it place...
naznew #5
Chapter 45: Omo...sungjong left something to them...and it will change their decision?
naznew #6
Chapter 44: When L arguing with Myungsoo, i suddenly remember i used to talk to another me in the past..
naznew #7
Chapter 16: Omo...woohyun-ah...
naznew #8
Chapter 2: When i read the news say Sunggu and Sungjong dead... I can't stop crying...
looshyhooshy #9
Chapter 59: OMG!..
What's wrong with AFF my comment has been cut down!.
Anyways.. I'll say it again .. I thought there is a new added special part when I saw a new update!
But sadly there isn't..
And I said I'll use this apportunity to say Hi my dear Morgan it's been a while .. I hope you're doing great ^^♡