You Can't Change Me

"So, you want to split up?" Jongin asked hoping Kyungsoo would say no and that it was just a thought.

"I want to but then I don't. I just don't want to get - I don't want anyone to get hurt." Kyungsoo replied as he felt Jongin's grip on his hand tighten.

"Please, don't, I'll leave Sulli. Please." Jongin pleaded.

"I want the both of you to be happy, I don't want any drama surfacing."

"But I'm happier with you."

"Jongin, who do you really love more, Sulli or me?" Kyungsoo asked with a shaky voice.  

"I love you more, I just don't want Sulli or you to get hurt. I feel like I don't know what to do anymore."

"You should think about it, Jongin, I'm willing to stay with you." Kyungsoo said.

"I'll leave Sulli, just don't leave me."

"Fine." Kyungsoo mumbled. "I love you too much." He said as he kissed Jongin's cheek.

"I love you too." Jongin replied as he nuzzled against Kyungsoo neck then gave Kyungsoo small butterfly kisses up to his ear that made Kyungsoo's hair stand up.


Kyungsoo walked towards his locker holding his books towards his chest. As he held his books in one arm and the other unlocking the lock he saw Sulli walking towards his direction. Suddenly his books were suddenly knocked out of his hands. He heard some giggling in the background and he saw Sulli and some of her friends laughing as they looked at Kyungsoo. The doe eyed boy looked at them with sharp eyes and crossed his arms.

"Can I help you?" He hissed.

"Well, you actually can." Sulli replied as she walked towards Kyungsoo. "Why don't you leave Jongin alone? How about it?"

"Me leave Jongin alone? Who gives you the right to tell me what to do?" He asked as he looked down at Sulli, fortunately he was taller than her.

"I give myself that right. I can tell you that since I'm Jongin's girlfriend. If you have anything to do with Jongin I can always interfere and stop what's happening."

"You know what?" Kyungsoo said as he clicked his tounge. "Why don't you do us all a favor and stop being nosy? Alright? Also, pick up the mess you've made."

"Excuse me?"

"I said you should respectfully pick up the books you've obviously knocked out of my hands."

"Where's the proof you have that shows I knocked the books out of your hands?"

"Well, as the victim and witness I'm pretty sure I saw your dainty hands knock the books out of my arms. I'm also sure that you're harassing others like myself, Sulli."

"Harassment? Who would ever want to harass you? You're not worth anyone's time." She said as she looked up at Kyungsoo. "Anyway, who uses harassment as a word anymore? I guess your time on that stupid island has really gotten to you. I'm pretty sure you've just sat there alone and studied like a nerd you are."

Kyungsoo stared at her and had a flashback with him and Jongin arguing. He suddenly chuckled and looked at her.

"Silly girl, I'd rather be called a nerd than a brainless brat that doesn't know anything and believes she can always get what she wants. I pity you really."

"E-excuse me?" She replied taken aback.

"I pity you."

"I'm not asking for any pity."

"Oh, so you do admit that you are a brainless pitiful girl." Kyungsoo smirked.

"That's - that's not what I meant. You're twisting my words!" She yelled that caused more students to walk towards them and watched.  

"I'm just saying what you said to me." He retorted.

"No! I don't need pity or do I-"

"There you go." Kyungsoo said as he walked away from her and towards the crowd. "Didn't she just state that she needs to be pitied?" The crowd nodded.

"Kyungsoo! Why don't you shut your loser face!" Sulli yelled as she looked around at the crowd surrounding them. "You need to get a life and stop acting smart. We all know that you're just covering yourself with knowledge and harsh words so you know how to defend yourself. We all know you're just hiding behind a mask so no one will know your secret."

"I don't have any secrets." Kyungsoo replied. "You need to stop saying false facts." He said as Sulli smirked.

"Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo here is a gay bastard!" She yelled as everyone laughed. "Isn't that right Kyungsoo? Aren't you gay for my boyfriend, Jongin? Or as he's known Kai?" She laughed as everyone gasped.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Oh, dear Kyungsoo. Stop lying to yourself and do yourself a favor and admit you truly are a gay bastard." She said with a smirk.

Kyungsoo looked at her, his vision blurred. He was shocked and embrassed, the number one thing he wanted to hide away from others. The fact he didn't want everyone else to know.

"What's going on here?" Someone said through the crowd. Through the crowd Joonmyeon walked towards Kyungsoo. "Are you alright, Kyungsoo?"

"Nothing happened, President." Sulli said nervously. Joonmyeon squinted his eyes and looked at her then back to Kyungsoo.

"Did they do or say something to you?"

"That little harassed that boy!" Someone replied.

"Is this true, Sulli?" Joonmyeon asked.

"No, that person is lying."

"I'm pretty sure I'm telling the truth." The person said as they revealed theirself. "I am telling the truth. Isn't that right?"

