Part Thirteen: Dongwoo

The Words Unsaid
Part Thirteen

I’m not a doctor and I know nothing about the medical field. Most of the information below was researched I found online or things I’ve made up. There are most likely medical mistakes so please forgive me.


The last time Dongwoo was researching about the accident to find a way to fix things. He then took a nap and dreamt about Sungyeol and Sungjong joining Infinite. His dream soon turned into a nightmare when he started to remember the accident. He awoke in his sister's arms screaming that it was his fault.


Myungsoo shook his head back and forth as tears rolled down his face which matched my own.

I wanted to jump on stage and give him a hug and wipe away his tears.

My heart ached watching my dongsaeng break down. He looked exhausted or maybe that’s just how he always looked. After all we barely had time to rest and when we did it was never enough.

"Are you all done?" My umma asked picking up my half eaten breakfast.

"I'm all done, thank you for the food Umma. You know you don't have to make me food or do my laundry. I can do all  that stuff by myself," I told her.

My umma placed the plate onto the bed then wrapped her arms around my shoulders pulling me in tightly. “You know I love taking care of you."

"But Umma I don’t want you to over work yourself,” I pointed out resting my head on her arm.

She smelt like the sea which brought back memories of watching my mother cook in her tiny restaurant.

“Don’t worry about your Umma. I took care of you for most of your life so a few more months or years won’t hurt me,” my umma retorted.

"You still don't have to," I whined swaying my body back and forth.

The bracelet on her right arm caught my eye. It was silver and full of small diamonds; it was my first gift after Infinites debut.

“You're still wearing it,” I pointed out grabbing ahold of her wrist.

Some of the diamonds had fallen out but it still held an air of elegance. Although the most important thing was that my mother loved it.

She smiled as she nudged me, “Of course! You gave it to me!”

“But Umma that was two years ago and it’s out of style,” I pointed out.

“I don’t care if it’s out of style,” my umma looked down at her wrist. “My only son gave it to me. Now do you want some fruit? You always loved fresh fruit when you were a child.” My umma unwrap her arm from my waist and stood up.

“Umma,” I grabbed her arm pulling her back to the bed. “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure you haven't been eating as much as you used to,” my umma scanned my face.

“I ate a whole plate of food this morning,” I pointed to the plate that was sitting next to her.

“You barely touched it. Come on let’s get some food,” my umma picked up the plate.

“Umma I told you already I’m full plus I have to get ready," I informed her.

“Get ready? You mean you're finally going out? “My umma questioned forgetting all about the half eaten plate in her hand.

“I was going to go see Sungjong,” finally saying my plan out loud.

“Omo” she replied surprised. “Is that a good idea?”

It wasn’t a good idea but I needed to find a way to fix things.

“No but I’ve been avoiding this for long enough,” I admitted.

My mother’s soft hand embraced my shaky hand as she looked up at me. “You know you haven’t been in a car since the accident. Your company gave you these days off to rest.”

“It’s been a long enough plus Sungjong is probably lonely."


Turn the key.

My hand stayed stuck to my side ignoring my brains request.


I let out a scream as I covered my head with my hands.

“Dongwoo!” Kkotip called for me as she knocked again.

“Aish!” I mumbled to myself closing my eyes tightly.

“Dongwoo are you okay?” my noona asked as she opened the door.

“You scared me half to death,” I sighed heavily moving my shaky hands to my heart.

“Sorry,” she frowned. “I called your name but you must have not heard me.”

“It’s okay!” I replied smiling widely.

“You’ve been sitting out here for almost an hour. Is everything okay?” she worriedly asked.

“Oh it’s been that long?” It didn’t even feel like I was sitting here for a minute let alone an hour.

“Do you want me to drive?” she asked grabbing a hold of the steering wheel.

“No!” I grabbed her hand and held it tightly. “I need to do this by myself.”

She stared me straight in the eyes as if we were having an unspoken conversation.  “Okay but call me if you need help?”

I let go of her hand and brushed it through my hair, “I will.”

“Oh Umma wants me to give you this,” she held up a light blue box. “It’s for Sungjong’s parents. They probably haven’t been eating right since their son has been in the hospital.”

“Ah yes,” I nodded as I grabbed ahold of the box and placed it gently into the passenger seat.

“Oh you left this by the door by accident,” she handed me a tiny light yellow bottle that contained banana milk.

