You Can't Change Me

Kyungsoo grinned as he wrote in Jongin's birthday card. Jongin's birthday was tomorrow, sadly it's on a Wednesday. Kyungsoo took out the envelope and inserted the card inside as he heard the doorknob being twisted.

"I'm coming inside Kyungie!" He heard Jongin say as he put Jongin's gifts in his closet and then sat back down in his chair. "Hey!" Jongin smiled as he dived onto Kyungsoo's bed.

"I just fixed my bed!" Kyungsoo groaned as Jongin just pouted.

"Sorry." He begged while Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes. "Please? It's my birthday tomorrow." He grinned.

"You're lucky, I would've smacked the back of your head already."

"That would've hurt." Jongin said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Did you get me a gift?"

"A gift for you?" Kyungsoo snorted. "I'm not giving you sh*t."

"You're mean." Jongin cried then pointed at Kyungsoo. "You cussed you butthole!"

"Love you too!" Kyungsoo smirked as he stood up and kissed Jongin's cheek.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood." Jongin smiled as he stood up and enveloped Kyungsoo in his arms. "Your love is enough for me." He smiled as he sunk his nose into Kyungsoo's neck.

"You're so corny, you know that?" Kyungsoo giggled.

"Of course, I know I can be."


"Happy birthday!" Kyungsoo yelled as he jumped on the lump in Jongin's bed.

"Thanks Kyungie." Jongin mumbled as he uncovered his face with his blanket and gave Kyungsoo a lazy smile.

"Good morning! Happy birthday!" Kyungsoo smiled as he gave Jongin a peck on the lips.

"I love you." Jongin smiled as he hugged Kyungsoo. "Thank you."

"I love you too." Kyungsoo smiled back as he bent down and held a paper bag in his hand. "Happy birthday!"

"You actually got me a gift?"

"Yeah, I was joking about not getting you one . I got you a gift days ago."

"I'm so touched." Jongin laughed as he opened the bag and saw a button up shirt and a pair of sunglasses. "I really needed new shades."

"You're welcome." Kyungsoo laughed as Jongin slipped on the glasses. "You look good."


"Oh, and open this." Kyungsoo said as he handed Jongin a letter. He watched as Jongin carefully opened the letter and started to read.


To Jongin

Happy birthday love! I hope you have a good day today! I just wanted to say I love you and that I really care about you. I've always loved you ever since I met you, you're really special. I hope we can always be together. You're one of a kind, I love the way you laugh, the way you smile, I love the way your eyes form a smile everytime you smile. You are unique, I'm glad to have fallen in love with someone so caring and loving like you.


I love you lots, happy birthday


Jongin smiled as he read the letter. "I love you lots too." He smiled as he pulled Kyungsoo into a hug. "Thank you." He said as he leaned towards Kyungsoo and gave him a kiss. Their lips soon molded and shared a passionate kiss.

"Wait, we have to get ready for school." Kyungsoo said as he moved his lips away gasping for air. "Plus, your breath smells." He joked as Jongin blew at his face. "Eww, so smelly!" He laughed as he covered his nose.

"You still love me even with this smelly breath right?"

"Of course." Kyungsoo smiled as he walked outside Jongin's room and got ready for school.


"Happy birthday Kai!"


"Happy birthday Kai!"

"Thank you." Kai smiled.

'How do people know it's my birthday?' He thought to himself as Kyungsoo walked next to him.

"A lot of people know when your birthday is." Kyungsoo stated as Kai nodded.

"I don't even know how they know."

"Do you think Sulli told everyone?"

"Maybe, I don't know." Kai replied as he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and it wasn't Kyungsoo.

"Happy birthday babe!" Sulli said.

"Thanks." He smiled as he turned around and hugged Sulli back while Kyungsoo stood next to them.

'Why does watching them hug hurt? I mean, I've hugged and kissed Jongin before, but why now?' Kyungsoo thought to himself as he watched Sulli kiss Kai.

"I love you honey." She smiled as she cupped Kai's face into her hands.

"Love you too." Kai awkwardly smiled as he looked at Kyungsoo who smiled at him painfully and walked away.

'Wait! Don't leave me with her!'

Kyungsoo walked away from the two as he saw Joonmyeon.

"Hey." Kyungsoo smiled as Joonmyeon smiled back.

