Part Fourty-Two: Sunggyu

The Words Unsaid
Part Fourty-Two


My head hanged low as the rope rubbed against my wrists.

The room was getting colder by the second causing me to wonder if the room was some sort of large refrigerator.

The room itself was almost empty if it wasn’t for a dirty couch and a couple boxes of pizza. There was windows on all sides of the walls as if this was some type of observation deck. I was half expecting scientist to start showing up to observe me but there was nothing.

What was Woohyun doing here?

More importantly why was he hanging out with those types of people? What happen?

He was supposed to be in Seoul not here and certainly not in this filthy place.

The door swung open revealing a man wearing a trench coat that contained a black hood. He was holding a knife in one hand and a dark bag in another.

“No no no no!” I screamed as pure terror rushed through my body.

He was close now almost in reaching distance and I knew that this was the end.

“Please don’t,” I whimpered.

I closed my eyes waiting for the strike but nothing happen.

“Sunggyu,” he said. “Hyung.”

I looked up to see a pair of dirty chubby cheeks that belonged to the greasy Nam Woohyun.

“Woohyun,” I stared at him with wide eyes. “What are you doing?”

“Saving you,” he laughed then he started to saw at the rope.

“No I mean why are you here? How do you know Gayun’s Appa?” I questioned him.

He stopped sawing and looked up at me. “Ah you mean Jongsuk?”

“Yes that man how do you know him and why are you here?” I asked him.

“It’s a long story,” he told me as he finally ripped through the last piece of rope.

I shook off the ropes letting it fall to the dirty ground.

“Here,” Woohyun offered me a hand.

“Tell me,” I took his hand and was brought up to my feet.

“Hyung we don’t have time to sit down and talk we need to go,” he told me as he urged me to the door.

“Jongsuk and the hyungs are at the bar next door. This is the perfect time for you to get out.”

“Wait I can’t leave I need to talk to Jongsuk,” I told him stopping at the doorway.

“Hyung why are you being like this,” he whined as he stomped his feet against the ground.

“There is a girl back in Seoul named Gayun and something really bad is going to happen if Jongsuk doesn’t come back with me,” I told him. “I just need to talk to him.”

Woohyun shook his head. “Listen I don’t know Jongsuk that well but I know that once he makes a decision he doesn’t go back on it.”

“I made a promise and you know I don’t take those lightly,” I told him.

“Sunggyu these guys don’t care about promises! They have guns and no conscience,” Woohyun told me.

“Woohyun you’ve lived in this disgusting place wouldn’t you know of a way to convince the man?” I asked him.

“There isn’t a way,” he replied.

“Please,” I pleaded.

Woohyun bit his lip as he looked around the room as if he could find the answers in an old news paper.

“I didn’t want to drag you into this Hyung. I thought I could get you to Seoul before I had to tell you about my problem,” he told me looking me up and down.

“Your problem?”  I looked at him.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he glared at me. “It’s not like I’m a drug addict.”

“Is a thug any better?” I replied.

“Hyung! Listen there is more to the story then what your thinking. Plus this could help put Jongsuk in a better mood” he sighed.

“Get talking,” I ordered crossing my arms.

“I’m not sure if you’re going to like what I’m going to tell you Hyung,” he looked up at me biting the corner of his lip. “It all started when I went to a party…”




The cold air sent shivers down my spine making me regret not putting on a jacket.  Woohyun was in less clothes than I was but it seemed like the cold weather wasn’t affecting him.

“This way,” he said pulling me into a dark alley.

“Are you sure?” I questioned him.

“This is our last chance,” he told me between gritted teeth.

I shook my head but still kept on following Woohyun.

This was a crazy plan right?

We had been looking for this girl for the last couple of hours and none of the clubs, bars, and even strip clubs contained the girl. I was starting to think that Woohyun was lying to me. The last club we went to pointing us in this direction but I wasn’t sure that the bouncer was a credible source.

I looked at his silhouette and felt a pang of guilt.

“I’ve been drinking and partying and hanging out with the wrong type of people.”

At first I thought he was lying but after studying his face I knew he was telling the truth. This girl had tricked Woohyun and caused him even more trouble. This girl seemed like the devil and I already hated her for causing so much trouble for Woohyun.

But I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happen if I didn’t find him. Would he have lived as a mobster because of her decisions?

I shook my head because I couldn’t let myself fall into these dark thoughts.

We reached a dark patch on the wall only to realize it was a door.  On any normal day I would have walked right past this door thinking it was just a shadow. Then again why would I be in this creepy alley way.

“Woohyun,” I whispered trying to not let my fear show but it wasn’t working.

“It will be okay,” he nodded and gave me a cheeky smile.

How could he know it was going to be okay? We were idols not spies or mobsters. Idols!

Before I could stop Woohyun he knocked on the door twice.