I quickly grabbed ahold of the milk and placed it next to the blue box. “Thank you. I can’t believe I forgot that!”

“It's alright you have other things on your mind Dongwoo. Now call Mom or me to let us know you got there okay?” she instructed me.

I nodded.

“Drive safe,” she lean in and kissed my forehead like she used to when I was a child.

“Thanks Noona,” I smiled as I finally started the car.


Every car that passed-by made my heart jump.

If I turned back now then I would lose all the courage it took to get this far.

I turned up the music and tried to zone out the zooming of cars.

Epik High Sunbae’s song Run play out of the speakers. I started to rap Tablo-Sunbae part trying to distract my mind from the loud cars.


“My life is a rainy night that rains 365 days.

Heart that gets smaller in every 24 hours.

I even hid the small comma and its tail,

then the future that awaits me becomes a period

But carry the new day on your shoulder and run.

What am I running towards?

Weather if the sun’s setting or I if I’m losing

I don’t know.

But I go.

Keep on runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ high.

I’m the young star that has been abandoned by the galaxy.”


I nodded my head throughout the chorus of the song. This song was my music video debut but it wasn’t my song. Myungsoo played the lead role in the music video while Woohyun, Sungjong, Sunggyu, and I played instruments in the background. I remember that day perfectly, I was so nervous that couldn't even eat anything. Although I had nothing to worry about since Tablo and MIthra hyung's was there to guide us. Tablo and Mithra hyung were the ones who coached Hoya and myself on rapping and hip hop. I never thought I was going to be the rapper of Infinite mostly because I didn’t have a hard image. Tablo and Mithra hyung had a tough appearance while I on the other hand couldn’t smirk without laughing. When we debut I realized that having a tough personality didn’t matter. As long as I was with my members having fun other peoples judgments didn’t matter to me.


I turned right into the hospital driveway and drove towards the public parking garage.

Was it okay that I came to visit?

What if they didn’t want to see anyone from Infinite? What if they were so disgusted with us that they never wanted to see us?

I parked the car in an empty spot and turned off the engine.

Of course they wanted to see us, we were like their sons.  Everyone’s parents acted as if were apart of their own families. After all as a group we had to take care of each other like a family. Sure there were times where members went off and did their own things but they always stayed loyal to Infinite.

I sent a quick text message to my sister than I placed on my baseball hat making sure that no one would notice me. Although it had been weeks since the accident and most of the fans outside of the hospital had gone home. There were still a handful of them sitting outside waiting for Sungjong but soon they would slowly wander off. Plus their parents would be worrying about them and I can’t imagine what their school grades must look like.

I grabbed ahold of the blue box and the bottle of banana milk and slammed the door shut. I made sure the doors were locked before I made my ways towards the hospital entrance.

The hospital was the same as it was when I left it weeks ago. Although now I could clearly make out the signs and I didn’t need a hand to guide me through the maze of the doctors.

I walked up to the front desk where a chubby woman was wearing a grey dress suit. Her hair was cut into a bowl shape which reminded me of my hairstyle when Infinite debut.

“Excuse me,” I called politely.

She sighed loudly as she stopped typing into the keyboard and looked up at me.

"Yes?" She asked annoyed.

"Sorry...I'm was just wondering if you could tell me what room my friend is in,” I asked trying not to slur my words together.

“Who's your friend,” she asked turning her attention to the computer screen.

“Lee Sungjong.”

“Are you joking?” she tilted her head to side as she scanned my face.

“W-what?” I asked confused.

“What are you?” she spat out rudely.

“I’m just Dongwoo,” I told her getting even more anxious.

“I mean are you a reporter or a crazy fan?” she questioned leaning back in her chair.

Reporter or a fan?

“For the past week your type of peoples have been causing a scene. If you don’t leave now

I’ll call security,” she said warningly.

“But I’m his friend,” I told her my voice cracking.

“Well Dongwoo your name isn’t on the list,” she said holding up a piece of paper that contained only a handful of names.


“Dongwoo?” a voice called from behind me.

“Jungryu-hyung,” I smiled turning around to see Jungryu walking towards me with a thick manila envelope in his hand. When he reached me he pulled me into a tight embrace.

I didn’t mind.

“What are you doing here?” Jungryu asked pulling away from me.

