You Can't Change Me

“Now tell me, why do you have a ing wolf?” Kai yelled frustraited.

“I don’t know, but he’s harmless.” Kyungsoo replied as he petted the wolf’s head.

“It might eat you someday.”

“He won’t, but why would you care about my safety?” Kyungsoo asked as he cocked his head to the side.

“I don’t, I’m just saying.” Kai replied. “Why’d you even name that beast?”

“He has feelings too.” Kyungsoo frowned as the wolf - or Baekhyun- snarled. “He’s different.”

“Okay, fine. Geez.” Kai sighed as he scratched the back of his head in frustration. “Why’d you name him Baekhyun?”

“Because, when I first saw him I was walking in the forest and I saw him on the ground wounded. So I decided to help him.”

“You decided to randomly help a animal that can easily rip you to shreds?”

“I guess, but it was just a random act of kindness.” Kyungsoo replied. “But, after I brought him to my house and bandanged his wounds, and that time it was in the morning so there was still food from breaklfast leftover and that time I was eating bacon-"

“But that doesn’t tell me why you called him Baekhyun.”

“Let me finish, it’s rude to-“

“Yeah, yeah. I know it’s rude to interrupt others when talking.” Kai rolled his eyes.

“You just interrupted me right now.” Kyungsoo frowned.

“Oh well.”

“But let me finish this one.” The older said as the younger just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “So, Baekhyun saw the bacon on the dining table, and I guess he was starving.”

“Let me guess, he hobbled towards the bacon and ate some and he liked it?”

“That’s right.” Kyungsoo grinned. “After I saw him eat some he asked for more, so hence why I call him Baekhyun because it kinda sounds like bacon but much better.”

“Well, at least you have a reason why. Did you train him or something?”

“No, he’s harmless, he keeps me company whenever I feel lonely.” Kyungsoo smiled sadly as he sat down on the couch with Baekhyun following him and sat on the couch where he rested his head on Kyungsoo’s lap.

“So, does he live with you?” Kai asked hoping the older would say no.

“No, but sometimes when it gets really cold, he stays inside.” Kyungsoo replied as he the animal’s head.

“So, will he be staying here tonight?”

“Probably not.”


“Because you’re here. He doesn’t like you that much.” Kyungsoo whispered as Baekhyun snarled at Kai.

“Are you some wolf whisperer or something?” Kai asked.

“No, he just keeps snarling at you.”

“What did I ever do to you or him?”

“I don’t know, he’s always been like that to new people like you coming to live here. Those people have that bad attitude and that rude aura.” Kyungsoo said bluntly.

“So you’re saying I have a crappy attitude?” Kai asked shocked while his anger started to rise.

“I’m just saying the truth, you do have a so called crappy attitude.” Kyungsoo said not caring how Kai felt.

“You know what!” Kai yelled in anger.

“What?” Kyungsoo said calmly with his big doe eyes.

“You better shut your mouth or I will.” Kai snarled as he made his hands into fists causing his knuckles to turn white.

“You can’t tell me what to do.” Kyungsoo replied.

“You sure is lucky that you have that animal or else I would’ve beat your already!” Kai yelled.

“Like I would care if you beat me, it’s not like I can’t fight back.”

“Oh, so you want to fight?” Kai asked as he grew angrier every second he was looking at Kyungsoo.

“Kai, do you think I’m that weak or something because I don’t get mad easily?” Kyungsoo said as he stood up and looked Kai in the eyes. “Like I said before, I was like you.” Kyungsoo snarled as he put his index finger on Kai’s chest, poking him a bit. “I might look weak to people like you. But I’m not, if you want to test me go ahead.”

“Tch, that’s what weak people say.” Kai snarled.

“Are you sure about that, Jongin?” Kyungsoo smirked. “Last time I checked people that actually hurt others are the weak ones, they are just people that want attention, am I right, Kim Jongin?”

“You’re just trying to defend yourself with information that you stored in your head because you’re so pathetic that the only thing you can do is stay in this stupid island and be a loner.” Kai yelled.

