You Can't Change Me

"Kyungsoo, what were you thinking?" Kai stuttered as he held Kyungsoo's bleeding arm.

"M-my hand slipped, I c-cut myself on accident. No need to worry." Kyungsoo lied.

"Hyung, you can't just cut yourself on accident. If it was an accident then your arm wouldn't he this red. Am I right?"

"No, it's possible to cut yourself this much on accident, Kai." Kyungsoo bit his bottom lip.

'He can't find out the reason why, he just can't. I hate myself. I just want to die right now. What's the purpose of life if you know no one will love you or even care for you? The only person that felt like they cared for me was Baekhyun. I know he's a wolf but he filled up the emptiness I always had. He never left, he was always next to me. I don't know about Kai.'

"It's not possible for you to have more than one cut Kyungsoo." Kai said worried as he gripped Kyungsoo's narrow shoulders. "Tell me what's wrong. You know just like you said to me, I'd tell you if I had any problems. It's now your turn, tell me." Kai said with a slight smile.

"Nothing's wrong Kai. Like I said, no need to worry at all." Kyungsoo smiled as his blood continued to drip onto the floor.

"Kyungsoo, that's bullsh*t! I don't give a that I just cussed. You can't just do that and tell me not to worry. Who the hell won't worry if something happened to their friend!" Kai yelled as he shook Kyungsoo.

"I-I don't know." Kyungsoo replied as he stared away from Kai's gaze. "I'm fine."

"Seriously Kyungsoo? Tell me or I'll get the answer out of you." Kai said as Kyungsoo just shrugged who was obviously not going to open up. "Fine, whatever. But I'm not letting this go, I'm taking care of you now."

"I'm supposed to be taking care of you, Kai." Kyungsoo whispered.

"Well, the tables have been turned. Kyungsoo, do you have depression?"

"Maybe." Kyungsoo whispered as he fiddled his fingers not looking at Kai.

"Do you take medicine?"

"N-no, I stopped after I was better-" Kyungsoo sniffled.

Before, Kyungsoo was always sent anti-depressants since he felt so lonely, so depressed. He always thought negativly, they told Kyungsoo he could go back home but he didn't want to. He couldn't be forced to go back, it was Kyungsoo's life after all. But after he got better, also with the help of Baekhyun's presence Kyungsoo's depression faded.

'Kai, I hate that I love you. I hate you, a lot. But I can't hate you for long, I love you. See what you did? You made my emotions unstable. I don't know what to feel anymore.'

"You had depression before?" Kai asked shocked.

"Yeah, but that was when I started living here."

'Ever since I knew you had a girlfriend and as I fell for you my depression came back. I knew I could never have you. You must love her a lot. I wish you could love me like you love her.'  

"Kyungsoo, why didn't you tell me?" Kai said as Kyungsoo shrugged again. "I'll get you some anti-depression pills. I'll call someone-"

"No, you don't have to."

"Why not?" Kai asked shocked.

"I'm okay, you can do something else."

"What's that, hyung?"

"Stay by my side. Never leave me, please."

"Okay hyung, I promise." Kai whispered as he cleaned Kyungsoo's wounds and wrapped his arm with a bandage.


"Here, open up." Kai said as he fed Kyungsoo a spoonful of rice and meat. This time Kai cooked and fed Kyungsoo.

"Thanks." Kyungsoo mumbled as he chewed.

After Kai fed Kyungsoo a few more spoons Kyungsoo was full.

"Kai, tell me something."

"What is that?"

"How do others find love?" Kyungsoo asked.

"You don't, love just finds you. What's with the sudden question?"

"I want to know what it's like to be loved. I never really felt the feeling of love. I used to read books wondering what it would be like to love and be loved by someone. Plus, you're with- you're with Sulli."

"Well, anyone can give you love. I can see Baekhyun loves you. He's usually by your side, am I right?"

"Yeah, but he has Chanyeol now, he doesn't have time to visit me anymore."

"Just because he's with someone doesn't mean they stop caring for you. They will always love you. Don't forget that. Okay?"

"Okay." Kyungsoo replied with a nod.

'Can there be a possibility you might love me back?'

'Hey, you pabo. Even though I have a girlfriend doesn't mean I don't care about you. You're like my best friend now, I don't want to loose you.' Kai thought.

"Hey Kai, can you read to me?" Kyungsoo mumbled.

"Read to you? What do you want me to read?"

"The Perks of Being a Wildflower." Kyungsoo answered as he stood up and walked towards his room.

"W-where you going?" Kai asked as he put away the bowl he was holding and ran after Kyungsoo.

'I hope he doesn't cut himself again or something.' Kai thought.

Ever since Kai found out about Kyungsoo hurting himself his heart sank, everytime when Kyungsoo goes somewhere without Kai, Kai think's Kyungsoo could be cutting himself.

"Hey." Kai said as he saw Kyungsoo sitting on his bed holding a book.

"Read this, please." Kyungsoo whispered as he laid down on his bed.

"Okay." Kai replied as he laid next to Kyungsoo and started reading the book outloud.


As Kai continued to read Kyungsoo's eyes grew heavier, he never had anyone read him a book in years. Even before his mom passed away. The last person that read to him was his father.

When Kyungsoo dozed off his head was rested on Kai's shoulder. Kai just smiled and continued reading the book silently. The more he read the book the deeper he was in the book.

After he finished the book it was 8:00 p.m.

'Time went by fast.' Kai thought to himself as he sat there Kyungsoo's black hair.

'That was a good book Kyungsoo, it was sad though. Why do you read these types of books? It's too depressing, it's sad how the boy was hurt like that. Is that how you feel, Kyungsoo? If it is, I'm here. Is this why you asked me to read you the book?'

'You know, you could've just told me you were lonely. I want to be with you, you know. You're important to me.' Kai thought as he wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo's small waist.

"I'm here for you, I won't leave you." Kai whispered into Kyungsoo's ear as he too fell asleep.

As the two boys fell asleep Kyungsoo's head was on Kai's chest while Kai still embraced Kyungsoo's small fragile body.


Kyungsoo woke up in the middle of the night. He felt someone's arms around him, then he remembered he asked Kai to read to him. Kyungsoo looked up to see Kai sleeping peacefully.

'You look so beautiful sleeping.' Kyungsoo thought as he listened to Kai's heartbeat. He never heard such a beautiful sound, it was music to his ears.

'Oh, how I wish I could keep you.'

He laid there not moving and just watched Kai sleeping. After a while he raised his hand and gently touched Kai's lips and traced them.

'You have the most beautiful lips I have ever seen.'

'I love you, Kim Jongin.'

'If only you knew how much I love you, and how much loving you hurts me more.'


So, another chapter. Hope you like it. thanks for reading. ^_^

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><