“I was going to go see Sungjong but this woman won’t let me,” I told him pointing towards the women at the desk who was now staring at me intensely.

“Oh he’s with me,” Jungryu informed the lady. “Come on Dongwoo I have to go drop of paper work so I’ll take you there.”

“Thank you hyung,” I smiled as I followed Jungryu past the woman who was now mumbling something under her breath.

“How have you been?” Jungryu asked as we weaved our way through groups of people.

“I’m doing fine. How are you doing Jungryu?” I replied as I moved to the side to avoid two nurses running by.

“Things are finally calming down,” he admitted. “In the next couple weeks we’re thinking about bring you boys back.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea,” I pointed out not sure if shoving us back into the limelight was the smartest thing to do.

“It’s what Jung Yeop wants,” Jungryu told me as we turned the corner leading to a quieter section of the hospital.

“Plus the fans want to hear what happen in the car accident,” Jungryu added.

“Shouldn’t the fans know all about it already? The news stations already did a story on the accident so what more should they need to know about?” I pointed out.

Jungryu shook his head. “It’s not just about knowing the facts. They want to hear your stories so they can understand why this happened.”

“Even I don’t understand why this happen,” I sighed holding the gifts closer to my chest.

Jungryu nodded. “ I know it’s hard to understand but right now just focus on yourself. We'll worry about the schedule later on.”

I nodded my head and was about to ask Jungryu another question when he stopped in front of a door. There was no name to indicate who was living in the room. I was about to ask Jungyu if he had made an mistake when he answered my question.

“We’re here,” Jungryu told me pointing to the door.

“Is that”

“Sungjong’s room,” Jungryu answered me.

“Oh,” I mumbled to myself unsure if I really wanted to open that door.

“It will be okay,” he told me rubbing my arm making me relax a little. “I have to go drop off some forms will you be okay?”

“I’ll be fine,” I answered him biting the corner of my lip.

“He doesn’t look like he’s in pain so don’t worry,” he added as if that would make me feel better.

“He doesn’t,” I replied back in a daze.

“I’ll be around if you need someone,” he informed me as he let go of my arm.

I bowed towards Jungryu. “Thank you Hyung.”

“No problem kid,” he smirked. “And Dongwoo please eat something you look as if you're trying to weigh as much as Sungjong,” he added as he leaned over and ruffled my hair.

I smiled widely, “Hyung I will don’t worry.”

With that Jungryu gave one last smile before he turned around and started to walk back down the hallway.

I turned my gaze towards the door unsure of what I should do.

Should I knock or just walk in.

I decided to knock against the glass door which seemed to be the best action to take.

There was no sound indicating that someone was in the room. Could Jungryu be mistaken?

Jungryu wasn’t one to get things wrong when it came to Infinite.

He always knew the schedule, important phone numbers and all the directions to the venues by heart. When we first debut I was sure that Jungryu had some type of super brain but I soon realized he was just the best at his job

“Dongwoo,” a voice called.

I turned around to see Sungjong’s umma walked forward holding something in her arms.

“Oh Mochin,” I bowed while smiling at her.

“Dongwoo,” she smiled as she hugged me tightly and rocked me back and forth.

When she pulled away I could finally see her face. It looked as if she hadn’t slept in months but who could blame her.

“How are you doing my son,” she smiled as she held onto my arm.

“I’m fine...I’ve just came to see Sungjong,” I told her looking back at the door.

“Oh yes of course,” she smiled. “Shall we go see him?”

No. I’m not ready to see my little brother in a hospital bed.

“Yes,” I told her politely.

She smiled then reached over and slid open the door. I didn’t know what I was expecting but silence wasn’t one of them. The sun shined brightly into the room throughout the two windows. There was two picture frames on the white wall of different types of flowers. Next to that was a small table that was full of flowers and pictures of family and friends.

I picked up a photo of Infinite and started at it intensely. We were all wearing dirty clothes smiling widely as if we had lost our minds. This had been taken before our debut but I couldn’t remember where.

“Sungjong loved that photo. He said it was his first birthday out with his bandmates,” she smiled as she placed down another picture onto the table of two young children.

“Birthday?” I mumbled to myself trying to remember that day. Oh yes it was Sungjong’s birthday and we had taken the youngest out to dinner after practice. The managers wouldn’t let us go home that week since Sungyeol and Woohyun decided to sneak out the day before. Sunggyu had somehow managed to convince the managers to give us the night off.

