You Can't Change Me

"No we didn't Kris." Kyungsoo replied as he slipped his phone in his pocket.

"Yes you did. You know you did."

"No, our lips brushed against each other, we didn't kiss nor did our lips touch fully." Kyungsoo replied sternly.

"Whatever you say. Fine, deny it. You know you two kissed. You know you liked it." Kris said as he left the boat leaving Kyungsoo speechless.

'I don't need to say anything.'

Kyungsoo hopped off the boat and walked around a bit. He hasn't been to Seoul for so long. How much has changed ever since he left? That he didn't know and he would have to find out for himself. Well, maybe with Kai's help he will.


"Hey Kyungsoo." He heard Kai say.

"Hi Kai, finished going to the bathroom?" Kyungsoo asked as the other nodded.

"Yeah, hey do you want to buy something to drink like maybe coffee? I just called my mom and she said she would be here in about thirty minutes. So we have some time to spare."

"Sure, but I don't have money. Remember? I haven't been here in more than a year."

"Oh yeah, it's okay. I still have some money in my wallet." Kai smiled as they both walked towards a cafe. "What do you want?" He asked as Kyungsoo looked at the menu.

"I don't know. I'll get what your having."

"Okay." Kai replied as he walked towards the front of the restaurant to order while Kyungsoo looked around the restaurant.  As he walked around he felt a tap on his shoulder, so he turned around to see a girl about his age.

"Hi there." She smiled.

"H-hi." Kyungsoo stuttered. "Can I help you?"

"No, I just want to say that you and that boy look cute together. Are you two partners?" She asked.

"Us? N-no we're just friends." Kyungsoo replied as his face turned red from embarassment.

"Oh, too bad. You two would look cute together." She grinned. "Anyway, I hope you two end up together someday." She said as she happily walked away leaving Kyungsoo shocked from her statement.

'Why would she think that? I mean, I know I kinda have feelings for him. But I never expected someone else to actually say that. I mean there's Kris, but he's like that, but a girl? I thought she was going to maybe start flirting or something, but I guess she just wanted to blurt out that we look cute together.'

"Here you go." Kai said as he came back with two cups of coffee. "I don't really drink coffee that often, but I usually get frappes."

"It's fine." Kyungsoo smiled as he sipped on the straw tasting the frappe. "What flavor?"

"Mocha." Kai replied. "Hey, what did that girl say to you?"


"Are you sure? You two had a conversation. She was probably into you."

"No, no one would like me." Kyungsoo frowned as he and Kai sat down at a table.

"I would- I mean if I was a girl of course." Kai said.

"Same here, I would like you too. If I was a girl." Kyungsoo added as Kai nodded in agreement with a chuckle.

The two boys sat silently drinking their beverages as Kai's phone started vibrating. Someone was calling him.

"It's my mom, she's probably here." Kai stated as he picked up the call. "Hi mom."

As Kyungsoo sat there he heard Kai's mom's voice through the phone. "Yes mom, I'm at the harbor." Kai replied with a chuckled. "We'll see you in five. Oh, and mom. I'm bringing someone with me." He smiled as he winked at Kyungsoo and hung up. "We should get our stuff." He said as he Kyungsoo nodded and followed him out the cafe.

Both of them retrieved their bags from the boat as they said their goodbyes to Kris. As they were about to leave Kris put  a hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"If you need anything, just call me. You have my number."

"Thanks Kris." Kyungsoo smiled as he quickly followed Kai towards a car.

"Hi mom." He heard Kai say as a woman ran up towards him and hugged him.

"Jongin, I missed you so much." She smiled as she planted kisses on his forehead and then looked at Kyungsoo. "Why, hello there.'

"Hi Mrs. Kim." Kyungsoo formally bows.

"This is my friend, or now best friend, Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo."

"Why hello Kyungsoo. As you know, I'm Jongin's mom." She smiled.

"Hi." Kyungsoo smiled.

"Mom, can he stay with us? Do we have an extra room?"

"Sure, does he not have a place to stay?"

"Well, he's actually the person that took care of me. And you see. He doesn't have anywhere else to go, also because I begged him to come with me since I told him I wouldn't come back without him. So here he is." Kai said.

"Really? Well since you helped my Jongin here, I have no reason to say no. Plus how can I say no to you? You look adorable." She smiled while Kyungsoo's face flushed red in embarassment.

"T-thank you very much Mrs. Kim." He bows again as he heard her chuckle.

"No need to be so formal. You're family now, if Jongin here likes you, I like you as well." She smiled. "Welcome to the family." She said as she put Kyungsoo's and Kai's belongings in the back.


As they sat in the car Kai sat in the passager's seat while Kyungsoo sat in the backseat. But he was fine, as he sat there he was sightseeing.

'I wonder how that bastard is.' He thought to himself as he rested his head on the palm of his hand while he watched the world outside of the car.

"So, Kyungsoo. How was Jongin when he was staying with you?" Kai's mom said causing Kyungsoo to snap back into reality.

"He was good boy, he's very polite and caring. Even though I was supposed to take care of him he took care of me as well."