"Morning, I see it's Jongin's birthday today."

"Yeah, Sulli's all over him." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes trying not to care about the situation.

"You're jealous." Joonmyeon whistled.


"So are."


"Yes you are." Joonmyeon said firmly.

"Well I don't care if she kisses him, I've kissed him already. More than once."

"You have?" Joonmyeon yelled. "So, are you like having an affair or something?" The senior said with widened eyes while Kyungsoo slowly nodded.

"Hush." Kyungsoo mumbled.

"Tell me everything." Joonmyeon said. He thought it would be painful saying those words, but surprisingly it didn't.

"Well it all happened when you dropped me off at my house during the weekend." Kyungsoo started as Joonmyeon would nod and listen and would have his jaw drop time to time.

"I can't believe you two." He gasped as he felt his phone vibrate.

"Oh, wait a second." He said as he unlocked his phone and started laughing.

"What are you laughing about?" Kyungsoo asked.

"It's Yixing, he's funny." Joonmyeon smiled. "He's cute."

"Does he go to our school?"

"Sadly, no." Joonmyeon frowned. "But he said he'll come and visit." Joonmyeon smiled. "I'll introduce you to him. He's Chinese." He grinned.

"Really? I had a best friend that was Chinese. I know another Chinese person right now." Kyungsoo chuckled as he saw Kai and Sulli holding hands in the corner of his eye.

"Ignore them." Joonmyeon said as he gritted his teeth.

"I know." Kyungsoo mumbled as he saw Kai having a frown on his face as their eyes met.

I sorry Kyungie. He mouthed as Sulli pulled him away. Kyungsoo sighed as straigtened out his uniform.

"Well then, where were we?"

"I'm sorry but I don't think this affair with you and Jongin is working. You're getting hurt and that's the worst thing that can happen right now."

"It's alright, I'll manage." Kyungsoo smiled as Joonmyeon just sighed.

"I would really stop this if I were you." He mumbled as the bell rang.  


"So, since today is your birthday I'm taking you out to dinner." Sulli smiled as she held Kai's hand in hers.

"Really?" Kai asked with widened eyes. "You're taking me out to dinner?" Sulli nodded smiling. "But, what about Kyungsoo, he's my best friend. He should come too."

"I don't think Kyungri would mind if you're alone with me." She smirked.

"It's Kyungsoo-"

"Whatever, but you're going to be with me today, alright?" She smiled sweetly.


"But what? Today's your day and you're my boyfriend, you should have a day with me. You've been spending awefully a lot of time with - Kyungsoo  it feels like you're ignoring me you know. That hurts. Is he more important to you that I am?" She said with her right eyebrow raised.

"Fine." Kai mumbled as he gritted his teeth.

'I don't want to be mean to her but I don't want to hurt Kyungsoo. I hope he'll understand.'

"Yay!" She smiled as she kissed Kai's cheek. "Love you!"

"Mhmm..." Kai mumbled as thoughts of Kyungsoo flooded his mind.

'He's mine tonight, there's no Kyungsoo for him today. Plus, he is mine. He's not Kyungsoo's, why is he so close to that brat?'

Sulli smiled to herself in satisfaction as she listened to the teacher's lecture knowing she had won. She won Kai back.


"Kyungsoo!" The doe eyed boy heard someone say as he entered the canteen. "Sit with us!" The voice said, it belonged to Kai. He was smiling at Kyungsoo and beckoning him to sit with them. Kyungsoo shrugged with a small smile as he walked towards the table. As he stood next to the table Sulli swung her legs on the other chairs. "Can you move your legs?" Kai said harshly to Sulli as she just looked at him.

"My legs are tired and sore." She said evily.

"I'm sorry." Kai rolled his eyes. "But, you should really it up." He added bluntly as he looked up at Kyungsoo with a frown. "I'm sorry about her laziness." He hissed as he looked at Sulli in the corner of his eye.

"No, it's alright. I'll sit with Joonmyeon and them." Kyungsoo half smiled as he turned around but he felt a hand on his wrist.

"You can sit here." Kai smiled as he pulled Kyungsoo towards his lap and hugged his waist causing Sulli to shoot her head up and look with a face full of anger.

"It's alright, you don't have to." Kyungsoo stuttered as his face reddened.

