You Can't Change Me

Kyungsoo slowly opened his eyes to meet the strays of light leaking through the cracks of the the curtain covering his window.

“It’s already morning?” Kyungsoo whispered as he looked at Baekhyun who was already awake waiting for his human. “Good morning Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo smiled as he Baekhyun’s head. “Do you want to go for our usual rounds around the forest?” Kyungsoo asked the wolf, as the wolf the boy’s hand. “Okay, great. We’ll leave after I make breakfast.”

The boy looked at the time to see 5:30 a.m.

“Earlier than usual, but that’s okay.” Kyungsoo whispered as he went to the bathroom and washed his face to get rid of the drowsiness. After his usual routine he got a bag and put inside a towel and extra boxers. Every morning Kyungsoo would go down to the creek where there was a small waterfall a few yards away from the spot where Kyungsoo would always go to every afternoon.

The boy cooked some breakfast.

“We’re having your favorite today,” Kyungsoo smiled. “Bacon, Baekhyun!”

Kyungsoo defrosted the bacon and cooked it with some rice and eggs. He gave Baekhyun two strips of bacon that he ate deliciously as Kyungsoo ate his portion.

After eating he took out a piece of paper and pen and wrote something down for Kai. He then took a piece of tape and stuck it onto the paper as he walked out the house. As he walked out in front of him was Kai’s closed up tent where he was sleeping in.

Kyungsoo walked towards the tent and stuck the paper onto the flap of the tent and walked away.

‘I hope he sees this and reads it.’ Kyungsoo thought as he started walking towards the waterfall.

When he finally arrived he slowly took off his clothes one by one but leaving his boxers on. As he finally took off the clothes he walked into the pools of the waterfall he dunked his head underneath the water. This was just something Kyungsoo did every morning with or without Baekhyun.

Of course Kyungsoo had a shower at home, it’s just to him dipping in the waterfall’s pools was just more refreshing than using the shower at home. But, whenever he was finished he would use the shower to clean up more. Even though he was usually alone he still knew he had to always be clean. He was the clean type of person.

After a while of getting himself soaked with water he found a rock underneath the water which he used as a seat. He sat there for a while just thinking to himself while looking at his scarred wrists.

‘Why won’t this disappear?’ Kyungsoo thought as he tried to scratch off the scars that were occupying his light skin.

‘When will those memories ever stop invading me physically and mentally?’ He sighed to himself as he closed his eyes while Baekhyun soaked as well sat next to him.


Kai woke up to the sounds of birds. He tapped the side of his sleepingbag.

“Why won’t my alarm turn off?” Kai groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. “Oh yeah, I forgot.” He mumbled as he stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes. He looked at his watch and it showed 7:30 a.m. It wasn’t the time Kai usually woke up at but he was woken up by the birds tweeting their morning songs.

‘I just wanna go back to sleep.’ Kai thought as he laid down on his stomach while covering his head with his pillow.

‘I just want to leave this place. I miss my bed, I’d rather live by myself than live with anyone that would tell me what to do.’

Kai laid on his stomach after a while until he heard his stomach grumble. He was getting hungry. Kai finally got up and opened up his tent where he found the note Kyungsoo put on the tent flap a while ago. He opened up the note and started reading.

Good morning Jongin Kai,

Hope you got a good sleep outside, was it cold? Anyway I’m going out for my usual routine in the morning. I’ll be at this waterfall near the creek. If you want to know where it is, it’s still down the hill and then turn to the right for a few feet until you see the creek. After you see the creek just follow it to the left where you will see a waterfall. That’s where I am. Anyway, if you get hungry there’s food on the dining table, just heat up the food. By the way, I’m with Baekhyun so no need to worry about him getting you or something.


“Like I would try and find his again.” Kai mumbled as he crumpled up the paper and walked into the house where Kyungsoo left the door unlocked.

As Kai walked inside he saw a bowl of rice, bacon, and some eggs waiting for him.  “I guess thanks Kyungsoo?” Kai mumbled since he never ever in his life said thanks to anyone. “Wait, why am I even saying thanks? I never say thanks.” Kai mumbled to himself as he put the food into his bowl and put it inside the microwave.

While he waited for his food he stood there and yawned until something caught his eye. There was a photobook on the coffee table near the couch. It was probably Kyungsoo’s photobook. Now this was something he could look through. As he walked towards the book he heard he microwave beep, his food was now warm. Kai picked up the photobook and put it on the dining table while he took out his food from the mirowave.

As Kai sat down and started to eat he opened up the photobook and scanned through the pictures. The pictures inside contained of pictures of Kyungsoo when he was younger. He had those doe eyes even though he was little.