“I don’t thi-“

“Yes,” a voice shouted from the other side of the door.

“Mr. Lee Jongsuk sent me,” Woohyun said without any emotions.

For a slight second I thought this plan wasn’t going to work because we didn’t look like mobsters but to my surprise the door open. Before my eyes had a chance to readjust I felt Woohyun grabbing my arm and pulling me in. By the time the door slammed shut my eyes had finally adjusted. We were in a dirty hallway there was three doors one on each side and one in front of us.

I looked at Woohyun questionably but he wouldn’t look at me instead he walked forward towards the door at the end.

How did he know where to go? I had a suspicion that he had been here before.

Woohyun open up the door and immediately I could hear some type of old fashion jazz music coming from the room.

“Hello my name is Namjoon,” a young man said from the doorway.

“Hello I’m here to see Hyojin,” Woohyun replied crossing his arms.

The man frowned then shook his head. “I’m sorry sir but there isn’t any Hyojin here,” he answered with an apologetic smile.

I shot Woohyun a worried look.

Not again no we couldn’t be at a loss once again.

Woohyun didn’t look worried nor did he look shock as if he was expecting this.

“Listen,” Woohyun said with a smirk then he lean in and whispered something into the young man’s ear.

The man’s face turned pale and he quickly moved aside. “Go ahead.”

Woohyun grabbed my arm and led me into the room.

I wanted to ask about what he said but I knew that there wasn’t any time for that.

The room itself was dimly lit and the air was full of cigars and cigarettes. In the middle of the room was a poker table where a man wearing a red vest was placing down cards on to the table. There was two older men wearing fancy suits who were both staring at their cards intensely. A woman with her hair placed into a tight bun was wearing a tight red dress. She placed down a card and smile widely as she covered . “Sorry boys.”

“One day you’ll have to teach us your tricks,” he said then he placed a hand on her thigh.

She smiled then shoved the hand off her lap. “It’ll take more than a day to teach you my skills.”

“Hyojin,” Woohyun shakily called out. It wasn’t from being scared or even being nervous he was furious. I could tell that he was holding everything back from ripping this girls head off.

I wanted to jump in excitement and hug Woohyun for finally finding the girl but I knew I would just ruin the atmosphere.

Hyojin turned her head and when her gaze fell on us her eyes grew wide but only for a second then she flashed us a smile.

“Woohyun and,” she looked at me up and down. “Friend?”

“We need to talk,” Woohyun said as he crossed his arms.

“Naw I don’t feel like it,” she scoffed as she ran her hand through her hair.

“Hyojin just for a second then I promise I’ll never see you again,” Woohyun begged her looking into her eyes.

“Hyojin would you like us to take care of these two,” one of the man asked.

Hyojin was still smiling as she moved her head from side to side as if she was balancing her thoughts.

“No it’s okay,” she replied then she turned to the men. “If you could give us a minute.”

The men gave her questionable look but she nodded.

The dealer bowed politely to us before he followed the two men out of the room. Now it was quiet and I wasn’t sure if this was the best idea.

“Woohyun you’re not here to kidnap me again?” she laughed slightly as she stood up from her chair.

“No I’m here to speak to you,” he told her.

“Sure you are,” she said still holding a fake smile. “Ahh you brought a friend.”

She was still holding her fake smile as she walked towards me.

“He’s no one,” Woohyun interjected.

“No he’s your wonderful leader,” she said almost gleeful.

My face dropped for a second but I couldn’t let her know that I was shaken.

“Leave him,” Woohyun said in-between clench teeth.

“You look better without eyeliner,” Hyojin said grabbing my arms to pull me forward. She was beautiful but up close I could see all the flaws that were hidden behind pounds of makeup.

“Leave him,” Woohyun grabbed my other arm ripping me away from Hyojin. “Listen this has nothing to do with him. I just need to know something,”

“And what is that Woohyun,” she replied turning her attention to him. “I mean why should I even listen to you after you rudely attacked me?”

“Hyojin stop!” Woohyun shouted finally letting his anger show.

Hyojin jumped slightly but she kept her smile.

“I need you to put away your pride and come with me,” he told her.

She laughed loudly then turned to him. “Why would I do that?”

“Deep down inside I know you’re a good person-“

“You’re wrong,” she interrupted Woohyun.

“Hyojin I just need you to talk to my boss and exp-“

“Explain what? That I framed you ha nope!” she scoffed looking at her nails.

“Please,” Woohyun begged her. “I need to go home and I can’t with the debt you placed me in.”

“Not my problem,” she sighed once again.

I was clenching my fist as I stared this girl up and down. How dare she talk to my dongsaeng like this after all she put him through.

“We can help you go to another country after you confess. Jongsuk won’t touch you,” he promised her but I knew it was an empty promise. If Woohyun couldn’t run then how could Hyojin?