“Yes I remember” I smiled placing down the photograph.

“He didn’t stop talking about that night for days,” she smiled walking over to the bed.

I followed closely behind as I mentally prepared myself for what I would see.

If it wasn’t for the tubes sticking in his arms I would think that he was sleeping. There was a clear mask covering his mouth that was pumping air into his body. His hair was tucked into a white beanie that hid any scars. His face was lightly scratch while his arms were covered in white bandages.

“Is he in pain,” I asked before I could stop myself.

“No I don’t think he is,” his mother replied rubbing Sungjong’s cheek.

I was half expecting Sungjong to jump awake and brush away his mother’s hand. Sungjong was very aware of skinship since most of the fans deemed him too girly. He tried to act more manly and rough which wasn’t Sungjong at all.

“How is everyone else doing?” she asked looking up at me.

“Mochin we’re all doing fine but more importantly how are you doing? How is Mr. Lee doing?” I asked taking a step toward her.

Sungjong’s mother sighed as she looked at her son. “I never thought I would have to say goodbye to my son in my lifetime. It’s not right for a parent to lose a child.”

I grabbed a hold of her arm and she smiled at me.

“Even if the roof collapses, there will still be leaks. Wait no that’s not right. I mean even if the sky collapses, there will be a hole gushing out,” I told her.

“Aigoo my son is so smart,” she smiled as she embraced me in another hug.

“I also brought you some food too,” I told her when she finally let me go. I handed her over the blue box that my sister had given me.

“What is this?” she asked looking at it.

“My mother made you some nakji bokkeum,” I informed her. “She didn’t think you would have a chance to eat any normal food. Not saying that hospital food isn’t normal food it’s just-“

“Dongwoo I know what you mean. Tell your mother thank you and she didn’t need to go to the trouble. Mr. Lee and myself will be happy to have a good home cook meal.”

Then it dawn on me that Mr. Lee wasn’t in the room.

“Where is Mr. Lee?” I asked hoping that I wasn’t crossing the line.

“He’s at work,” she answered simply as if her son wasn’t lying in the hospital bed. I tried my hardest but my eyes quickly flashed from Sungjong then to Mrs. Lee once again.

“Actually I’m heading to work too,” she readjusted her bag. “I-Its been weeks and I’m due back. Plus medical bills can’t pay themselves,” she pointed out as she bounced back from one foot to the other.

My hands fell to my side and I pulled out my black wallet. I was about to open my wallet and hand Mrs. Lee any money I had but she placed a hand on my arm.

“No Dongwoo,” she told me sternly.


“No you being here is enough,” she told me.

But I killed your son.

“Are you sure Mrs. Lee?” I asked hoping that she would change her mind.

“Sungjong would hate me if I took your money,” she said smiling.

She was right; what Sungjong hated even more than being picked on by the members was borrowing money.

“I’m going to head to work. You should stay and spend some time with Sungjong,” she flashed me a reassuring smile.

“I’ll keep him company,” I promised her.

She leaned over and kissed me on the forehead, the way she always said goodbye to Sungjong.

“Stay healthy and don’t forget to eat your meals,” she told me. “You look much skinnier than before.”

“Don’t worry I will Mochin,” I replied.

“Good,” she smiled and with that she opened the door. She gave one last look at Sungjong than left the room.


The room was quiet but yet there was a beeping of machines and the pattering of shoes outside the door.

“Hey,” my voice came out thick and barely recognizable.

I cleared my voice again.

“Hey,” I said as I made my way to the seat next to his bedside.

“I brought you your favorite milk,” I told him setting the banana milk on his nightstand. “Remember when you used to wake me up in the morning to drive to the store to buy milk. We would just sit in the car till you drink all your milk then leave. We even had to sneak out some nights too. What did we call it oh yes operation milk,” I laughed to myself as I thought back to the times Sungjong convinced me to sneak out too early to get a small jug of milk.

Sungjong wasn’t laughing or frowning like he usually does instead he emotionless.

In all honesty he looked like a doll but a living doll that was once a boy.

“I-I miss you,” I whispered grabbing ahold of his hand.

It was warm yet lifeless.

“We’re all doing fine but not too fine. We all miss you and I know they said it was impossible for you to wake up but I believe you can. You had the hardest time when we were trainees but you were able to work through it, so I know you can do the same thing now,” I told him.

