You Can't Change Me

A few weeks later...

Kyungsoo laid on his bed, his arms behind his head as he stared at the celing deep in his thoughts.

'Hmm... where is Jongin's dad?' He thought to himself. 'DId he die? Did he disappear into nothing?'

Kyungsoo soon felt a dip on his bed next to him then a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

"What are you doing?" A muffled voice said.

"I'm thinking to myself." Kyungsoo smiled as he Jongin's black hair.

"What are you thinking about, huh?" Jongin asked as he nuzzled Kyungsoo's neck.

"Haha stop, that tickles." Kyungsoo laughed as Jongin tickled Kyungsoo's neck with the tip of his nose.

"No, I will never stop."

"Please stop! That tickles. Please, I'll do anything." Kyungsoo screamed while continously laughing.

"Anything you say?" Jongin stopped as he looked at Kyungsoo. "Okay, give me a kiss." He said as he closed his eyes and puckered out his lips.

"No." Kyungsoo chuckled as he palmed Jongin's lips away.

"Okay then." Jongin laughed as he tickled Kyungsoo's sides.

"Okay fine!" Kyungsoo laughed as he and Jongin sat up next to each other. "I'll kiss you. Will you turn into a handsome prince?"

"That's mean!" Jongin pouted as he crossed his arms. "Am I a beast to you? Am I ugly to you?"

"You're ugly." Kyungsoo said trying to cover up his laugh.

"Oh, I see." Jongin mumbled. "And I thought you were beautiful."

"I would like that compliment if I was a girl." Kyungsoo retorted. "But you're a handsome beast." He smirked. "But I like you more as a cute person." He laughed as he kissed Jongin's cheek.

"Oh, so I'm a y beast huh?" Jongin smirked as he wriggled his eyebrows and his lips.

"Ewww, please don't wriggle your eyebrows. You look ugly. Well, more like a ." Kyungsoo laughed as he covered his eyes but leaving small openings between his fingers. "But I still love you for that." He smiled as he pulled Jongin's face towards his and connected their lips together.

The two molded their lips together for a while until they separated gasping for air while a string of their mixed DNA hung from their lips. "That," Jongin breathed. "Was amazing."

"Of course it is. It's me you're kissing." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes as he his lips breaking the string that hung between their swollen lips.

"Someone's being cocky today." Jongin laughed as he laid down pulling Kyungsoo with him at the same time.

"Who is? Is it you?" Kyungsoo asked laughing.

"Very funny. Now, tell me. What where you thinking?"

"Well, I was thinking about your dad."

"M-my dad? What about him?" Jongin asked taken aback.

"Well, where is he? Like did he die? Did he go to jail? What happened?"

"I don't know." Jongin replied scrunching his nose. "I don't think even my mom knows where he is."

"I see, I have another question. Does your mom know about us?"

"I don't think so." Jongin bit his lip. "But we should tell her."

"We should. Let's tell her now." Kyungsoo nodded as he sat up pulling Jongin with him. "Let's go." He said as he held Jongin's hand and walked outside his room.

Jongin's grip on Kyungsoo's hand tightened as he noticed his mother silently filling out some forms on the dining table. He cleared his throat to inform his mother of their presence. She looked up at the two boys and smiled warmly.

"Do you two need anything?" She asked as he glanced at the boy's intertwined hands.

"Well, we need to tell you something actually." Jongin replied as he felt the palm of his hands become moist but he refused to let go to Kyungsoo's soft hand.

"What is it?"

"Well, Kyungsoo and I are," He paused as he swallowed his saliva. "We're dating. He's my boyfriend."

"Wow, finally you admit." The middle aged woman smiled.

"Wait, what?" Kyungsoo blurted out.

"I knew the day I saw you two. I know that Jongin wouldn't just bring someone else unless they were special to him." Jongin's mother laughed. "But don't worry, I'm glad. Kyungsoo can be someone that can keep Jongin here under control." She smiled warmly.

"So you're not mad or anything? You're okay with us?" Jongin asked as his mother just nodded.

"As long as the both of you are happy."

"Thank you Mrs. Kim." Kyungsoo bowed as he let go of Jongin's hand. "Thank you very much."

"Thank you, mom. I love you." Jongin smiled happily as he held Kyungsoo's hand again and kissed his knuckles. "But mom, I have another question."


"Where's dad?" Jongin asked as his mother froze.

"He's coming back in a few days." She pursed her lips as she looked at the two boys. "I just found out yesterday and I didn't know when to tell you."

"That bastard is back." Jongin growled as he gritted his teeth.

"Jongin, if he ever puts a finger on you. I will report him and he will disappear."

"Okay, fine. But you better keep your word, mother."

"I will."


"I can't believe he's going to be here in a few days. How do you think he will react to us?" Kyungsoo asked nervously as he fiddled his fingers.