“Listen Woohyun did you really think that I would help you?” she asked him.


“The answer is no.  Don’t worry I’ll take you out to dinner sometime of course using your boss’s money,” she laughed.

The door open revealing the man who had let us in before. “Miss do you need any assistance.”

He gave us an uneasy look that me realize what this looked like from someone else’s point of view. Two men harassing a woman.

“Actually I was wondering if you could my guest out,” Hyojin told him nodding to us.

“Yes ma,” he bowed then moved aside and pointed towards the door.

Woohyun rolled his eyes and started to stomp out of the room but Hyojin called his name.

“What?!” he snapped.

She gracefully walked to him and gave him a large hug causing my skin to crawl.

“Get off of him!” I snapped.  “How dare you!”

Woohyun pushed her off so roughly that she almost fell to the ground.

“Ah what is this,” she said once she found her balance.

I could feel all my blood draining from my face. Woohyun’s phone was in her hands it as if she knew our plan from the start.

“Oh a new recording,” she said staring down at the phone.

“Give it back!” Woohyun shouted and tried to grab the phone but the man grabbed him.

“Opps I deleted it! You didn’t need that right?” she laughed covering her face.

“You ,” Woohyun yelled while trying to get out of the man’s grasps.

“Give it back,” I yelled taking a step forward.

Then without any warning Hyojin chucked the phone against the cementfloor  causing the phone’s insides to crumble apart.

Woohyun let out a scream of pure anger.

“Get them out of here,” Hyojin yelled then seconds later I felt hands on my shoulders pushing me to the door.

The door slammed behind us smashing any hope we had.

“Get off of me,” Woohyun shouted as he finally pushed away the guy.

“You have to leave now,” the man told us.

“We know,” I snapped.

But that didn’t stop the two men from pushing us out the door into the cold Busan night air.

“,” Woohyun shouted kicking a can against a nearby wall.

“I thought you said this was going to work,” I told him.

Woohyun shot me a glare making me bite my lip. “I don’t know everything Sunggyu!”

“Why are you yelling at me!” I snapped back.

“Because you’re just ahh! Why don’t you just leave me like everyone else did,” Woohyun pointed to the street.

“Leave you? You ran away!” I yelled at him.

“I ran away?! Well so what if I did but you did it first!” he snapped back.

“What are you talking about I didn’t leave Seoul and go join a mob!”

Woohyun’s breath was coming out heavy and I knew I pushed too far.

“You didn’t want me to see you in the hospital,  Hoya ran away to Busan, Sungyeol well he’s more messed up then both of us, and Dongwoo well if I wanted someone to baby me than I would call my mother. Myungsoo well I tried Myungsoo once but he was too busy to talk you know with all his stupid interviews. So who could blame me if I wanted to run because in all honestly it wasn’t like you guys cared.”


“No I don’t want to hear your excuses anymore!” he shouted then he took off running down the alley way.

“Woohyun!” I yelled but he was already gone.

I pushed my feet off the pavement and started to run but I only made it a couple of steps before I fell to the ground.

“,” I mumbled to myself then I pushed myself on to my back. My legs were shaking or maybe that was my heart? I patted my pocket for my pills to only find my almost dead cell phone and a piece of gun.

That was right those goons took  my pills away from me!

I stared up at the skies not knowing what to do. I was weak and cold and my whole body was shivering from the pain.

It hurt and I wanted to scream out loud but I was too scared that the men from the club would find me.

I was scared!

I admit it Woohyun I was scared and I pushed you away and maybe this is my fault.

Maybe I should go home and leave Woohyun to live his own life?

I pulled out my cell phone and slowly dialed Sunhyun’s number.

I bit down my pride and placed the phone to my ear.

“Well hello little boy,” a voice snapped me out of my state.

I sat up ignoring the pain in my legs. “Hyojin.”

She was standing above me holding a cigarette as she started down at me.

“What are you doing down there,” she asked me.

“Ah nothing,” I quickly got up to my feet ignoring the shooting pain. “I need to leave.”

“Where are you going cutie,” she asked with a smirk.

“Far away from you,” I replied.

“You know you are a cutie,” she told me looking me up and down.

“You’re sick,” I retorted.

“Come on I’m just playing,” she laughed.

“No you’re not! You ruined my friend’s life!” I snapped.

She just smiled widely making my skin crawl.

“You know you boys are pathetic! It doesn’t matter how many times you kidnap me I will never admit I took the money!” she told me.

“So you admit it Hyojin,” I pointed out.

“Yes but it’s not like you can do anything about it kid,” she said.

“You know I think I’m older than you,” I snapped.

“What do you want me to call you Oppa?” she looked at me and winked.

“Don’t make me puke,” I retorted.

“Well you are cute,” she placed a hand on my arm. “You could follow me around like Woohyun did. Be my next puppy.”