"Jongin? My Jongin being polite? Doesn't sound like him." His mom chuckled as Kyungsoo fiddled with his fingers nervously.

"I mean, he's the type of person that will warm up to you. To me, he's very kind."

"Really? Jongin was always a nice boy, he just had some anger issues I guess. But he's very polite and adorable when he wants to be."

"Mom!" Kai groaned as he facepalmed himself.

"He's family now Jongin, he's your best friend. Am I right?"

"Yeah, but it's embarassing though. Don't tell everyone these things."

"You know me Jongin, I'm your mother. It's my job to annoy and embarass you." She chuckled as Kyungsoo stared at the scene infront of him.

'I miss my mom. I miss you mom.' Was all Kyungsoo thought as he watched Kai and his mom talking and smiling. 'I miss having long talks with you. Why did you have to leave so soon? I'm jealous of Kai and his mom. Oh, how I wish you could come back.' He frowned to himself as tears rolled down his cheek.

"Kyungsoo. Are you okay?" Kai asked worried as he saw Kyungsoo's tears fall.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, I'm just tired that's all. I tend to tear up when I'm sleepy." He lied as Kai slightly nodded.

"But, if you need anyone to talk to, you can always talk to me." He smiled as he reached his hand towards Kyungsoo's hand and rested his hand on top of his. "Tell me anything." He smiled as Kyungsoo nodded.

"Thank you, Jongin." He replied as Kai smiled and moved his hand away. When Kai took his hand off Kyungsoo's hand felt cold. His hand was so warm and soft. Why did the warmth go away? Kyungsoo frowned and stared at his hand, his lonely hand.

'I wonder what it would be like if we held hands. We held hands before, but. It was different, now I know, I really am starting to love him.'


"Here we are." Kai's mom smiled as he stopped infront of a house. "Home sweet home."

The house wasn't exactly small and it wasn't that big either. It wasn't small and cramped like other houses, and it would be too small compared to other houses. But this one was perfect.

"Jongin, show Kyungsoo his new room." She ordered as Kai nodded and walked out the car.

"Let's go Kyungie." He smiled as Kyungsoo followed him into the house while Mrs. Kim parked the car and started getting their bags out the trunk.

Both of them walked towards Kyungsoo's new room. It was really clean, there was a desk, bed and a lamp. It was simple really, but it didn't have any bed covers.

"Oh, I'll give you some bed covers later." Kai said as Kyungsoo nodded while Kai plopped on the bed from exhaustion. "I miss this house a lot." He said as he blew his bangs out of his face which Kyungsoo thought look adorable which made him chuckle. "Why are you laughing? Is something on my face or something?" He asked as Kyungsoo just chuckled.

"No, it's just that you looked really innocent when you blew your bangs." He smiled as Kai just rolled his eyes.

"Let's go to my room." He said as he stood up and walked out the door with Kyungsoo following him.

Kai's room was simple, it was like Kyungsoo's but there were more objects in it.

"Wow, I haven't been in here for months." Kai said as he sat down on the bed while Kyungsoo stood next to the door. "Come here." He smiled a he patted a spot next to him signaling for Kyungsoo to sit next to him. "I hope this place isn't too small."

"No, not at all. I like it." Kyungsoo smiled.

"Good, since we're going to see each other everyday now." He chuckled. They sat there in silence as Kyungsoo fiddled with his fingers. "Why do you always fiddle your fingers?"

"Huh? Oh, well it's a habit of mine. I also do it when I'm nervous."

"I see." Kai mumbled as silence came again.

"Jongin! Kyungsoo! Your bags are in the living room." Mrs. Kim yelled as they stood up and walked towards the living room to pick up their bags. "Okay, so both of you are going back to school in two days. I just need to enroll you, Kyungsoo and we're good." She smiled as both of them nodded and walked into their separate rooms to get settled in.


"Dinner is ready!" Mrs. Kim yelled as both boys walked out of their rooms finally settled in their rooms.

"Thank you Mrs. Kim." Kyungsoo smiled as he and Kai sat down. He never ate a meal that someone else made for him in years. His step-dad was too lazy to cook for them, so he had to cook for hinmself.

While they ate Mrs. Kim talked to Kyungsoo and asked him about his life. As he explained she frowned. "I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay." Kyungsoo slighty smiled. "Somethings happen for a reason."

As the converstation ended there was a silence while they ate.


"Oh I better text Sulli and tell her I'm back." Kai smiled as he sat down in Kyungsoo's bed while the owner sat on the floor with his knees to his chest.

'I'm finally going to meet her. Why did he have to remind me?'

"She said she's going to come over tomorrow." Kai smiled. "She's a really nice person, Kyungsoo. She will really like you."

"Y-yeah, I bet she is." Kyungsoo lied as he fiddled with his fingers looking down at the floor.

'Why do you hate me so much?'

'I hope they get along well, but how will Kyungsoo act? How will I act?'

The two boys sat there in silence while Kai's phone made a beeping sound every minute due to texting Sulli, his girlfriend.


Oh snap, he;s finally going to meet Sulli. How will it go? Hope you like this.

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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><