You Can't Change Me

“Okay, so it all started when my dad and mom got married, I was already born before they got married. So I guess they did it when they were just boyfriend and girlfriend? I don’t know really. But anyway they got married, blah blah.” Kai said as he cocked his head to the side while saying blah blah blah a few more times. “So you know they were a happy couple I guess and my dad was just fine and such until something happened.”

“What happened?” Kyungsoo asked as he scooted closer to Kai.

“Well, my dad lost his job that he was currently working at. He just got so pissed and I don’t know, he probably had anger issues.”

‘Well that explains everything.’ Kyungsoo thought as he mentally rolled his eyes. ‘Runs in the family.’

“Yeah, so my dad or that bastard started letting his anger out on my mom and I.”

“Mom and me to be exact.” Kyungsoo mumbled as Kai just rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, my dad started drinking, he would come home at like 3 o’clock in the morning drunk. Whenever he came home he would wake my mom up and just start yelling at her for no goddamn reason. I too remember him waking me up in the middle of the morning when I was 14 years old. I still remember the way he shook me and pulled my ankles that caused to fall on the floor, which hurt.”

“Damn, waking you up like that, ouch.” Kyungsoo mumbled as he listened.

“Yeah, well when I saw him I smelled the alcohol stench coming out of him mouth as he yelled at me. Why he yelled, I have no idea. But he yelled at me and then stopped when he heard my mom telling him to stop. This was something that always happened almost every week. My mom always said it was because he was stressed. Ha, stress my . That was not stress, he got another job after being fired from him last job. My dad’s just a ing bastard, he would always abuse me, he never really abused my mom. The worse thing is that he would pull my mom into hitting me as well, he would either make her drunk or he forced her to join him. She was a weak person, she was like a doll who just sits there and watches and gets controlled easily. That made me sick, I hated them. I still do.”

“I’m sorry Kai.” Kyungsoo pouted as he patted his back.

‘I kinda feel bad for the guy now.’

“Don’t touch me.” Kai hissed as Kyungsoo put both his hands up in defeat and listened to Kai. “That just continued to happen for the past 2 years.”

“But what made you have to come here? Why did you hurt others?”

“Why? Well, I was like you. My anger was triggered or caused by my parents.” Kai replied as he cracked his knuckles. “But lucky for you, you still had a mom who cared for you, well you know for a while. My mom, I don’t even understand her, she joins my dad when he beats me but then the next day she’s sitting there crying and saying she loves me and that she wouldn’t abuse me again. Ha! Such lies.” Kai snorted.

“But you don’t know that.” Kyungsoo mumbled.

‘So much alike, but then so different. We have smiliar stories but personalities are just, unexplainable. I don’t want to say I’m much better, but then no one’s the same.’

“I still have scars from his beatings.” Kai said as he gritted his teeth. “You know what’s funny?” He chuckled like a phsyco, “He and my mom whipped me until I bled after my court hearing, which wasn’t even a week ago.” He laughed wiping tears off the corners of his eyes while putting his hand on his stomach while Kyungsoo sat there watching Kai in horror.

“Kai…” Kyungsoo whispered as he watched Kai still laughing like a madman.

“Why aren’t you laughing? This is ing hilarious!” Kai laughed as he smacked his knee.

“Kai, I know you’re hurting inside.” Kyungsoo said.

“Hurting inside? Hell no!” Kai screamed. “I’m happy as !”

“Kai! Calm down, stop lying to yourself. Stop pretending you’re happy and just please stop lying to yourself.” Kyungsoo yelled with a stern voice.

“Don’t tell me what to do you bastard!” Kai yelled as tears started to form in the corners of his eyes that started rolling down his cheeks.” I’m fine.”

“Kai, tell me anything okay? Just let everything out. Stop lying to yourself saying that you’re fine.Okay?” Kyungsoo said as he patted Kai’s shoulder.

“You don’t understand,” Kai softened up not swatting Kyungsoo’s hand. “I feel abandoned, no one to go to. Everyday whenever I go to school I get a new bruise, maybe on my face or arms. It was disgusting. Whenever I would change my uniform for P.E. the other guys would just watch me while they gossiped about how I might've been beat up or that if I beat someone up again. Which was true, I did beat people up for bothering me. It was also another way to relieve my stress and anger.”

“But if you did that, you can’t make any friends and then you would be lonely and you might feel like an outsider.” Kyungsoo said.

“I had a friend, I had girlfriends, how much can a guy like me ever ask for more?” Kai shrugged.

“Someone to understand him.” Kyungsoo replied as Kai closed his mouth as if he was about to say something. “Did your friend understand you?”

“Taemin was like my brother.” Kai mumbled.

“Yeah, but did Taemin always know what your problems were? Or did he even know you had problems at home?”

Kai sat there flabbergasted. He never thought of that before. Yeah, Taemin and him were close, but Kai never even thought about opening up to Taemin about his problems.

“I-I never thought of it like that.” Kai whispered as the tears he shed were starting to dry up.

At that moment Kyungsoo now knew Kai wasn't Kai for no reason. Inside he was Jongin, someone who needed someone to understand him. Kyungsoo eventually make him open up. Right there, Kyungsoo felt like he grew closer to Kai. Learning that he had a sad past, just like him.


Oh my gurd! Lol, never knew so many people liked this story, I'm going to cry T-T OTL thank you....Anyway, I hope you like this chapter about Kai's past, after I explained Kyungsoo's past. So, hope you like this one,I know it's shorter and Kyungsoo's T-T but please comment on what you think. I need feedback to see what you guys think of the story....So please comment, and if you don't mind maybe upvote/subscribe..Thank you OTL

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><