I was about to shove Hyojin to the ground when a voice stopped me.

“SUNGGYU!” I turned around to see that Sunhyung was running towards me.

“Sunhyun,” I gasp out.

“There you are,” she grabbed my arm pulling me away from Hyojin’s grasp. “Sorry! Sunggyu what did I tell you about going off by yourself. Sorry we are late for our date.”

Then she took my hand and started to lead me out of the alleyway.

“Goodbye Sunggyu,” Hyojin laughed.

“Sunhyun,” I whispered.

“I know just wait a bit,” she told me.

Once we were far away from Hyojin and that smelly club we stopped. Sunhyung carefully guided me to take a seat on a door step.

“How,” I asked as Sunhyung handed me a bottle of water from her backpack.

“Do you really think I would let you do this on your own?” she asked me.

“Well I eh-“

“I’ve been following you since you left the hospital,” she admitted. “By the way strip clubs?!”

“What!” I almost spitted out the water that I had just consumed. “But I didn’t tell anyone I was leaving and we only went there to go find someone. It’s not like I go there a lot anyways…”

She laughed then shook her head.

“Sunggyu  you are more predictable than you think,” she added as she open her blue bag.

“No I am not,” I shouted.

“Yes you are,” she retorted as she handed me a bright orange pill bottle containing my pain medication.

“No I’m not!” I shouted once again.

“Yes you-“


Sunhyun looked down and grabbed her cell phone out of a compartment in bag.

“The hospital?” I asked trying not to seem like I cared then I swallowed two pills dryly.

“No I took two days off they shouldn’t be calling me it’s actually you,” she said as she placed the phone up to her ear.

“I didn’t call you,” I replied.

“Yes you did?” she retorted then she gave me a confused look.

“You must have dialed me. Who stole money?” she looked at me.

“What?” I looked at her confused.

“You dialed me,” she replied.

My mind was spinning then suddenly it hit me like a brick wall.

“Save it!” I screamed making Sunhyun jump.

“What?” she looked at me.

“Save it!” I shouted again.

“Calm down,” she said then she pressed a button. “Now are you going to tell me what this is all about?”

“I have a plan!” I said smiling crazily.

“Why do I have a funny feeling you’re about to lose your mind,” she said brushing her hair out of her eyes.

“It’s time to get my family back.”




After Sunhyung fussed over me and nagged about pushing myself too far. We were finally able to go back to the warehouse.

“Sunggyu I don’t know about this,”  Sunhyung said as she walked closely to my side.

“Wait outside,” I instructed her.


“Just do it. Oh give me your phone,” I snapped.

Sunhyung handed me her cellphone but not before she rolled her eyes.

“Maybe I should go in with you,” she said quietly.

“Stay and if I don’t come out in two hours then call the cops,” I told her.

She nodded. “I don’t know what you are going to do but be safe idiot.”

“I will be,” I told her.

Then without any hesitation I walked towards the door.

Would this really work?

I knocked my fist against the cold metal door not thinking about what was going to happen. The door open revealing  a shock looking Woohyun. His face was red and I could see that his cheek were swollen.

I grabbed his cheek to look at it closely but Woohyun pushed my hand off.

“Sunggyu,” he sputtered out.

“Woohyun who is at the door,” someone asked than the man who grabbed me before came into view.

“You’re really stupid,” he said then he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the warehouse.

“What are you doing here!” Woohyun shouted running behind us.

The man dragged me towards where I met the boss last time.

“It’s okay,” I told Woohyun but he just shook his head.

Jazz music was playing in the background and I could hear a female's voice.

When we rounded the corner I was shock to see Hyojin sitting way too close to Jongsuk. If I didn’t know who they were I would say they were on a date.

“Sunggyu how nice of you to return,” Jongsuk smiled as he place down his wine.

“Hyojin,” I sputtered out.

“Oh hello darling,” she laughed covering .

“I never thought I would see a person who escaped come back to their prison,” he said with a smile.

“Sir I have proof,” I told him honestly.

“Proof?” he cocked his head looking at me strangely.

“That Hyojins stole your money,” I stated proudly.

“This again,” Jongsuk sighed. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s quite all right,” Hyojin told him with a smile. “Now can you please excu-“

“No you’re not! You ruined my friend’s life!”  my voice echoed from Sunhyung's phone.

“You know you boys are pathetic! It doesn’t matter how many times you come to me I will never admit that I took the money!”

Hyojin smile dropped and her eyes grew wide.

“So you admit it Hyojin.”

Hyojin stood up and ran towards me like a crazy woman but one of Jongsuk bodyguards grabbed ahold of her arms.

“Yes but it’s not like you can do anything about it kid.”

“Proof,” I smiled smugly.

“How dare you!” Hyojin screamed letting all her ugliness show.