“Damn, even at this age he still has big eyes.” Kai chuckled as he continued to eat his breakfast. As he flipped through more pages he saw there were pictures of Kyungsoo and his family, but after each photo of his family one person always disappeard. First there was his grandmother, then in the next picture she was gone. Anoter was his grandfather until he too disappeard. Each one of the disappeard until Kyungsoo and a man were the only ones left in the picture.

‘I wonder what happened to Kyungsoo, where are the other family members?’ Kai thought as he ate his last piece of bacon.

After a few more pages Kyungsoo was all grown up, he was probably around 13 or 15 but there was a picture of him smiling sadly while there were strange marks on his wrist. Kai looked closely at Kyungsoo’s wrist and looked away.

‘Is it possible that that boy has been cutting himself?’ Kai thought.

‘Even for me, I know I would never cut myself, because that’s a bad sign. Does Kyungsoo really have a much more worse story than me? No, but then it’s a possibilty.’

Kai then put his bowl and chopsticks in the sink and moved to the couch where he continued looking through the thick photobook.

‘This photobook must have everything up to now.’


Kyungsoo stood up from his sitting spot and grabbed his towel to dry off and then put on his clothes.

“Do you want to walk around Baekhyun?” Kyungsoo asked Baekhyun as Baekhyun just started walking a few steps before Kyungsoo. “Okay, just wait a minute.” Kyungsoo chuckled as he got his bag and swung it over his shoulder and started walking with his wolf.

While Kyungsoo walked around he saw some blue berries. He knew which ones were safe to eat and this berry was safe to eat. “Should I bring some or should I not?” Kyungsoo asked himself. “What do you thnk Baekhyun?” Baekhyun just looked at him and blinked. “Well Kai might want some, so why not?” Kyungsoo grabbed a handfull and put the berries inside a plastic bag he had in his bag.

“We better get going.” Kyungsoo said as he and Baekhyun walked towards his house that was only a few yards away. While almost reaching their destination that was a few feet away Kyungsoo heard howls coming from somewhere then he looked at Baekhyun. “Is that someone from your pack? You better get going.” Kyungsoo frowned as Baekhyun looked at him and nestled Kyungsoo’s hand that was a sign that he had to go.

“You can go Baekhyun, I’ll see you later.” Kyungoo said as he Baekhyun’s head. “I have Kai, it’s okay. I’ll be okay.” He smiled  slightly as the brown wolf looked at him and ran into the forest leaving Kyungsoo behind.

“I’ll see you later, Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo frowned as he continued to walk towards his house.

‘I miss my Baekhyunnie already.’

‘I know I’m not going to get something out of Kai today.’

Kyungsoo walked towards his house. As he arrived he saw Kai’s tent was open and his note to Kai was crumpled up.

‘Yeah, he’s definetly awake.’

He walked inside the house to see Kai still in his sleeping clothes, his hair was still messy as well.

‘I have to admit, he looks good with his hair like that.’ Kyungsoo thought while he bit his lip.

‘Wait, why am I saying this? Am I gay?’ Kyungsoo thought shocked from his recent thought.

“You’re awake.” Kyungsoo said that made Kai look up.

“Yeah, I’m up.” Kai replied as he continued to look through the photobook.

“What do you have there?”

“A photobook.” Kai replied bluntly.

“Oh, I forgot to put that book away.” Kyungsoo said as his breath hitched. “Did you look though it?” He asked a Kai nodded. “What did you see?”

“Stuff. Looks….Kinda depressing.” Kai mumbled. “When did this happen?”

“A long time ago, that’s why I’m really here though.” Kyungsoo replied as Kai looked up at him. Kai’s eyes looked softer than usual.

“What happened?” Kai asked as Kyungsoo sat next to him.

“You’re interested in my story?” Kyungsoo asked taken aback.

“Yeah, problem?”

“N-no, I’m just shocked.”

“Look, even though I don’t care a lot about people doesn’t mean I’m not human. I get curious too.” Kai said with a stern voice.

“Fine, but with one condition.”

“And what is that?’

“You tell me your story as well.”

“No way, I won’t.”

“Okay, then I won’t say anything.” Kyungsoo said as he crossed his arms.

Kai looked around and sighed. “Fine.” He didn’t do it because he wanted to listen to Kyungsoo’s problem, or background. He was just curious that’s all.

A/N I hope you like this chapter, this chapter was pretty fluffy, but it kinda gives an introdution to Kai's and Kyungsoo's relationship improving and also you know about Kyungsoo's past. So yeah, thanks for reading and subscribing OTL btw i never had this many subbies and upvoteas for a story, thank you T-T

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><