"Yeah, you don't have to do that. Kyungsoo can just sit with Joonmyeon and them." Sulli added.

"Yeah, and you don't have to occupy the chairs with your feet." Kai retorted as he nuzzled his face on Kyungsoo's back smelling the light smell of Kyungsoo's cologne. The older student turned his hands into fists as he enjoyed the moment he had with Kai. He never sat on Kai's lap before.

"Fine, I'll move my feet." Sulli said hoping Kyungsoo would move from Kai's lap since jealously was growing inside her. "He can sit here." She added as she pointed at the empty chair next to her. Kyungsoo slightly nodded as he began to stand up but Kai's arms were holding him back.

"Jongin-" Kyungsoo whined as the younger student just grinned and mouthed stay here. With that Kyungsoo nodded.

"Well, it's too late for that." Kai said as his hold on Kyungsoo's waist became tighter.

"You ." Sulli growled as she looked at the two.

'He never let me sit on his lap before.' Sulli thought to herself as she stared at them. 'I hate Kyungsoo. I want to get rid of Kyungsoo.'


Sulli held Kai's hand as they walked towards a restaurant. This was Kai's birthday present, a nice restaurant date. She smiled as they sat down at a table for two then ordered their meals.

"Happy birthday." She smiled.

"Thank you." Jongin slightly smiled back as he looked at his watch hoping time would pass by quicker.

"Jonginnie, why do you care so much for Kyungsoo but not me? You treat him like you're lovers."

"Well, Kyungsoo is my best friend and I care about him." Jongin replied as he swallowed his saliva slowly thinking about what he would say. "He's like a brother to me, and I see him everyday since he lives with me. So sometimes I feel like I have to protect him, I don't want him to get hurt."

"I see." Sulli answered with squinted eyes. "I understand perfectly. But you two don't act like friends, or brothers. More like lovers like I said earlier."

"Oh, really? I didn't know that." Jongin lied as he sipped some water.

"Well, it's weird. You two act weird, I don't really like it." Sulli stated causing Jongin to choke on the water.

"I'm sorry, but that's just how Kyungsoo and I act. I don't want this to come off as rude, but if you don't like it then ignore it, or if you want leave me."

"No, I'm not leaving you. I want you to stay with me." She said shocked from his statement. "Anyway, it's your birthday today. We shouldn't be discussing about this."

"Well, you started it." Jongin said bluntly as their food finally arrived.


"I'll see you tomorrow." Sulli smiled as she leaned towards Kai's lips. Kai sat there with their lips touching but he wasn't really moving. But Sulli continued to kiss him, it didn't feel right to him. He didn't like it one bit.

"See you, thanks." Kai slightly smiled as he got out of the car. "Bye."

"I love you." Sulli said.

"Love you too." Kai replied as he  walked inside his house.

'He didn't say I.'

Kai unlocked the door and saw Kyungsoo on the couch watching TV.

"Hey." Kai smiled as he sat next to Kyungsoo.

"Hey, where did you come from?"

"Sulli asked me to eat dinner with her since it's my birthday."

"Oh, did you have fun?"

"I don't know." Kai mumbled as he rested his head on Kyungsoo's shoulder. "She said we acted like we're lovers."

"Is it because we are?" Kyungsoo replied as he looked at Kai in the eyes.

"Yeah." Kai frowned. "But I don't care." He said as he held Kyungsoo's hand and kissed it softly as he heard Kyungsoo sigh. "What's wrong?"


"Tell me."

"Joonmyeon said we shouldn't do this since someone would end up being hurt."

"You told Joonmyeon?"

"I trust him, and I've been thinking about what he said." Kyungsoo frowned. "And I think he's right."


Dun Dun Dun! What will happen next? Please comment/ subscribe/ upvote I really apprecitate it Dreamers~

Anyway, here's some shameless advertisement for Baekyeol "Loving Baekhyun" it's fantasy with slight angst.

Here are some news for you guys..... I won't be updating for a few weeks like a month or so since I will be on vacation. Going to the Philippines yo~! I haven't went there in like forever, since that's where I was like born lmao so I'm a Filipino just letting you know if there are any Filipino Dreamers out there haha. So I'm telling you guys that before hand. So yeah, but I'll try updating next week since I'm leaving... next week... But I doubt it will be long. Anyway yeah...

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><