I wanted Sungjong to open his eyes and yell at me for touching him but he just laid there.

I fought back tears as the realization that everything was really different. “Please!”

“Oh sorry,” a voice called from behind me.

I turn around to see a dark skin man holding a clipboard and a pen in one hand. He was wearing a white coat and a seafoam colored scrub hanged loosely to his body. His hair was messy as if he had just woken up from a nap. His eyes scanned the room then landed on me and slightly smile. He looked as if he was a couple years older than Sunggyu.

“I’m doctor Park I’m sorry but I need to check Sungjong’s vitals,” he said in a deep voice.

“Oh okay,” I replied standing up from my spot.

“Oh no,” he step forward placing a hand up to stop me. “You can stay here it’s just going to be a few minutes.”

I sat back down looking at the youngest. “Do you think he can hear me?”

He pulled out a nearby chart and started to scan through it. “Some studies argue that there is more activity when being talk to by a familiar voice. Even some coma patients remember hearing loved ones voices when waking up.”

“Really?” I asked once again my eyes glued on Sungjong.

“Although we really don’t know for certain because the brain is a complicated thing,” he admitted walking over to a nearby monitor and started to write down something.

“But he won’t wake up right?” I asked biting the corner of my lip.

He sighed and placed his clipboard down to his side. “It’s hard to comprehend death and it’s harder when it happens to someone so young.”

“So h-he’s really gone,” suddenly my throat seemed to close up and I was finding it hard to swallow let alone breathe.

“Frankly speaking yes,” he said truthfully.

Tears rolled down my face as I turned away from the doctor.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized.

“Listen I didn’t mean to be so cold. I’m pretty new talking to people, I usually sit in a lab all day,” he admitted.

I flashed him a fake smile, “Its okay.”

He nodded and started to once again write down Sungjong’s conditions.

“Well kid,” I held his motionless hand. “Sorry for not visiting sooner I’ve been busy. That Doc said you could hear me and I don’t know if that’s true or not but I like to think that your listing. I j-just want to say sorry.”

My heart felt as if it was going to pop out of my body. If Sungjong was alive he would never forgive me for doing this to him. I was being selfish and I didn’t even think about the other members.

“I’m sure the other members will come and see you soon. They’ve just been really busy and stuff. I mean they’re not ignoring you but they’ve been having a hard time,” I rambled on.

I heard someone scoff turning my attention away from the member to the doctor. He looked up from the paperwork when he noticed me looking.

“Sorry,” he apologized but yet he didn’t look very sorry.

I turned my attention back to Sungjong, “Are you comfortable?”

I placed his arms under the thick bed sheet.

I heard another scoff from the doctor. “That’s all you can say to him? Most people read stories or talk about memories. Instead you just give him empty promises.”


“It’s been almost three weeks and you’re the first member to come visit him,” he pointed out.

“That’s not fair we’re all busy,” I argued back.

“Sure,” he rolled his eyes and turned back to the paper work.

I stood up from the chair. “No we really are busy.”

He just shook his head and kept on writing.

“Listen I don’t know why you care that we haven’t been visiting Sungjong. We’ve all been busy dealing with all of this in our own way. Each of the members will come in when they’re ready. Pushing them in will only-“

“If you could save your friend would you?” he asked scanning my face.

“Yes,” I answered without thinking.

“Even if it means everyone will think you’re crazy?”

“People already think that,” I retorted.

“Listen I will deny this if you tell anyone about what I’m about to say. There is a man named Lee Woonha,” Dr. Park said slowly.

“Lee Woonha?”

“He was once the head of the medical board many years ago but he had radical ideas-“

“Like what?” I asked him wondering how a doctor could be radical.

“He once used leeches to thin blood around a skin graft,” he told me as he slowly started to smile.


“Ah yes the nurses didn’t quite like them but what matter was it worked,” he told me.

“Do you mean leeches can heal Sungjong?” I asked with wide eyes.

“Don’t be stupid leeches can’t heal brain damage,” Dr. Park snapped.

“Then why are you telling me this?” I asked him wondering if this guy was actually going to tell me something that could be useful.

“Because Dr.Woonha can save your friend,” he admitted.

My face grew numb, “But you said it yourself he’s dead.”