“Kai, you do notice you’re agreeing with me about wanting attention.” Kyungsoo smirked as Kai’s face turned slightly red.

“Kyungsoo, do you realize that you too agree about being pathetic and a loner.” Kai replied.

“Sure, call me what you want. I might be pathetic but at least I’m not a stubborn, pathetic brat that just wants attention because you have problems!” Kyungsoo yelled as Kai was taken aback.

“Y- you have no right to say that.” Kai stuttered.

“Why not? I have every right, you’re just being so stubborn to admit it yourself. You know you want attention!”

“You don’t even know my story.” Kai replied.

“Yeah? Well you don’t know mine either.” Kyungsoo replied. “You might think you have a bad life, a bad one infact, but I bet mine is worse that yours.” Kyungsoo added as his vison started to blur.

“I thought you were supposed to help me change.” Kai murmured.

“If I heard correctly, you said I was supposed to help you. I’m pretty sure a few hours ago you didn’t want any help.”

“That’s not the point.” Kai replied while he looked down at the wolf who was glaring at him like it understood what they were saying and what the situation was.

“Then Kai, what do you want to do?” Kyungsoo asked as his eyes softened.

‘He looks lonely inside, what if he’s always angry because he needs someone to just understand him.’ Kyungsoo thought.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know.” Kai whispered as his eyes softened.

“C’mon tell me.” Kyungsoo said.

“I don’t have to tell you anything.” Kai said as his eyes went back to how they usually were, angry and frustrated.

‘I don’t have to tell this bastard anything, he doesn’t know me and he doesn’t need to know anything.’ Kai thought. ‘No one knows me, they just know my name. No one knows me in the inside. Why should I tell them how I feel, I’ve always been alone.’

“Why not?” Kyungsoo asked.

“No one needs to know anything.” Kai replied.

“What about your parents, do they know?”

“My parents?” Kai scoffed. “They don’t know me at all, they’re like strangers. Everyone is a stranger.” Kai repeated.

“Hey, if you want you can talk to me about it.” Kyungsoo smiled slightly as he rested his hand on Kai’s shoulder who smacked his hand away from his shoulder.

“Don’t you ever, touch me again.” Kai said with a stern voice as Kyungsoo slid his hand off Kai’s shoulder.

“Sorry.” Kyungsoo mumbled as Kai rolled his eyes and looked at the wolf who was giving him a deadly stare like he was about to attack Kai.

“Whatever, I’m going to sleep.” Kai announced as he started walking towards the front door.

“You want dinner?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Not in the mood.” Kai replied coldly as he walked out the house leaving Kyungsoo with his bacon loving wolf.


‘How dare that bastard put his hand on me?’ Kai hissed in his thoughts. ‘Why does he want to know more about me? What if he is right? What if I really am a pathetic brat that’s just looking for attention?’ Kai thought as he opened his tent door and changed into his sleeping clothes.

‘I have to be honest, but he much more different that others that tried to “help” me.’

‘I don’t know if it’s because we’re almost the same age or because he’s gained experience but something stands out.’ Kai thought lastly as he covered himself with his blanket and fell asleep.


“Baekhyun, I really want to help Kai but I just don’t know how.” Kyungsoo said to Baekhyun as he ate dinner. “He needs help, and lots of it. I bet it’s something that happened in the past or something.” Kyungsoo added as he gave Baekhyun a strip of bacon from breakfast.

“What do you think I should do?” Kyungsoo asked the wolf as the wolf just remained silent listening to his human.

Baekhyun just looked at him and rested his head on Kyungsoo’s lap wanting to be petted. Kyungsoo smiled at the harmless wolf.

“You always keep me company even though you can’t talk to me, but it’s like you understand my problems.” Kyungsoo smiled slightly as he put his plate in the sink and went to his room. “Do you want to stay here tonight, Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo and yawned as he curled up into a ball and closed his eyes. “I guess that’s a yes.” Kyungsoo chuckled as he changed into his sleeping clothes and went to sleep.

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><