You Can't Change Me

"Joonmyeon?" Kyungsoo stuttered.

"Hey." Joonmyeon smiled making his eyes into cresents. "I knew you went to school here too."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing."

"Well anyway, I'm glad you come to school here now. I can see you everyday now."

"Guess you're right. I can just talk to you and not just text you." Kyungsoo replied as he looked around and saw a few students glaring at him. He then frowned as he put his things into his locker. "Look, if you want you can just ignore me so you won't get embarassed."

"Why'd you say that?"

"Well, looks like you're pretty popular here. Everyone's glaring at me like they hate me."

"Oh them, don't worry. I don't consider myself popular here. I'm just the school body president."

"You are?" Kyungsoo asked shocked. "Is that why they look like they hate me?"

"I guess, but I got you. Don't worry, if anyone messes with you just tell me. Okay?"

"Thanks." Kyungsoo smiled.

"Anyway, want me to show you around?"

"I already saw some parts of the school."

"Well, I'll show you the other parts you haven't seen before." Joonmyeon smiled. "Do you need help locating your classes?"

"I think I already know where my classes are. My friend, Jong- I mean Kai already showed me around."

"You're friends with Kai? Kim Jongin?" Joonmyeon asked clearly shocked.

"Yeah, why?"

"He's a pretty popular junior here. Girls are always all over him. Plus, he was even sent out and put into an island for a few months."

"I know."

"I know this because remember when I told you I help my dad with his job?" Kyungsoo nodded. "Well I called him and told him his punishment. He was pretty damn pissed."

"I know, actually, I was the one that took care of him when he was on the island. I was his guardian."

"Really now?"

"Yeah, he says we're best friends now. But I only feel like the third wheel."

"Oh, he's with Sulli. I know how you feel about him, Kyungsoo."

"I know. I remember everything." Kyungsoo blushed as he closed his locker behind him.

"Well let's forget about that and let's take you around school. Plus our classes start in fifteen so we have enough time."

"Great." The younger mumbled.

"Let's go." Joonmyeon smiled.


"I'll walk you to your first period."

"It's okay, I think I know where to go."

"It's okay Kyungsoo, plus my class is next door. So I insist."

"Okay then." Kyungsoo replied as he and Joonmyeon walked down the hallway side by side.

Kyungsoo looked around and he saw so many new people. He was a bit overwhelmed. He hasn't been in school for months so with was a pretty interesting experience to him. As they continued to walk in the halls there were so many couples holding hands and smiling at each other. But Kyungsoo paid no heed. He continued to follow Joonmyeon who was looking at him curiously.

As they almost reached the classroom Kyungsoo started fiddling with his fingers. He didn't know how things would go out.

"You okay there?" Joonmyeon asked as they reached the classroom.

"Yeah, thanks for your concern." Kyungsoo slightly smiled.

"Okay, but if anyone messes with you tell me okay?"

"Okay." Kyungsoo mumbled as Joonmyeon walked towards his class, glanced at Kyungsoo and winked. This small action made Kyungsoo's face redden. He walked inside the classroom to be greeted by his teacher.

"Hello, you must be Do Kyungsoo." The teacher smiled. "I'm Mr. Choi and I will be your teacher for Literature."

"Hi." Kyungsoo said as he bowed ninety degrees.

"Very polite. I like you already." Mr. Choi chuckled as he turned towards the class and pointed at a seat next to a pale light brown haired boy. "You can sit next to Luhan over there." He said as Kyungsoo swallowed his saliva.

"D-did you say Luhan?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No, not at all." Kyungsoo replied.

'Of course there is a problem sir. I don't want to sit next to Luhan, the student I punched a few months ago. But I don't want to be rude so I will just go.'

Kyungsoo slowly walked towards the empty chair as his heart beated faster each second. As he finally arrived at the chair he gulped and pulled out the chair and sat down. He started tapping his index finger on the desk nervously.

'Maybe this is a different Luhan, maybe he's a different person that just has the same name, right?'

"Can you stop tapping please? It's annoying me." The boy said as he looked up. Then his eyes widened.

"K-kyungsoo? Do Kyungsoo?"

"Umm...Luhan?" Kyungsoo stuttered as he felt the palm of his hand starting to get moist from nervousness.

"Do you remember me? I'm the boy you-"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking I'm so sorry." Kyungsoo replied quickly making Luhan chuckle.

"Calm down. I'm fine. I admit I was kinda acting like a b*tch to you."

"I'm sorry." Kyungsoo replied as guilt washed over him.