"Don't worry Kyungie. If he lays a finger on you, I will hurt him and he will regret ever doing so."

"Aww you're going to protect me? How sweet." Kyungsoo smiled as he batted his eyes.

"Of course." Jongin chuckled as he put his hand on Kyungsoo's forehead and pushed him down onto his bed.

"Hey! What was that for?" Kyungsoo asked as he rubbed his forehead.

"That was for being a little ."

"Word usage young man." Kyungsoo crossed his arms.

"C'mon Kyungie, what I'm trying to say is that you're adorable." Jongin laughed.

"Fine, you get away this time. But this time only. I'm watching you." Kyungsoo said as he made the I'm-watching-you signal with his two fingers and a smirk on his face.


Jongin woke up to hearing the front door being closed loudly.

"I'm home!" He hears a voice say and that voice was oh so familiar. Jongin slowly sat up and walked outside Kyungsoo's room hoping the doe eyed boy wouldn't wake up.

"You're home." He hears his mother mumble from the kitchen.

"That's right. Now where's my welcome home kiss?"

Jongin steps out from the hallway and sees his father.

"Oh, you're here? I thought you already rotted away on that island." His father chuckled to himself.

"Do you want me to die?" Jongin asked harsly.

"Well is that even a question?"

"Well, ever since you came back I still see you're a ."

"And you're still the stupid son of a son I still have." His father replied with a smug smirk on his face. "I thought you would never leave that island. What did you do? Did you drive your companion insane?"

"No, my companion let me go since I've changed."

"Yeah, you've changed." His dad rolled his eyes. "I see the difference now."

"If I never changed I would never have returned. But, he let me go and you know what? He's even here; living in this house. So if you don't believe me then go ing ask him."

"Fine, where is this guy?"

"He's still sleeping."

"I'll go wake him up."


"And why shouldn't I?"

"Because, he's still sleeping. If you're going to wake him up, that's rude."

"Why do you care about what happens to him? Hmm?"

"Because, he's my boyfriend."

"Wait what? Your boyfriend?" His father asked as he walked towards Jongin. "You're ing gay?" He asked.

"Not gay but, biual." Jongin looked down. "I can date both."

"But you? You're better than this. I'm not letting my only son be a ."

"Oh now you care about me or something?" Jongin asked.

"The hell would I? I don't want to be known as the dad that has a son."

"Well I care about him and if you're going to harm him I'm going to harm you!" Jongin screamed as he felt blood trickle down the corner of his mouth.

Mr. Kim punched him.

"Stop." He heard his mother say. "Stop it, both of you. Especially you." She said as she pointed at Mr. Kim. "Let him love who he wants. We can't control his life, we can't control who he falls for."

"Are you serious? But he's gay!" Mr. Kim stated.

"I'd rather be known to have a biual son than a abusive husband." She replied then looked at Jongin. "Jongin, go to your room." She said as Jongin nodded and walked towards Kyungsoo's room but then stopped and raised his middle finger at his father.

"You son of a !" Mr. Kim screamed as Mrs. Kim held onto his hand until Jongin walked inside Kyungsoo's room.

Jongin smirked as he sat down on Kyungsoo's bed to wake up the older boy.

"Good morning Kyungie." Jongin smiled as Kyungsoo smiled back at him then opened hie eyes with a gasp.

"Jongin, what happened?" He asked as he touched Jongin's face.

"Oh this?" Jongin asked as he touched the blood that trickled down the corner of his lips. "It's nothing, I walked into a door. No worries." He smiled reasuringly.

"Don't give me that crap. Tell me what happened?" Kyungsoo asked as he grabbed a box of tissues from the bed side table and started wiping away Jongin's wound.

"Fine you got me. Guess what? Daddy's home." He snorted as Kyungsoo threw away the crimson stained tissues.

"He's here? Now? What? What did you say that made him punch you in the face?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Told him about us. Then bam! A fist to my face. But it's okay, it's worth it." Jongin smiled as he kissed Kyungsoo's forehead leaving a little bit of blood on his skin. "Sorry." Jongin frowned as he looked at the smudge on Kyungsoo's forehead.

"It's okay, it's like you wore lipstick." Kyungsoo giggled.


Anneyong Dreamers~ hope you like this chap. Hoho lil bit more drama since the dad came back. Okay maybe there will be a slight change of plans or not. But yeah please comment/upvote if you like this story. BTW did you guys get to join the exo fanclub EXO-L? Sounds kinda weird but I think it's kinda cute hoho. I wanted to get in but too many fans are on the site and I'm pretty sure when I get the chance to finally get on the site/app they won't have anymore slots? Left. Sigh. If you got in... I hate chu (lol not really haha) but if you did congrats.

Oh~! And can you guys recommend any kaisoo fics out there? or Baekyeol? lol Baekyeol ftw!

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><