You Can't Change Me

“Okay, well I used to be in a happy family, there were no problems.” Kyungsoo started as Kai rolled his eyes.

‘Of course, he looks like a happy kid, maybe he’s here because he’s a happy kid gone wrong or something.’ Kai thought as he listened.

“Then after a while my dad passed away when I was young, he had this dangerous disease where he always coughed up blood, and he always had chest pains.” Kyungsoo frowned. “I remember him dying on the bed in front of me while smiling sadly covering up the pain. I was only 6, I was too young to really understand. Everyone told me that my dad was just going to sleep, and that he was having so many exciting dreams that he didn’t want to wake up.”

“Oh, I feel bad for your loss.” Kai frowned as he patted Kyungsoo’s back.

‘Why did I do that?’ Kai thought. ‘I never comforted anyone before.’

“Thanks.” Kyungsoo smiled sadly. “But anyway, my mom remarried to this guy, when I was 13. I hated him, he was a rich person. He said when he became my dad we would be like best friends and he would take me where I wanted, and that he would get me anything I wanted.”


“Well, he never did. He just lied and always said that he was just too busy. He never treated me like a son, he always treated me like I was some sort of butler or something. Whenever my mom was gone for work he would make me do everything. He would tell me to clean the house.”

“That’s not bad, I do that too.” Kai lied.

“It’s not just once like a chore, he made me clean our 3 floor house everyday. He would give me a long list of chores, that time I felt like I was Cinderella.”

“Did he treat you like sh*t or something?” Kai asked as Kyungsoo nodded.

“I never got new clothes even though my clothes were getting too small he would never buy me new clothes. He always had new clothes everyday and so did my mom. I was fortunate my mom would take me shopping since she was the one who acted like a parent. She loved me and cared for me.”

“At least you still had someone who cared for you.” Kai smiled slightly as he grew deeper into Kyungsoo’s story.

” My step-dad started beating me whenever he felt like it. He would always tell me if I told my mom he was beating me he would say that I was being naughty and that I was flipping him off and being a bad seed around the house and in school. My mom was someone that would believe easily so I never told her. This kept on for 2 years  until that day happened.”

“What happened? Did she treat you like sh*t too?”

“No, she had a heart attack, because she was too stressed with work.” Kyungsoo frowned as he held his other hand tightly like he was getting nervous. “As that happened my step-dad was getting worse. I started cutting myself I started to have depression because everyone I could go to when I needed help disappered. All my friends turned their backs on me when my mom passed away. It’s like they were forced to be friends with me because my mom and their parents knew each other so it was like their parents forced them to be friends with me or something. They just ignored me, people that I thought were my best friends soon turned into strangers.I didn’t have anyone to to go. Of course I wouldn’t go to my step-dad.”

“I see, I’m sorry.” Kai whispered as he noticed marks on Kyungsoo’s arm. “Are those the cuts?”

“Oh these?” Kyungsoo asked as he looked down at his wrists. “Yeah, like I said, I got depression and started cutting myself. I just wanted to die.” Kyungsoo added as tears started to blur his vision.

“Hey, but that doesn’t mean you have to start cutting yourself, you should’ve gotten your out of the past and made some new friends.” Kai said.

“Yeah, I tried that but it was impossible. As I started trying to make new friends everyone knew my mom passed away and about my abusive step-dad.”


“I just snapped. I tried to make friends with this one guy named Luhan, I still remember the words he said to me when I walked up to him.”

‘Hey, aren’t you that kid who’s mom died and has a abusive dad or some sh*t?’

“Right there, I got so angry, here I was trying to make friends but he tiggered the anger and sadness that was locked up. The feeling of me being an outsider because my mom was gone and my life wasn’t perfect like others. The school I went to, I was judged for something like that. But Luhan triggered the locked up feelings, I just punched him and banged his head on the floor as he fell. He was unconcious when I stopped. I was expelled from that school, I remember walking out of that school my uniform all bloody with his blood and a smirk on my face. I couldn’t forget the feeling.”

“Damn, you were an .” Kai commented.

“Yeah, now what about you? It’s not like you’re a goody two shoes either.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes as Kai closed his mouth shut knowing what Kyungsoo said was true. “But after that I was moved to another school, there I beat up students as well, it turned into a pattern, I would beat someone up until they were unconcious and get then I'd get expelled, this happened like 5 times. Everytime I would get abused by my dad I would abuse a student, so it was practially his fault.” Kyungsoo said as Kai sat there with his mouth open.

‘He’s like me.’ Kai though.

“What? Something wrong?” Kyungsoo asked with his doe eyes.

“No, it’s just it’s shocking someone like you would do that, you look like someone who is ready to help anyone at anytime. You just look so innocent.” Kai replied as Kyungsoo just scoffled.

“Well, after a while the jury sent me here to think about my actions, lucky for you I stayed here by myself for almost two years. After two years I moved back to Seoul where I was greeted by my step-dad and his wife. He got married while I was gone. My step-mom? I don’t know, was like my step-dad. They abused me like I was some ragdoll. I myself, decided I would stay here and help others. Psh, they didn’t even realize I was gone and came here, they just signed the papers without a care and let me leave.” Kyungsoo said.

“Wait, that means you just left this year?” Kai asked. “You’re 17 right now and you left when you were 17."

“16 to be excact.” Kyungsoo said. “I turned 17 on this island.”

“How long have you been here when you moved from Seoul?” Kai asked.

“A few months.” Kyungsoo replied.

“So it wasn’t that long ago.” Kai added as Kyungsoo nodded. “But can I ask you a question?”

“Go ahead.” Kyungoo smiled as Kai held the photobook.

“Howcome in every family picture someone always disappears?”

“Oh that, it’s like a domino effect.” Kyungsoo replied. “My dad died, in the second family picture, then my grandmother, grandfather, then my other grandparents, my uncle, aunt, and lastly my mom. One by one someone died. Death visited our family frequently until I was alone with my step-dad. In the end, the last family picture was of me, my step-dad, and step-mom.”

“Damn, I’m sorry.” Kai mumbled. “I feel bad for you truthfully.”

“Thanks.” Kyungsoo smiled slightly. “As long as I’m away from that monster, I’m good on my own.” Kyungsoo said as Kai nodded in agreement.

“It’s a good thing you left.” Kai said.

“So, Kai. I told you my story, tell me yours.” Kyungsoo said as Kai just sighed.

“Fine, since it was our deal. It all beginned when I my dad started doing bad things because he was stressed and with my helpless mom things went horrible.” Kai said as he continued to tell Kyungsoo his story or background.

Okai, well I hope you like this chapter, I only wrote about Kyungsoo's history so it's kinda shorter than usual. So it's kinda fluffly..Hope you like the chappie, thanks for waiting for the next update,

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><