"Ah, it's okay Kyungsoo. I'm sorry as well." He smiled. "How have you been?" He asked as he put his hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"I've been fine. You?"

"Same. Look, I'm really sorry about before. You don't know how bad I felt. I was a little brat."

"It's okay." Kyungsoo replied akwardly. "Umm...Why are you at this school?"

"Well, I'm here because of my lover." Luhan simply replied.

"Excuse me?"

"Think of it as Romeo and Juliet. Think of me as being Juliet who wants to be with their lover, but instead her lover is at a different school. She came from a rich good school. As you know. But she found a lover that goes to a different school that her parents don't particularly like. Now, Juliet wants to be with Romeo but her parents won't allow her."

"Sounds very deep." Kyungsoo mumbled.

"I know, but let me finish. Juliet begged her parents to be with her lover but her parents would just say no and said that they were going to move back to China. Which is where I was originally born. Juliet said no, and that she wanted to stay with her lover."

"This doesn't sound like Romeo and Juliet anymore."

"I know, now shut it. So, Juliet's parents decided to kinda disown her I guess because she didn't really like a Romeo."

"Wait, what?" Kyungsoo asked wanting to know more.

"Juliet liked another Juliet."

"Oh my god." Kyungsoo said as his jaw dropped.

"God, close your damn mouth boy." Luhan said as he cleared his throat. "Now, Juliet was left behind by her parents with lots of money for her to live on her own now. But now Juliet is with Romeo, so they are now in the same school. The end."

"That's a pretty stupid reason to disown you." Kyungsoo mumbled. "I didn't know you were g- not straight."

"I know, now shut your mouth and don't tell anyone or I will crush you." Luhan said as he cracked his knuckles. Even though he had a feminine side he could still ruin you like a man.

"Who is this person?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I'll only tell you if you tell me who you like."


"C'mon Kyungsoo. It was pretty obvious from the start you weren't straight." Luhan replied. "Now spill or no spill."

"F-fine, but you have to keep this a secret."

"Tell me and you better not tell anyone mine."


"Him?" Luhan asked shocked. "You know how popular he is with girls? He's even with this girl, Sulli."

"I know, I hate it."

"I hate it too, well I hate him."


"He beat up my Romeo."

"Who is this Romeo? Tell me now, I told you mine."

"Fine, it's-"

"Class take out your books." Mr. Choi announced.

"I'll tell you later."

"Fine." Kyungsoo frowned as he took out his book as the lesson started.  


After class ended Kyungsoo stood up and looked at Luhan.

"Who is this Romeo, Luhan. You haven't told me yet."

"Umm..I'll tell you later if you find me. We have to get going, plus people are staring. See you later, Kyungsoo. Glad we actually had a conversation." Luhan said as he walked out the classroom.

'Great, now two people know who I like. Well, I guess two people.' He thought to himself as he walked towards the door to his next class, History. Now this made Kyungsoo a bit excited. He's working with Kai this time and hopefully Sulli won't be there to ruin everything.

Kyungsoo walked into the classroom with his books clutched tight to his chest as he was greeted by the teacher.

"Hello, you must be Kyungsoo. I'm Mrs. Jung." The teacher smiled sweetly. "Now, you can sit over there." She said as she pointed at a table near a window. Kyungsoo nodded and bowed as he walked towards the desk. As he sat down he heard other students gasp and a few mumbles.

"Oh sh*t, new kid's gonna be sitting next to Kai." One of the students mumbled clear enough for Kyungsoo to hear.

'Hah, I have no problem with Kai. We're "best friends" actually.' Kyungsoo chuckled to himself as he heard the chair next to him be pulled out then an arm around his shoulder.

"Hey Kyungie." The voice whispered in his ear.

"Jongin." Kyungsoo chuckled as he turned his head to look and the younger student.

"I'm glad you sit next to me." Kai smiled.

"Same here." Kyungsoo smiled as he looked around and saw other students look at him in pity.

'Is Jongin that bad here?'

"Jongin, what's your reputation here?" Kyungsoo asked with his big doe eyes.

"I don't know. Some people get scared but not everyone here." He shrugged. "Why?"

"People are saying that I'm going to be killed, and that I'm screwed for sitting next to you."

Kai frowned and looked at Kyungsoo. "You can sit somewhere else if you want. It's your choice if you want to believe."

"No, I'm staying here for sure." He smiled as he patted Kai's shoulder.

"Great." Kai smiled. "Are you good in History?"

"Meh, kinda I guess. I mean I sometimes have trouble with memorizing dates but everything seems okay with it. Why? Are you bad at it or something?"