“How,” Woohyun looked at me shocked.

“Hyojin!” Jongsuk screamed making me almost drop the phone.

Hyojin's over the top  smile emerged once again.

“That isn’t me,” she said sweetly.

“It sure sounds like you,” one of the body guards pointed out.

“Yeah you have been shady,” said the other bodyguard.

Hyojin looked around the room as if she was trying to find a way out then suddenly without warning she shoved the guards arms off of her body then grabbed my arm harshly.

It was only when Woohyun started to scream did I noticed the gun pointed at my head.

“Stay away,” Hyojin shouted backing away from the door.

“Hyung!” Woohyun voice seemed raw and full of emotion.

Why wasn’t I freaking out.

Why wasn’t I screaming.

Maybe because if this is how it has to be to get my family back then so be it.

“No one follows us or I will kill him,” Hyojin shouted dragging me to the door.

“Boss,” one of the bodyguards shouted looking up at Jongsuk.

“I just want to say thank you for the money Mr. Jongsuk I’ll be sure to use it well!” she laughed crazily.


Suddenly I felt myself falling to the ground and for a split second I thought I was dead.

I thought that Hyojin had finally lost her mind and she had killed both of us.

I could see the headline now:

Famous Boy Band Leader Dies from a Stupid Plan

“Get up stupid,” someone said.

I open my eyes to see Sunhyun looking down at me.

“Sunhyun?” I looked at her with wide eyes.

“Come on stop making a scene,” she said offering me a hand.

I took it and she carefully brought me up to my feet. I looked to the ground to see that Hyojin was now laying on the ground holding a very bloody nose.

“Sunhyun,” I looked at her shocked.

“I punched her,” Sunhyun told me.

Hyojin let out a groan and the two bodyguards grabbed her.

“You saved me,” I shouted hugging her tightly.

“Woah calm down!” Sunhyung told me as she pushed me away. “I couldn’t have my patient die! Think about all the paperwork I would have to fill out!”

“But how did you know I needed help?” I asked her.

“You always need help,” she laughed.

“Are you guys done?” Woohyun laughed and it was the first time I noticed him.

“Woohyun I’m sorry,” I said grabbing him and bring him into a tight hug.

“It’s okay I understand,” Woohyun cried out.

“Sorry,” I told him once again. “You were right I ran away too.”

“No I’m sorry,” he told me.

“You guys,” Hyojin nudged us.

“What?!” Woohyun and I both shouted at the same time.

Jongsuk stood there crossing his arms as he stared down at the two of us.

“Sir,” Woohyun said looking up at him.

“Listen I’m not usually wrong but I guess I am in this situation,” he told us.

“So sir does that mean I’m free to go?!” Woohyun quickly asked.

He nodded his head.

Woohyun would have hugged the man if it wasn’t for me.

Although Mr. Jongsuk had forgiven Woohyun I wasn’t sure if he was a hugging type of person.

“Mr. Jongsuk about the conversation we had earlier,” I wasn’t sure if Jongsuk opinion about Gayun had change.

“Listen I will admit to you that Gayun is my daughter but I can’t see her. I think that she is better without me honestly. I’m sure her Umma has done a proper job in raising her,” he admitted.

“Raising her?" Sunhyung scoffed.

Jongsuk looked at Sunhyung as if he just discovered that another person was here.

“This is Sunhyung a nurse at the same hospital where Gayun and I are staying,” I told him.

“Listen sir,” Sunhyung started.

“Oh ,” I mumbled under my breath.

“You know,” she took a step forward towards Jongsuk. “You know your daughter thinks you’re dead!”

“Maybe that is for the better,” Jongsuk replied.

“For the better! Do you want to know why she’s in the hospital? Her Umma’s new boyfriend pushed her down the stairs!”

“He did what,” Jongsuk snapped.

“You heard me. You abounded that poor girl to become a punching bag! Now she’s going to be shove into some orphanage because her Appa can’t get his together!” she yelled.

“Sunhyung!” I shouted.

Jongsuk held up a hand.

“You are right,” he told us.

“What!” Woohyun and I shouted once again.

“Her Umma left me with her and I thought that was for the better. I don’t have a creditable job as you can see and having my daughter think I was dead was something I never wanted,” he admitted.

“So what are you going to do now sir,” Woohyun asked him.

“The only choice I have,” he told us. “I’ll go to Seoul with you.”

“Really?” I said in awe.

“Yes we will leave in the morning I have a couple of things I want to say to my wife,” he told us.

I turned too Woohyun. “We can go home.”

Woohyun was forwning.

“What’s up?” I asked him because I thought he would be excited to go home.

“I have to tell you something,” as he looked up at me.

“What is that?” I answered him.

“It's about Hoya,” he replied.

“Hoya?” I coaked my head to the side trying to understand why Woohyun just brought up the dance machine.