“Look at this,” Dr. Park pulled out a stack of paper out from his clipboard. “I’ve been monitoring Sungjong’s condition since he entered the hospital.

I looked down at the paper that was full of random lines and numbers.

“What am I looking at?” I asked staring intensely as if the answer would pop right out at me.

“This is Sungjong’s chart. Do you see this line right here,” Dr. Park pointed to a line that had little bumps every couple of inches.

“What is it?” I asked not letting my eyes wandered off of the chart.

“This is his brain activity and this little incline right there shows that there was a blimp of activity,” he told me.

“But they said he was brain dead how could there be activity?” I asked stepping back to stare at the doctor.

“Because when Sungjong was admitted the doctors saw no signs of activity. I’ve only recently been able to see brain activity,” he admitted to me.

“So he’s alive?” I asked looking back to Sungjong.

Suddenly Sungjong didn’t look like a doll instead he was a real boy just waiting for someone to wake him up.

“Why didn’t anyone tell us?” I turned around to look at the doctor.

“I’m just an intern,” he admitted shaking his head. “My opinions are not always taking serious especially when it’s against the head neurosurgeon”

“So you're just going to give up on him,” I could feel the anger starting to rise from my stomach.

“I brought this information to my professor and he told me the same exact thing the doctors had said. That the machines sometimes flicker causing little blimps like this,” he told me.

“But you don’t believe them?” I added.

“It’s wrong for an intern to doubt their sunbae but I don’t think these are blimps from the machines. I think Sungjong still has activity in his brain,” he told me.

“So he can wake up eventually?” I asked hoping that he would finally tell me some good news.

“Not by himself and if he did there is no way to tell if he would actually be himself. In any other situation I would say it would be better to leave him like this but this time there might be another way for Sungjong to get better. Dr. Woonha developed a way to duplicate neurons in the brain which would allow Sungjong to awake,” he informed me.

“Then why don’t we go get him?” I asked still confused on why nothing was done.

“Because last time Dr. Woonha tried this he killed three people and was kicked out of the medical industry,” he told.

Killed three people?

“But Sungjong is already dead,” I pointed out.

“Yes he is. Even with the treatment there is only a five percent chance of Sungjong ever awaking and I’m not even sure what the side effects are,” he told me truthfully.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Believe me kid I’m doing this more for myself then for you,” he admitted. “Dr. Woonah was an amazing doctor and any intern that works underneath him would automatically be promoted to head of a team soon afterwards. So as much as you think I'm doing this for you kid I'm not."

"How can a doctor be so selfish?" I pointed out.

“Selfish?” he scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “If no one was selfish then nothing would get done.”

I bit my lip thinking about how right his words were. If I hadn’t been selfish then I would have never accomplished my dreams.

“This is the last place he was living that I know of. You need to find him and bring him back to the hospital,” the doctor handed me a piece of paper.

I looked down at the paper that contained a scribble of an address.

“What about a phone number?” I pointed out.

“Dr. Woonha doesn’t believe in cell phones,” he told me.

“Then how am I supposed to find him and more importantly how am I supposed to get him here?” I snapped back confused over the whole situation.

“I’m sure with you anything is possible,” he replied but he didn’t seem very confident.


“Listen I have to report back but you should start your search sooner than later,” with that he bowed his head and exited the room.

Was it true could Sungjong be saved?

I looked over to Sungjong who laid there quietly not even aware of what was happening around him.

The piece of paper in my hand didn’t feel light as a feather instead it felt like a heavy rock that was slowly crushing me.

“Dr. Park,” I called for him as I turned around but he was gone.

What if he made a mistake and Sungjong was really dead but I couldn’t help but think that I had a chance to save him.

I took off towards the door needing to ask Dr. Park if he was confident that this treatment would work on Sungjong.  I slid open the door and stopped in my tracks.

He was sitting in a wheelchair all beaten up but yet he still held a stern look on his face. His small eyes looked at me in shock then suddenly his eyes slowly disappeared as he smiled widely.

“You couldn’t even see your leader first!”



Means younger sibling it can refer to a true blood sibling, or a close friend whom you treat as a younger sibling.  It also applies to both genders.


Dongwoo’s Gift:

After Infinite debut Dongwoo bought his mother a bracelet that he gave to her on her birthday. If you like to know more about this then watch this episode:



Means oh my god.



Dongwoo’s older sister who appeared in Star King before Dongwoo debuted. You can watch her awesome sword skills here.