"No, I have no problem with it. I just don't like memorizing. Plus, others think I don't know anything and that I make really smart people to do my work."

"Well do you?"

"No! I actually do my work."

"Good, you are a good boy Jongin." Kyungsoo smiled as he patted Kai's hair as people gasped. He looked at others and shrugged. "Can I help you guys?" Kyungsoo asked as everyone looked away and did their work. "Everyone's so shocked I'm doing these gestures to you." He frowned as he crossed his arms and blew his bangs away from his eyes.

"I know, but if someone messes with you here. Tell me, okay? I got your back. I'll protect you." Kai smiled as he put his hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"Yeah, will do." Kyungsoo mumbled as he remembered that was the same thing Joonmyeon said to him.


"I'll see you during lunch." Kai smiled as he and Kyungsoo went different ways towards their next class. As Kyungsoo was walking to his next class he bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Kyungsoo bowed as he looked up.

"You're so adorable. So polite too."

"Oh, Joonmyeon. I didn't know it was you." Kyungsoo said as his cheeks were tinted red.

"It's okay." He smiled. "It's my fault as well."

"No, not really."

"Well anyway, since lunch will be after two more classes why don't we meet up at the canteen?"

"Umm...I don't know." Kyungsoo replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I was already planning to be eating with Kai during lunch."

"Oh, I see." Joonmyeon frowned as he felt his heart sink. "It's okay." He slightly smiled. "Maybe next time then."

"Yeah, next time." Kyungsoo smiled as the school bell rung. "Better get to class. See you later, Joonmyeon."

"See you later." Joonmyeon said as he walked towards his class with his hands clenched.

'It's always because of Kai.'


Kyungsoo finally finished the other two classes and he was starving. He walked towards the canteen and saw in the middle of the canteen he saw Kai and Sulli in one of the tables while he saw another that had Joonmyeon and two other students, probably seniors as well.

He stood there until he heard someone call his name. He knew the voice well, it was Kai.

"Kyungsoo! Over here!" Kai yelled as Joonmyeon turned his head and looked at Kyungsoo as he slightly smiled.

The doe eyed boy walked towards Kai and Sulli and awkwardly stood next to them.

"SIt down dummie." Kai chuckled as he patted the spot next to him.

"Hi, Kyungsoo." Sulli said.

"Hi Sulli."  Kyungsoo slightly smiled trying to hide the pain he was recieving from talking to her.

"Hey, how do you like the school so far?"

"It's okay. Just have to get used to the things here."

"Yeah, that was me when I started going to schol here. But you get used to the surroundings eventually."

"Mhmm.." Kyungsoo nodded as he watched Sulli feeding Kai some meat. Then he remembered when he fed Kai when he was sick with a fever. He was so stubborn back then. Now he's a changed man.

Kyungsoo stared at the two as he envied Sulli. They looked so happy together.

'Kyungsoo, you have to stop thinking about the past between you and Kai. You two will never have a future. He will end up marrying Sulli and you won't have him ever. So don't keep your hopes high. That's not good for you.' Kyungsoo thought as he felt his heart breaking as he watched Kai and Sulli intertwine their hands perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle fitting each other to a beautiful picture beautifully. That's how perfect they looked in Kyungsoo's eyes.

This was something Kyungsoo grew to hate. That little green monster in your heart, called jealousy and its little friend, heartbreak.


asdghjkl what am I doing? hope you like this very fluffy chapter. Comment and tell me what you guys think. I think it was too obvious who Luhan's Romeo was. Btw what do you guys think about Luhan's version of Romeo and Julliet?

look at this...like omg I died after

tell me that's not hot? asdfghjkl that chest doe O.O TnT look at Baekhyun *-*


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Kyungsuk #1
Chapter 1: Que hdp los papas
Kyungsuk #2
A leer
Chapter 31: Beautifull!!! T-T <3
Chapter 39: re-read this story again~ very nice story
Chapter 36: This is way toooo late in the game, but why didn't they celebrate soo's bday? just curious, great story:3
tytrek #6
Chapter 40: just finished reading this, this was really good :)
Montiel #7
Chapter 17: Omg it actually looks like them kissing I love it
hihowru #8
Chapter 39: I LUV IT *-*
Chapter 39: The ending was very cute. Thanks for sharing! :D
Chapter 34: Wasn't Kai and Kyungsoo birthday is just a day apart as you mention in earlier chapter ? Kai didn't celebrate Kyungsoo's birthday ? Ahha. Sorry, Im a little bit confused ><