“He's in trouble,” Woohyun said with a grim face.


The dance machine was a fighter.

No not a fighter in the sense of fighting some type of  unknown darkness.

No the Infinite dance machine was hit you in the face fighter.

No it didn’t sound right.

How could we have fallen so far without me noticing.

“Are you all ready to go?” Jongsuk asked us as we piled into his nice car. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was stolen but I was too afraid to ask.

Woohyun gave me a reassuring look but I couldn’t stop the feeling that was now pounding in my heart.

“I’m sorry I can’t go,” I told him unbuckling myself from the seat.

“What?” Woohyun looked at me with wide eyes.

“We can’t leave him,” I told Woohyun who instantly knew who I was talking about.

I didn’t really know what family was till I met those crazy six boys. There was no way I was going to lose my family and especially not over what Woohyun had told me. If the last few months have taught me anything it would be to fight for what you want no matter what.

“Woohyun you are getting what you want I don’t understand,” Jongsuk pointed out. “Your debt is paid off and you’re going home. What else do you want?”

Woohyun took a deep breath and I could tell that he was full of nerves. “Sir if I could ask you for one more thing.”

“What is that Woohyun?” Jongsuk asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“We need to go get our brother,” I stated as I bit my lip.

“Matt,” Jongsuk said as he clenched his hands together to form a fist. “No.”

“Sir,” I hesitant trying to find the right words to say. “You of all people should know how it feels to lose someone important to you. Even though our bandmate Hoya isn’t our blood related brother he is still family. If you let him stay with Matt then you are no better than your ex-wife.”

“Hyung,” Woohyun whisper to me to shut up.

“My band members have been through enough hell and it’s time for us to come back together. We deserve to be together,” I slammed my fist against my lap.

“Are you threatening me?” Jongsuk brown eyes glared at me.

“I ehh,” I mumbled to myself.

I turn to look at Woohyun who was shaking his head as if to answer the question for me.

“Well son you have bigger balls then Woohyun over there,” Jongsuk said with a loud laugh. “Lets go.”

“Go where sir?” Woohyun asked him sitting up straight.

“To go reunite your family,” Jongsuk  stated." I strangely feel in giving mood."



In any action movie we would go flying in with gun raise and of course each of us would be wearing some type of cool looking clothes. Instead here we were knocking on the guys front door like some friendly neighbor.

I was scared for a second after all didn't Woohyun say that Jongsuk was scared of this Matt guy?

Before I had any second thoughts the door open revealing a man with a nasty dark and blue bruise on the right side of his face. He let out a grunt that could be translated into: “What do you want.”

“We are here to take Ho-I mean Minwoo home,” Woohyun mumbled out. Who could blame him for being full of nerves since we were standing on the devil's doorway.

“Go away,” he grunted once again trying to slam the door shut but I place my crutch in the doorway stopping it from closing all the way.

“Bring them in Chunghee,” a voice called sending chills down my spine.

The ape looking man nodded then open the door wide enough to reveal a large living room that contained a group of men sitting around eating. On the couch sat Matt who was holding an orange book in one hand and a beer in the other. To my surprise he was reading peter pan which wouldn’t have been my first guess.

“What do you want boys,” Matt hissed at us when we reached him.

“We came for Hoya I mean Minwoo,” I retorted trying to look tough but I probably looked as threatening as a bunny rabbit.

“Yeah,” Woohyun shouted next to me.

Matt owned. “Hoya has already left.”

“H-He did,” I sputtered out.

“Yeah after he announced to the world who he was,” Matt told us broadly.

So Hoya has smartened up and left on his own accord. I felt proud of the man Hoya had become in the last couple of months and although he made many mistakes he still made the right choice in the end.

“We will just be going then,” Woohyun said as he took a step back.

“Not yet,” Matt smirked as he placed down his beer. “You see I don’t like being put down especially by some idol.”

“What do you want?” I asked him because there was no way that Matt would let Hoya leave unscratch. My heart started to beat quickly as another thought popped into my head. Unless he killed Hoya.

“What did you do to him?!” I shouted.

Matt raised up his hand to quiet me. “I didn’t do anything. But in a couple of minutes I will be releasing pictures and videos of Hoya’s fights to the nearest news station.”

My stomach dropped.

“You can’t do that,” Woohyun yelled as tears were starting to form.

We were a broken boyband and people pitted us but there was no way they would understand Hoya’s choices. No if that video came out he would be kicked out of Infinite. No that can’t happen not after everything.

“What do you want?” I asked Matt once again.

“Bring Hoya back and have him apologize to my feet,” Matt told us. “Also he will fight for me again.”

“So you want him to be your puppet?” I shot him back.

“Hoya wouldn’t do that!” Woohyun added.

