You Can't Change Me

"Hey Jongin." Kyungsoo said as Kai stared into his phone replying to a text Sulli just sent him.


"Where's your dad?"

"My dad?" He mumbled as he lifted his head looking away from his phone. "I, actually don't know. Umm...let me ask my mom." He nodded as he walked out Kyungsoo's room.


"Mom." Kai called out as he knocked on her door.

"You can come in." He heard her say as he twisted the door knob to see his mom reading a book.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked as he lounged on the door frame.


"Where's dad?" He asked as she froze.

"He's not home."

"That doesn't tell me where he is though."

"FIne, he's out on a buisness trip for two months." She replied. "HIs boss wanted him to go since they're going to many companies to put on some presentations. He told me they were going to go to other states as well."

"Really? That's great. He won't bug us for a few months. Atleast Kyungsoo won't meet him yet."

"Yes, that's a good thing. And Jongin, where's Kyungsoo's parents?"

"Well, he-" Kai paused as he swallowed his saliva. "Well, he doesn't have real parents anymore. He only has a step dad and step mom, and a step brother. He also got kicked out since apparently his step parents don't like him."

"I see." She frowned. "He can stay here with us as much as he wants. He'll be like your brother." She slightly smiled trying to lift up the atmosphere from talking about Kyungsoo's family.

"Yeah, brother." Kai mumbled. "Thanks." He said as he walked out the room closing the door behind him.


Kyungsoo sat on the floor of his new room fiddling his fingers as Kai entered his room.


"Hey, so my dad won't be here for a while."

"What happened?"

"He's on a buisness trip for a while." Kai replied as he went to his knees and crawled towards Kyungsoo then rested his head on Kyungsoo's lap. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, it's kinda weird being in Seoul again and-"

"No, I mean how are you? How are you feeling? Do you still feel depressed from time to time?"

"Oh that, I'm fine." Kyungsoo slightly smiled. "I'm trying to adjust to this new place. You know, also hoping my step dad doesn't find me. Yeah, I'm doing fine."

"Good, if he does find you, or find out. I'll do everything in my power to let you stay here." He said as Kyungsoo his jet black hair. "What are you going?" Kai chuckled.

"I'm touching your soft black hair." Kyungsoo grinned. "It's very soft you know."

"I know, it should be. It's my hair right?" Kai smirked as he took one of Kyungsoo's hands in his and started fiddling or playing with his fingers. "You have long fingers."


"Mhmmm...You know what that means?"

"Tell me."

"You have a warm heart." Kai smiled as Kyungsoo's cheeks were tinted red.


"It's a true statement as well." Kai smiled a he looked up at Kyungsoo.

"Thanks." Kyungsoo smiled as he looked at the clock which showed 12 o'clock. "We should be sleeping right now, it's getting kinda late."

"Wow. Time went by fast. That also means, Sulli's coming over tomorrow." Kai smiled as he sat up his head leaving Kyungsoo's lap. "We should be sleeping. Night Kyungsoo." He smiled as he stood up and walked towards the door then suddenly stopped. "Hey, do you want me to sleep here?" He asked. "Well, I mean we did it before. I-If you don't it's perfectly fine. I guess it's just a habit." He mumbled as he twisted the door knob.

"No, you can sleep here." Kyungsoo said which made Kai turn around.

"Really?" Kai asked as he tried to cover up a smiled forming on his face.

"Mhmmm." Kyungsoo smiled.

"Great! I mean okay. I'll be back." He said as he walked out Kyungsoo's room.

'Just like this morning.' Kyungsoo chuckled to himself as he changed into his sleeping clothes.


The two boys hid under the covers and stared at each other. Obviously both of them weren't tired at all.

As they stared at each other they chuckled until Kyungsoo stopped and started fiddling his fingers again.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm nervous about meeting Sulli." Kyungsoo replied. 'You know, since I know I will get hurt. But I mean it's fine. No worries, I'll just stand next or far away from you guys and be a loner. It's no problem really.' Kyungsoo wanted to say.

"You're going to like Sulli." Kai smiled. "She's really nice. I'm sure both of you will get along."

"You think so?"

"I know so. No need to be so nervous about meeting others. You're a nice person."

"Ah...But I'm not very social. I feel like I'm an introvert."

"You talked to me." Kai said.

"Yeah, because I felt confident that time. Also, since I knew I would have to eventually talk to you since we were going to be the only two people on that island."

"That's sadly true." Kai frowned. "But what's important is that we're friends now. That's where we move on and look ahead. I know we're going to be good friends. Plus, I bet you'll do fine on the first day of school. I mean, I already started school so I know people but you know, it's impossible to not be able to make friends, right?"

"I guess so." Kyungsoo mumbled as he finally started to yawn. "Jongin, I'm sleepy. Good night." He said as he closed his eyes and let sleep take over leaving Kai starting to yawn as well.

"Good night, Kyungie." He smiled as he too fell asleep.


Kyungsoo woke up to see lights from the sun seeping through the blinds almost blinding him. But that's what he loved about the sun. To him, light meant hope and light was something that would lead you to the right pathway.

