You Can't Change Me

Kai opened his eyes he was on the floor curled up into a ball just in his boxers. He sat up as he felt a sharp pain on his side.

“Oh yeah, they beat me yesterday.” Kai chuckled sadly. He stood up and limped towards his room, as he walked into his room he lied down on the bed. ‘I just want to die right now, is that too hard to do?’ Kai thought as he closed his eyes and thought about yesterday night.


“So stupid.” His mom mumbled as she drank a bottle of beer, Kai’s mom wasn’t really the abusive type, she was only like that if she was drunk. Kai wasn’t sure if she was even drunk yesterday or she was pushed to do it because of his dad. Now his dad is worse, he gets so drunk he doesn’t remember everything, while he gets drunk he gets so angry for no stupid reason.

“You made us spend money for your bail boy!” His drunken dad yelled at Kai.

“It’s not my fault I don’t have proper manners because of my sh*tty life and parents!” The angered boy yelled back.

“You don’t dare talk to me like that!” His dad yelled as he almost lost his balance drinking the beer. He grabbed Kai’s hair and lifted his head up to look at him. “You listen up, you better change your ways before things get ugly. Don’t screw this island sh*t or else.” His dad said as Kai smelled the scent of strong alcohol from his mouth coming out as he spoke.

“I can’t guarantee you I can do that.” Kai replied with a smirk and spit near his dad’s feet.

“What are you trying to do boy?” His dad yelled as he punched Kai across the face. The abused coughed up some blood and looked at his dad while his blood trickled from his lips staining his lips and skin dark red.

“That’s enough, you’re hurting him.” Kai’s mom said clearly drunk as well since she was forced to drink with his father.

“Fine, you got lucky.” His dad snickered as he followed his wife to their room and slammed the door close. Kai sat there and passed out from exhaustion, he heard enough yelling today.


Kai opened his eyes and looked at the time, 10:00 a.m.

“Imma be late for school.” He mumbled. “Oh screw it.” He sat up and walked towards the bathroom and looked at the mirror, his lips were still stained with red with it the metallic smell of the blood still lingered. He washed his face and washed off the blood and looked in the mirror. ‘Great, there’s another bruise.’ Kai thought as he looked at his top half, ‘Oh look even more bruises isn’t that great? I can connect the dots.’ Kai thought as he rolled his eyes and walked back into his room to put some clothes on.

Kai stood there as he slipped on a shirt and some jeans and combed his dark brown hair to the side, at least he looks decent. Not like a hobo. He walked out his room to see his mom standing near his bedroom door crying.

“Why are you crying?” Kai asked heartlessly.

“I’m sorry Jongin.” His mom sniffled.

“Why are you sorry for?” Kai crossed his arms.

“I’m sorry about how I treated you yesterday, your father forced me. I promise, I won’t do that again.”

“What’s the point? You won’t do anything about it anyway.” Kai snorted. “You just stand there and watch or join him.”

“I know, I want to change but I’m scared, Jongin, you mean a lot to me you're my son and you know I love you right?” She asked while tears ran down her cheeks.

“I’m your son? You love me? That’s a shocker, is showing you love me abusing me, not doing anything about dad. Just sitting there like a doll? Is showing you love me sending me to drug counseling, or counselors, everything you two have done to help me with my ‘problem’?” Kai replied as his mom just shook her head.

“Jongin I really do love you, it’s just your dad.”

“My dad? What about him? He just wants me dead, he treats me like sh*t!” Kai yelled angered. “He doesn’t even care about me do you have any idea how many bruises he gave me already?” Kai said as he pointed to the side of his face. “There’s more, you want to see them?” Kai replied.

“N-no.” She replied as the boy lifted up his shirt. She looked at his body in horror, so many bruises it was countless. She touched Kai’s bruises making him wince to her touch. “I’m sorry honey.” She whispered.

“Well it’s too late for that, next thing you know I’m dead.” Kai said as he walked passed her and to the kitchen to get breakfast. He looked through the fridge until he found the leftovers from the other day. He took the food out the fridge and put it in the microwave. Kai waited for the food to get finished until the phone rang. He walked towards the phone and picked it up.


“Is this Kim Jongin?”

“This is he.”

“This is Kim Joonmyeon, I was at your court trial.”

“Okay what do you want?” Kai asked bluntly.

“Well I’m calling you to tell you that you will be sent to the island next week.”

“Next week? What day? Today’s Friday.”

“I know that, it will be on Monday.” The man on the other side replied.


“So for now your punishment is public embarrassment.”

“Okay, what do you expect me to do?”

“Well you have to come back to court today.”

“Today? Right now?”

“Yes right now, just tell your parents to come here ASAP.”

“Okay then, see you I guess.” Kai said as he rudely hung up on the man.

“Mom! We have to go to court!” Kai yelled as he walked towards the hall, he saw his mom still standing there sobbing. “You’re still crying?” Kai asked.

“N-no.” She sniffled. “You have to go to court? Let’s not tell your dad.” She said as she walked into their room as Kai went back to the kitchen and ate.


Kai arrived at the court, his hands were yet again cuffed. He always did the same thing, he twisted his wrists until he got bored.

“Kim Jongin, for now you are punished with public humiliation.” The judge said. “You have to wear your clothes inside out.”

‘The hell? Inside out? Heck no!’ Kai screamed in his thoughts.

“Kim Jongin, do your punishment now right here. This is where the punishment begins.” The judge said.

“Fine, fine.” Kai rolled his eyes as the handcuffs were taken off his wrists. He stood up with a smirk and ed his shirt and wore it inside out. After he slid off his jeans and turned them inside out as well. No one saw the bruises on Kai’s skin, his mom applied some make up to cover the bruises. It’s like she knew this would happen.

“Okay you may now sit down Jongin.” The judge announced. “This session is now over, we only needed to give you your punishment.”

Kai walked down as his hands were still cuffed.

“Is this part of the punishment? Handcuffs?” Kai asked as the guard nodded as he walked Kai out the building. ‘A few more days and I’ll be gone.’ Kai thought with a smirk on his face.



Hi, so this is the second chapter I never expected people would actually read this story....Thank you subscribers! ^_^ I never knew I would even get any, but thanks for subscriing to this story, please comment and I would appreciate it if you upvoted ^_^ Thanks love you guys, you're the best <3

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><