“Yes he will,” Matt laughed loudly. “Because if he doesn’t then these pi-“

“Matt!” someone screamed from the doorway.

Jongsuk came storming into the building as Mr. Park and Mr. Woo followed behind him. At once the fighters were on their feet but none of them made a move to fight.

“Ahh Jongsuk I was wondering when you would be coming out of hiding,” Matt smirked.

“Stop it! Stop ruining people lives!” Jongsuk lunged at Matt grabbing ahold of his collar. “Stop it!”

The fighter known as Chunghee ran to Matt but Matt placed up a hand stopping him.

“Never,” he snapped. “I want you to suffer but they ruined it! They ruined it all now they must pay the price!!”

“What price! Matt can you even see what you made me become!” Jongsuk shouted as tears rolled down his cheeks.

“It’s your fault! It’s your fault!” Matt shouted pushing roughly so he stumbled backwards.

“It happened twenty years ago!” Jongsuk yelled back.

“What are they talking about?” I whispered into Woohyun ear but he just shrugged.

“GET OUT! EVERYONE GET OUT!” Matt screamed as tears streamed down his cheeks. All the fighters who were standing on the sidelines took off running. I guess Matt was someone who you didn’t mess with. It only took a couple of seconds for the room to be cleared.

“It’s your fault,” Matt said slowly as if he was about to break in a million pieces. “If you weren’t hanging out in the gang then you would have picked me up in time. Instead they called her to pick me up and she died.”

“I told you sorry!” Jongsuk argued.

“You killed our Mom when it should have been you,” Matt snapped back.

My breath was taken from me when I heard the word Mom. I looked at the two men who were now staring daggers at each other.

“Brothers,” I whispered to myself.

“What do you want me to do!” Jongsuk snapped making me jump in my spot.

“I want you to suffer hyung like I did!” Matt yelled back.

“You don’t think I suffered! You don’t think I deal with the guilt of losing our Umma?” Jongsuk yelled. “Can’t you see the monster you have become!”

“The only monster I see is you,” Matt said pointing a finger in Jongsuk direction.

“And you were a saint! You were always getting fights in school!” Jongsuk snapped. “I had to work while you were hanging out with you friends.”

“Friends?” Matt gave a crazy laugh. “I’m mixed Jongsuk do you really think I have friends here? Those fights were started by the other boys and there was no way the teachers would side with me.”

“I didn’t know,” Jongsuk admitted.

“You never knew,” Matt snapped back. “But like it matter Umma is dead.”

Jongsuk chewed on his bottom lip then he took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m SORRY! What else do you want me to do! The only reason why I’m here is because of you!” he snapped. “You took my child and wife away from me. What else do you want from me!”

My heart was pounding fast in my chest as I realized what Jongsuk was indicating.

“You separated Gayun and her father?” I looked at Matt with awe. “How no...why?

Matt smiled widely as if he had just won a million of dollars. He cleared his voice and started to talk. “The how was very easy you see Jongsuk always knows how to pick the wrong types of girls. It only took a bag full of drugs to get his wife on my side. She agreed to stay away from Busan for a small fee of money. The reasons why I did it is simple I needed him to suffer and oh how he did.”

“Your evil,” Woohyun snapped from next to me.

“No I’m just smart,” Matt laughed.

“Yes you took my wife and my child away from me and I should hate you but I don’t” Jongsuk confessed. “All I see is my little brother who is still in pain. There is something I need to tell you and it’s something I never thought I could say outloud but I forgive you for taking them away.  It took me many years to be able to say that outloud but yes Matt I forgive you and I’m no longer angry,” Jongsuk confessed.

Matt’s frown fell from his face. “What?!”

“Now I think it’s your time to do the same for me. I think it’s time we forgive each other and start living without so much hatred in our lives.”

“No,” Matt splat out. “I can never forgive you.”

I swallowed hard trying to think of the right things to say but when I open my mouth the words just flew out. “Matt.”

His gaze was red hot and for a second I wanted to run away but I stood my ground.

“You must know Hoya’s story right? The reason why we are all separated? The accident that happened months ago that left one of our members brain dead.But what you don’t know is the reason why he is dead is because of me.”

My throat felt heavy but yet my shoulders felt less heavy.

“No Hyun-“

I raised my hand stopping Woohyun’s words.

“Before the accident Sungjong was getting on my nerves. First he missed practice causing me to get an earful from our CEO then he almost burned our dorm down.  So when he made a mistake on a radio show I had secretly wished I could get rid of him but I never thought it would come true. I never thought that within a couple of hours my dongsaeng would be gone.” Tears were now swelling in my eyes and I swallowed down the lump that was forming in my throat. “If he ever wakes up I know he will never forgive me but I’ll never know that. I will never be able to talk to my brother again but you can. You can yell, punch, cry and laugh with your brother and I can’t. My heart goes out to your Umma but hurting your brother won’t make things better. I used to love being away from my members but now I’m lonelier than ever. Being away from them has taught me that even though we might fight we also laugh, cry, and dream together. I learned that I can’t do this on my own that I need my brothers and that we all need each other. Why can’t you see Matt that you are not only destroying your brother but also yourself.”