Kyungsoo turned around to see Kai was no longer next to him.

"Jongin?" Kyungsoo mumbled as he yawned and rubbed his eyes as he stood up feeling his weight transfer to his feet making his feet sting for a second.

He walked towards the door to hear voices in the next room.

"I have to leave for work. I made you and Kyungsoo some breakfast, it's still hot on the stove."

"Why are you leaving so early?"

"I'm enrolling Kyungsoo to your school."

"Oh, okay. Is it okay that Sulli's coming over?"

"Wow, you're asking me for permission." His mom said clearly shocked. "But yeah, it's perfectly fine. Are you two going to go somewhere?"

"Yeah, maybe. Maybe the park or movies." Kai replied.

"Are you going to bring Kyungsoo with you?"

"Yeah, most likely. I want both of them to know each other."

"Good, well both of you be good boys. I'll see you later honey." He heard Kai's mom say as a door was closed.

'We're going to the movies? Or, is he just lying so she wouldn't have to worry?' Kyungsoo thought as he walked out the room to bump into Kai who was busy buttoning up his shirt.

"Morning Kyungie." He smiled.

"Are you going somewhere?" Kyungsoo asked.

"You didn't say good morning back. I'm hurt." He scoffed.

"I'm sorry." Kyungsoo chuckled. "Good morning to you, Jongin."

"Much better." Kai smiled. "And, I am not going anywhere. I think. Well maybe, I have no clue."

"Where you going?"

"Well actually, it's where we're going." Kai said. "We're going out, with Sulli. I want you two to be on good terms."

"Great." Kyungsoo mumbled as he heard his stomach rumble. He then looked at Kai. "I'm hungry." He pouted.

"Oh you." Kai chuckled as he poked Kyungsoo's tummy. "There's food on the stove."

"Thank you." Kyungsoo smiled. Not that he didn't know there was food on the stove prepared by Kai's mom. He wasn't eavesdropping at all.


Kyungsoo sat in the living room watching TV. He hasn't watched TV in months. It felt very new to him so he absorbed everything he saw on the screen. He didn't feel the couch dip down to Kai sitting next to him.

"You look busy." He chuckled as he rested his arms behind his head.

"I'm not." Kyungsoo chuckled as he looked at Kai. "I haven't watched TV in months. It seems very new to me."

"Really? I couldn't tell." Kai said sarcastically.

"Stop being mean." Kyungsoo pouted as his attention went back to the TV.

"I'm not mean." Kai chuckled as he heard the door bell ring. He stood up and walked towards the door and looked through the peep hole then he opened the door within a second which startled Kyungsoo. "I missed you!" He heard Kai say with a big smile on his face.

"I missed you too Jonginnie." He heard a voice say, it belonged to a girl. He continued to watch Kai smile and hug the person. He couldn't see the girl's face clearly, but he knew right there that it was Sulli.

"Come in." He heard Kai say as he stood up and sprinted towards his room and closed the door behind him. He knew he wasn't ready to meet Sulli yet. The boy wanted to stay in his room for a little bit. Obviously he would have to meet Sulli anyway. "Huh, I swear Kyungsoo was here." He heard Kai say through the walls.


"Who's Kyungsoo?" Sulli asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"He's my friend, well my best friend. I swear he was here a minute ago watching TV. He probably went to the bathroom." Kai shrugged as both of them sat down on the couch and held hands. "Hey, do you want to go to the movies?" He asked.

"We haven't went out on a date in ages."

"I know, but this won't exactly be a date."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Kyungsoo's coming with us. If that's alright with you. It's just that I want you two to be fine and you know eventually know each other better."

"That's fine." Sulli smiled. "I love meeting your friends."

"Great, now we wait for him to comeback from the bathroom." He said as he brushed his thumb over Sulli's knuckles softly.


Kyungsoo sat down on his bed, his heart beating faster every minute. He wasn't ready yet. He didn't want to get hurt yet. He fiddled his fingers as he stood up and paced around the room until he heard a knock on the door.

"Kyungie hyung, are you in there?" He heard Kai say through the door.

He didn't know how to reply so he just opened the door to see Kai.

"I've been looking for you, guess who's here." He grinned as Kyungsoo opened the door wider to let Kai pull his wrist. "C'mon." He smiled as he was pulled towards the living room. He didn't want to meet her, he tried to stop walking but Kai was stil able to pull him alone.

'No, I don't want to meet her.'

"Here's Kyungsoo." Kai smiled as he saw a girl sitting on the couch with light brown hair and pale white skin contrasting to Kai's sun kissed skin.

"Hi Kyungsoo." Sulli smiled as she stood up and walked up to the doe eyed boy.

"H-hi." He stuttered as he watched Sulli extend her hand towards Kyungsoo offering a handshake. He slowly extended his hand towards Sulli and shook her hand.

"I'm Sulli."


This is how the story will end. Hope you liked the story, thanks for reading this. ILY people who subbed and upvoted


LOL JK! It's not the end yet! I bet you fell for that! No? ummm...okay, but hope you like this chapter. So much Kaisoo feels, I'm going to explode! but this sounds like an ending...

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><