You Can't Change Me

While Kai was building his tent he rolled up his sleeves to make it easier to build the tent. Truthfully, he didn’t want to even build the tent but then, it was the only way to have shelter outside. Of course, he knew it would’ve been better if he just slept in the same bed with Kyungsoo, but why would he even do that?

‘Like I would ever sleep with Kyungsoo, I’m not gay.’ Kai hissed in his thoughts. ‘I’m straight, I’ve made out with millions for girls and I can do it when ever I want.’

As Kai finally finished building the tent he looked at his tent in satisfaction and smiled while he put his hands on his waist. He walked inside the house and brought his bags outside to put in his tent.

He brought his luggage in his tent up as he plugged in his earphones and opened up his luggage listening to the fast beat of the music soothing him and his mind.


‘I wonder why he’s always so mad.’ Kyungsoo thought as he sat down on a rock. ‘Does he have anger issues?’

As Kyungsoo sat there he saw a flat rock. “Perfect.” Kyungsoo smiled as he picked te rock up and threw it into the creek where it bounced off the water’s surface causing perfect ripples.

 After every rock Kyungsoo found he threw the smooth rocks over the peaceful moving water.

He sat there for a while just thinking about old memories that left him with tears rolling down his cheeks.

‘Why am I even crying?’ He thought as he wiped his face with his hand. ‘I have to stay strong, I have to move on from those ugly memories.’

He rolled up his jacket sleeve and looked at right wrist and sighed. “I was so stupid back then and I still am.” He said to himself as he fixed his jacket sleeve.  

Kyungsoo sighed even more as he rested his head in his hands and watched as the birds flew around the trees and chirped. He always went to the creek to clear his mind.

After a while he stood up from the rock and decided to walk around the quiet forest. While walking through the forest there was just peaceful sounds made by nature. The only sounds that were heard were the breaking sounds of sticks that were under Kyungsoo’s feet when he walked.

He continued to walk around until it was getting dark, good thing he had a flashlight with him right?


‘Where is that guy?’ Kai thought to himself as he looked at his watch. ‘It’s already 7 o’clock and it’s already getting dark. I mean it already passed sundown. Where is he?’

Kai stood outside his tent as he fiddled with his fingers worriedly as he started to think of the worse case scenario. As Kai stood there he was having a mental agruement with himself.

‘Should I look for him?’

‘Should I just stay here?’

‘Will he even be back?’

“I mean, he’s been here for a while, he should know his way around the forest, am I right?” Kai said to himself. He always talked to himself if he was worried or if he was just bored, or maybe even lonely. “Where is that guy?”

He decided to go inside the house and wait for Kyungsoo. He sat there for one more hour or two but no appearance from the doe eyed boy.

 He couldn’t take it anymore, he was getting a bit worried about where Kyungsoo’s whereabouts where.

The tall boy looked through Kyungsoo’s house until he stumbled upon a book. Maybe Kyungsoo’s. He wanted to look through the book, but even though he didn’t really care that much about others that much or if they got hurt he still knew what privacy meant. So he decided to leave the book alone and opened several drawers until he found a working flashlight.

He opened the door and the flashlight as he started venturing into the forest, shockingly looking for Kyungsoo. He didn’t really care about him, but if he wasn’t there, how could he even survive? He didn’t have much knowledge of the deep forest like Kyungsoo did.

Suddenly Kai stopped walking. ‘He said he would be by that creek.’ Kai thought. ‘Wasn’t it down the hill, and a few feet to the left? Or, was it to the right? I think it was the right.’

The boy walked back towards the house and went down the hill where he saw Kyungsoo walk down. ‘Okay, then he said a few feet to the right.’ As he got to the bottom of the hill he turned to the right and walked forward until he heard the sound of water. ‘Bingo.’ He thought as he slightly grinned as he walked towards the sound of water. Every step he took the water sounded louder.

As he arrived at the creek he flashed his flashlight around to see if Kyungsoo, or if his body was present. But there was no evidence of him, there were only small animals running around the forest floor breaking twigs as they went. “That .” He murmured as he walked to another direction to continue his search for Kyungsoo.


‘I should probably go back.’ Kyungsoo thought as he looked at his watch using his flashlight. 9:00 p.m. “Damn.” He whispered as he scratched his head. “Better get going.”

He started walking back the path he took to get to the place he was at now. He checked his surroundings every few feet just to make sure he wasn’t dinner for something else. Within a few minutes he was back at the creek where he threw rocks in. He again checked his surroundings. Everything was clear.

With a calm pace he walked back to his house. As he arrived at his house he expected a grumpy Jongin to be in his tent.

“Hey, you in there?” Kyungsoo asked as he tapped the tent.

There was no answer.

“Maybe he’s in the house.”

Kyungsoo opened the door into his house but no one was inside, the lights were off, unless Jongin was sleeping on the couch or something.

“Jong- I mean Kai, are you sleeping?” Kyungsoo whispered as he switched on the light switch. There was no one sleeping on the couch. “Kai?” He asked worried. “Kai?” Kyungsoo said a little louder.

No answer.

“Jongin?” Kyungsoo said as he walked around the house calling Kai’s name.


“Dammit.” Kai said as he looked around the forest while flashing his flashlight around. “Where is that guy, I swear I’m going to kill him if I see him.”

He walked around a few more feet until he stopped. He heard the sound of breaking twigs even though he stopped walking.

“Kyungsoo, I swear if that’s you, you better stop.” Kai said with a stern voice. But the sound of breaking twigs didn’t stop there. Kai stood still and stayed silent. He started hearing growling sounds.

He slowly turned his head around. His breath hitched when he saw the animal. He really wished he brought his pocket knife with him right now. Kai started walking back slowly as the animal halted and growled at Kai while showing his sharp canines that could probably rip flesh with just one bite.

“N-nice wolf.” Kai whispered as he backed away while the wolf just watched Kai with it’s black eyes, ready to kill. After Kai backed away a few feet he ran towards Kyungsoo’s house as the wolf troted after Kai like he wasn’t in the mood to rip flesh open.

As Kai reached the house he noticed the lights were on. Good, Kyungsoo was back.

“Open the door!” Kai yelled as he banged on the locked door.

“Kai?” Kyungsoo replied as he calmly walked towards the door.

“Get your over here and open the door before I die!” Kai said sternly as the wolf was only a few yards away.

“Okay, fine.” Kyungsoo replied as he opened the door as Kai scrambled inside catching his breath of running almost a half mile while the wolf was barely even running after him. “What’s wrong with you?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Where has your been?” Kai asked furiously as he crossed his arms.

“In the forest, where else?”

“I was looking for you.”

“Y-you didn’t have to.”

“Well I did. Did you get chased by a wolf?” He asked.

“No, why did you?”

“What do you think?” Kai rolled his eyes as he saw the wolf inching closer. “That beast chased me here!”

“That wolf?” Kyungsoo asked pointing at the wolf that was in front of the door staring at the two boys.

“Yes, that wolf.”

“Don’t worry, he’s harmless.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because, he’s my friend. Or my wolf, Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo replied as he opened the door to let the wolf inside his house.

“His name is B-Baekhyun?” Kai asked dumbfounded as Kyungsoo nodded as he petted the wolf’s head.


A/N: Finally updated after a month, sorry to keep you all waiting, and being patient. Thanks ^_^ <3

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><