I felt Woohyun’s hand grabbed on to mine and I knew that he felt the same way. That no matter where we were we were still Infinite.

“So Matt if you can’t forgive your brother then at least let us have ours back,” I asked him. “Don’t let those videos go online and just let him go.”

The silence that took ahold of the room was almost suffocating. I knew that if Matt said no then there was nothing else I could do. There was nothing else I could say to protect the dancer. Maybe Hoya knew it was going to end this way but why did he leave? Why didn’t he protect himself better? I knew that if Hoya was going to risk his carefully built image then it had to be for something big.

“Fine,” Matt soffed crossing his arms.

My heart dropped and my mouth flew open. “Wait what?”

“Did I sputtered,” Matt snapped glaring daggers in my directions. “I’ll let him go and I won’t release the videos.”

“Thank you!” Woohyun bowed and I followed.

“Now leave me be,” Matt said as he rubbed his head.  “Before I change my mind.”

I felt Woohyun grab my hand and dragged me to the door as if he knew that Matt was going to change his mind if we stayed any longer.

“Hyung,” Matt looked up at Jongsuk who had the door open. “I know you didn’t kill Umma but I still need time.”

Then he looked back down at a book like the words didn’t come out of his mouth.

Jongsuk nodded and held the door wide open for us to leave the building.

The fresh air hit my face like a welcoming sight. I could help but have a little jump to my step as we made our way back to the car.

I couldn’t even make it to the car before Woohyun hugged me tightly.

“I didn’t know you felt that way,” he whispered in my ear.

Oh right the things I said in there.

“It’s not your fault,” Woohyun told me as he pulled away from me to wipe his tears.

“Even if I wasn’t in the car then it would still be my fault,” I told him truthfully. “I’m the leader if one of you sneezes during the live performance it’s my fault.”

“But Hyung you can’t really think Sungjong's condition is your entire fault,” Woohyun told me.

I took a deep breath. “No not completely but I have to do is what right for the group and stop being so selfish. We have to go home and get our family back,” I told him.

He nodded in argument then patted me on the back. “Welcome back leader.”

I smirked because he was right the iron fist Infinite leader was back.

I was back.

“Sunhyung what's wrong?” I heard Woohyun’s voice snapping me away from my thoughts.

There was Sunghyung standing by the car with a place face and worried eyes.

She took a deep breath and all the happiness I was experiencing before disappeared.

“What happen him? What happen to Sunjong?”  


I hope you guys enjoyed this long chapter. Since I haven’t posted anything in almost two weeks maybe even three I decided to write a long one. Also are you surprised over the reveal? When I planned this series out I didn’t even connected Jongsuk and Matt together but I thought it would be a nice twist. Also in a way I was kind of showing what happens when you don’t forgive yourself or someone else. It kind of ruins your life in a way but I hope you guys like it. Who else is happy that Hyojin is getting what she deserves. Also I’m going to live in my new house finally after months of construction. That was a huge reason why I wasn’t posting so much. Well thank you for reading!!



PS. You should check out the trailer I made for this story! It's in the foward. : D

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Hello everyone, it's been a while and I'm actually in a car finally moving across the country. It's going to be a few more days till I post anything.


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Chapter 3: "For once in my life I couldn’t look at my fans."
AH OMG this made me cry i can't even imagine a woohyun this sad :( i can't wiat for the story to progress since i just started reading it :D
naznew #2
Chapter 57: I'm crying again..but this time tears of happiness
naznew #3
Chapter 56: Really? A miracle happen? He wake up? I think he wait for all brothers come to him.. Because i realize after accident happen, just dongwoo and sunggyu go to his ward..not the other ..not the complete members .
Saranghae Sungjong..
naznew #4
Chapter 46: Now everyone know what sungjong try to cook when the fire take it place...
naznew #5
Chapter 45: Omo...sungjong left something to them...and it will change their decision?
naznew #6
Chapter 44: When L arguing with Myungsoo, i suddenly remember i used to talk to another me in the past..
naznew #7
Chapter 16: Omo...woohyun-ah...
naznew #8
Chapter 2: When i read the news say Sunggu and Sungjong dead... I can't stop crying...
looshyhooshy #9
Chapter 59: OMG!..
What's wrong with AFF my comment has been cut down!.
Anyways.. I'll say it again .. I thought there is a new added special part when I saw a new update!
But sadly there isn't..
And I said I'll use this apportunity to say Hi my dear Morgan it's been a while .. I hope you're doing great ^^♡