She’s the one with long black hair.



What a younger brother or close guy friend calls their older sister/friend.


Banana Milk:

It was created in 1974 when many South Koreans were suffering from malnutrition, banana flavored milk became a hit as many preferred the sweetened milk over plain milk.


Epik High:

South Korean alternative hip-hop group that is composed of Tablo, Mithra, and Tukutz. The group is known to produce a wide variety of music genres.


Nakji Bokkeum:

Spicy stir-fried small octopus


Using Leeches:
In ancient Greece and 19th-century Europe, leeches were the predominant medical device for bloodletting. A procedure in which  they helped balanced the body’s humors (phlegm, blood, and bile) by simply letting the subject bleed for a bit. They also were prescribed to treat a variety of conditions, from black eye, headache, and fever to obesity and melancholia. There is a large amount of information on this and if you are interested please click here:



A brain surgeon. Who is in the medical field that deals with prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders that affects any portion of the nervous system including brain, spinal column, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and extra-cranial cerebrovascular system.



Nerve cells that  transmitting nerve impulses.


Run Music Video:

The Members that were in the music video were:

Sunggyu (Guitar)

Woohyun (Guitar)

Sungjong (Keyboard)

Myungsoo (Lead Acting Role)

Although Dongwoo did not appear in this music video for this story lets just pretend that he did.



Rapper of the group called Epik High.



Rapper of the group called Epik High. He also has an adorable daughter called Haru. They are both on a show called Superman Returns which plays on the KBS youtube channel.


Dongwoo Debut Hair:



A former way to say Mochin.


Even if the sky collapses, there will be a hole gushing out:

It’s a korean proverb that is used to comfort those in a bad situation. There is a way out to any bad situation. Where there’s a will there’s a way!

Author Notes:

I felt like I haven't post a chapter recently. I can type out chapter in two days but it takes me forever to edit it. Also recently I've been on vacation and every time I sat down to edit I either got pulled away or I fell asleep. Also the co-workers that I mentioned in the rambling have left my job. Although it doesn't matter since I'm going to be moving across the country soon. I'm not sure when but I will update you guys. I love getting new comments! Subscribers make me run around my room in joy. Actually any indication that you guys are enjoying my story makes my whole day better.


Also my heart goes to those who are affected by the  Sewol ferry accident. Although I don’t live in Korea and I don’t know anyone who was involved in the accident it’s still a tragic. There were high school students and kids on that ship who had their whole lives in front of them. Its a horrible accident and there is still people missing on the boat. So if you can please take a moment to pray for those families who are affected by this tragic accident. Also please don’t be one of those fans whose throwing a hissy fit because your favorite idol group is delaying their comeback or your favorite kdrama/variety show was canceled this week. If they are doing this to show respect to the victims then let them do it. Throwing a fit only makes the fanbase look bad. So instead please use your energy praying for a miracle.

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Hello everyone, it's been a while and I'm actually in a car finally moving across the country. It's going to be a few more days till I post anything.


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Chapter 3: "For once in my life I couldn’t look at my fans."
AH OMG this made me cry i can't even imagine a woohyun this sad :( i can't wiat for the story to progress since i just started reading it :D
naznew #2
Chapter 57: I'm crying again..but this time tears of happiness
naznew #3
Chapter 56: Really? A miracle happen? He wake up? I think he wait for all brothers come to him.. Because i realize after accident happen, just dongwoo and sunggyu go to his ward..not the other ..not the complete members .
Saranghae Sungjong..
naznew #4
Chapter 46: Now everyone know what sungjong try to cook when the fire take it place...
naznew #5
Chapter 45: Omo...sungjong left something to them...and it will change their decision?
naznew #6
Chapter 44: When L arguing with Myungsoo, i suddenly remember i used to talk to another me in the past..
naznew #7
Chapter 16: Omo...woohyun-ah...
naznew #8
Chapter 2: When i read the news say Sunggu and Sungjong dead... I can't stop crying...
looshyhooshy #9
Chapter 59: OMG!..
What's wrong with AFF my comment has been cut down!.
Anyways.. I'll say it again .. I thought there is a new added special part when I saw a new update!
But sadly there isn't..
And I said I'll use this apportunity to say Hi my dear Morgan it's been a while .. I hope you're doing great ^^♡