"Luhan's right. Sulli knocked down Kyungsoo's books and Kyungsoo asked her to pick them up. He was just trying to defend himself until she started yelling that he was gay!" A student yelled from the crowd. Joonmyeon cleared his throat and looked at Sulli.

"Come with me." He said firmly. "You will be reported to the principal's office." He said as he walked away beckoned Sulli to follow.

"This isn't the end." Suill gritted her teeth as she followed Joonmyeon.

"Okay, there's nothing else that needs to be seen." Luhan said as the crowd dispersed. "Are you okay?" Luhan said as he put his hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." Kyungsoo smiled sadly as hot tears ran down his face.

"Good, don't let her bother you. Alright?" Luhan said as Kyungsoo nodded and headed to his class as the hour bell rang.


"Kyungsoo, are you alright?" Baekhyun asked as he sat next to Kyungsoo. "Joonmyeon told me what happened."

"I'm fine thanks." Kyungsoo replied.

"I never liked Sulli in the begining." Chanyeol said as he sat next to Kyungsoo. "She looked like a total b*tch."

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better Chanyeol." Kyungsoo sniffed.

"Just don't let her affect you." Baekhyun said as he put his head on Kyungsoo's shoulder. "She can be a brat."

"Plus, I don't get why others knowing your ual preferences is such a big thing. I mean everyone is free to chose who they love, right?" Chanyeol said as Baekhyun nodded in agreement.

"Look at me and Chanyeol, at first everyone judged us for being lovers. We just ignored them and continued being with each other. Sure, we were harassed a few times but we knew they were just jealous. We were right. They stopped after realizing that they can't change anything. The words hurt, but it didn't stop us from loving each other."

"Yeah, so what he's trying to say is Sulli is jealous of you and Jongin because they don't act the same way the both of you do." Chanyeol said summing up everything Baekhyun said.

"Why would she be jealous of me?"

"Don't you see yourselves? You two look adorable!" Baekhyun grinned as he poked Kyungsoo's cheek. "Both of you are hugging, and next thing you know the both of you can be kissing."


"You two are having an affair aren't you." Baekhyun deadpanned as Kyungsoo nodded slowly. "Of course, but does that witch know?"


"Good, then he should just break up with her!"

"That's what Joonmyeon said, kinda. He said we should stop with this nonsense before someone gets hurt."

"That someone one is you." Chanyeol said as Baekhyun nodded in agreement.

"Kyungsoo, she's after you at the moment."

"I know she is."

"You better watch your back." Baekhyun warned.

"We have your back as well. Everytime she harasses you, tell us." Chanyeol said as he put his hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder. "You can trust us."


"Haha, it's the gay bastard!" Someone laughed in the hallways.

"Does Jongin know?" Joonmyeon mumbled into Kyungsoo's ear.

"No." Kyungsoo frowned as he looked down.

"Kyungsoo," Joonmyeon said as he stopped walking. "You're his best friend, Sulli is his girlfriend. He has to know so he can stop his harassment himself."

"I know."

"Don't make a scene Joonmyeon." Baekhyun mumbled as he pulled Joonmyeon's arm.

"Aww, he's being guarded by the school president, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol. I feel so scared." A student snickered.

"You need to shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you!" Chanyeol yelled.

"Chanyeol, calm down." Joonmyeon said as he turned to the student. "You know, you can be facing weeks of detention."

"I'm sorry." The student said.

"You're really a dark horse when you're in school."

"No wonder other students call you the principal's dark horse. You go out and kill." Chanyeol mumbled as Joonmyeon just smirked. "You kill with threats like detention or other stuff."

"I know I do." Joonmyeon said. "I got your back, Kyungsoo." He smiled as he walked Kyungsoo towards their last class.


As Kyungsoo sat inside Jongin's car it was silent.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jongin asked as Kyungsoo nodded with a small smile.

"I'm perfectly fine." He said as Jongin drove them home.

"I'm tired." Jongin yawned as he walked towards his room and collapsed on his bed while Kyungsoo walked towards the bathroom and stared at the mirror.

'You !'

'You gay bastard!'

Kyungsoo's vision became blurry as tears ran down his eyes. It was like before, when everyone bullied him because of his family.

'I hate myself.'

Kyungsoo opened one of the drawers and saw an old razor blade. Why it was there, he didn't even question it. He rolled up his sleeves and started to mark his arms with new bloody scars. Covering up the old scars he had before with blood. He smelled the familiar metalic smell he would often detect when blood would run down his wrists.


Hai, so here's my last update before I go on hiatus. Hope you like it.

What will happen now when Kyungsoo's back to his old ways with self-harm? What will happen when Jongin finds out about what Sulli has started? Dun Dun Dun! I make Sulli a brat here, don't I? lol

btw... what do you guys think about Baekhyun and Taeyeon having dating rumors? Hmm? For me... idek how to feel, i want to be happy but i somehow, can't... i feel like I'm going crazy

Bai Bai, see you in a few weeks. Please subscribe/comment/upvote if you like this story ^^ thank you Dreamers! see you soon!

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><